Paintings point to parallel universe - Politics | PoFo

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In September 2008, I was channel surfing when I ran across an airing of the movie Batman, featuring Jack Nicholson as the Joker. I had seen the movie when it originally appeared in theaters in 1989. Vicky Vale, portrayed by Kim Bassinger, is being seated in the cafe section of a museum. I decided to keep watching as I anticipated my favorite scene, in which thugs vandalizing works of art are interrupted by the Joker when they reach The Scream by Edvard Munch. He spares the painting because he kind of likes it.

On TV, the vandals smear bright paint on various masterpieces. The Joker approaches the terrified Vale. As the vandalism continues, the Joker calls out to his henchmen across the room to leave alone a dark painting. I cannot quite make out the details of the picture, but it is not The Scream.

A day or two later, I see another showing of Batman listed in my newspaper television schedule. I decide to watch it from the beginning. Here we go again. Vale puts on the gas mask from the gift box. Diners swoon as gas enters the museum. The Joker and his thugs vandalize works of art until they reach one painting, in which a man sitting in a dark room is flanked by two sides of beef hanging from the ceiling. The Joker spares the painting, saying, "I kinda like this one, Bob. Leave it."

Through research on the Internet, I discover this painting is Francis Bacon's Figure with Meat. The seated figure is a caricature of Pope Innocent X.


But this is wrong again. In that first showing on TV, the Joker was standing or sitting across from Vale when he spares the picture; in the next showing, he is standing next to the picture and I can see it more clearly. I have discovered a third version of Batman.

Somewhere between the debut of Batman in 1989 and 2008, the universe was split in two: one containing Batman with The Scream; the other containing Batman featuring Figure with Meat. What is the significance of the different painting? I would suggest that Figure with Meat, featuring a pope, represents the sex scandal in which Roman Catholic priests treated boys “like meat.” In our version of history, the scandal was big enough to result in the selection of Pope Francis, who is taking the church and even world history in a different direction.

But what of my third viewing of the movie, in which the Joker stands next to the painting instead of next to Vicky Vale? The fact that the Joker stands closer to the painting represents my own change in perspective. I am standing closer to the truth. My observation, in itself, created still another universe.

These experiences might fall into the category of a Level 3 parallel universe, in which each possible observation corresponds to a different universe, although Level 3 theory does not account for my memory of the “previous” universe.

What happened in the universe that kept The Scream in Batman? I don’t know but apparently it represented a path of history in which much of humanity screams in anguish or terror.

I am not the only one who remembers The Scream being in the movie. On the website The Easter Egg Archive, Cruel Messenger wrote: I would have to back the person here who said the painting is "The Scream" by Edward Munch. Why? Because it says so in the film's novelization, that's why. Now granted, the novelization of any film may not reflect the final cut of the film. But in this case, it seems to back up The Scream theory. Robinzo wrote: I agree, I seem to remember it being The Scream by Edvard Munch (my favourite painting).
how do you know it's a parallel universe? maybe it's that the past in this universe changes at random but your memories don't change with it? or maybe your memory has been altered? Or maybe this whole reality was created last Tuesday and some of the memories you were created with don't correspond to the external world? or maybe your memory is just faulty?
My understanding is that while they are making copies of movies that they are sending out to theaters, they can change their mind. Rather than bring them back, and screw up their schedules, they make the change and and start sending the new version out.
late wrote:My understanding is that while they are making copies of movies that they are sending out to theaters, they can change their mind. Rather than bring them back, and screw up their schedules, they make the change and and start sending the new version out.

I can find no evidence of an alternative version of Batman. Such post-production changes are typically noted in the Wikipedia articles on films. And I can think of no reason why the film would have been made with two versions of the painting vandalism scene.

Also, that does not explain the two different “Figure with Meat” versions I saw within two days of each other on the same TV station.
Sivad wrote:how do you know it's a parallel universe? maybe it's that the past in this universe changes at random but your memories don't change with it? or maybe your memory has been altered? Or maybe this whole reality was created last Tuesday and some of the memories you were created with don't correspond to the external world? or maybe your memory is just faulty?

The “faulty memory” explanation would not explain why other people had the same “faulty memory.”

Last year, I discovered that my “wrong” memories pointing to alternative realities was a common experience already known as the Mandela Effect, named after people who shared different memories of the life and death of South African civil rights leader Nelson Mandela.

Other people had explored the same “parallel universe” explanation, including Fiona Broome, founder of the Mandela Effect website, who stated, “Personally, I love the idea that it might be evidence that – now and then, like tourists – we’re sliding into an alternate reality, and then return to our home reality.”

However, she also speculated that the phenomenon might be related to time travel.

I ponder another possibility; I did not have an experience in a parallel universe. I am living in a giant computer simulation, something like that created In the film The Matrix. The programmer is not creating different worlds; with each false memory, he is creating a different me. But why would he create the same false memories in different people?
Robert Urbanek wrote:
The “faulty memory” explanation would not explain why other people had the same “faulty memory.”

