Did You Get Vaccinated? - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Did You Get The Jab?

No, but I will.
No, but I will if required.
No, and I never will. Fuck off.
Actually the lockdowns are coming to an end. Igor's state is back to being the only one.

You're mistaking anti-government sentiment with anti-lockdown sentiment. You're failing to see how more Draconian measures are going to make things even worse and male the government even more unpopular.

Covid-19 Contact Tracing App was a fucking waste of money because the fucking thing drained the damn battery which means Aussies immediately uninstalled it or never bothered leaving it on. A shitload of taxpayers money wasted.

Localised Vaccine passports are going to be just as useless and wasteful. "Only vaccinated people allowed entry" = Rich Vaccine Snobs Only, basically Vaccine Apartheid. Going to backfire mate!

Scomo only wants Travel Passports and that's different. To help with the revival of the tourism industry and the cruise ship industry. Because that may have to happen. Way to use a strawman!

Obviously people travelling interstate, and later on, overseas will need to be vaccinated at the moment. To help stop it's long distance transmission and because the travel industry needs to specifically be brought back alive.
By B0ycey
colliric wrote:Actually the lockdowns are coming to an end. Igor's state is back to being the only one.

You're mistaking anti-government sentiment with anti-lockdown sentiment. You're failing to see how more Draconian measures are going to make things even worse and male the government even more unpopular.

Covid-19 Contact Tracing App was a fucking waste of money because the fucking thing drained the damn battery which means Aussies immediately uninstalled it or never bothered leaving it on. A shitload of taxpayers money wasted.

Localised Vaccine passports are going to be just as useless and wasteful. "Only vaccinated people allowed entry" = Rich Vaccine Snobs Only, basically Vaccine Apartheid. Going to backfire mate!

Scomo only wants Travel Passports and that's different. To help with the revival of the tourism industry and the cruise ship industry.

Sure they are coming to an end now... to be reintroduced later. :lol:

Nonetheless Morrison wants Vaccine passports to travel WITHIN Australia Colliric. And that is merely the starting point given the clear benefits in other areas especially in regards to healthcare and high density events if Vaccinations don't gather pace. Not to mention his "Go for Go" quip.

Also the protests were most definitely about lockdown given the placards on display. Sometimes I don't even think you even watch your own news. :hmm:
colliric wrote:No they don't have a right to. It's private personal information.

Again, the government can simply issue a public health order to that effect.

I ignored the rest because it was, of course, irrelevant.


Repeated lockdowns and isolation is not good for the mental and emotional health of anyone. So, while these can be useful tools in a pandemic, it would be unhealthy to rely solely on these tools. It also ignores the many who are unable to do so.

While single young people who live alone and have no family are not likely to die, they an still be possible vectors for transmission. This means that they can pass the virus on to older people, people with comorbidities, and people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. The only way to really protect these latter groups is to achieve herd immunity.

As far as I can tell, the projections for herd immunity require about 85% of the population to carry antibodies.

It seems that catching the virus naturally does not create a significant level of immunity, while the vaccine does.

In short, we have a moral obligation to vaccinate ourselves for those who cannot.
I got vaccinated. And I lost my mind and went to jail shortly after I got the second 'jab' from Pfizer.

I am probably just a fool, but that was the most I have ever lost my mind, and I have had my share of stressful situations.

The vaccine might have drove me crazy. Or, I might have just been a fool.

I think I was just fool. But, I can't rule out that the vaccine made me act crazy. (I even opened a blog in the longest thread ever, so there is a trail of destruction on this very forum.)

By the way, Bill Gates is personally responsible for the Covid pandemic.

He funded the experimental lab work in Wuhan. They were obviously studying the SARS virus, and they obviously modified it.

It obviously escaped from the lab, obviously because of incompetence (not that China doesn't make good scientists, but there is a lot of incompetence that goes around, especially because the demands placed on them is more than they can meet sometimes).

Bill Gates is the man responsible for the pandemic. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

They offshored virus research the same way manufacturing has been offshored.

I suspect we will hear less and less about the Gates Foundation, in years ahead.


Because Bill Gates knows as well as anyone that he fucked up. And he is going to withdraw from these activities.

And also, there was always a vaccine, also obviously.

When you study a pathogen in a lab, the first thing you do is create a vaccine, and inoculate the scientists working with the pathogen.

