If Trump can confirm his Supreme Court pick, should Democrats pack the court? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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If Trump can confirm his Supreme Court pick, should Democrats pack the court?

I don't think they should pack the court because:

1. The GOP never did it when there when the court had more left-leaning judges.

2. More importantly, it will be pointless because the GOP will just pack the court again in their favour the next time they have the power to do so. So this tit-for-tat will just keep going without end.
I have to say that that video was the best evidence I've seen that corrupt Joe Biden's not senile. Even if he's got no intention of court packing it would be highly unwise to say that now. for one it would demoralise a lot of his more radical supporters. It could cost him votes on the left. The second reason is that the threat of court packing could prove useful if Biden doesn't go through with it.

Even if he does want to pack the court it would make no sense to admit to it now, when he doesn't even know for sure whether he'll have a secure senate majority.
Of course not. Democrats are using the court as a political institution to transmit more political power, which is nonsensical because the Court was never supposed to be political (or, out of the 3 divisions of government - legislative, executive and judicial, at least the least political). The fact that democrats view the Court this way is a reason enough for disabling them from appointing justices. If Judge Amy Berett does end up being a Justice, nothing will change in the politics of the US.
It's possible that the Democrats might fail to pack the court, or that it could have some significant political ramifications for them if they did. They might need "red state democrats" to do it, although there are a couple ways they might get around that. Red state Democrats definitely wouldn't want court packing so any that voted in favor of it would be out in the next election.
Unthinking Majority wrote:I don't think they should pack the court because:

Well I don't they should pack the court, but should the Democrats hold the presidency and both houses, what else are they to do when the Republicans have basically done what they held Obama accountable for four years prior? The solution should have been to hold the pick until after the election. Trump played politics. And as such he or more specifically the GOP should expect politics in return.
The Democrats number one priority is immigration. The more the better. The fact that mass immigration hasn't provided the Democrats with the permanent electoral majority they hoped for doesn't mean it hasn't been a huge boon to them. I don't think the Democrats are win going to win Texas in 2020, but the fact that we are even talking about it, the fact that it is a remote possibility is something that should deeply worry Republicans. The pay off from illegal immigration is not always immediate, the electoral pay off for Democrats in anchoring illegal families in Americas often comes years or even decades down the line. The Democrats corporate backers love immigration, and of course the woke Democrats support it for ideological reasons.

I hope I'm wrong but I expect the Democrats to throw women's rights under the bus for the furtherance of their priority issues such as mass immigration, Islamification and reparations. However if the Democrats did pack the court with pro abortion judges, it would be highly amusing. America's Conservative misogynists have spent decades building an anti women supreme court majority, it would be so funny to see all their efforts flushed down the toilet in a few months.
Random American wrote:I don't think the DNC has the balls to pack the court though.

This is the crux of the issue. It doesn't really matter whether they "should" pack the court, because they simply won't. The whole point of the Democratic Party is to flail helplessly while the Republicans advance the interests of the billionaire class, and then treat the issue as settled once they are in a position to reverse it. :lol:
It was the Founding Fathers of America, guided by God's wisdom and love, that were allowed to create what has endured the constant threat of Oppression. The World is a scary place. The Communist World would love to see America on it's knees begging for mercy. ( None would be found.) The number 9 is the correct number for America's supreme court. The House has not done it's job under Pelosi's pork laden career. The legal American tax payer has been bled by leftist policies for those that choose a handout, an abortion, sanctuary cities, HUD housing, WIC, and free healthcare for illegals. All of America's taxpaying legal citizens are willing to help those legal American citizens that actually need help. All of America's taxpaying legal citizens are willing to help those that will help better themselves and in doing so, help make America a better place for it's taxpaying, law abiding, legal citizens. The Leftist Democrats want to bankrupt America's economy. The leftist Marxist ideals are just lead Balloons that consume time and money from America's working class. The Free Ride is over for anyone in America that desires socialism. Capitalism is America's greatest weapon. The House will be taken and the senate will remain a Republican Majority. This time, America's economic problems may be solved. Remember when RINO -Crying (Deep State Paul) Ryan and John McCain worked dark magic against America's taxpaying legal citizens and stymied the House and the Senate. America's Political Problems are Greed related. Joe Biden and the rest of the career criminals in America's political Arenas are greedy. Government should always be as small as possible. The Leftist Democrats want to control the everyday lives of America's taxpaying, legal citizens. Leftist Democrats are No Bueno.
Republicans know that they will loose the presidency and the Senate because they plunged the US in its deepest crisis ever by electing a clown like Trump.

At a time Americans vote Democrat by electing a Democrat president, a Democrat-majority Congress and a Democrat-majority Senate, the Republicans should not have the right to monopolize the Supreme Court for a whole generation. That's not how democracy works.

At the very least, there should be parity in the Supreme Court. Biden needs to put at least 3 colored Democrats into the Supreme Court for the US to maintain a resemblance of justice.

I would be very disappointed with the American people if Trump got more than 30% of the popular vote.
I feel that as there are 13 federal appealate courts , there should likewise be 13 Supreme Court justices . https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/court-role-and-structure/about-us-courts-appeals The number of justices has varied throughout U.S. history . And if we were to go by the original Judiciary Act of 1789 , there would only be six justices , including the Chief Justice . https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/why-does-the-supreme-court-have-nine-justices So I say either increase it to 13 , or reduce it to 6 . In any case , I feel that there should ideally be an independent judiciary .
I voted yes they should change the rules. For the simple reason of the blatant hypocrisy on the part of the Republican party. Who made Merrick's confirmation impossible but rammed through their pick because of fear of losing the election. They don't win popular votes, they repress voters, do gerrymandering and do all kinds of two faced behavior.

Politically they should be punished severely. I hope they do get kicked in the ass in the SCOTUS and force a 13 Supreme Justice deal. And it better be four more Sotomayor types. Lol. Hee hee. They need more Puerto Ricans. Lol. :lol: :lol:

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