Liberal Democracies and Cultural Marxism - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
As we’re all wondering what on earth is going on in our socialist liberal utopias, here’s an off the cuff explanation.

To understand we have to go back to Marx. Although Marx explained capitalism perfectly, he did get a number of things wrong, including his predictions. In the coming WW1, the soldiers did not rise up and refuse to fight, not did communism spread across Europe as predicted. There were a few attempts such as the Munich Soviet and the Bela Kun Soviet in Hungary, but generally no one was interested.

In 1922, the second International chaired by Lenin sought to find the answers, among whom was an Italian Marxist intellectual called Antonio Gramsci. Eventually, Gramsci returned to Italy, was promptly arrested and thrown in jail as a threat to public security. During the many years he spent in prison he wrote ‘Prison notebooks.’ Gramsci found the answer. It wasn’t class, it wasn’t capitalism; it was culture! This wasn’t just a discovery, it was a history changer. Remove the traditional norms and values of society and that society will collapse. But who was to lead this revolution in place of ‘the workers’? The answer was the dispossessed, the minorities, the marginalized … all those who didn’t fit into the status quo.

Gramsci’s notebooks were forgotten, but during the 80s under Reagan in the US and Thatcher in the UK, Marxists took a back seat and the same old question cropped up. Why weren’t the workers demanding a revolution and in the search, Gramsci’s works were rediscovered.

Cultural Marxism is about using the minorities as the catalyst for the revolution instead of the workers and we can see this all around us as the various groups spring up. Gay rights, the feminists, BLM, Antifa, immigrants … And not a worker to be seen. The purpose of cultural Marxism is to destroy traditional society to the point that the population themselves demand authoritarianism to save them. Under the guise of freedom and liberalism, the EU arose out of the ashes of the former Soviet Union and in the US, Obama came to collectivize the minorities. The Cultural Revolution is in full swing right across the western world.

Often referred to as the ‘quiet revolution’ Cultural Marxism involved taking over the institutions. That we can also see and the way it was done. The ‘Frankfurt School’ where this all stemmed from produced 11 points to destroy traditional society and its culture.

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

This didn’t happen by accident, it was planned decades ago and you can now see the results. The purpose is to usher in an elite led dictatorship not by coercion, but by popular demand. For those that don’t buy into it there’s political correctness which was an additional component to stifle criticism. Lenin would have been amazed at how many ‘useful idiots’ it seduced. All this is where ‘freedom’ and ‘liberalism’ is taking us.
Well Marx said it was cultural change when explaining Dialectical Materialism. The reason for no uprising is because people do not understanding their class distinction during normal times. During hardship they become aware hence it is a dynamic change during hardship that causes revolution when the last thread snaps and people are forced to wake up. And that is perhaps where Marx was wrong and why it was Russia who fell first.

The only revelation to come out of Frankfurt is that Marxism reform can and should be achieved democratically.
Jeremiah Squatpump wrote:Gay rights, the feminists, BLM, Antifa, immigrants … And not a worker to be seen.

Amazing that suffragettes and civil rights activists managed this 'cultural Marxism' before Gramsci's notes were ever translated into English. :lol: It seems to me that 'political correctness' isn't potent enough anymore, so reactionaries need a new explanation as to why culture is evolving, when in their narrative it had always been static and unchanging before. Gay rights and everything else is clearly a logical continuation of the cultural progression which had began with industrialisation and modernisation, and accelerated with the transition from modernism into postmodernism. Culture was never static, and progressives will always find new groups to enfranchise.

Jeremiah Squatpump wrote:Often referred to as the ‘quiet revolution’ Cultural Marxism involved taking over the institutions. That we can also see and the way it was done. The ‘Frankfurt School’ where this all stemmed from produced 11 points to destroy traditional society and its culture.

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

This didn’t happen by accident, it was planned decades ago and you can now see the results.

I'm not one to throw the term 'conspiracy theory' about, but this list is literally just reactionary nonsense which I've seen copy-pasted by unsuspecting 'free thinkers' for a while now. What source can anyone find for this list? Where do Adorno and Horkheimer ever say anything which can be related to it?
Saeko wrote:But who planned and implemented all this?

