Would you support forcing adults to get a vaccine for Covid19? - Page 9 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Would you support forcing adults to get a vaccine for Covid19?

Regardless, @colliric, what he said about mRNA vaccines was false, and I am not taking one person's word for something while dismissing factual studies by doctors and scientists. You are, however.

To quote the article I posted in my last post:

The biggest strike against the claim is simple: None of the vaccines currently authorized in the U.S. (Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson) even contain live COVID-19 or its spike proteins. Instead, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use messenger RNA (mRNA) to tell the body how to attack spike proteins by creating small amounts afterward. Medical researchers and doctors say these amounts are nearly insignificant and not unlike other existing vaccines.

In short, he's as much a good source as Andrew Wakefield is for autism/vaccines. You tried using him as a source, earlier. :knife:
Fact is John McAfee invented McAfee antivirus, and therefore was indeed an expert in computer/cyber security, even if he invented it mainly because of his own extreme paranoia over the 1986 Brain virus. Same paranoia that stayed with him his entire life and continued to make him do interesting things all the way to his interesting early demise.

Sometimes people that invent/develop a technology or idea can become it's biggest critics when others take it and/or misuse it.

Happens all the time. Einstein regretted the fact his work contributed to the creation of the atomic bomb.
@colliric Irrelevant. His claim that he did it alone is false and what he said about the vaccines was not factual. You haven't a leg to stand on.

You are trying to distract from the fact that he made false claims.
BBC wrote:France suspends 3,000 unvaccinated health workers

About 3,000 health workers in France have been suspended because they have not been vaccinated against Covid-19.

A new rule, which came into force on Wednesday, made vaccination mandatory for the country's 2.7 million health, care home and fire service staff.

But French Health Minister Olivier Véran said on Thursday that "most of the suspensions are only temporary".

Many are now agreeing to get jabbed because "they see that the vaccination mandate is a reality", he said.

The rule applies to all doctors, nurses, office staff and volunteers.
France is not the only country to introduce a vaccine mandate.

Italy is also making an anti-Covid "green pass" mandatory for all employees from 15 October, meaning that workers who can't show proof of vaccination or a recent negative Covid test will be penalised.

"The government is ready to speed up on the 'green pass'... (for) not just the public sector, but private too," regional affairs minister Mariastella Gelmini said on Wednesday.

The green pass is already required for anyone in Italy who wants to eat indoors at restaurants, go to cinemas and sports stadiums, and take certain public transport or flights. It is also already mandatory for teachers.

In Greece, unvaccinated public and private sector employees have to have Covid tests once or twice a week, at their own expense. The rule came into force on 13 September.

And last week, the US made vaccines mandatory for federal government workers and contractors, and for all businesses with more than 100 employees. The rule affects covers about 100 million workers.

US President Joe Biden warned that if people didn't get vaccinated, they should be prepared to undergo weekly testing for Covid-19.

"This is not about freedom, or personal choice, it's about protecting yourself and those around you," he said as he unveiled the plan.


If you want to interact with society you need to get vaccinated.
Here in Alberta:

    Alberta imposing provincewide COVID-19 restrictions, vaccine passport system amid surge in cases, hospitalizations

    Declaring a state of public health emergency Wednesday evening, Premier Jason Kenney said the province could run out of intensive care beds and staff to manage COVID-19 patients within the next 10 days

    Alberta is enacting stronger provincewide public health restrictions and a vaccine passport system as the fourth wave of COVID-19 threatens to collapse the province’s health-care system.

    Declaring a state of public health emergency Wednesday evening, Premier Jason Kenney said the province could run out of intensive care beds and staff to manage COVID-19 patients within the next 10 days. The new rules are meant to make sure hospitals can remain open, prevent the disease from spreading in the community, and encourage people to get vaccinated.

    Kenney, who stated repeatedly for months the province would not bring in vaccine passports, said the decision is now “the only responsible choice we have” given how many unvaccinated people are ending up in hospital.

    “We are facing an emergency that requires immediate action,” Kenney said at a news conference.

    “We must deal with the reality that we are facing. We cannot push it away, morally, ethically and legally the protection of life must be our paramount concern.”

    All Albertans will be impacted by the new health measures, but those who haven’t received a COVID-19 vaccine will see their activities restricted the most.


    Restrictions starting at 12:01 a.m. Thursday

    Albertans who are not vaccinated cannot socialize indoors with anyone outside their household beginning Thursday. Fully vaccinated people may only have social interactions indoors with one other household to a maximum of 10 people, all of which must also be vaccinated.

    Children under 12 don’t have any indoor gathering restrictions.

    Albertans who live alone can have two close contacts with distancing between them in indoor public settings.

    But anyone will still be allowed to gather outdoors with up to 200 people for a private gathering, and an unlimited number of people for a public event, provided everyone keeps two metres apart and there is no indoor component, apart from washrooms.

    …..(article continues)…..

This is almost certainly due to the fact that all the ICU nurses and doctors are all being overworked right now and this is due almost entirely to people not getting vaccinated.

Unvaccinated people have made my city a living nightmare.
Godstud wrote:Regardless, @colliric, what he said about mRNA vaccines was false, and I am not taking one person's word for something while dismissing factual studies by doctors and scientists. You are, however.

To quote the article I posted in my last post:

The biggest strike against the claim is simple: None of the vaccines currently authorized in the U.S. (Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson) even contain live COVID-19 or its spike proteins. Instead, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use messenger RNA (mRNA) to tell the body how to attack spike proteins by creating small amounts afterward. Medical researchers and doctors say these amounts are nearly insignificant and not unlike other existing vaccines.

