Ideas to get more people vaccinated - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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colliric wrote:Actually there is legit little to no risk of him getting the disease and same goes for me. So why are you trying to force him to take something he doesn't actually need at the moment? There's been extremely little cases in Australia in comparison to our overall population and very very very little deaths. In fact only 2-3 since October last year, all in high risk age groups.

There's just no compelling reason at all to be significantly concerned at all. The Flu did in fact kill more people last year, despite being far less lethal, because the government has done a great job minimising cases since the initial outbreaks.

You rush to vaccine the whole world people are extremely self-centred and extremely selfish. Basically trying to strong arm vaccines just so you can travel back overseas and burn jet fuels. Extremely selfish.

There is little to no risk of me catching this virus or ever passing it on. I'd have a better chance of winning the lottery at the moment. Especially because our governments have done a good job hunting down every single case, and locking down hard.

There is just no need to rush the population into a mass vaccination campaign. The Australian and NZ governments need fix up their vaccine supply situation first anyway.

Are you the same person that not long ago was fearmongering about the chickens that didn't get the vaccine dying? Now you are arguing to not get the vaccine. Guess which chicken you are?
If the argument is that there is legit little to no risk of someone getting the disease , please note that there is even less risk if the person is also vaccinated. If the argument is that there have been extremely few cases in Australia in comparison to the overall population and very very very few deaths, please note that there would be even fewer of both if there was widespread vaccination.

If the argument is that the government has done a great job minimising cases since the initial outbreaks, please note that it would be doing an even better job with widespread vaccination.

If the argument is that those who wish to vaccine the whole world are extremely self-centred and extremely selfish, please note that many families are currently separated for over a year. Basically trying to strong arm family separation just so you can avoid a harmless medical treatment. Extremely selfish.

If the argument is that there is little to no risk of someone catching this virus or ever passing it on, please note that risk is even smaller with widespread vaccination.

If the argument is that because the governments have done a good job hunting down every single case, and locking down hard, please note that this job would be even easier with widespread vaccination.

So, even if there is need for vaccination, there is a good argument for it.

collric wrote:Actually there is legit little to no risk of him getting the disease and same goes for me. So why are you trying to force him to take something he doesn't actually need at the moment? There's been extremely little cases in Australia in comparison to our overall population and very very very little deaths. In fact only 2-3 since October last year, all in high risk age groups.

There's just no compelling reason at all to be significantly concerned at all. The Flu did in fact kill more people last year, despite being far less lethal, because the government has done a great job minimising cases since the initial outbreaks.

You rush to vaccine the whole world people are extremely self-centred and extremely selfish. Basically trying to strong arm vaccines just so you can travel back overseas and burn jet fuels. Extremely selfish.

There is little to no risk of me catching this virus or ever passing it on. I'd have a better chance of winning the lottery at the moment. Especially because our governments have done a good job hunting down every single case, and locking down hard.

There is just no need to rush the population into a mass vaccination campaign. The Australian and NZ governments need fix up their vaccine supply situation first anyway.

That Delta variant is much more deadly than the original COVID that swept the globe in the beginning of the pandemic and can spread much more quickly. What makes you think Australia is invincible to this virus and that it won't eventually spread to Australia? Besides, in order for the global economy to get back to humming along and making money, global vaccination is needed. And it will take a global rather than national or local response to keep the virus contained.
XogGyux wrote:If the fear of death, disability, hospitalization is not cutting it, do you think any sort of fine would make a difference? Then how do you enforce it? Do you make people that got vaccinated get a tattoo on their foreheads? Do you force everyone that got vaccinated to carry some sort of identification?

Ah, There should be a lifting of all covid-measures, as soon as all can get a vaccine. I give it up to save all anti-vax-idiots. Survival of the fittest.

@Igor Antunov

I got Pfizer, the MRNA vaccines produce much more anti-bodies. The Chinese vaccines can not match the protection level of the western (exccept Astra-Zeneca).
Sandzak wrote:Ah, There should be a lifting of all covid-measures, as soon as all can get a vaccine. I give it up to save all anti-vax-idiots. Survival of the fittest.

@Igor Antunov

I got Pfizer, the MRNA vaccines produce much more anti-bodies. The Chinese vaccines can not match the protection level of the western (exccept Astra-Zeneca).

