Exit Brexit, Part Deux - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By late
vinnydell wrote:
Dietary tolerance requires digestive enzymes.

We're omnivores, most of us can eat most anything.

Way back in the 70s, there were a bunch of dietary fads like this. So I've had fried earthworms, a few different bugs in chocolate, but also some genuinely weird stuff.

The State of Maine tried promoting unusual seafood back then. I was one of the first in Maine to try mussels, at a State booth at the Yarmouth Clam Festival. I liked them, the other stuff, like urchins, not so much.

I like trying stuff, I've tried things I knew were going to be disgusting.

Earthworms have potential, they have basically no flavor, but they are easy to grow, and have protein.
By late
vinnydell wrote:
Not quite true, enzymes are necessary in digestion.
We cannot for example digest grass because we don't have the right enzymes in our gut.

That goes without saying.
ingliz wrote:why should I feel the need to lick their arse?

Well, you seem very keen on licking Russian and Chinese arses.
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By ingliz
[quote="Patrickov]Chinese arses[/quote]
You're Taiwanese, No? So you will be licking Chinese arse soon enough; I can't see you surviving a reeducation camp.

As for me.

Why do you think not giving a shit is licking arse?

:) :)
ingliz wrote:You're Taiwanese, No?

No. I am from and in Hong Kong.

Just shows how out of depth you are.

ingliz wrote:I can't see you surviving a reeducation camp.

If God thinks I should die horribly so be it.
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By ingliz
Patrickov wrote:out of depth

At least I knew you were Chinese. You thought I was an Englishman.

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By noemon
Patrickov wrote:Sorry I think vinnydell, if he keeps to his words on his support of Ukraine, is more honest.

It's a stretch to suggest Ukrainians who fell are universal EU advocates. One way or another, they only want a life free from Eastern (Russian mainly, and to a lesser extent Chinese and Islamic) Imperialism.

The most important thing now is to crush Russia, and if necessary, massacre all the wrongdoers. Things like EU membership can be settled later (unless you suggest admitting Ukraine to EU will mean immediate destruction of the Russian national war machine)

Vinnydell does not care at all about Ukraine, otherwise he would not be using the Ukrainian dead to trash their pro-EU cause. He only cares about how the UK looks, more empty words and bluster than anything else. Germany for example has provided more money and more weapons than Britain but everyone is taking the piss of Germany. It's all manipulated optics. The EU combined has possibly provided something like 20 times more money and weapons than the UK.

I think that you as a Hong Kong nationalist see the UK as the only potential liberator of Hong Kong, but your faith is misplaced. If any moderation on the part of China for Hong Kong is achieved it will be achieved because of the EU pushing it through a trade deal and not the UK, that is quite puny and irrelevant.

Ukraine is at war so it can join the EU(euromaidan), the Ukrainians are literallt dying so they can be EU members. Using their dead to defend anti-EU propaganda is a huge insult to their memory, even if it is not 100%, but 90%, or even 60%. The entire country is at war so it can be an EU member.

How do you know Vinnydell cares about Ukraine any more than Europeans do? Have you ever seen any right-wing Brexiteer protesting outside their parliament for more support for the Ukraine? You never will.
late wrote:
That goes without saying.

So what makes you think foods that have never been part of the European diet will suddenly be compatible, if we haven't the enzymes to cope ?
It could cause a glut of food health disorders.

Another thing the morons in Brussels have done is reintroduce offal into the feed of herbivores.
The same problem that caused the BSE crisis of the 1980's and 90's.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/ ... -livestock

Livestock lacking enzymes to digest meat, are going to be fed meat again in the EU, with all the problems and dangers that go hand in hand with that.
All because of corporate lobbyists who have pushed for it.

I'm really glad to be out and would advise a ban on their beef.
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By noemon
Full-of-GMO Britain Brexiteer is hating on the EU for approving organic protein as foodstuff.

Britain is the country with not only the worse food in Europe but also the least organic one.

Couldn't make that up even if your tried to.
vinnydell wrote:Not quite true, enzymes are necessary in digestion.
We cannot for example digest grass because we don't have the right enzymes in our gut.

