Would you support forcing adults to get a vaccine for Covid19? - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Would you support forcing adults to get a vaccine for Covid19?

Godstud wrote:@colliric You're such an idiot. You ignored everything else I said. :knife:

Half your post was responding to another user.

But ok, here goes....

The suburban area(known as the Federal Seat of Chisolm, and State seat of Box Hill District) I live in has had little to no major cases or outbreaks of Covid-19 during both waves here in Victoria, and so there is only a minute remote possibility of me ever getting this disease(at least this particular year), let alone having a statistically unlikely serious reaction resulting in hospitalisation and/or death.

The only way I'm going to ever have this virus enter my body, is though the vaccine, since the only ones being offered are living virus vaccines. I simply do NOT wish to have that particular virus enter my body at all, and rather than get jabbed with live virus, I'd rather not ever have it enter me, certainly not while it is technically alive.

If you have had little to no cases your particular region, why are you acting as if the Sky is falling that there happen to be unvaccinated people in the world? You are at little to no risk of ever actually catching this disease, let alone dying from it. Yet you believe in stopping unvaccinated people from going to buy groceries at the local supermarket.

Your position is stupid, hypocritical and illogical. And not only that but you're going to defend Dictator Biden doing what he did today, while I support Trudeau giving Canadians the opportunity to vote on his Pandemic response. Because unlike the Yanks, you maple lovers are going to actually get to vote on your PM's Covid-19 response. Americans won't get that opportunity at all.
Last edited by colliric on 10 Sep 2021 06:45, edited 2 times in total.
@colliric Dr Eli David, who you were quoting earlier, was not a medical doctor. Stop lying about who I was speaking about. You're making a dishonest argument.

My entire post was directed towards you, but maybe you have trouble with reading comprehension.

Being an authority on HIV does not make you an authority on Covid-19. I should not have to explain that to you. Lone doctors often have opinions, but is his opinion backed with actual science? Can you link the studies he is basing this opinion on?
My entire post was directed towards you, but maybe you have trouble with reading comprehension.

No it wasn't. Half your post was directed at another user, hence you name dropped that other user.

Quite frankly it's bit rich for a Canadian user to 110% totally and utterly support the Biden Administration at the moment. Yankees ain't gonna get to democratically vote on their President's Covid response until late-2024. Unlike you, they're probably stuck with the senile old cunt till he's inevitably assassinated..... Whoops, I mean voted out.

Congratulations Canadians, you're going to get to vote on your country's response thanks to the Westminster System's superiority in forcing him to gun for a majority during a time of crisis. It could've been worse, you could've been born a few miles to the South or North West. Lucky bastards!
colliric wrote:Quite frankly it's bit rich for a Canadian user to 110% totally and utterly support the Biden Administration at the moment.
How did you come up with that conclusion? I haven't been paying hardly any attention to what Biden has done, aside from him making sure Americans get vaccinated.

The only thing I have recently done is agree with how Biden is making sure Americans get vaccinated. I don't know what other shit you are referring to, but it's probably irrelevant to the topic at hand, and are only mentioning it to distract from a topic you are quite utterly incompetent arguing.

PM Trudeau might stay, or go. He's polling almost neck and neck with the PCs. The polls are against him because most people think this is a terrible time to have an election, not because he hasn't done a good job handling the pandemic. In short, people don't want an election now, and are showing it. Your claims of people voting on how he handled the pandemic, are nonsense, and show how little you actually know.

Unlike Americans, most Canadians pleased with gov't handling of pandemic: poll
https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/unlike-am ... -1.5081789

I mentioned Igor because I thought that might interest him but in my previous posts you ignored what I said, and cherry picked what you could(hope to) argue. That is what I was referring to, but whatever... :roll:
Godstud wrote:.PM Trudeau might stay, or go. He's polling almost neck and neck with the PCs. The polls are against him because most people think this is a terrible time to have an election, not because he hasn't done a good job handling the pandemic. In short, people don't want an election now, and are showing it. Your claims of people voting on how he handled the pandemic, are nonsense, and show how little you actually know....

Snap elections under the Westminster system are almost always viewed by voters as untimely cynical power grabs, therefore the government that calls for one always puts itself at risk of the dreaded "not another fucking election" backlash. Rare that a government actually succeeds winning, that's why they're always considered a risky move. Trudeau has of course attempted to show how brave he is calling for one, and because of the crisis he has had to call it(I presume he's struggling to pass legislation? That's the usual reason!). Trudeau is clearly framing this as being an election based on his Covid-19 plan, so its him making it be a referendum about that, not me nor you. But as usual, it appears to have backfired on him so far. Looks like best result he can hope for is reduced seats but retain government (how slim is his coalition majority? A few seats?).

