Lets talk real Anarchy - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The 'no government' movement.
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Unthinking Majority wrote:
That's an extremely difficult question to answer. I really don't know. They tried to solve the issue with the UN and various international organizations like the WTO to bring law to the lawless international realm. It's very imperfect, but maybe better than nothing.

They 'tried' -- ? How's it going with *Sri Lanka* -- ?

2019-present economic and political crisis

Amidst the country's current foreign exchange crisis, former Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa sought a $3 Billion loan from the IMF in April 2022. Opposition party leaders urged Rajapaksa to seek IMF assistance prior to April.[8] The governor of the country's central bank, P Nandalal Weeresignhe, echoed this sentiment.[9] Sri Lanka has also sought an additional $500 million line of credit from India, and began negotiating a credit line of $1.5 billion. Sri Lankan minister of finance Ali Sabry has stated "We are a netural country. We are a friend to all."[8] In May 2022, Sri Lanka defaulted on its debt for the first time in the country's history.[10]

Negotiations between the IMF and Sri Lanka regarding lending to resolve the balance of payments crisis are ongoing. As of July 18, 2022 acting president Ranil Wickremesignhe stated that negotiations were nearing conclusion.[11]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lanka ... cal_crisis


Unthinking Majority wrote:
The UN could maybe work, it just need to be redesigned, and have real teeth for countries that break the law. The EU is kind of a regional model, but may have gone beyond its original mandate.

If you want peace in the world you need collective security: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_security

What should happen in the case of Ukraine is that if any country breaks international law and attacks another then all other countries in the world come to their defense. So every country should be equally fighting to protect Ukrainian sovereignty. No country can win a war vs the entire world, so they would never try. This was the idea of the UNSC, but it's a flawed organization with the vetos. Russia and others can veto anything.

Also, international law should be minimal, because central control can be dangerous and overreach. You call me a statist but I believe in local self-determination where possible and reasonable, even within countries.

I used the following recently with late, at another thread, since he's a statist, too. You're welcome to address it if you like.

Hope strangled again

In a famous passage, Winston Churchill recalled how he met Stalin in Moscow in October 1944 and said to him, ‘So far as Britain and Russia are concerned, how would it do for you to have 90 percent predominance in Romania, for us to have 90 percent in Greece and go 50-50 about Yugoslavia?’

Churchill wrote down a list of countries with the appropriate percentages next to them, and Stalin wrote a large tick on it.

At length I said, ‘Might it not be thought rather cynical if it seemed we had disposed of these issues, so fateful to millions of people, in such an offhand manner? Let us burn the paper.’ ‘No, you keep it,’ said Stalin.250

It was not the resistance fighters in Greece, Italy and France who decided Europe’s destiny, but meetings such as this. At conferences in Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam, Stalin agreed with Churchill and Roosevelt to divide Europe into spheres of influence. The US was not happy with this division at first. It hoped to use its massive industrial superiority to transform the whole world into a single US sphere of influence, free trade providing it with open markets everywhere.251 Churchill, committed as ever to maintaining an empire run exclusively from London, would not countenance this, and neither would Stalin, who had the sheer size of Russia’s army to counter US economic power. Between them they persuaded Roosevelt to accept the division they wanted.

The deals were a death blow to the hopes of the resistance movements. They gave Stalin’s armies a free hand in Eastern Europe. Stalin was not going to let Communists elsewhere upset the arrangement by attempting to lead revolutions, however favourable the mass of people might be. His former foreign minister Litvinov spelt it out bluntly to US representatives in Italy in September 1944: ‘We do not want revolutions in the West’.252

Harman, _People's History of the World_, pp. 536-537



Unthinking Majority wrote:
Stealing is a bad idea because you can get caught and go to jail. Most places don't just let people steal and get away with it, like far-left loony parts of California. If you feel entitled to steal other people's property feel free, you'll probably get caught at some point and get locked behind bars.

If more theft occurs insurance rates will go up, which means cost of goods will go up. Inflation is not a good idea as we've seen.

