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By QatzelOk

Finally, a soundtrack for this thread.
Rancid wrote:I heard @QatzelOk took the vaccine right in his eye ball.

My eyes were vaccinated against lies by my childhood education.
Just a reminder that as an educator, and colonizer as Qatz' job is to teach English to immigrants, he is 100% definitely vaxxed. And working on the Queen's behalf to spread the one true language: American English.

There is nothing Qatz loves more than getting recently settled immigrants to drop their native tongue and take to the language of Freedom.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Just a reminder that as an educator, and colonizer as Qatz' job is to teach English to immigrants, he is 100% definitely vaxxed. And working on the Queen's behalf to spread the one true language: American English.

There is nothing Qatz loves more than getting recently settled immigrants to drop their native tongue and take to the language of Freedom.

With vaccine passports and the demonization of the unvaxxed... the freedom and intellectual capacity of Western citizens has been revealed. After many centuries of being tamed by war and economic torture, we have been fully tamed. We are now fully cattle.

Farmers are allowed to cull their cattle, so enjoy the results of your taming!
QatzelOk wrote:With vaccine passports and the demonization of the unvaxxed... the freedom and intellectual capacity of Western citizens has been revealed. After many centuries of being tamed by war and economic torture, we have been fully tamed. We are now fully cattle.

Farmers are allowed to cull their cattle, so enjoy the results of your taming!

You are vaccinated and do not even make an attempt to deny it.
SpecialOlympian wrote:You are vaccinated and do not even make an attempt to deny it.

Rather than debating the potentially toxic effects of a vaccine that was rushed to market in the bankrupt and corrupt West, you are trying to force everyone to admit that they are vaxxed.

I don't find your strategy very informative or helpful.

Are the vaccines totally safe and effective? I ask this because I have heard hundreds of politicians say that they were safe and effective.

But are they really safe and effective? And why does advertising always repeat the same talking points over and over? Does all Science do this, repeat slogans like 'safe and effective' over and over and over and over.... until it seems true?
@QatzelOk Wile oyu can question the efficacy of the vaccines, they are perfectly safe. It's as if you forget that the whole idea behind medical science is to help people and you postulate that the millions of doctors all over the world are all in a conspiracy to hurt the people they want to help. :knife:
Godstud wrote:@QatzelOk Wile oyu can question the efficacy of the vaccines, they are perfectly safe. It's as if you forget that the whole idea behind medical science is to help people and you postulate that the millions of doctors all over the world are all in a conspiracy to hurt the people they want to help. :knife:

Thousands and thousands of doctors prescribed Thalidomide in the 60s and 70s to 'help people.' The result:

wiki wrote:The total number of infants affected by thalidomide use during pregnancy is estimated at 10,000, of whom about 40% died around the time of birth.[6][11] Those who survived had limb, eye, urinary tract, and heart problems.

That doctors often get paid to prescribe new medications... and are the biggest drug dealers on the planet... seems to have escaped your notice.

My own mother took this medication for "morning sickness" when she was pregnant with my little brother. My little brother was never born, and my mother had serious psychological problems from the guilt of killing her own baby.

In the 90s, I had three gay friends who were diagnosed with HIV, and two of them took the safe and effective AZT medication that Fauci approved of as safe and effective, while a third friend of mine (an ex) decided not to and instead uses homeopathic medicines and healthy living instead. Guess which one of the three is still alive today, 30 years later? The two guys who took AZT died shortly after starting to take it.

But today everyone's nice and this could never happen again?
@QatzelOk This isn't the 1960s, and doctors know a lot more about the drugs and treatments now, than they did 60+ years ago. The tragedies associated with Thalidomide led to more controls, reporting of side effects, and stricter drug testing. Not a valid comparison by a longshot.

QatzelOk wrote:decided not to and instead uses homeopathic medicines and healthy living instead. Guess which one of the three is still alive today, 30 years later? The two guys who took AZT died shortly after starting to take it.
:roll: Anecdotal evidence. There is no reason to assume that just because he didn't take the treatments that he would have died/or not. In fact, he's probably just a very lucky person. This happens sometimes with cancer(remission), but it isn't truly explainable.