In a fair world maybe this would be the end of it. But reality is not fair. My grandma is in her 80s, she has cancer and she is receiving chemo. Despite taking all precautions including the vaccine, she is still at high risk of this shit. Not everyone can mount an inmune reaction and create a protection after a vaccine.
All for what? Because deep down they are scared of a tiny poke? Because 9/10 times thats the real reason, they are all scared kids with very short-sighted, myopic view of the world. Many would want you to believe that they have "reasonable" objections.. Really? most of these idiots smoke or drink alcohol in a regular basis, or vape or have a diet that is almost certain to clog the arteries of the heart and cause stroke within a 10 year period. Or perhaps am I to believe that these people that hardly ever pick up a book to read, or have a rather rudimentary understanding of "science" are truly and genuinly going through medical research journals and have formed their opinions on actual fact? Really? No. It is quite clear that this is all a distraction from the reality, and the reality is that a great deal is repressed fears, ignorance and sheer spirit of contradiction.
When I learned that up to 78% of US deaths from covid occured in obese minorities, when I learned that up to 60% of british hospital covid visits post May have received two jabs, when I learned that up to 68% of young people who received pfeizer receive some kind of (even minor) reaction/inflammation, when I learned that the Chinese vaccine is as effective as astrazeneca with NONE of the side effects of pfizer, that is when I made my informed decision to wait for the vaccine of my choice. No mystery there. Stop pushing me to get some dodgy rando vaccine. We KNOW astrazeneca is a failure, we KNOW J&J are bastards and not to be trusted with all the scandals in the past, we know moderna are hiding their money away in a tax haven, that leaves a non profit agency that already has 1.7 billion test subjects for its own concoction I made an informed decision and I'm sticking with it. :|

I got Pfizer, the MRNA vaccines produce much more anti-bodies. The Chinese vaccines can not match the protection level of the western (exccept Astra-Zeneca).

I'm in my 30's and not a fat plumper, I don't need it to be super effective.
@Igor Antunov

Take the Moderna vaccine Igor. It's really good and effective. I think it was developed by primarily by an African American here in the U.S. but don't quote me on it. If I hadn't already got the Pfizer vaccine, I would be be proud to get the jab of the Moderna :lol: Some of my family members got a jab of Moderna and seem to be really healthy and haven't caught COVID.
@Igor Antunov

Yup, here it is Igor, an African American woman was one of the key scientists behind the Moderna vaccine.

Laura Romero,Sony Salzman, andKaitlyn Folmer of ABC News wrote:Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert and a constant presence on TV during the coronavirus pandemic, was asked a blunt question during a forum hosted last week by the National Urban League: "Can you talk about the input of African American scientists in the vaccine process?"

Fauci did not hesitate when giving his answer.

"The very vaccine that's one of the two that has absolutely exquisite levels -- 94 to 95% efficacy against clinical disease and almost 100% efficacy against serious disease that are shown to be clearly safe -- that vaccine was actually developed in my institute's vaccine research center by a team of scientists led by Dr. Barney Graham and his close colleague, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, or Kizzy Corbett," Fauci told the forum. "Kizzy is an African American scientist who is right at the forefront of the development of the vaccine."

Corbett is an expert on the front lines of the global race for a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, and someone who will go down in history as one of the key players in developing the science that could end the pandemic.

She is one of the National Institutes of Health's leading scientists behind the government's search for a vaccine. Corbett is part of a team at NIH that worked with Moderna, the pharmaceutical company that developed one of the two mRNA vaccines that has shown to be more than 90% effective.

Moderna's vaccine is expected to receive emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration this month.

The other mRNA vaccine, developed by Pfizer, won emergency use authorization from the FDA on Friday.

As of now, the coronavirus has killed nearly 300,000 people and infected more than 15 million people in the U.S.

Even before Corbett took on one of the most challenging tasks of her professional career, she was a force to be reckoned with. As a student,she was selected to participate in Project SEED, a program for gifted minority students that allowed her to study chemistry in labs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and eventually landed a full ride to the University of Maryland Baltimore County, according to The Washington Post.

Corbett spent her summers at laboratories and earned a summer internship at the NIH, the very place where she would be instrumental in developing a vaccine for the coronavirus.

After graduating, Corbett enrolled in a doctorate program at UNC-Chapel Hill, where she worked as a research assistant studying virus infections and eventually received a PhD in microbiology and immunology, according to her LinkedIn page.