That there was a vaccine and that there was a genetic sequencing of the virus readily available, is further clear evidence of the obvious, e.g. that the virus leaked from the lab.

That it is an engineered virus, is a troubling circumstance.
And yeah, by the way, I've known that it was an engineered virus which leaked from the lab, from day one. And I've stated it, here, in real life, and elsewhere on the interwebtubes.

And I've received nothing but vitriol, for speaking the truth.
In a just world. Bill Gates world have all of his assets seized. Microsoft would be put into receivership.

Bill Gates has many billions of dollars. But, he doesn't have enough money to compensate for the damage he has wrought.

I am anti-prison, so I don't think he should serve time.

Maybe put him on a rural agricultural collective and let him earn his bread that way, though.

That won't happen, but it would be the closest thing to justice attainable.

I like to use Linux. But I am typing on a Windows computer. I probably should go full linux, if I want to talk this way.

But, I give you only my version of the truth. Doesn't mean it is always correct. But, I consider this likely an article of fact: Bill Gates is responsible for causing the Covid pandemic.

nice one, @Crantag

I am waiting for Phizer's jab so I can get wife, 5G and Bluetooth. It comes with a built in GPS, too!
Godstud wrote::lol:

nice one, @Crantag

I am waiting for Phizer's jab so I can get wife, 5G and Bluetooth. It comes with a built in GPS, too!

The pfizer vaccine made me insane.

Go read my rants on the Longest Thread Ever.

I went to jail and shit.

I am good now, I've never been that crazy.

I am a crazy dude, though.

I don't know man, I took the pfizer, and it mighta fucked with my head.

So I recommend the Moderna.

I would never trust anything by Germans.

A Cherokee farm worker I worked with when I got vaccinated told me that.

He held out for the Moderna.

The other Indian dude (American Indian, not Silk Road Indian) was not getting vaccinated at all.

But, I think Cherokee Dave mighta been right.

Don't take the Pfizer vaccine.

I took it, and it fucked up my head for a while.
So when I get vaccinated and do something stupid, I can just blame it on a vaccine, which absolves me of all personal responsibility? Cool. :excited:


Sorry, but that's like blaming drugs on your problems, and not just really really really really really really really bad choices.
Godstud wrote:So when I get vaccinated and do something stupid, I can just blame it on a vaccine, which absolves me of all personal responsibility? Cool. :excited:


Sorry, but that's like blaming drugs on your problems, and not just really really really really really really really bad choices.

Shut the fuck up, douche bag.

I said it was unlikely.

I opened it as a possibility.

And, fuck, fuck off, okay?

Go get the Pfizer shot. Then, play in that Thai traffic.

You know when I say 'fuck you, godstud' the real meaning is 'I love you, godstud', but, fuck you, godstud.

I said all of it in my post.

I probably just fucked up.

Maybe not.

I said a lot in multiple posts.

If I was the justice minister, Bill Gates would be tied to a cross outside my trailer.

Every time I need to take a piss, I would ungag bill gates, and piss in his face.

Not so he can have a drink, just so I could hear him squeel.

I would have a staff on hand, to give him fluids through IV.

But, he would never be allowed to have a glass of water. Unless he decides to drink my piss, that would be sorta like a glass of water.
:lol: I get it, @Crantag. I was having a good chuckle as soon as I started reading it.

I plan on getting the shot then doing something stupid. Any recommendations?

I already play in Thai traffic, so that's not a good one.
Godstud wrote::lol: I get it, @Crantag. I was having a good chuckle as soon as I started reading it.

I plan on getting the shot then doing something stupid. Any recommendations?

I already play in Thai traffic, so that's not a good one.

Avoid traffic.

Traffic is dangerous, and I don't want you getting really hurt.

My advice is. Go to a foreigner bar. Spot out the biggest bloke there.

Make sure they have Absenth.

Have some Absenth shots.

Call him out.

He'll probably bitch out. So, order a beer, and pour it on his chest.

That's my advice.
Crantag wrote:The pfizer vaccine made me insane.

No, my child. It merely opened your eyes.

As soon as I got my second dose, I immediately read Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit...

... and understood it. :eek:
Saeko wrote:No, my child. It merely opened your eyes.

As soon as I got my second dose, I immediately read Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit...

... and understood it. :eek:

That is really funny you say that.

I had a manic episode.

And my Chinese language ability improved greatly.