The same people sitting in Brussels who are telling you they’re creating a socialist Utopia and the elite politicians who agree.
Some things are self-explanatory. Cultural Marxism isn’t something that’s hidden, it’s there for you to see. Read ‘Prison Notebooks’ if you get the chance. If not, read the 11 points. All through the wars, the great depression, all the hardships and the west stayed on course. During the past two decades the west is collapsing like a house of cards. It was meant to. When authoritarianism comes, many will already be so indoctrinated they won’t even realize it. :)
Jeremiah Squatpump wrote:Some things are self-explanatory. Cultural Marxism isn’t something that’s hidden, it’s there for you to see. Read ‘Prison Notebooks’ if you get the chance. If not, read the 11 points. All through the wars, the great depression, all the hardships and the west stayed on course. During the past two decades the west is collapsing like a house of cards. It was meant to. When authoritarianism comes, many will already be so indoctrinated they won’t even realize it. :)

Perhaps you are right that about hardship. I think the main player for revolution is class distinction anyway. But perhaps education is a factor too. I don't think the polarisation of political opinion you see today and the rise of social media is a coincidence. It certainly more persuasive than the Prison Notebooks or Soros or low birth rates or multiculturalism for the push for greater intergration in Europe.

Nonetheless my opinion is that as the wealth divide has never been so wide as it is today, people are looking into history to explain why that is. And when you are of the lower classes and have read up on slavery, bigotry, feudalism and lack of women rights, the only conclusion that you can come up with for this happening is racism, sexism and bigotry. But this is wrong. The real reason is that Capitalism is an economic model that loads the bases in favour of those who hold the private property and it doesnt matter if they are black or white, male or female, straight or gay, they major factor still is private property. As I said, the only revelation that came out of Frankfurt is that Marxism should and can be achieved democratically.
B0ycey wrote:Perhaps you are right that about hardship. I think the main player for revolution is class distinction anyway. But perhaps education is a factor too. I don't think the polarisation of political opinion you see today and the rise of social media is a coincidence. It certainly more persuasive than the Prison Notebooks or Soros or low birth rates or multiculturalism for the push for greater intergration in Europe.

Nonetheless my opinion is that as the wealth divide has never been so wide as it is today, people are looking into history to explain why that is. And when you are of the lower classes and have read up on slavery, bigotry, feudalism and lack of women rights, the only conclusion that you can come up with for this happening is racism, sexism and bigotry. But this is wrong. The real reason is that Capitalism is an economic model that loads the bases in favour of those who hold the private property and it doesnt matter if they are black or white, male or female, straight or gay, they major factor still is private property. As I said, the only revelation that came out of Frankfurt is that Marxism should and can be achieved democratically.

Sometimes you have to believe reality instead of the media and politicians. You can see the ‘cultural revolution’ going on all around you. BLM, Antifa, mass-immigration, minus the workers. You should know by now that the EU is anti-democratic and even former communists are explaining why. If someone had told you a year ago that the government could close down businesses and make the population wear paper masks from Tesco’s to stop an airborne flu virus that kills around 0.4% of the population (can’t remember whether that’s 0.04%), the vast majority who are over 70, you’d have laughed. The screws are beginning to tighten and all is not what it seems in the cuckoo land of liberalism. :)
Radical communist organisation the European Union :lol:

I bet they're in kahoots with that known Marxist Kamala Harris trying to bring down the glory of Western Civilisation™ with the eleven point plan Joseph Chi Guevara distributed to all the cultural Marxists in 1981.
Jeremiah Squatpump wrote:Sometimes you have to believe reality instead of the media and politicians. You can see the ‘cultural revolution’ going on all around you. BLM, Antifa, mass-immigration, minus the workers. You should know by now that the EU is anti-democratic and even former communists are explaining why.

The 'Cultural revolution' is only a revolution of correcting past wrongs. Perhaps the progressives voice is rising but so is the nationalistic populistic voice. And we can see that in a shift towards both extremes of the political spectrum. I don't support either but I know which is more beneficial in terms of moral obligation and a fairer society. Nonetheless we seem to be going around in circles with the definition of democratic here. Elected MEPs and Vetos at national level should be enough to convince anyone that the EU is democratic and some may well argue the EU is too democratic by the way vital policy can be brought down by a single veto.