Her work with such pathogens began when she joined the NIH's Vaccine Research Center as a postdoctoral fellow in 2014.

She told ABC News that she could have never anticipated what she has since been able to accomplish on Fauci's team. ... d=74679965
Politics_Observer wrote:@Igor Antunov

Take the Moderna vaccine Igor. It's really good and effective. I think it was developed by primarily by an African American here in the U.S. but don't quote me on it. If I hadn't already got the Pfizer vaccine, I would be be proud to get the jab of the Moderna :lol: Some of my family members got a jab of Moderna and seem to be really healthy and haven't caught COVID.

I have less real world data about moderna as it hasn't been as widely available but we are getting 20 million doses in a few months here in australia. I just want a proven harmless vaccine that does something man. Moderna is too cutting edge right now.
Igor Antunov wrote:When I learned that up to 78% of US deaths from covid occured in obese minorities, when I learned that up to 60% of british hospital covid visits post May have received two jabs, when I learned that up to 68% of young people who received pfeizer receive some kind of (even minor) reaction/inflammation, when I learned that the Chinese vaccine is as effective as astrazeneca with NONE of the side effects of pfizer, that is when I made my informed decision to wait for the vaccine of my choice. No mystery there. Stop pushing me to get some dodgy rando vaccine. We KNOW astrazeneca is a failure, we KNOW J&J are bastards and not to be trusted with all the scandals in the past, we know moderna are hiding their money away in a tax haven, that leaves a non profit agency that already has 1.7 billion test subjects for its own concoction I made an informed decision and I'm sticking with it. :|

I'm in my 30's I don't need it to be super effective.

Recently I heard a statistic that really worried me. 100% of covid deaths occurred on people that were previously alive. :eh: Who knew.

This is what I am talking about.
This guy is super confident that he has this shit figured it out. He can even quote statistics and numbers with percentages. Oh, snap, this is high-level shit. Do you think you can combat this degree of confidence with the fear of a fine? He has crypto yo, he can pay fines left and right, he don't care. :lol:
It is worrying that 99% of COVID cases are among the unvaccinated in the US. ... vaccinated

No vaccine has 100% efficacy but I think it is safer to be vaccinated than to just wear a mask. I have a friend in California who got COVID in April. He wore a mask but a sneezing woman with the virus passed it to him. He got the vaccine in June.

He works in customer service. He cannot hide at home until the pandemic ends. It could end by 2024 or 2023, we do not know. I know I could still get COVID even with Moderna vaccine protection. But I refuse to hide at home. I want to go outside. I do not live in a bubble. No one does.
I wonder if vaccine hesitancy is higher among single people with no families, while those with families (who have an obligation to protect others who are more at risk) are more likely to see it as a necessary protection.
MistyTiger wrote:It is worrying that 99% of COVID cases are among the unvaccinated in the US. ... vaccinated

No vaccine has 100% efficacy but I think it is safer to be vaccinated than to just wear a mask. I have a friend in California who got COVID in April. He wore a mask but a sneezing woman with the virus passed it to him. He got the vaccine in June.

He works in customer service. He cannot hide at home until the pandemic ends. It could end by 2024 or 2023, we do not know. I know I could still get COVID even with Moderna vaccine protection. But I refuse to hide at home. I want to go outside. I do not live in a bubble. No one does.

How many of those are in their 30's and not obese? That's right, 0.00-something percent.

Furthermore, did you know they stopped counting tertiary deaths as covid deaths? i.e no more heart attack victims, accident victims and cancer victims infected with covid get classed as covid deaths. How convenient.

Pants-of-dog wrote:I wonder if vaccine hesitancy is higher among single people with no families, while those with families (who have an obligation to protect others who are more at risk) are more likely to see it as a necessary protection.

I'm surrounded by family, except none of them are in the high risk groups and those who are are overseas in Europe, and no kids to bring the virus home from school, it is proven the virus is harmless to kids and that they carry higher concentration of the virus.

If I was living with the elderly or in contact with them I'd be vaccinated. If I was living with kids I'd simply get the virus from the disease-bag little fuckers repeatedly and self isolate for a year or two while waiting for an appropriate vaccine. I understand most cagie wagies don't have that luxury, shekelburg wants his rent, I have that luxury so deal with it.
Igor Antunov wrote:….it is proven the virus is harmless to kids and that they carry higher concentration of the virus.

