The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 207 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
Forum rules: No one line posts please.
QatzelOk wrote:Likewise, there was lots of evidence that Thalidomide was safe and effective. But it wasn't.

It just made a lot of money for our corrupt Pharma industry in the 60s.

How do you know this? Because you didn't see it on commercial media, it must not be true? :roll:
Biking outdoors gives you plenty of Vitamin D. Have you looked into the importance of natural Vitamin D from the sun?


Of the thousands of generations of humans, the last four are the only ones who got all their "common sense" from commercial media that is funded by large multinational corporations. The last four generations grew up watching screens instead of playing on the street and getting to know the hundreds of adults in their neighborhoods.

In other words, we are the dumbest generations in many centuries. It's really easy to kill dummies. Dummies will even help their masters to kill them.

What financial interest does the drug companies have in killing off their customers?
skinster wrote:

Although strong evidence proving or refuting a causal relationship between SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination and lymphoma development or progression is lacking.

From your quoted report.
The whole quote at the very end of the report is:

Given the paucity of data on the long-term safety of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines, it is vital that clinicians and scientists report any adverse event to establish potential correlations. Our case adds to previous clinical reports on malignant lymphoma development following novel SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination. Interestingly, we are the first to report a B-LBL subtype, with its occurrence in mouse allowing a detailed histopathological and immunohistochemical examination of the different organs involved. Although strong evidence proving or refuting a causal relationship between SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination and lymphoma development or progression is lacking, vigilance is required, with conscientious reporting of similar cases and a further investigation of the mechanisms of action that could explain the aforementioned association.

Weird you ignored everything before that though.

This came out today. Apparently it is surprising to some people.
Robert Urbanek wrote:What financial interest does the drug companies have in killing off their customers?

Enriching shareholders is all that matters to private corporations.

If their revenue-generating products kill off many of their customers:

1. They are not liable for Covid deaths because they got their owned-governments to sign a release form.

2. There are lots of other suckers out there to replace those that drop dead from the side effects of an untested drug. (Likewise, many car companies find it easier to let some of their clients die from safety problems, than it would be to actually fix the defects in their products)

3. For the several billionaires who were created by the Covid psy ops, no more customers are necessary. They are already nice and rich, thank you very much for playing their games.
QatzelOk wrote:Rather than debating the potentially toxic effects of a vaccine that was rushed to market in the bankrupt and corrupt West, you are trying to force everyone to admit that they are vaxxed.

You are vaxxed. You needed a vaccination to go to your job where you teach people to speak English and erase their culture on behalf of King Charles. You are a colonizer.

Capitalism has folded you into itself, made you part of the machine, and you want to bitch about a vaccine you gladly got with zero consequences instead of doing self inventory.

Your lived experience shows how capitalism is an unstoppable juggernaut which turns all criticism of itself into product, and you want to talk about stupid vaxx shit you know to be untrue because you're vaccinated. You are an uncritical and unserious weirdo who refuses to look in a mirror.

It's time to grow up Qatz. You may be some 72 year old weirdo who loves his unicycle, but it's time to grow up. This isn't whimsical anymore. This is sad. Like for real, you've got so much to work with but you're focused on vaxx shit because you have no imagination. You're not even putting forth original anti-vaxx thoughts, it's just reprocessed garbage.

Like put on a t-shirt that says "Capitalism stole my imagination!" then stand in whatever the low-rent, stupid version of Times Square is for Montreal and shake your unicycle at people. That would at least be interesting. Also you might get a few coins with maple leafs on them.
Lmao it's been like 85 to 90+ degree weather in the LA area all month, no wonder some loser fell down while playing Gay Football. Hell, it was probably the shame and not the heat what made that twat pass out.

What kind of fucking loser sport is this where 54 year old men can play against men in their prime? Do they let little gay babies play too?
Rancid wrote:I don't understand how Dave Handley concludes this is due to the COVID vaccine.

There's been a ridiculous amount of sudden deaths like that on our TV screens amongst sports people and mostly censored from social media. I found this video though of some of them.

People have always been dying and there is no correlation with the vaccines, @skinster. They did this yeas ago when the vaccine was being given to people and they tried to, in Australia, blame ALL deaths on the vaccines. People die from heat stroke and such things. They always have.
SpecialOlympian wrote:You are vaxxed. You needed a vaccination to go to your job where you teach people to speak English ...

I stopped teaching during Covid because I hate online courses.

In fact, there's a lot of things that I prefer not to be online, like... my health status and social insurance number.

I realize that cattle often have this kind of information tatooed to their hides, but I'm just to vain for that. I still have a tiny amount of self-esteem against all odds...
Vaxxed and unemployed! There's a new angle! Work with that!

You're a vaccinated colonizer who considers it his God given mission from King Charles to colonize on the crown's behalf. Sure, it's difficult without a job, but you carry on because you love teaching English to people and helping erase the last vestiges of their culture.

Godstud wrote:People have always been dying and there is no correlation with the vaccines, @skinster. They did this yeas ago when the vaccine was being given to people and they tried to, in Australia, blame ALL deaths on the vaccines. People die from heat stroke and such things. They always have.

It doesn't sound to me like you're paying any attention to the constant news of the negative aspects of not only the vaccines, but lockdowns too and how they harmed things like people on cancer waiting lists or the development of children.

I'm not talking about heat deaths. It doesn't look like you're paying any attention to the VAERS website where doctors and others report vaccine-related deaths and injuries (for all vaccines) and have shown a massive, massive spike with the covid vaccines.

A lot aren't reported either, speaking of VAERS...
Died Suddenly wrote:“A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid.”

Many people balanced their fears of this untried and experimental potion... with their complete trust that their governments are there to protect them and keep everyone alive and healthy.

Meanwhile, our governments are in the hands of the ass-kissers of the oligarch class - the oligarch class that moved all productive industries to China and the Third World rendering most Westerners... useless to them.

Question: Why would our oligarch-controlled governments want to keep a bunch of unproductive oil-consumers alive? So that they can revolt against them when they find out how bankrupt they really are?
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