The looting thieves like the anarchists during the George Floyd riots are total antisocial morons and took glee in destroying their cities and cost everyone including themselves (taxpayers) a lot of money. The anarchists who created CHAZ/CHOP are also antisocial morons who had no right to commandeer public and private property without the consent of the people, which makes those anarchists tyrants.

Not so *simple* I think -- let's take it *up* a notch. What do you think of South Africa -- ?

South Africa’s Descent into Chaos

Private Security in South Africa Comes at a Cost

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By ingliz
Morgan Le Fey wrote:Pretty sure free rent, food, meds, and spreading the wealth to people on the street is pretty anti-capitalist.

Why do you think that?
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By ingliz
Daihatsu wrote:Is that what you did last weekend?

Semi-quote the platitudinous 'Orwell quote' that isn't Orwell's?

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."


It's not particularly moralistic; it's just that I don't think actions such as @Morgan Le Fey 's will change anything. Anarchism is an extension of liberalism by elements of the petite-bourgeoisie when all is said and done.

ingliz wrote:Why do you think that?

Why wouldn't I? Do you know who James Masen is, btw? Old dude, from the 60s. Know where he's from if you know him?
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By ingliz
Morgan Le Fey wrote:Why wouldn't I?

If you don't know why you are doing something or what you hope to achieve, why bother? You appear to see Anarchy as a performance. But playing the revolutionary is not revolution.

It changes nothing.

James Masen

ingliz wrote:If you don't know why you are doing something or what you hope to achieve, why bother? You appear to see Anarchy as a performance. But playing the revolutionary is not revolution.

It changes nothing.

I think you think EVERONE is performative.

ingliz wrote:No

Well how can I establish my non-performative nature if I can't even name drop a dirty old Nazi?

I mean, of course, this clown. You know The Base? Correct? The Fash in Ukraine? Training there awhile before the war?


You might note somewhere in there that he's from Denver. He made an appearance at a club I was into... a punk/metal kinda place... I could flash you that pic he had taken if you like, but only via pm.

I'm sure you can read the tea leaves though.

Point is, I'm not really sure why you care here. You're flat ML. What do you care if Anarchists run wild, check Nazis, and do other banal mayhems? Don't you want it all to burn, and to purge the bourgeoise?

I'm pretty sure you do.

So, not sure why you care whether I'm performative or serious as a heart attack?

I should note something- I've read the Political Simulation thing. Lol. You're an artist. I've never seen anything like that before. Its not a lesson I'll ever forget either. People pay thousands of dollars to see that kind of thing. No, I'm not tipping you, but that was art work.

Not even lyin bro, serious art.
ingliz wrote:
Semi-quote the platitudinous 'Orwell quote' that isn't Orwell's?

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

It's not particularly moralistic; it's just that I don't think actions such as @Morgan Le Fey 's will change anything. Anarchism is an extension of liberalism by elements of the petite-bourgeoisie when all is said and done.


Okay. Are you a tankie?
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By ingliz
ckaihatsu wrote:Okay. Are you a tankie?


Morgan Le Fey wrote:Don't you want it all to burn

Don't be silly.

Of course, not.

You seem to be infected with an infantile disorder common to your faction. Why burn what can be used to build socialism?

Unthinking Majority wrote:This is obviously nonsense and you have no stats to back this up. Are you saying people are not arrested for crimes?

When people are arrested for crimes, they are being punished for harm they already committed. The police are not stopping the crime or protecting anyone.

So even if people get arrested, police still do not prevent crime or harm, nor do they protect people.

The Americas existed in anarchy prior to Columbus, in that there was no overarching government in America, or Canada, or South America.

There were many governments in the Americas.

Individual nations had their own rules/government but there was no continent-wide government to regulate relations between all nations, which is why there was war between nations. At best there were alliances/confederacies between some nations. This is what happens with anarchy. Groups will always form for protection because of insecurity. This is why countries formed. If France didn't have a government and French individuals or small communities just existed in anarchy then Spain and Germany would have easily conquered them long ago.

