Ideas to get more people vaccinated - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Igor Antunov wrote:No, kids need to be vaccinated first.

So you think the vaccine is experimental and untested but you want children to be the first to get it. Very brave of you.
People like you make me feel ashamed of being a human being
XogGyux wrote:So you think the vaccine is experimental and untested but you want children to be the first to get it. Very brave of you.
People like you make me feel ashamed of being a human being

He wants them to get the safe vaccine.

It is more important to vaccinate children against diseases because their immune system is not fully developed and they catch diseases and viruses more easily than the rest of us, then either act as carriers or get sick and die.

The NSW government actually agrees with Igor and wants to include children having the Covid vaccine as part of its vaccination targets in order to help stop the viral transmission.
colliric wrote:He wants them to get the safe vaccine.

It is more important to vaccinate children against diseases because their immune system is not fully developed and they catch diseases and viruses more easily than the rest of us, then either act as carriers or get sick and die.

The NSW government actually agrees with Igor and wants to include children having the Covid vaccine as part of its vaccination targets in order to help stop the viral transmission.

Vaccines are not safe. Remember? He posted google-searched showing that they are not safe. In essence he wants to poison children. And by defending him... how low have you fallen.

Isn't it a bitch? trying to get a wacky idea to remain consistent?
XogGyux wrote:Vaccines are not safe. Remember? He posted google-searched showing that they are not safe. In essence he wants to poison children. And by defending him... how low have you fallen.

Isn't it a bitch? trying to get a wacky idea to remain consistent?

If you think the outside world only exists inside your own head, then reality becomes an infinitely malleable thing....
XogGyux wrote:Vaccines are not safe. Remember? He posted google-searched showing that they are not safe. In essence he wants to poison children. And by defending him... how low have you fallen.

Isn't it a bitch? trying to get a wacky idea to remain consistent?

No he wants them to get the safer vaccine, which he sees as being the Chinese one. Isn't a bitch when you get exposed taking statements out of context. Igor doesn't want the western vaccines, he believes they are not safe. He has explicitly stated he wants the Sinovac one.

His state government agrees with him on the child vaccination issue and so do I.

Proof: ... -c-3445237
XogGyux wrote:That seems like a fancy way of calling someone a lunatic.

Yes. It does, doesn't it? :)
Once again, the NSW state government agrees with Igor: ... /100305788

He is not alone in believing children need to be vaccinated inorder to significantly affect viral transmission. And it is going to happen in his state from the looks of it. The kids will get the Pfizer vaccine at 12 years of age most likely.
colliric wrote:No he wants them to get the safer vaccine, which he sees as being the Chinese one. Isn't a bitch when you get exposed taking statements out of context. Igor doesn't want the western vaccines, he believes they are not safe. He has explicitly stated he wants the Sinovac one.

His state government agrees with him on the child vaccination issue and so do I.

Proof: ... -c-3445237

Talking shit, in a background of shit. What do you think I missed about the context?
Let me get this straight. You guys spent the better part of a year talking about chinese conspiracy theories, yet you trust more a chinese vaccine that has far less studies, data and information regarding efficacy and safety, in fact, what is available points toward a vaccine that is less effective than moderna and pfizer have.
Another thing. Are you too the same person using 2 accounts? why in hell is it you justifying every nonsense the other guy says. How about you give your opinion and not try to advocate someone else's.
colliric wrote:Once again, the NSW state government agrees with Igor: ... /100305788

He is not alone in believing children need to be vaccinated inorder to significantly affect viral transmission. And it is going to happen in his state from the looks of it. The kids will get the Pfizer vaccine at 12 years of age most likely.

Seems to me you are massaging the information. The article says they want to ALSO vaccinate children, on top of adults. That's sensible, everyone should get vaccinated. What is your point?
It is not different from the mask debate, whether "children your use masks in schools" of course they fucking should, at least until all those noses full of mucus and spit are all vaccinated against this fking killer.
I'm in fucking Australia and so is he.

I'm listening to the federal and state government Health authorities, not yours.

I have explicitly stated many times that I would be happy to take the Pfizer vaccine because it appears to be the safest of the two. However I am in eligible to receive it because I am under 40.

I am not taking the AZ vaccine because I have blood pressure issues and so does my mum. I would therefore be excluded from taking that one too anyway.

And I also can't take the vaccine at the moment for several weeks anyway. I just had the flu shot.
colliric wrote:I'm in fucking Australia and so is he.

So what? That means you gotta put foot notes, clarify and correct everything he says. Plenty of other PoFoers here live in the US and we dont go around sniffing each other butts :lol: . But hey, to each their own.

I'm listening to the federal and state government Health authorities, not yours.

Somehow i doubt your state government health authorities are recommending you against getting vaccinated. Specially if you got blood pressure issues.

I am not taking the AZ vaccine because I have blood pressure issues and so does my mum. I would therefore be excluded from taking that one too anyway.

