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"It's the economy, stupid!"

Moderator: PoFo Economics & Capitalism Mods

Forum rules: No one line posts please.
wat0n wrote:
Yes, if anything I'd love it if the US were to give Maduro the Noriega treatment, but it won't happen.

Even though Maduro was *democratically elected* -- (!)

Do / did you support the coup in DC on January 6th?

(Noriega used to be on the CIA payroll -- that's *internal*.)
ckaihatsu wrote:Even though Maduro was *democratically elected* -- (!)

Do / did you support the coup in DC on January 6th?

(Noriega used to be on the CIA payroll -- that's *internal*.)

Maduro has long overstayed his democratic mandate, and engaged in fraud afterwards.

Do you support the riot in DC last year? Because if anything you could say the MAGA retards tried to pull a Maduro ;)
wat0n wrote:
Maduro has long overstayed his democratic mandate, and engaged in fraud afterwards.

'Overstayed his democratic mandate' -- ?

Does the U.S. government have an *office* for that?

Really -- isn't that chillingly *arbitrary* and authoritarian of you to say something like that?

wat0n wrote:
Do you support the riot in DC last year? Because if anything you could say the MAGA retards tried to pull a Maduro ;)

Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh, I *don't* see the comparison there, because there *isn't any*. End-of-the-line, chum.
ckaihatsu wrote:
No -- it means that the capitalist system of economics that we're all tied-into would no longer provide any kind of interchangeability, as through currency and debt, for the real-economy to do its thing, that we all rely on.

Rancid wrote:
All good.

ckaihatsu wrote:
So what *replaces* it, then, according to you?

Rancid wrote:
Replaces what?

You tell me.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_St ... ainst_Cuba


Isolation of the United States

According to Abdelal, US sanctions on its own internal economy cost almost nothing but overuse of them can be costly in the long run. Abdelal said the biggest threat is the US's gradual isolation and the continuing decline of US influence in the context of an emerging multi-polar world with differing financial and economic powers.[29] Abdelal also said the US and Europe largely agree on the "substance" of sanctions but disagree on their implementation. The main issue is secondary US sanctions—also known as extraterritorial sanctions[30]—which prohibit any trading in US dollars and prevent trade with a country, individuals and organizations under the US sanctions regime.[5] Primary sanctions restrict US companies, institutions, and citizens from doing business with the country or entities under sanctions.[30] According to Abdelal, secondary sanctions often separate the US and Europe because they reflect US interference in the affairs and interests of the EU. The more secondary sanctions are applied, the more they are seen in the EU as a violation of national and EU sovereignty—as an unacceptable interference in the EU's independent decision making.[5] The secondary sanctions imposed on Iran and Russia are central to these tensions,[26] and have become the primary tool for signaling and implementing secession from US and European political goals.[30]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_St ... ted_States

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_St ... ppositions
ckaihatsu wrote:'Overstayed his democratic mandate' -- ?

Does the U.S. government have an *office* for that?

Really -- isn't that chillingly *arbitrary* and authoritarian of you to say something like that?

Term limits are arbitrary to you?

ckaihatsu wrote:Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh, I *don't* see the comparison there, because there *isn't any*. End-of-the-line, chum.

Except for the attempts to stay in power no matter what, which were successful in Venezuela you mean.
wat0n wrote:
Term limits are arbitrary to you?

Except for the attempts to stay in power no matter what, which were successful in Venezuela you mean.

More to-the-point, I think, is that the people of Venezuela didn't vote for the U.S. to be the 'supercop to the world'. The U.S. has a habit of swooping down into everything, everywhere -- 'Game of Thrones' comes to mind, and I don't even watch the show.
ckaihatsu wrote:More to-the-point, I think, is that the people of Venezuela didn't vote for the U.S. to be the 'supercop to the world'. The U.S. has a habit of swooping down into everything, everywhere -- 'Game of Thrones' comes to mind, and I don't even watch the show.

They didn't vote for Maduro either, yet he's still the President.

Whatever Venezuelans want stopped being relevant a while ago.
wat0n wrote:
They didn't vote for Maduro either, yet he's still the President.

Whatever Venezuelans want stopped being relevant a while ago.

'Late capitalism', then -- ?

'Post-democratic' contestations of power multi-nationally and internationally as U.S. militarism becomes less extendable, and the world more multipolar.

How attached are you to the U.S. sanctions regime?
wat0n wrote:
How is this any different from the Nomenklatura?

Yeah, not by much.

I don't defend Stalinism of any kind, but I do defend non-Western countries *geopolitically* against Western imperialist predations.

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