Has Anti-Racism Become as Harmful as Racism in the USA? - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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One Degree wrote:The evidence @Pants-of-dog is found in their inability to offer any argument other than those provided by the elites. They repeat sound bites, but are incapable of logically defending their positions which are often contradictory. They yell for solutions for racism, but come up empty when you ask what they actually want done that isn’t already being done. They are overwhelmingly puppets who have been trained not to debate the ‘inferiors’ but to shame them through labeling.
When you have no argument, you are a puppet controlled by others.

Who are all of those elites that you talking about? I really want to know who you are talking about. Also, what is the path one has to take to reach "elite" status?
XogGyux wrote:Who are all of those elites that you talking about? I really want to know who you are talking about. Also, what is the path one has to take to reach "elite" status?

I am referring to the Democrat political elites. The higher ups in the party. There is no reason to consider the possibility of higher elites beyond that for our purposes.
One Degree wrote:I am referring to the Democrat political elites. The higher ups in the party. There is no reason to consider the possibility of higher elites beyond that for our purposes.

Why do you call them elites then? Don't you suppose there are republican elites as well? if you only use elites people cannot know which one, Democrat or republicans you talking about :lol: thus "elite" really carries no meaning and you should refer to Democrats as such and Republicans as such if that's the meaning you are trying to convey.
XogGyux wrote:Why do you call them elites then? Don't you suppose there are republican elites as well? if you only use elites people cannot know which one, Democrat or republicans you talking about :lol: thus "elite" really carries no meaning and you should refer to Democrats as such and Republicans as such if that's the meaning you are trying to convey.

Well, I suppose that would make sense if you totally ignore the context of the current discussion.
One Degree wrote:The evidence @Pants-of-dog is found in their inability to offer any argument other than those provided by the elites. They repeat sound bites, but are incapable of logically defending their positions which are often contradictory. They yell for solutions for racism, but come up empty when you ask what they actually want done that isn’t already being done. They are overwhelmingly puppets who have been trained not to debate the ‘inferiors’ but to shame them through labeling.
When you have no argument, you are a puppet controlled by others.

I doubt any of this is true.

And this argument implies that blacks are too stupid to actually want racial equality and are just dupes for white liberals.

But if you have examples that show that they never have original arguments, please provide them.
XogGyux wrote:Has Anti-Murder become as harmful as murder?
Thats pretty much how stupid your question sounds.

Anti-Murder can become as harmful as murder. If you implement a policy of pro-active murder as a solution to murder; then, yes, such an Anti-Murder policy is as dangerous as murder.
XogGyux wrote:Has Anti-Murder become as harmful as murder?
Thats pretty much how stupid your question sounds.

Anti-Murder can become as harmful as murder. If you implement a policy of pro-active murder as a solution to murder; then, yes, such an Anti-Murder policy is as dangerous as murder.

Anti-Racism has to be applauded. But with care. Mucho care. In the hands of some neo Robespierre Anti-Racism can morph quickly into a reign of terror on those suspected of being insufficiently Anti-Racist
Sivad wrote:I don't know about that, most structural racism has been eradicated over the last 60 years but the groups that had been systematically oppressed up until only very recently are still suffering the generational trauma of that abuse so it makes sense to implement social policies that would help these groups repair the damage and develop healthy prosperous cultures. The problem is the liberals have been implementing policies that target a problem that no longer exists and in the process are neglecting the actual problems that are perpetuating the trauma and dysfunction.

Another way the thread question can be posed: Is Positive Racism as Harmful as- for want of a better word- Negative Racism?

Positive Racism seeks to redress an ill. But to implement it an oppressed colour has to be favoured over what was earlier an oppressive colour. That favour in itself is racism, since we are talking about favouritism based on colour. It goes down a slippery slope as well. Many of the social programs implemented in the cause of Positive Racism appear to have no time limit on them. There are no periodic tests to check whether any historic ills have been redressed. The Positive Racist adopts the position systemic racism can never be erased, ergo the solution is the erection of permanent systemic Postive Racist structures.

For example. Affirmative Action can help address social imbalances that resulted from historic racism. But if Affirmative Action structures are permanent and eternal, how is that any different from the historic systemic racism it purpoted to cure?
We get big waves of racism. This one isn't over, not by a long shot.

The extreme violence the country went through after Reconstruction, violence that drove millions out of the South, could easily come back.

Some of you will object to that. Feel free to be wrong. Racial violence has been growing, and the extremists would love to do a lot more of it.

So, let's briefly try reality, shall we?

Some Blacks have been assimilated. That's also why we are having the wave of racism. When a group gets assimilated, they guard their newfound status jealously, and vigorously.

I can remember when Italians were finally assimilated, in the 1970s. They were obnoxious, and I thought it would never end. But it did.

