32 More Countries Have Found the New Covid-19 Variant First Seen in Britain - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The new British variant B.1.1.7 was first detected in two patients in England on September 20th. It took the British government 3 months to sound the alarm. By now the virus has already spread to more than 30 countries and represents 70% or more of infections in some parts of England. I think the Chinese were faster in reporting the virus to the world.

B.1.1.7 most likely mutated in a patient receiving a combination of experimental treatments. Normally only one mutation occurs in a single host, but in this patient who may have been ill for months, the virus went through a number of mutations to adapt to the treatment. Although nominally not more fatal than previous variants, it's a lot more infectious, which could result in even more deaths.

The government with its back to the wall now plans to use the available 2-shot vaccines for a 1-shot vaccination with the 2nd shot delayed by about 12 weeks so as to give more people at least one shot. The result will be partial immunity in millions of vaccinated people who may get infected and develop a vaccine resistant new variant. That's a reckless strategy that puts us all at risk.

The current exponential growth cannot be stopped by the vaccine. It can only be stopped by a hard lockdown. Using an untested vaccination method involves great risks in addition to ethical issue. The population is used as guinea pigs for an untested vaccination method.

32 More Countries Have Found the New Covid-19 Variant First Seen in Britain

Citing incoming travelers, Turkey becomes the 33rd country to find the virus variant first identified in Britain.

As of Friday, British travelers are no longer allowed into Turkey. The Turkish health minister announced that the new variant of the coronavirus has been discovered in the country.

As of Friday, British travelers are no longer allowed into Turkey. The Turkish health minister announced that the new variant of the coronavirus has been discovered in the country.

Turkey slammed its doors to travelers from Britain on Friday, saying that it had found 15 infections with the new, more transmissible variant of the virus that first emerged in England. All were among recent arrivals from the United Kingdom.

Turkey’s health minister, Fahrettin Koca, issued a statement saying that the 15 people infected with the variant were in isolation and that their contacts were being traced and placed under quarantine. In countrywide checks, the statement said, the virus had not been detected in anyone other than travelers who arrived from Britain.

The finding brings the number of countries that have detected the variant to at least 33 since Britain announced finding it on Dec. 8, and the number of countries barring travelers arriving from Britain to more than 40. Some countries are also imposing restrictions on travelers, including U.S. citizens, who in recent weeks visited the countries where the variant has been detected.

The Philippines expanded restrictions on travelers from Britain and 18 other countries, adding the United States after a third state, Florida, reported an infection involving the variant. Many countries have already restricted travel from the United States because of its staggering number of infections — the most in the world.

California and Colorado have also found cases involving the variant. None of those infected in the United States had traveled recently, so the new strain is clearly circulating, though at unknown levels.

The variant, known as B.1.1.7., has not been known to lead to more severe cases of Covid-19, but its circulation is likely to portend more infections and more hospitalizations at a time when many countries are already battling surges in caseloads and anticipating more from holiday gatherings and travel.

The list of countries that have identified infections with the variant has been growing rapidly, and as of Friday includes — besides the United States, Britain and Turkey — Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Taiwan, a self-governing democracy that Beijing claims as part of a unified China.

In South Africa, a similar version of the virus has emerged, sharing one of the mutations seen in B.1.1.7., according to scientists who detected it. That variant, known as 501.V2, has been found in up to 90 percent of the samples whose genetic sequences have been analyzed in South Africa since mid-November.

The British authorities said they have detected two cases of the variant identified in South Africa. In both cases, the infected people had been in contact with people who had traveled to Britain from South Africa in recent weeks. Switzerland, Finland, Australia, Zambia and France have also detected the variant.

And on Dec. 24, the head of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, John Nkengasong, announced the discovery of yet another variant, this one in Nigeria, called B.1.207.
The AstraZeneca vaccine used in the UK has a low efficacy. The largest trials had 63% efficacy as compared to 95% for Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna.

The new variants circulating in the UK and South Africa may further reduce efficacy.

Delaying the 2nd shot by 12 weeks could further weaken the immune response.

New vaccine-resistant variants can mutate when viruses face an inadequate immune response.

But other experts are still strongly opposed to the idea of delaying a second dose. Though immune responses may not “plummet” dramatically within a few months, they will decline over time. And, because researchers don’t yet know what level of immune responses are needed to ward off infection and disease, it’s not possible to say that the one dose will be enough to keep people from getting infected or sick.

What’s more, waning immune responses after one dose could conceivably make the coronavirus more dangerous. Some experts have noted that having the wildly circulating virus mingle with lots of people with weak immune responses could create the perfect selective pressure for the virus to adapt to evade those immune responses. Coronaviruses mutate over time naturally, and several variants—including those in the UK and South Africa—have already emerged that appear to spread more readily among people. So far, those variants do not appear to generate more severe or deadly disease. And they are not thought to evade immune responses from natural infections or the authorized vaccines. But, partially vaccinating a large number of people could lead to those nightmare scenarios, some experts fear.

@SaddamHuseinovic, cheaper doesn't mean better. The AstraZeneca vaccine has a low efficacity. That will allow the virus to escape the vaccine and become a "seasonal killer".

mRNA vaccines are new. That's why they are expensive now. The development cost has to be recovered with the price. However, mRNA are synthesized. Therefore, production can be industrially scaled up. That means they will become cheaper than traditional vaccine which are grown with eggs and with human or ape cells.
Atlantis wrote:@SaddamHuseinovic, cheaper doesn't mean better. The AstraZeneca vaccine has a low efficacity. That will allow the virus to escape the vaccine and become a "seasonal killer".

mRNA vaccines are new. That's why they are expensive now. The development cost has to be recovered with the price. However, mRNA are synthesized. Therefore, production can be industrially scaled up. That means they will become cheaper than traditional vaccine which are grown with eggs and with human or ape cells.

According Brazilian scientists Chinese vaccine works just about 50%

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