Most insects is protein and we can digest them no problem. Cooking them properly though is a wild guess, probably there are specialists. Most of the stuff we eat is disgusting if viewed in raw or uncooked format. I wouldn't mind trying it at the very least before making a judgement.
noemon wrote:Vinnydell does not care at all about Ukraine, otherwise he would not be using the Ukrainian dead to trash their pro-EU cause. He only cares about how the UK looks, more empty words and bluster than anything else. Germany for example has provided more money and more weapons than Britain but everyone is taking the piss of Germany. It's all manipulated optics. The EU combined has possibly provided something like 20 times more money and weapons than the UK.

I think that you as a Hong Kong nationalist see the UK as the only potential liberator of Hong Kong, but your faith is misplaced. If any moderation on the part of China for Hong Kong is achieved it will be achieved because of the EU pushing it through a trade deal and not the UK, that is quite puny and irrelevant.

Ukraine is at war so it can join the EU(euromaidan), the Ukrainians are literallt dying so they can be EU members. Using their dead to defend anti-EU propaganda is a huge insult to their memory, even if it is not 100%, but 90%, or even 60%. The entire country is at war so it can be an EU member.

How do you know Vinnydell cares about Ukraine any more than Europeans do? Have you ever seen any right-wing Brexiteer protesting outside their parliament for more support for the Ukraine? You never will.

1. My main issue against this argument is that I see both pro- or anti- EU argument irrelevant. This is similar to how Chinese Nationalists and the Communists try to claim themselves the credit of fending off the Japanese back in the 1940s.

What you are saying is IMHO EU-hardselling. To be fair, he provoked it so I should have denounced him, but let's not fuel his distraction.

2. You brand me as a Hong Kong "Nationalist" and I don't agree with that either. As you should know, I see Nationalism one of the main cause of oppression, and I activelywant to reject the idea. The UK has also been great not because of Nationalism.

Also, I am not a supporter of Hong Kong Independence, not because I fear Chinese repercussion, but because we already have a living example: Singapore, which is sadly not renowned of its freedom of speech.
I wish Hong Kong could remain a British colony, or become a UN (minus China and Russia) protectorate. Too much burden for being a nation.

And you said I think UK will be our liberator? Sorry, I already conceded that no one can save us, and following up my reply to Ingliz, I actually think God has already forsaken Hongkongers, because we were sinful and we didn't realize it. I only resent the fact that China goes largely unpunished.
By late
vinnydell wrote:
So what makes you think foods that have never been part of the European diet will suddenly be compatible, if we haven't the enzymes to cope ?

We're omnivores, we can eat most anything.

Which is what I said before.

This isn't the first time this has happened. When Europe discovered the Americas, they also discovered new foods. Which were adopted.
I have checked polls conducted on brexit subject and oh boy do the polls say loudly that people are suffering and regretting Brexit. But when asked if they wanna rejoin the EU, there is a small for but nothing really conclusive with majority being undecided. But when asked if Leave lied then its like 25 no and 60+ yes, if asked if you are richer then 4% are richer and 70% are poorer. If asked if it helped NHS, security, freedom and even immigration and so on then in all categories Brexit was bad by like 60 to 5-20 positive average some a bit worse and some a bit better. But the richer and poorer poll really seems to seal the deal. Also people saying Brexit is wrong by 60%-35% wrong to not wrong.

Not sure if this is British pride or HMS Britain speaking but poll to rejoin is like 35 to rejoin and 25 not to while the rest 40 undecided. What is the logic here, you literally agree that 70% of you got poorer and 2-4% got richer on it while every persievable category and promise was worse while leave lied to you yet you still not sure if you should rejoin. :lol:
JohnRawls wrote:I have checked polls conducted on brexit subject and oh boy do the polls say loudly that people are suffering and regretting Brexit. But when asked if they wanna rejoin the EU, there is a small for but nothing really conclusive with majority being undecided. But when asked if Leave lied then its like 25 no and 60+ yes, if asked if you are richer then 4% are richer and 70% are poorer. If asked if it helped NHS, security, freedom and even immigration and so on then in all categories Brexit was bad by like 60 to 5-20 positive average some a bit worse and some a bit better. But the richer and poorer poll really seems to seal the deal. Also people saying Brexit is wrong by 60%-35% wrong to not wrong.