This is objectively incorrect. ... study.aspx

The Delta strain is even worse on kids.

This is why the New South Wales (that is in Australia, by the way) is including kids in its next vaccine drive. ... /100305788

We all have to lockdown till Igor's state government gets its shit together. Need back to 0.

And if you think this is bad. It's not the last outbreak was worse.

Also lol at China succeeding hacking Microsoft.
Pants-of-dog wrote:This is objectively incorrect. ... study.aspx

The Delta strain is even worse on kids.

This is why the New South Wales (that is in Australia, by the way) is including kids in its next vaccine drive. ... /100305788

And yet class is still in session and nary a mask in sight. Excuse me for taking pause at conflicting official information and actions. I'm not going to trust a single word anybody from any government ever says. I will trust the large scale datasets once they make it out into the wild. For now kids ain't dying and haven't been doing so for the past year so whatever. Fun fact: Did you know State employees are EXEMPT from lock down restrictions? I know a guy that works in red zone and drives home back to Newcastle every weekend. Never been tested. Now you know.

Also lol at China succeeding hacking Microsoft.

The news broke during the NSO Pegasus leak in Europe and all we have to go on is American claims. Smells like misdirection. So excuse me if I remain conflicted on the facts of that matter too.
Oh really? Because I'm celebrating Microsoft getting hacked by Chinese hackers. I only have a minor account left with Microsoft (my old Hotmail account survives as a email account). Windows and X-Box appear to be keeping the company alive at the moment. Gates use to be a computing pioneer, now he's a rich ass oligarch. At least Jobs stayed rather down to earth and kept focus on his own company. ... 1-million/

Soros and Gates are part of the billionaire community looking to direct their philanthropic efforts to the so-called global south, referring broadly to the regions of Latin America, Asia, Africa and Oceania that many fear will be left behind as the more affluent West accelerates its program of vaccinations, testing and biosecure bubbles in the years ahead

It's only a conspiracy theory when it's not true.
Igor Antunov wrote:How many of those are in their 30's and not obese? That's right, 0.00-something percent.

Furthermore, did you know they stopped counting tertiary deaths as covid deaths? i.e no more heart attack victims, accident victims and cancer victims infected with covid get classed as covid deaths. How convenient.

A percent is a percent, a number on paper. But I think in terms of human lives. How many people get infected out of the total world population and that's a big number. Who wants to gamble and think, "I do not think I am in that likely to get COVID group because I'm not in my 30s and not obese. Ha ha!" Sure, no one thinks they are at risk but the risk always exists. It is like how the risk of falling down the stairs and ending up in the hospital exists. Stairs are dangerous but that does not stop builders from building stairs, it is less expensive than having an elevator. Elevators have to get inspected every year and there are the yearly maintenance costs. No one usually gets their stairs inspected.

I would rather do something to protect myself than assume that I will not get COVID because I am not obese or because my state has a higher vaccination rate than Mississippi.
Igor Antunov wrote:And yet class is still in session and nary a mask in sight.

School reactions to the pandemic are specific to the caseload of the community that each school serves, as well as other factors. Therefore, a specific school protocol does not disprove the existence of kids who are harmed by Covid.

Excuse me for taking pause at conflicting official information and actions. I'm not going to trust a single word anybody from any government ever says.

Fun fact: Did you know State employees are EXEMPT from lock down restrictions? I know a guy that works in red zone and drives home back to Newcastle every weekend. Never been tested. Now you know.

It is not about trusting the government.

Instead, I read a lot of dry science papers and I can see that widespread vaccination is a good idea regardless of whether or not the government can be trusted.

Even you trust governments and vaccines, as long as they are Chinese.

I will trust the large scale datasets once they make it out into the wild. For now kids ain't dying and haven't been doing so for the past year so whatever.

Kids are often asymptomatic but also spread disease as effectively as any asymptomatic adult. If kids are getting infected, then the people who come into contact with kids and their caregivers need to be vaccinated.
No, kids need to be vaccinated first.

I know this is a hyped up fake pandemic by the fact nobody is vaccinating and protecting the children. On top of this China is back to normal despite only having administered a single shot of a much reduced vaccine. This is way too glaringly obvious changed my mind never getting jabbed now it's all a meme.

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