Homeopathy is simply taking much smaller doses of the same medicines that doctors would prescribe, in what you consume. There is no evidence, of any kind, of this being medically effective. Homeopathy is a scam. :knife:
Godstud wrote:@QatzelOk This isn't the 1960s, and doctors know a lot more about the drugs and treatments now, than they did 60+ years ago.

Yes, today everyone's nice and this could never happen again. :lol:

Doctors today know a lot more about Thalidomide then they did while they were prescribing it. They banned it because it was killing people. But they first prescribed it to hundreds of thousands of people.

The tragedies associated with Thalidomide led to more controls, reporting of side effects, and stricter drug testing. Not a valid comparison by a longshot.

For how many decades were mRna vaccines tested on humans or animals?

Homeopathy is simply taking much smaller doses of the same medicines that doctors would prescribe...

No it isn't. Homeopathy means using natural, organic based items instead of heavily refined chemical substances. My ex who went this route used things like lemon juice, vegetarianism, lots of sunshine, and a zero junk food diet. He's still alive today, in his late 60s, and has a much younger boyfriend. The same person (Luis) is also the first person I know who rode his bike all winter.

Is riding a bike in the winter as "safe and effective" as AZT?
Your cynicism and lack of logic shows. Damn education and reason! Full speed ahead!

Homeopathy is a scam. Nothing more. The same chemicals in the things you eat are simply chemicals at a far smaller concentration than what they have in the medicines. They are exactly the SAME chemicals, however. You like to believe otherwise, but you're wrong.

Having medicines at levels that affect nothing to any significant degree, are simply ineffective medicines.

There is lots of evidence for AZT being effective, but of course, you don't like that, as your little story just sounds so good, and reinforces your delusions. The person who died, didn't die from AZT. They died from the disease they had despite the AZT treatments. The one who lived was just lucky that he didn't have the disease as badly as the other person. This happens all the time.

QatzelOk wrote:Is riding a bike in the winter as "safe and effective" as AZT?
If you are using it to treat HIV, then absolutely not.
Godstud wrote:There is lots of evidence for AZT being effective,

Likewise, there was lots of evidence that Thalidomide was safe and effective. But it wasn't.

It just made a lot of money for our corrupt Pharma industry in the 60s.

About biking in winter as being safe and effective, he then wrote: If you are using it to treat HIV, then absolutely not.

How do you know this? Because you didn't see it on commercial media, it must not be true? :roll:
Biking outdoors gives you plenty of Vitamin D. Have you looked into the importance of natural Vitamin D from the sun?


Of the thousands of generations of humans, the last four are the only ones who got all their "common sense" from commercial media that is funded by large multinational corporations. The last four generations grew up watching screens instead of playing on the street and getting to know the hundreds of adults in their neighborhoods.

In other words, we are the dumbest generations in many centuries. It's really easy to kill dummies. Dummies will even help their masters to kill them.
@QatzelOk Hey stupid. You get it from many foods, too.

Comparing a well-known medical tragedy to medical miracles(vaccines that same millions), is idiotic. Your paranoia is noted. Doctors are all out to get us. :roll:

The modern generation is amongst the most educated and intelligent in the history of civilizations. You just want it to appear otherwise to push your contradictory primitivism ideology... while you post on your modern computer(hypocrite). YOU are the dumbest part of your generation.
In a conversation about the wisdom of letting corporate-run, hollowed out governments force experimental drugs on massive numbers of guinea pigs, Godstud wrote:...Hey stupid...

That your argumentation style is insult-riddled and crude, means that you will not get any good results.

Choosing "whether to take a drug or not" based on insults and harrasment... is a very poor way to make a decision (based on a fear of being taunted and demeaned).

Bad methodology guarantees bad results.

In January of this year, Unherd wrote:...Around the middle of last year, researchers in several countries started noticing something disturbing: despite the fall in Covid deaths everywhere, excess deaths (compared to the pre-pandemic five-year average) were actually rising. Even more worryingly, a disproportionate number of those excess deaths were occurring in young people. This was the opposite of what you would expect in the receding phase of a pandemic — one which had largely spared young people in the first place.