Last year, I discovered that my “wrong” memories pointing to alternative realities was a common experience already known as the Mandela Effect, named after people who shared different memories of the life and death of South African civil rights leader Nelson Mandela.

Other people had explored the same “parallel universe” explanation, including Fiona Broome, founder of the Mandela Effect website, who stated, “Personally, I love the idea that it might be evidence that – now and then, like tourists – we’re sliding into an alternate reality, and then return to our home reality.”

However, she also speculated that the phenomenon might be related to time travel.

I ponder another possibility; I did not have an experience in a parallel universe. I am living in a giant computer simulation, something like that created In the film The Matrix. The programmer is not creating different worlds; with each false memory, he is creating a different me. But why would he create the same false memories in different people?

Outrageous claims require outrageous evidence...
Robert Urbanek wrote:In September 2008, I was channel surfing when I ran across an airing of the movie Batman, featuring Jack Nicholson as the Joker. I had seen the movie when it originally appeared in theaters in 1989. Vicky Vale, portrayed by Kim Bassinger, is being seated in the cafe section of a museum. I decided to keep watching as I anticipated my favorite scene, in which thugs vandalizing works of art are interrupted by the Joker when they reach The Scream by Edvard Munch. He spares the painting because he kind of likes it.

On TV, the vandals smear bright paint on various masterpieces. The Joker approaches the terrified Vale. As the vandalism continues, the Joker calls out to his henchmen across the room to leave alone a dark painting. I cannot quite make out the details of the picture, but it is not The Scream.

A day or two later, I see another showing of Batman listed in my newspaper television schedule. I decide to watch it from the beginning. Here we go again. Vale puts on the gas mask from the gift box. Diners swoon as gas enters the museum. The Joker and his thugs vandalize works of art until they reach one painting, in which a man sitting in a dark room is flanked by two sides of beef hanging from the ceiling. The Joker spares the painting, saying, "I kinda like this one, Bob. Leave it."

Through research on the Internet, I discover this painting is Francis Bacon's Figure with Meat. The seated figure is a caricature of Pope Innocent X.


But this is wrong again. In that first showing on TV, the Joker was standing or sitting across from Vale when he spares the picture; in the next showing, he is standing next to the picture and I can see it more clearly. I have discovered a third version of Batman.

Somewhere between the debut of Batman in 1989 and 2008, the universe was split in two: one containing Batman with The Scream; the other containing Batman featuring Figure with Meat. What is the significance of the different painting? I would suggest that Figure with Meat, featuring a pope, represents the sex scandal in which Roman Catholic priests treated boys “like meat.” In our version of history, the scandal was big enough to result in the selection of Pope Francis, who is taking the church and even world history in a different direction.

But what of my third viewing of the movie, in which the Joker stands next to the painting instead of next to Vicky Vale? The fact that the Joker stands closer to the painting represents my own change in perspective. I am standing closer to the truth. My observation, in itself, created still another universe.

These experiences might fall into the category of a Level 3 parallel universe, in which each possible observation corresponds to a different universe, although Level 3 theory does not account for my memory of the “previous” universe.

What happened in the universe that kept The Scream in Batman? I don’t know but apparently it represented a path of history in which much of humanity screams in anguish or terror.

I am not the only one who remembers The Scream being in the movie. On the website The Easter Egg Archive, Cruel Messenger wrote: I would have to back the person here who said the painting is "The Scream" by Edward Munch. Why? Because it says so in the film's novelization, that's why. Now granted, the novelization of any film may not reflect the final cut of the film. But in this case, it seems to back up The Scream theory. Robinzo wrote: I agree, I seem to remember it being The Scream by Edvard Munch (my favourite painting).

Thank you, Robert Urbanek, for writing down your above recollections. The following quote of Jesus Christ may be relevant to this topic (John 15:1-12, New King James Version [NKJV]):

"I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away;[a] and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will[b] ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

"As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.

"These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."


a. John 15:2 Or lifts up
b. John 15:7 NU-Text omits you will.
James Redford wrote:Thank you, Robert Urbanek, for writing down your above recollections. The following quote of Jesus Christ may be relevant to this topic (John 15:1-12, New King James Version [NKJV]):

"I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away;[a] and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will[b] ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

"As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.

"These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."


a. John 15:2 Or lifts up
b. John 15:7 NU-Text omits you will.

Are you suggesting that branches are separate parallel universes, which are pruned away until a more perfect universe remains?
Robert Urbanek wrote:I ponder another possibility; I did not have an experience in a parallel universe. I am living in a giant computer simulation, something like that created In the film The Matrix

Or maybe you're a Boltzmann brain and everyone and everything in the universe including you is just a figment of your own imagination.
Yesterday one of my sons took our motor vehicle to put air in a tyre that had become a little deficient in that aspect. They took the tyre off from the vehicle and checked in a tub with water fit for that purpose. The mechanics could find no leak at all. I later pondered the question as to where the air went then and how, to which my son had no answer. I got a blank stare only.

