Should COVID vaccine be mandatory? - Page 10 - Politics | PoFo

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Should COVID vaccine be mandatory?

Now that a legitimate vaccine is on the horizon, I guess I can ask myself this question again.

To be honest, back when I was a hardcore libertarian, this was one of the scant few topics I tended to stray from my pack on. For a real libertarian, words like "mandatory" and "compulsory" are 4-letter words.

Now that I'm a bit more authoritarian, I think it should be required. The truth is that herd vaccination (forced or voluntary) is probably the greatest positive externality out there.

Anti-vaxxers are amongst the dumbest sons of bitches breathing God's air today, and a good chunk of why I pulled away from libertarianism. America is too stupid, as a whole, to be granted power over its own destiny. The last several months have just enforced this.
You're in the minority, it seems, @MistyTiger. 72 million Americans, who supported Trump and voted for him, are evidence of the decline of American education and intelligence.
Godstud wrote:You're in the minority, it seems, @MistyTiger. 72 million Americans, who supported Trump and voted for him, are evidence of the decline of American education and intelligence.

Frankly I'd take an honest, hard-working American over some subhuman trash that's looting, burning, vandalizing and terrorizing the streets.

But hey, that's me. To each his own.
Goranhammer 2.0 wrote:Frankly I'd take an honest, hard-working American over some subhuman trash that's looting, burning, vandalizing and terrorizing the streets.

But hey, that's me. To each his own.

Those two groups are not mutually exclusive.

I think that many of the people being violent in their protests against masks consider themselves to be honest and hard working.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Those two groups are not mutually exclusive.

I think that many of the people being violent in their protests against masks consider themselves to be honest and hard working.

I see a lot of organization and yelling but I've seen very little "violence". And no, I'm stating this quantitatively, not like the media who say that BLM and Antifa are "mostly peaceful protesters".

Don't be fooled by the fact that they openly carry. That's a scare tactic, albeit legal.
@Goranhammer 2.0

Do you have an argument?

If you are arguing that right wingers in the US are not violent, the numbers seem to indicate that they are significantly more violent than what you call “the left”.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Goranhammer 2.0

Do you have an argument?

If you are arguing that right wingers in the US are not violent, the numbers seem to indicate that they are significantly more violent than what you call “the left”.

I would love to see these numbers.
Goranhammer 2.0 wrote:I would love to see these numbers.

I do not think there are numbers available for political violence associated with Covid protests. We do know that the vast majority of protests against Covid based restrictions have been by conservatives, and so we can logically assume that the majority of violence associated with those protests is also perpetrated by conservatives.

If we are speaking in general terms, those numbers are easier to find, but this seems off topic.
Goranhammer 2.0 wrote:Now that a legitimate vaccine is on the horizon, I guess I can ask myself this question again.

To be honest, back when I was a hardcore libertarian, this was one of the scant few topics I tended to stray from my pack on. For a real libertarian, words like "mandatory" and "compulsory" are 4-letter words.

Now that I'm a bit more authoritarian, I think it should be required. The truth is that herd vaccination (forced or voluntary) is probably the greatest positive externality out there.

Anti-vaxxers are amongst the dumbest sons of bitches breathing God's air today, and a good chunk of why I pulled away from libertarianism. America is too stupid, as a whole, to be granted power over its own destiny. The last several months have just enforced this.

I know what you mean, I have similar contradictory thoughts on the topic.

I voted NO, because I can never put my vote or signature down to an authoritarian policy of forcing something on an entire population. I understand the arguments, I think eventually, perspective is more important.
They can try to make it mandatory. That is not going to happen. But let us entertain that possibility. If the government sends people to my house to inject a substance into my bloodstream against my will, well... let's just say that the people that would be enforcing such a preposteorus mandate would be more afraid of me than I would be of them, since I would sooner die than let anyone inject anything into my body, and if they are that afraid of the coronavirus that they think it necessary to violate my fundamental rights, they are certain to be cowards in all other spheres of life. The people that completely buy into all of this claptrap are, in my expereince, always the weak, cowardly, gullible, low-IQ, ugly, sheepish people. They can be made to believe anything and they will comply with everything. These are not the sort of people that inspire fear in anyone. They are the sort of people that would stick a popsticle stick up their asses if the government told them it would help stop the spread of COVID. Unlike them, I have no fear of death (by the way, I am not motivated by any fear of vaccines; I am motivated by a firmly held conviction that other people don't own my body, just as the don't own my face; which is why I don't wear a facemask).

Also: I have all the tactical advantages. My house is on top of a hill, and is surrounded by a field. More of the enemy would be exposed to me. I also have natural cover. And the terrain is such as to be quite an obstacle in and of itself, as it is difficult to maneuver upwards.

It wouldn't be worth all the effort for such cowards and weaklings to enforce such mandates. They can only intimidate people that are as weak and foolish as themselves.

With that said, I do support mass vaccination, though I will never make the mistake of taking another vaccine after the damage that was done to the vision in my left eye immediately after taking a vaccine, causing excruciating pain that lasted for over a month. I now get the same thing every couple of years. Taking that vaccine was the biggest mistake I ever made. I was foolish and stupid to take it. So I deserve to suffer the consequences of my own folly. It was stupid of me to allow someone to inject foreign substances into my bloodstream. I was too trusting of medical authorities at the time. If I had simply looked up the known ingredients of that particular vaccine, I would have realised the profound stupidity of injecting such harmful substances into my bloodstream.

As to why I support mass vaccination: it increases the death rate of the most gullible and sheepish sections of the community, and indirectly decreases their reproductive rate. It weakens the weak. And the intelligent and and the strong are not stupid or cowardly enough to take them once they know what is in them. So vaccination has a eugenic effect. I support it. I am not an "anti-vaxxer". I am in favour of population control. And vaccination is the only way to get people to comply therewith.
Rugoz wrote:Chicken shit. I will take it ASAP. Inject me with freedom!!

Good boy. You should take the vaccine. It is the right thing for you to do. It is good for you. You should encourage your friends and family to follow in your footsteps. You are a hero.

I won't be taking it myself of course, but I am glad that the people most in need of the vaccine are so desirous of taking it, and I am delighted by their enthusiasm.

You are making the world a better place. :)
Peter Pan wrote:Good boy. You should take the vaccine. It is the right thing for you to do. It is good for you. You should encourage your friends and family to follow in your footsteps. You are a hero.

I won't be taking it myself of course, but I am glad that the people most in need of the vaccine are so desirous of taking it, and I am delighted by their enthusiasm.

You are making the world a better place. :)

I am proud of myself too. :up:
Rugoz wrote:I am proud of myself too. :up:

Me too. Low Risk ultra high Reward.

Only loosers wouldn't take it.
@Peter Pan But let us entertain that possibility. If the government sends people to my house to inject a substance into my bloodstream against my will, well... let's just say that the people that would be enforcing such a preposteorus mandate would be more afraid of me than I would be of them, since I would sooner die than let anyone inject anything into my body, and if they are that afraid of the coronavirus that they think it necessary to violate my fundamental rights, they are certain to be cowards in all other spheres of life.

And this is the idiotic rhetoric that surrounds this issue. Nobody even imagines going to someone's house and injecting them. :roll:

No need for mandatory vaccination. Just take the following steps:

No public transportation if not vaccinated.

No government employment if not vaccinated.

No food handling or employment in public unless vaccinated.

No attending school unless vaccinated.

No student loans unless vaccinated.

Tax incentive for vaccination.

IF you find it preferable to not be vaccinated and you can live with that stuff then you have nothing to fear from the government.
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