Not sure if this is British pride or HMS Britain speaking but poll to rejoin is like 35 to rejoin and 25 not to while the rest 40 undecided. What is the logic here, you literally agree that 70% of you got poorer and 2-4% got richer on it while every persievable category and promise was worse while leave lied to you yet you still not sure if you should rejoin. :lol:

The power of myth....the British public thought they could go it alone without the EU and have a healthy economy. It was a mistake. This is why you should have extremely informed politically important decisions going on for months and debates non stop in every home before making decisions that affect everyone in a country.

For example in Puerto Rico a lot of Puerto Ricans thought a fiscal oversight board appointed by the US government would be a good thing to get rid of local corrupt untrustworthy politicians mismanaging funds. It turned out to be an unelected bank panel shooting austerity measures and closing public schools, cutting off electricity for critical surgeries and retired public employees losing their pensions. It pissed everyone off. People ARE DUMB with that stuff. They dont understand what the long terms effects are of a policy. That is why you have to explain it in depth. Break it down. A lot of politicians also use misnomer words like Freedom Council when it is really about some locking up people for unpaid parking tickets or something.

I think most British voters are told about how the British nation is superior and how they are the light of some bullshit when it is really about some elite group making money and most average people getting paid ten pounds an hour and worried about making rent.
Tainari88 wrote:The power of myth....the British public thought they could go it alone without the EU and have a healthy economy. It was a mistake. This is why you should have extremely informed politically important decisions going on for months and debates non stop in every home before making decisions that affect everyone in a country.

For example in Puerto Rico a lot of Puerto Ricans thought a fiscal oversight board appointed by the US government would be a good thing to get rid of local corrupt untrustworthy politicians mismanaging funds. It turned out to be an unelected bank panel shooting austerity measures and closing public schools, cutting off electricity for critical surgeries and retired public employees losing their pensions. It pissed everyone off. People ARE DUMB with that stuff. They dont understand what the long terms effects are of a policy. That is why you have to explain it in depth. Break it down. A lot of politicians also use misnomer words like Freedom Council when it is really about some locking up people for unpaid parking tickets or something.

I think most British voters are told about how the British nation is superior and how they are the light of some bullshit when it is really about some elite group making money and most average people getting paid ten pounds an hour and worried about making rent.

May be. I doubt rich Brexiteers made any money though.
noemon wrote:Full-of-GMO Britain Brexiteer is hating on the EU for approving organic protein as foodstuff.

Britain is the country with not only the worse food in Europe but also the least organic one.

Couldn't make that up even if your tried to.

Do you like the food in the UK Noemon? Confess. :lol:
@Tainari88 @JohnRawls

The problem is, there are others things happened over the past few years. Do people actually get poorer because of Brexit, or is it other matters like Wuhan pneumonia that caused the recession?

It should also be noted that there's a large influx of rich people into the UK recently, mostly Hongkongers escaping tyranny of China. A second wave is coming from Taiwan because those Hongkongers going there found Taiwan less desirable than they first perceive. These Hongkongers should bring quite some prosperity that Britain very much deserves.

EDIT: One more thing, being in EU means you are more vulnerable to threats on the continent, as countries like Germany now face in the war in Ukraine.
Patrickov wrote:@Tainari88 @JohnRawls

The problem is, there are others things happened over the past few years. Do people actually get poorer because of Brexit, or is it other matters like Wuhan pneumonia that caused the recession?

It should also be noted that there's a large influx of rich people into the UK recently, mostly Hongkongers escaping tyranny of China. A second wave is coming from Taiwan because those Hongkongers going there found Taiwan less desirable than they first perceive. These Hongkongers should bring quite some prosperity that Britain very much deserves.

EDIT: One more thing, being in EU means you are more vulnerable to threats on the continent, as countries like Germany now face in the war in Ukraine.

The questions asked were asked directly about Brexit so the point is mute, people feel it is brexits fault. It literally had because of brexit in every question.
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