This is a process that the country has gone through several times. It's always a trying process, but we are better off once they become fully part of us.
ThirdTerm wrote:The thing is that cops are more likely to kill blacks as they are more oriented toward racism compared to the general population. Police officers are not educated beyond high school and they are strongly influenced by ordinary racism they grew up with in a small town. Probably recruiting more college-educated people to the police force will reduce racist incidents. The same could be said of other professions such as border agents or custom officers, who are known to exhibit racial stereotyping toward foreigners or out-groups. We are brainwashed into believing that police officers are righteous and saintly people who can do no wrong but they are the most racist group of people in any country. I support the enlightenment theory based on the notion that racist attitudes arise from narrow-minded and undemocratic world outlooks (Wodtke 2014), which are typical among uneducated youngsters.

The above sounds like bigotry coupled with elitism to me. A refrain from George Orwell's Animal Farm leads me to adopt this for the masses: "black cops good, white cops bad'. That is until after much expenditures the masses out in the cold look through the window into the warm interior where white cops and bad cops are having a lovely evening; then we can wrap up in true Orwellian fashion: the masses looked from black cop to white cop, from white cop to black cop, and back again, and coiuld not tell one goon from the other.
Juin wrote:
The above sounds like bigotry coupled with elitism to me.

You don't like it, that we already knew.

This is a big topic. There is a lot of history behind it, and a lot of violence. There are constant attempts to erode the status of Blacks by limiting their ability to participate in politics. There are roughly 250 such attempts going on right now.

Then there are dozens of other problems. Like the way people in some states created private schools so they could keep denying Blacks a decent education after desegregation.

One Southern city routed it's mass transit around the Black area. They got one bus line. If they had a hundred buses, it wouldn't be enough.

Once you start studying this, it really never ends.
blackjack21 wrote:Generally, anti-racism IS racism.

I think that's a big overstatement. "Anti-racism" is a broad, vague term. Any sane, decent person is anti-racist (doesn't want racism), the devil is in the details.

Sometimes anti-racism isn't perfect, even an anti-racist can be a moron or a jerk, but I wouldn't say it's as harmful as racism. Racism is pretty horrible. Anti-racists aren't killing Asians out of hate, for instance.
late wrote:You don't like it, that we already knew.

This is a big topic. There is a lot of history behind it, and a lot of violence. There are constant attempts to erode the status of Blacks by limiting their ability to participate in politics. There are roughly 250 such attempts going on right now.

Then there are dozens of other problems. Like the way people in some states created private schools so they could keep denying Blacks a decent education after desegregation.

One Southern city routed it's mass transit around the Black area. They got one bus line. If they had a hundred buses, it wouldn't be enough.

Once you start studying this, it really never ends.

This is what ThirdTerm wrote

"The thing is that cops are more likely to kill blacks as they are more oriented toward racism compared to the general population."

For starters, cops come in all colours, sizes and shapes. Some cops are as a matter of fact black. I do not believe ThirdTerm, in using cops, had in mind anything other than white cops. Are white cops more oriented towards racism compared to the general population? Are black cops free of racism? That will be astounding, as I consider racism as a defect in all humans, including blacks, and black cops.

Here is where the Anti-Racist begins to morph into what he/she purpotes to combat. An individual white cop is not required to answer to only his own individual misdeeds and prejudices; no, the Anti-Racist wants to pin a stereotype on him. If you see a white cop, see evil, sayeth the Anti-Racist. That is racism, and dangerous.
One Degree wrote:I am now reporting everyone calling me a racist as a personal attack. This childish nonsense needs to stop. It is not an argument.

If you are not bright enough to put together an argument, then don’t post.
Calling someone a racist because you don’t have an argument is pathetic.

If one elevates Anti-Racism to a faith; brooking no dissent; subjecting any dissenter to demonisation; then what we have before us is a neo Tomas de Torquemada, who has traded his Catholic Orthodoxy for a Cult of Anti-Racism.
XogGyux wrote:Has Anti-Murder become as harmful as murder?
Thats pretty much how stupid your question sounds.

The problem with 3rd wave anti-racism is that it has become a religion.

If a person says I am not racist, that is seen as evil. A good person must be an ant-racist.

“The opposite of racist isn't 'not racist.' It is 'anti-racist.' What's the difference? One endorses either the idea of a racial hierarchy as a racist, or racial equality as an anti-racist. One either believes problems are rooted in groups of people, as a racist, or locates the roots of problems in power and policies, as an anti-racist. One either allows racial inequities to persevere, as a racist, or confronts racial inequities, as an anti-racist. There is no in-between safe space of 'not racist.”
― Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be an Antiracist

The most effective adaptation of racism over time is the idea that racism is conscious bias held by mean people. Robin DiAngelo
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/rob ... elo-quotes

Lastly, anti-racism has become a religion and once religion has developed there is no room for reason or dialogue.
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