If someone had told you a year ago that the government could close down businesses and make the population wear paper masks from Tesco’s to stop an airborne flu virus that kills around 0.4% of the population (can’t remember whether that’s 0.04%), the vast majority who are over 70, you’d have laughed. The screws are beginning to tighten and all is not what it seems in the cuckoo land of liberalism. :)

Well I have read this conspiracy before. You are on the right forum if that is what you believe. I cannot accept that the West has intentially destroyed their own economy and I would like to add that China lockdown first which perhaps made them act they way they did. I do however share you opinion of the ridiculousness of all this but I see no harm in wearing a paper mask and staying two meters apart in any case. My only qualm, and for this we might share an opinion on, is that when the stats came forward, the dangers assessed and the economic and social consequences of all this were so obvious that even Joe bloggs on Facebook could see the clusterfuck, the West continued this path of stupidity, locked down again and in five years time when we all look back at this with higher taxes and high unemployment, we will be thinking "What the fuck were we doing here."
B0ycey wrote:The 'Cultural revolution' is only a revolution of correcting past wrongs. Perhaps the progressives voice is rising but so is the nationalistic populistic voice. And we can see that in a shift towards both extremes of the political spectrum. I don't support either but I know which is more beneficial in terms of moral obligation and a fairer society. Nonetheless we seem to be going around in circles with the definition of democratic here. Elected MEPs and Vetos at national level should be enough to convince anyone that the EU is democratic and some may well argue the EU is too democratic by the way vital policy can be brought down by a single veto.

Well I have read this conspiracy before. You are on the right forum if that is what you believe. I cannot accept that the West has intentially destroyed their own economy and I would like to add that China lockdown first which perhaps made them act they way they did. I do however share you opinion of the ridiculousness of all this but I see no harm in wearing a paper mask and staying two meters apart in any case. My only qualm, and for this we might share an opinion on, is that when the stats came forward, the dangers assessed and the economic and social consequences of all this were so obvious that even Joe bloggs on Facebook could see the clusterfuck, the West continued this path of stupidity, locked down again and in five years time when we all look back at this with higher taxes and high unemployment, we will be thinking "What the fuck were we doing here."

You can’t correct past historical wrongs. Do you think you might get an apology from the Muslim Barbary pirates of North Africa for their white slave trading?

You can elect MEPs, but if they have no decision making powers they’re useless. That’s not democracy.

The dumbing down to the lowest common denominator is part of cultural Marxism. Socially, culturally and economically. You want to be equal with who? Romania? You’re going to get it. Staying apart and wearing masks is only part of it. The lockdown restrictions and loss of freedom is the main issue. As I said, the screws will tighten. The EU wasn’t designed to bring you a liberal utopia. :)
@Jeremiah Squatpump

I can't blame the EU for lockdown. And neither can you. That is 100% Johnson and his ambition for following the crowd. I walking into a Supermarket today. It was like Christmas. And my local park is like a hot summers day in August but it is rainy in November. Thing is, people are following the advice. But the advice is pyrrhic and counter productive. There would be more social distancing with all shops open. But when your PM has watched fearporn, you can only shake your head and gasp.
B0ycey wrote:@Jeremiah Squatpump

I can't blame the EU for lockdown. And neither can you. That is 100% Johnson and his ambition for following the crowd. I walking into a Supermarket today. It was like Christmas. And my local park is like a hot summers day in August but it is rainy in November. Thing is, people are following the advice. But the advice is pyrrhic and counter productive. There would be more social distancing with all shops open. But when your PM has watched fearporn, you can only shake your head and gasp.

The lockdown in Britain is Johnson’s doing, but people are protesting all over Europe, which isn’t Johnson’s doing. From what I’m seeing, people are not following advice, they’re sick to death of it. Sure, if you go in shops or on buses you have to wear a mask and play along, but otherwise there’s a tremendous backlash going on.
Jeremiah Squatpump wrote:As we’re all wondering what on earth is going on in our socialist liberal utopias, here’s an off the cuff explanation.

To understand we have to go back to Marx. Although Marx explained capitalism perfectly, he did get a number of things wrong, including his predictions. In the coming WW1, the soldiers did not rise up and refuse to fight, not did communism spread across Europe as predicted. There were a few attempts such as the Munich Soviet and the Bela Kun Soviet in Hungary, but generally no one was interested.

In 1922, the second International chaired by Lenin sought to find the answers, among whom was an Italian Marxist intellectual called Antonio Gramsci. Eventually, Gramsci returned to Italy, was promptly arrested and thrown in jail as a threat to public security. During the many years he spent in prison he wrote ‘Prison notebooks.’ Gramsci found the answer. It wasn’t class, it wasn’t capitalism; it was culture! This wasn’t just a discovery, it was a history changer. Remove the traditional norms and values of society and that society will collapse. But who was to lead this revolution in place of ‘the workers’? The answer was the dispossessed, the minorities, the marginalized … all those who didn’t fit into the status quo.