Not lying.
B0ycey wrote:Also the protests were most definitely about lockdown given the placards on display. Sometimes I don't even think you even watch your own news. :hmm:

Yes because it's not really primarily about protesting the government that imposed them. They're magically just protesting lockdown measures that came out of fairy land in a galaxy far far away.


They will accept the draconian vaccine business passport "end the lockdowns" stuff from the exact same unpopular governments imposing lockdowns and mask mandates to begin with.

Oh and Morrison, just announced that a High vaccination rate won't end the Lockdowns and masks due to the increased viral transmission of caused by Vaccinated people anyway. Damn I hate being right sometimes.

Heck I agree with the lockdowns and you know that. Heck I agree with people travelling interstate and internationally needing to be vaccinated especially if they are traveling in mass transit. But even I know that allowing local businesses to do it is going to result in turfed governments, and they wouldn't dare allow coffee shops, cinemas and supermarkets to do that crap.

You realise you are advocating that Supermarkets and Shopping Centres don't let people physically in to buy BASIC GROCERIES without being vaccinated right? You move to China now please, put your money where your mouth is and move to the communist country of your fantasy dreams.

"You are not allowed to go to the movies, Supermarket or church unless Vaccinated" = Government fucked at next election. I would consider it my patriotic duty to destroy such a Nazi-style government.
colliric wrote:[b]You realise you are advocating that Supermarkets and Shopping Centres don't let people physically in to buy BASIC GROCERIES without being vaccinated right?

This may come as a shock to you, but you currently cannot buy BASIC GROCERIES unless you have special notes issued by the government.
Saeko wrote:This may come as a shock to you, but you currently cannot buy BASIC GROCERIES unless you have special notes issued by the government.

Currency is a basic necessity of everyone that enters a store intending to purchase anything.

Vaccine passports are not necessary in order to conduct business transactions. And business have no choice in the matter of accepting currency or not. They have to accept currency. They don't have to stupidly cut out and alienate a major part of their potential customers.

All major retail stores in Victoria have straight up decided to allow people in without scanning the "check-in QR code" because of the inconvenience of complaints, not everyone having "magic internet" on their smartphones and the impossibility of mass enforcement. They've added the word "please" to the signage. Same situation is inevitable for "vaccine passports", people will just straight up not care regardless because it means LESS CUSTOMERS. Heck I have not once been actually asked to show my "proof of essential worker" email. Nor have I ever once been checked on my public transport tickets in the last year and a half.

Law Enforcement is a costly bitch, especially during a pandemic. Didn't you guys learn that already in the 1920s and waste a shitload of taxpayers money trying to ban people from drinking??

You realise it's a useless law right? Businesses attempting to enforce such a provision will have to learn the hard way.

People who do not get vaccinated because of some stupid reason are making it impossible for those with compromised immune systems to have a normal life.

Why do you want to force these people to basically be imprisoned in their home?
Pants-of-dog wrote:@colliric

People who do not get vaccinated because of some stupid reason are making it impossible for those with compromised immune systems to have a normal life.

Why do you want to force these people to basically be imprisoned in their home?

Nope, your being a drama queen. These people don't need to be "imprisoned in their homes" for a virus they will most likely never ever be exposed to under the correct lockdown eradication strategy. They just be slightly inconvenienced for a few weeks occasionally along with the rest of us. At least until the virus is gone from our shores.

You realise 100% Vaccination is pure utter lunatic fantasy right?

Scott Morrison knows that, so why don't you? And he also knows Vaccinated people act as carriers so those compromised immune systems people are IN MORE DANGER if we open up without eradicating the virus first. Scomo specifically addressed that fact yesterday saying lockdowns will continue even with high vaccination rates. He's specifically told the Australian population that Vaccine will help stop transmission, but we're not opening up until it's been eradicated from our shores.

https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-w ... -c-3542010

The Grattan institute is hoping for 80-85% and proposes a weekly post Melbourne Cup free Tattslotto entry as a bribe to help encourage vaccinations(because that would be legal and do-able, unlike your draconian force people to be vaccinated in order to set foot in a supermarket bullshit!).

But I doubt that will happen. Victorians specifically trashed the QR code check-in crap(mandatory in theory only! Most only do it if asked), the Covid-safe app(Battery draining apps get uninstalled!) and ain't gonna treat no Vaccine passports with any respect either.
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