By this logic, you are arguing that there is currently anarchy in the Americas.

Unthinking Majority wrote:But there was no "American government" to create or regulate any law between indigenous nations pre-Columbus. That means any indigenous nation could invade or steal territory from any other nation if it was powerful enough. Might makes right because anything goes. Anarchy means "might makes right".

This is also simplistic and misleading.

Like Canada and the UsA, Indigenous nations prior to colonialism had treaties and border agreements and other things that kept the peace a lot of the time.

Which is why the USA can get away with a lot of mischief against less powerful countries. Who is going to stop them, or will anyone care enough to try? In anarchy, would you risk your life to save your neighbour?

People will save their neighbour regardless of the laws. Other people will let their neighbour die, regardless of the laws.
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By ingliz
ckaihatsu wrote:What *are* you?

A pragmatic (heterodox?) Marxist-Leninist. Ideology is a tool, not an instruction manual.

“It’s possible that I shall make an ass of myself. But in that case, one can always get out of it with a little dialectic. I have, of course, so worded my proposition as to be right either way.”

— Karl Marx
ingliz wrote:
A pragmatic (heterodox?) Marxist-Leninist. Ideology is a tool, not an instruction manual.

“It’s possible that I shall make an ass of myself. But in that case, one can always get out of it with a little dialectic. I have, of course, so worded my proposition as to be right either way.”

— Karl Marx

May I ask how you differ from an *orthodox* Marxist-Leninist?
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By ingliz

Many Marxist-Leninists I've met say, "The end justifies the means.", and then get hamstrung by ideology.

'Theory' should not dictate political practice.

Whatever works is good.

As to anarchy.

Propaganda of the deed, individual action, going off half-cock like @Morgan Le Fey achieves nothing.

It does not work.

ingliz wrote:

Many Marxist-Leninists I've met say, "The end justifies the means.", and then get hamstrung by ideology.

'Theory' should not dictate political practice.

Whatever works is good.

As to anarchy.

Propaganda of the deed, individual action, going off half-cock like @Morgan Le Fey achieves nothing.

It does not work.


Are you really distancing yourself from 'ends', 'means', 'ideology', and 'theory', ingliz -- ? Just confirming.

Means and Ends CHART

Spoiler: show

Consciousness, A Material Definition

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By ingliz

Ends and means? No.

Ideology? You can't escape it.

Theory? For the most part.

ingliz wrote:

Ends and means? No.

Ideology? You can't escape it.

Theory? For the most part.


*Theory*, huh -- ?

So who gets to stand-at / occupy / dwell-at any given particular location (public and/or private property, take your pick).

Any objections to *this*:

[2] G.U.T.S.U.C., Simplified

Spoiler: show
By Rich
ingliz wrote:It's not particularly moralistic; it's just that I don't think actions such as @Morgan Le Fey 's will change anything. Anarchism is an extension of liberalism by elements of the petite-bourgeoisie when all is said and done.

And what is Marxism? What is the socio-economic foundation for the Marxist ideology? Excuse me for posting this a second time but it so hits the mark

This is Eton the top school in Britain a bye word for privilege, yet its probably produced more Marxists than any other school in Britain. There are two other words that are bywords for privilege, Oxford and Cambridge. Guy Burgess the central character of the above film goes on to Cambridge. For centuries Oxford and Cambridge were the unchallenged top universities in Britain, yet again these bastions of privilege have almost certainly produced more Marxists than any other colleges in Britain. Its time to face reality Marxism is an ideology of the educational elite. Its not the only ideology of the educational elite but it is a massively important one.

The history of Marxism is the history of Middle and upper class intellectuals accusing each other of being Petit Bourgeois. Marxism is dead! Long live Marxism! By going Cultural, throwing the working class into the dustbin of history and by making an alliance with the Pharmaceutical-Sickness Industrial complex and the Big Tech -Monopoly -Surveillance Industrial Complex. Marxism is back, bigger and badder than ever before.
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