.... Shows what you know. I live under a similar Westminster parliamentary system, heck the Australian Governor General used Canada's 1896 and 1926 constitutional crisises as "Commonwealth precedent" that he was the Prime Minister's boss, and not the other way around, when he sacked Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Canada's understanding of the Westminster system hierarchy has therefore impacted Australia.
Normal/Traditional vaccines use completely dead virus cells mate. These ones are live virus vaccines that use a genetically weakened but still living version of the virus. They're a completely brand new type of vaccine and their long term side effects remain to be seen. Just because they pass phase 3 testing(which most haven't yet!), doesn't mean they're actually safe. Just means there hasn't been any significant short term immediate side effects that showed up in the tests("in the wild" there clearly has been some negative reactions, argue over the % if you wish, but there has been documented cases of side effects).

I would have preferred it if the Government bought a whole swag of them and then we could choose which one to take. But the Australian Government is run by dickheads and they only ordered the more controversial AZ vaccine. It now looks like they played favouritism, since it was reported they initially subsequently refused to even meet with the representatives from Pfizer, let alone any of the other manufacturers.
colliric wrote:Normal/Traditional vaccines use completely dead virus cells mate. These ones are live virus vaccines that use a genetically weakened but still living version of the virus. They're a completely brand new type of vaccine and their long term side effects remain to be seen. Just because they pass phase 3 testing(which most haven't yet!), doesn't mean they're actually safe. Just means there hasn't been any significant short term immediate side effects that showed up in the tests("in the wild" there clearly has been some negative reactions, argue over the % if you wish, but there has been documented cases of side effects).

I would have preferred it if the Government bought a whole swag of them and then we could choose which one to take. But the Australian Government is run by dickheads and they only ordered the more controversial AZ vaccine. It now looks like they played favouritism, since it was reported they initially subsequently refused to even meet with the representatives from Pfizer, let alone any of the other manufacturers.

No, they don't use a living version of the virus, where did you get that nonsense from?

Rugoz wrote:No, they don't use a living version of the virus, where did you get that nonsense from?



The Astrazenaca vaccine is a viral vector vaccine and uses genetically modified live Covid-19 cells. I do not wish for that virus to be directly injected into me, even if it's a genetically weakened version that has been merged with another virus.

Sorry for not being clear. I apologize. I was referring to the Vaccine the bastards want to force us Aussies to take.
Last edited by colliric on 10 Sep 2021 12:59, edited 1 time in total.
colliric wrote:The Astrazenaca vaccine is a viral vector vaccine and uses genetically modified live Covid-19 cells. I do not wish for that virus to be directly injected into me, even if it's a genetically weakened version.

No, you would rather catch the full strength version that continues to evolve and spreads between hosts. :lol:

FYI, viral vector vaccines are less likely to cause side effects as well as being the prominent method used to create new vaccines anyway. The irony is the side effects (of a million to one) of clots is perhaps linked to the fact catching Covid causes clots at a rate that is ten times more potent than AZ because this is a weaken version as you call it... and you want to take that risk of catching the virus which increases your risk of clots? However heart inflammation is OK for you anyway given you have heart disease in your family? Bizarre logic.
colliric wrote:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viral_vector_vaccine

The Astrazenaca vaccine is a viral vector vaccine and uses genetically modified live Covid-19 cells. I do not wish for that virus to be directly injected into me, even if it's a genetically weakened version that has been merged with another virus.

Sorry for not being clear. I apologize. I was referring to the Vaccine the bastards want to force us Aussies to take.

A living virus is a virus that replicates.

Both Astrazeneca and mRNA utilize human cells to produce parts of the Covid virus to trigger an immune response. In that sense they operate similarily to a virus, but they do not reproduce themselves, nor do they produce functional Covid viruses.

AstraZeneca uses a (non-reproducing) modified adenovirus as a vector, not the Covid virus.

Why be afraid of a dead adenovirus while being confronted with 1000s of active viruses in your life?
oh shit, Biden just put in a mandate for employers to require the vaccine. :eek:

I wonder when the death squads will start patrolling neighborhoods.

Anyway, it sounds like a really bad move from a political perspective. Then again, maybe they did the math and realized the anti-vax crowd is going to vote against biden anyway?

I'm against this mandate, but don't care enough about it. :lol:

That said, this mandate is going to show up in court, so it can be shot down.
Rancid wrote:That said, this mandate is going to show up in court, so it can be shot down.

It's worse than that I suspect.

https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16088994/ ... -j6-rally/

They put the fence back up. So it looks like the Democrats suspect round 2 as well. Obviously Biden's threat against the Republican governors will not end well for him.
Rancid wrote:oh shit, Biden just put in a mandate for employers to require the vaccine. :eek:

From my understanding it is Federal employees rather than employees in general. Even so, Biden seems to be doing his best to split his country further right now rather than heal it. Not that healing the nation would have been an easy task, and this is another issue that run down party lines it seems.

Having said that I am not against such a move. But I prefer employment to not be touched when it comes to covid restrictions though. There are other carrots you can enact like preventing people from sport venues and other enclosed spaces without being double jabbed. :hmm:
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