In short, he's as much a good source as Andrew Wakefield is for autism/vaccines. You tried using him as a source, earlier. :knife:

And in both instances @colliric has committed the authority fallacy .
Neither of them are specifically experts , as it pertains to mRNA vaccines , in particular .
colliric wrote:He invented the technology behind mRNA in the 1980s and therefore deserves sole credit.

I guess I am a Steve Ditko supporter. No, he does not deserve sole credit, nothing is invented in isolation or in a vacuum. Engineering and science is way too complex for that to be possible any more.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I guess forcing people works.

I think it works because from what I can tell. A lot of people that are not vaccinated are not vaccinated because they are against it. They are not vaccinated because they are just being lazy. Doing this puts the fire in them to finally go get vaccinated.

The hardcore anti-vaxxers are relatively small in number. They are just very very loud (like the moron anti-vaxxers on pofo).
Forcing people to get a vaccine is medically absolutley not adviseable, neither to stop the pandemic in any case, and also not in all circumstances to protect that individual. It is also a plain violation of human rights; you dont have the right to interfere with the health of the individual. And theres some bonus problem about what we vaccines we actually can get and which we dont get.

No matter if you are vaccinated, already had COVID, or are unvaccinated - everyone can spread the virus. The delta variant which is now dominant everywhere is basically not stopped at all by vaccination, showing minimal reduction two weeks after the second shot, which is completely gone after three months again. Thus vaccination is completely useless to stop or reduce the spread of the virus.

Best (but far from first) scientific study about this: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... ding-delta

For anyone who already had COVID, the natural immunity is superior to any vaccine. So all they get is a danger to their health (since the vaccine poses one, too), up to death (which yes, in rare cases, can happen).

The reason why politicians push mandatory vaccines is simple: it maximizes the profits for the pharmaceutical industry. Thats it. Thats all.

Thats also why we get fed very expensive, highly experimental, poorly tested vaccines that only attack the virus from a single angle and need booster shots every six months, instead of what would be the best vaccine to have: weakened original viruses that expose your immune system to basically the whole deal, thus maximizing the immune response and doing away with the need for booster shots.

These laws are criminal, plain and simple. They endanger the health of the individual for the profit of a few already superrich individuals.

Again politicians dont give a rats ass about science. What a surprise.
Yes, @Negotiator, and the people who have died from Covid have a natural immunity and can never get it again, either.

Half of what you said is complete bullshit, regarding Covid. The vaccines DO help reduce the spread of the disease(https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nc ... eople.html). They DO protect you from the Delta variant(https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02261-8), although at a reduced rate.

Vaccinations are the ONLY way to stop the pandemic. Lockdowns are what have benefited the rich, not vaccines.

No one is going to go broke from getting a needle every 6 months or a year, that isn't costing them anything, except a wee bit of time. The laws are NOT criminal. The laws only punish the fucking selfish individuals who think their own cowardly fear of a vaccine is more important than their own social responsibility.

Freedom? Fuck off. You're getting a single needle, with a vaccine. You aren't losing any fucking freedom.

FreeDUMB is what you talk about.
Kinda flogging dead horses here but I just wanted to point out that by now we have all kinds of vaccines against Corvid-19: Traditional ones containing dead virus particles, the more recent protein types and the fairly new mRNA types.
There is really no medical reason left why one would refuse to get vaccinated for the common good. If you don't trust or don't tolerate one or the other vaccine, just pick something else. Private egoism isn't going to get us out of this show.
We have Omicron now and basically herd immunity. *shrug*

Godstud wrote:Yes, @Negotiator, and the people who have died from Covid have a natural immunity and can never get it again, either.

Why, thanks for pointing out you're an idiot.

Oh, whatever, I'll try to enlighten you, even if thats usually pointless to try.

Yes diseases kill. Thats even true for, say, the common cold. Do you fear the common cold, too ?

The question is how many people die, not if people die at all.

Do I also have to explain to you some other basics of life ?

Just start listing them.
@Negotiator Sorry for the delay- computer issues.

That you have to call me names shows how weak your argument is. You can't form an argument, so you have to turn to name-calling.

The common cold does NOT kill people. That's a lie, easily disproven.

Fact check: You are not more likely to die from the common cold than COVID-19
A social media post claims that one is more likely to die of the common cold than COVID-19. This is not true.
https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-fact ... SKCN26D0XT

Millions have died from Covid-19. Millions have NOT died from the common cold. Troll harder.
Many have died from the flu with vaccines also. Many have died from the quarantines and lockdowns. Many have become unemployed because of that government induced BS. Unemployment kills people and families through increased depression, drug use, domestic violence, the stress of losing the status as the breadwinner, the loss of your housing or business, the loss of undiagnosed illnesses because so many facilities close, higher alcoholism, life savings decimated to stay afloat and on and on and on.

Effff the vaccine pushing and lockdowns and the one track thinking. Much of this BS was about an opportunity to exert control over the masses and make tons of money; never let a good crisis go to waste. Frankly, if yer a fatass, then you had a much higher incidence of going to the hospital in the first place. That's an inconvenient fact. The left are such great followers and avoid any type of independent thought themselves. If the bureaucrats in Washington DC issues edicts, they must be good. Now the discussion of vaccine passports are coming to "socialize" the idea with the population if a future "crisis" reveals itself. It's such BS by overpaid silly servants.

Pull your heads out, because you have it up and firmly locked in place by seeing only one side of things. Stop eat this BS up and get on with your lives and stop being afraid of your own shadow.
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