Gramsci’s notebooks were forgotten, but during the 80s under Reagan in the US and Thatcher in the UK, Marxists took a back seat and the same old question cropped up. Why weren’t the workers demanding a revolution and in the search, Gramsci’s works were rediscovered.

Cultural Marxism is about using the minorities as the catalyst for the revolution instead of the workers and we can see this all around us as the various groups spring up. Gay rights, the feminists, BLM, Antifa, immigrants … And not a worker to be seen. The purpose of cultural Marxism is to destroy traditional society to the point that the population themselves demand authoritarianism to save them. Under the guise of freedom and liberalism, the EU arose out of the ashes of the former Soviet Union and in the US, Obama came to collectivize the minorities. The Cultural Revolution is in full swing right across the western world.

Often referred to as the ‘quiet revolution’ Cultural Marxism involved taking over the institutions. That we can also see and the way it was done. The ‘Frankfurt School’ where this all stemmed from produced 11 points to destroy traditional society and its culture.

1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

This didn’t happen by accident, it was planned decades ago and you can now see the results. The purpose is to usher in an elite led dictatorship not by coercion, but by popular demand. For those that don’t buy into it there’s political correctness which was an additional component to stifle criticism. Lenin would have been amazed at how many ‘useful idiots’ it seduced. All this is where ‘freedom’ and ‘liberalism’ is taking us.

Tired rerun of Nazi propaganda. Goebbels would be proud.

Really you should get out more often, read more widely and educate yourself.
Local Localist wrote:I'm not one to throw the term 'conspiracy theory' about, but this list is literally just reactionary nonsense which I've seen copy-pasted by unsuspecting 'free thinkers' for a while now. What source can anyone find for this list? Where do Adorno and Horkheimer ever say anything which can be related to it?

That exact wording of the list has been traced to Timothy Matthews in March 2009 "Catholic Insight":

For the more general conspiracy theory, it goes back to the 1990s USA:

The conspiracy theory of Marxist cultural warfare originated in the essay "New Dark Age: Frankfurt School and 'Political Correctness'" (1992) written by Michael Minnicinno,[1]:30–40 published in the Schiller Institute, a LaRouche movement organization journal associated with the fringe American right-wing political activist Lyndon LaRouche.[26] In a speech to the Conservative Leadership Conference of the Civitas Institute in 1998,[27] Paul Weyrich presented his conspiracy theory equating Cultural Marxism to political correctness.[28] He later republished the speech in his syndicated culture war letter.[29] In the United States, the conspiracy theory is promoted by religious fundamentalists and paleoconservative politicians such as William S. Lind, Pat Buchanan and Paul Weyrich[30] as well as the alt-right, neo-Nazi and white nationalists organizations.[31][32][33]

For the Free Congress Research and Education Foundation, Weyrich commissioned Lind to write a history of Cultural Marxism, defined as "a brand of Western Marxism [...] commonly known as 'multiculturalism' or, less formally, Political Correctness"[34] which claimed that the presence of openly gay people in the television business proved that Cultural Marxists control the mass media; and that Herbert Marcuse considered a coalition of "Blacks, students, feminist women, and homosexuals" as a feasible vanguard of cultural revolution in the 1960s.[35][36] Moreover, the historian Martin Jay said in the Dialectic of Counter-Enlightenment: The Frankfurt School as Scapegoat of the Lunatic Fringe (2011) that Political Correctness: The Frankfurt School (1999), Lind's documentary of conservative counter-culture, was effective Cultural Marxism propaganda because it "spawned a number of condensed, textual versions, which were reproduced on a number of radical, right-wing [web] sites".[1] He further writes:

These, in turn, led to a plethora of new videos, now available on YouTube, which feature an odd cast of pseudo-experts regurgitating exactly the same line. The message is numbingly simplistic: All the 'ills' of modern American culture, from feminism, affirmative action, sexual liberation, racial equality, multiculturalism and gay rights to the decay of traditional education, and even environmentalism, are ultimately attributable to the insidious intellectual influence of the members of the Institute for Social Research who came to America in the 1930s.[1] ... ry#Origins

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