After stumbling on this thread I speculated that maybe, I am not saying it did and I am not saying it didn't, maybe the air leaked into that damn parallel fucking universe. I wish them well over there but they should leave my tyres alone.

Robert Urbanek wrote:Are you suggesting that branches are separate parallel universes, which are pruned away until a more perfect universe remains?

That would be what I above suggested. "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect." (Jesus, Matthew 5:48, NKJV.) Although such an existential procedure would be effected to save entire universes: each individual person would still be responsible for their own actions and inner mental life, and hence the status of their own individual salvation.

However, I'm not here taking a stance on whether the Mandela Effect is a real physical phenomenon. Rather, if it is an actual physical phenomenon, then it's very doable for God. The other option would be that we already exist in a computer simulation and that the superintelligent society which is running the simulation is choosing to alter our timeline. (Though, even then, for reasons that I've gone over elsewhere, such a superintelligent society could not be malicious, and hence their grounds for doing so would ultimately be for our benefit.)

Regarding the former option, per the known laws of physics, every universe which exists within the multiverse is logically forced to end in the Omega Point final singularity. Thus, branches of the multiverse which become unviable could become merged with elements deriving from viable branches (i.e., viable parallel universes). Quantum moves, so to speak.

* * * * *

Now with that nicely tidied-up with a pretty bow on top, let us all here relax from such ponderous issues with some heartwarming cyborg music, much like the lullabies mother dearest would sing to many of us for bedtime.

In that vein, I can think of no more suitable hymn than track No. 7 from the following truly beautiful album, published in 1992. After all, it's been said that seven is the divine number. Yet, perhaps just as importantly might be the natural number which leads up to seven--associated as it is with a human.

* "Tactical Neural Implant", Front Line Assembly - Topic ( ), last updated June 10, 2020, ... uZTqu2RcYY . Mirror: "Tactical Neural Implant", gusset tripe ( ), last updated Sept. 16, 2012, ... 0d0EBs7_Tr . Mirror: "Front Line Assembly - Tactical Neutral Implant (1992)(Full Album)", Jhon Salas ( ), last updated July 12, 2019, ... UZLPbiGGhV .

And here are the album's lyrics:

* "FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY LYRICS - "Tactical Neural Implant" (1992) album",, ... plant.html , ... plant.html , .
(Spoiler alert)

I recently had more “wrong memories” while viewing the 2009 film Star Trek, the franchise reboot featuring Chris Pine as Captain Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock. I had seen the film on a DVD from the library a few years ago and decided to take another look when CBS featured the film as its Sunday night feature on October 3, 2021.

I remembered the young Kirk taking the joyride in the stolen car and the brightly lit bridge of the new Enterprise but much else seemed wrong. I remembered Scotty being onboard as chief engineer when the Enterprise left port. He was never on an icy outpost. I don’t recall the peril faced by the crew, but it was resolved through time travel. Leonard Nimoy appeared much later in the movie.

I did not remember the destruction of both the Romulan and Vulcan home worlds, with billions of lives lost, which seemed out of character for the Star Trek franchise. (What, they killed off Spock’s mother? I would have remembered that.) Given my belief that culture often anticipates reality, this ominous change in the movie suggests an ominous change in our own altered timeline.

Several hours after seeing the movie, I had a dream in which Kate Mulgrew, who portrayed Captain Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager, is driving me to a dinner date in an old luxury car. She complains I have disturbed her side view mirror. I see in front of me a round switch like that on a TV remote control. I push the left arrow and the mirror is correctly aligned.

Given that the side view mirror reflects what is passing the vehicle, the dream would seem to suggest that the programs and movies I see on TV reflect actual events that are passing by me, and the remote control in the dream represents my ability to anticipate those events.
I had still another “wrong memory” recently. I had checked out the original miniseries The Stand (1994) on DVDs from the library. I had seen it before and when watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent back in 2001, recognized Jamey Sheridan as the demonic villain Randall Flagg from the miniseries.

But as I started watching the DVDs, nothing seemed familiar: not the old black woman on the porch nor the showdown in Las Vegas. Instead, I recalled, though somewhat vaguely, an entirely different story line. After the apocalypse, Flagg gathered followers on his seemingly biblical trek through the devastated countryside. However, a group of dissidents split off after they recognized his demonic nature.

Both sides are involved in a series of skirmishes. The groups are heading East, not West. When Flagg reaches a big city, New York, I believe, his group seizes a television station from which they will broadcast a national message announcing Flagg as the new leader of humanity. However, the dissidents sabotage the broadcast and Flagg is tricked into revealing his true demonic self before a nationwide audience.

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