Some researchers sounded the alarm, but were largely ignored by governments, public health authorities and the mainstream media. It was a curious response from those who in the previous two and a half years had justified the complete upending of human societies on the basis of “preserving life”. Throughout the second half of 2022, however, excess deaths have continued to rise at faster rates, and have continued to do so in the first weeks of 2023, to the point that the problem has become impossible to ignore...

Excess deaths now, post-vax. Explain them. Was it the vaccines, or the lock-downs that are now killing people in their youth?

Which was the bigger killer: vaccines or lock-downs?
@QatzelOk You hate facts, because they interfere with your delusional beliefs. You and your argument style(if you can even call it)are the epitome of Bad Methodology.

QatzelOk wrote:In a conversation about the wisdom of letting corporate-run, hollowed out governments force experimental drugs on massive numbers of guinea pigs, Godstud wrote:
...Hey stupid...
Childish. You hate it when someone makes an argument that makes you look illogical and unreasonable. Learn how to quote, too, and not simply make up lies.
Paul Craig Roberts wrote:The accumulated evidence is overwhelming that Covid was an orchestrated pandemic. Intentional use of the faulty PCR test, intentional false reporting of Covid deaths as a result of World Health Organization guidelines and financial incentives to hospitals to report all deaths as Covid deaths, and prohibited treatment by known cures tgether produced a high level of fear that drove the masses to accept the Covid “vaccination” that generated huge monetary gains for Big Pharma and associated shills such as Anthony Fauci and massive inroads on civil liberty by governments.

Hardly anyone died from Covid itself. They died from lack of treatment. The protocol was that if you became infected and if you worsened after a week, go to the hospital where you were put on ventilators, an incorrect treatment that usually was deadly. Doctors who saved the lives of their patients with Ivermectin and HCQ were punished. Corporate doctors were fired, and those in private practice suffered attacks on their medical licenses by authorities, resulting in loss of license to practice medicine. Highly distinguished medical scientists who blew the whistle on this death-maximizing approach were demonized, and every effort was made to silence them and to destroy them professionally.

The greatest number of deaths, which continue day by day, is from the Vax. Everywhere every day sports stars and entertainers who served as advertisements for the safety of the Covid “vaccine” are suddenly dropping dead. The corrupt medical establishment turns a blind eye.

The lockdowns, the masks, the “vaccine” did extraordinary harm to people and benefitted no one except Big Pharma’s profits and government’s agenda to weaken civil liberty.

All of this is known, and there has been no accountability. A program of mass murder and injury to the world population is being ignored. Medical authorities are still recommending the Death Jab, even for babies. This guarantees that a second and a third round of death and injury is coming from more orchestrated pandemics. Bill Gates has promised as much. Such gullible populations can expect no less.

Why is this murderous plot against humanity being ignored? ...

Paul Craig Roberts lists the facts that make so much of what we just went through look like a government-initiated atrocity.

And Godstud, notice that he does so without using bad words or hate speech. He just lists his own observations, backed up by his own comprehension of philosophy.
@QatzelOk Stop being such a Snowflake. I did not use bad words or hate speech.

You deliberately misquoting me was childish. Calling your beliefs delusional isn't insulting you, but what you believe. Calling your arguments illogical and unreasonable is not hate speech.

I do not care what a philosophy idiot says. He's not a doctor. Many people THINK about things, or believe them, and are incorrect about them. You demonstrate, here. The pandemic was NOT limited to the West, and that detail is ignored, because it sets up an inconvenient truth that the pandemic was not as you say it was.
Godstud wrote:@QatzelOk This isn't the 1960s, and doctors know a lot more about the drugs and treatments now, than they did 60+ years ago.

The Covid vaccine is experimental treatment, just like so-called "gender affirming care" and plenty of doctors have spoken out about the former, but many were censored too throughout the pandemic.

People have been suffering all kinds of health problems because of the vaccines and some have been flat out dropping dead. Granted, many have been fine after taking them and I hope that continues, but you can't blind to what was in front of our eyes.

Just look at the reports on VAERs and the Yellow Card NHS system to see the damage.
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