And I also can't take the vaccine at the moment for several weeks anyway. I just had the flu shot.

I am smelling a ripe case of rationalization. Either you are lying to yourself or you are pretending on purpose. Either way this is nonsense.
In the last year I have interacted with probably over 100 physicians, a few dozen of them have discussed vaccines with me. While I am sure each one of them might have their personal preference about what vaccine they would prefer for themselves, not a single one rejected whatever vaccine was available on the day of vaccination. And I promise you, even the most ignorant of my colleagues is more up to date on the safety and efficacy of the vaccines than you are.
Fun fact, I was the 2nd person of my hospital to get the vaccine, I was actually the first one in line but the woman that was supposed to stab me misplaced my info and took a couple mins longer than the person behind me in the line.

You are rationalizing. You know that all the patients that I got this week... every single one of them had the chance of getting the vaccine. Here in the US, the vaccine has been available for a long time. Pharmacies, Costco, clinics, hospitals and even fucking grocery shops have had them available to just about anyone. This means, my two intubated patients could have avoided this. They are literally fighting for their lives because for whatever nonsensical reason they skipped the vaccine. Maybe if was a Facebook post, or a shitty "news" article or FOX news, who cares... they are all responsible for those guys in my ICU right now. Even if they don't die, even if they survive, their lives will never be the same. They will have lost weeks of work, their recovery will be long and miserable, they might end up with crappy lungs afterwards and their exercise capacity might be way lower. Just because they probably did the same sort of rationalization that you are doing right now.
Here in the US, the vaccine has been available for a long time. Pharmacies, Costco, clinics, hospitals and even fucking grocery shops have had them available to just about anyone.

Yes your country selfishly hoarded the vaccines and Australia is only now just getting it's second batch of Pfizer doses and the Moderna vaccine hasn't even arrived yet. We got stuck with the more controversial AZ vaccine as a result of your hoarding of the others. They're only now being made available to GP clinics and haven't even been released to chemists yet.

The main part of the reason our country and New Zealand are behind. Your country hoarded the shots and strong armed our countries, as "allies", into buying your shit to help your big pharma companies make billions.

It's like a Hollywood movie in the old days. We've got to wait till late-1940 to get Gone With The Wind, once you yanks have finished watching it. Limited printed supply and it's got to be posted out to Australia in the snail mail. So we have to wait a year.
colliric wrote:Yes your country selfishly hoarded the vaccines and Australia is only now just getting it's second batch of Pfizer doses and the Moderna vaccine hasn't even arrived yet. We got stuck with the more controversial AZ vaccine as a result of your hoarding of the others. They're only now being made available to GP clinics and haven't even been released to chemists yet.

The main part of the reason our country and New Zealand are behind. Your country hoarded the shots and strong armed our countries, as "allies", into buying your shit to help your big pharma companies make billions.

It's like a Hollywood movie in the old days. We've got to wait till late-1940 to get Gone With The Wind, once you yanks have finished watching it. Limited printed supply and it's got to be posted out to Australia in the snail mail. So we have to wait a year.

I would have said that it serves you right for living in Australia, but then I remembered that you live in Australia so you've clearly suffered enough. :hmm:
colliric wrote:Yes your country selfishly hoarded the vaccines and Australia is only now just getting it's second batch of Pfizer doses and the Moderna vaccine hasn't even arrived yet. We got stuck with the more controversial AZ vaccine as a result of your hoarding of the others. They're only now being made available to GP clinics and haven't even been released to chemists yet.

Clots are a million to one with AZ, which is basically the same percentage of heart immflamation with Pfizer. But even so, clots are more common with just ordinary Covid anyway. Sound logic from you.
colliric wrote:The main part of the reason our country and New Zealand are behind. Your country hoarded the shots and strong armed our countries, as "allies", into buying your shit to help your big pharma companies make billions.

Australia ordered lots of AZ, far less Pfizer and no Moderna. You get what you order.
Rugoz wrote:Australia ordered lots of AZ, far less Pfizer and no Moderna. You get what you order.

You get what you fucking ordered!

Lol... Sorry mate, couldn't resist.
Igor Antunov wrote:No, kids need to be vaccinated first.

I know this is a hyped up fake pandemic by the fact nobody is vaccinating and protecting the children. On top of this China is back to normal despite only having administered a single shot of a much reduced vaccine. This is way too glaringly obvious changed my mind never getting jabbed now it's all a meme.

Not quite.

Kids were not prioritised since their rate of death was significantly lower than the death rate for everyone else. But kids do need to be vaccinated to stop the spread and to prevent long Covid in the kids.

And whole families went on lockdown and kept kids out of school, and are still being careful, just to protect kids.

And again, a region can be go back to normal if the community case load is negligible. This does not mean that other regions are operating under a fake pandemic.

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