Should COVID vaccine be mandatory? - Page 9 - Politics | PoFo

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Should COVID vaccine be mandatory?

Sivad wrote:I give a shit, damn it.

Why do you give a shit? You are not the person who has to understand your linguistics here. Both words are gibberish but when deciphering them they basically mean the same thing anyways.

Also, if you want your edgyness to seem consistent, have you considered the edit tool rather than justifying your mistake as drunk?

Well thank God for small mercies, the jabbists won't be inocuraping people until they got a surplus stockpile of Science!.

They won't be vaccinating them anyways. Anti vaxxers haven't been forced to vaccinate despite the obvious advantage to them and the community as a whole and this will apply with Covid as well. The responsibility of the government is to advise and provide. If you reject that then any consequence is layed at your feet and not theirs. And I expect the shear numbers who just want to move on from this will outweight a few who just say no in any case.
People who still aren't dead yet are whining about vaccines to combat a virus so deadly that you have to get tested to even know that you have it.

Are you really that stupid? Really?
Poll options should be.

Yes (I'm for a healthy society)

No (I'm-pro disease)

Obviously, I voted yes. Everyone who is healthy enough to be vaccinated should be vaccinated when a vaccine comes out. There is no need for people to suffer preventable deaths.
The coronawhatever virus has been going on for almost a FULL YEAR now.

Hundreds of millions of people in the US and BILLIONS of people around the world have apparently not caught the virus, or have caught the virus and either had mild symptoms or perhaps didn't even know it, as they tell us is possible.

Why in the world would we even need a mandatory vaccine, or even a vaccine program at this point?

And why should perfectly healthy people be forced to have a cocktail of experimental chemicals that even the vaccine manufacturers say might not even be effective?
maz wrote:And why should perfectly healthy people be forced to have a cocktail of experimental chemicals that even the vaccine manufacturers say might not even be effective?

:lol: Haven't you clocked it yet . the Liberal argument will be that it must be compulsory because its so ineffective. The Liberals have already confessed that don't expect the vaccine to give anything like full protection to the old and vulnerable, so all the young and healthy people must be forced to take the vaccine in order to protect the old. you gotta admit the logic does have a kind of beauty to it.

I think the medical corporations know that they have got to act responsibly on this one. They know that what ever they do they must under know circumstances cure this thing. Oh you're average Liberal might ignorant, stupid and wouldn't understand science if it smacked them in the face, but this medical corporations have got some pretty smart people working for them, I think they'll be wise enough not to kill the Golden Goose on this one.
Rich wrote::lol: Haven't you clocked it yet . the Liberal argument will be that it must be compulsory because its so ineffective.[/url]

I think the medical corporations know that they have got to act responsibly on this one. They know that what ever they do they must under know circumstances cure this thing.

Bill Gates is basically openly admitting that the last thing he wants is for the public to be hopeful that the coronavirus will be cured.

And popular daytime television personality Anthony Fauci is colluding with the vaccine manufactures and with the news outlets who have him on as a guest.

How can people not see this blatant conflict of interest?

How is it even legal for him to be on television all day every day, disparaging all other medical treatments and recommendations from other doctors and news stations don't have to run disclaimers that they take money from the companies that he's involved with to drug adds? I mean, the drug add buys by themselves were already bad enough!

Anyways, Trump says that he's not going to force people to undergo medical experiments on behalf of evil doctors like Fauci, Frieden and Hotez and literal comic book villains like Bill Gates, because he has probably been told that this is a violation of the Geneva convention.

Still the pro-vaxxers and government officials who hysterically over-reacted to virus, called for entire sectors of economies to be shut down and destroyed millions of lives just so they could get invited to news shows don't give a shit about human rights. They are the ones I am worried about. I would be surprised if these local health officials, mayors and governors are also accepting bribe money from vaccine manufacturers or are involved in some other kind of financial shenanigans.

Trump says he will NOT force Americans to take coronavirus vaccine as polls show widespread skepticism about jab

US President Donald Trump said he would not issue a mandate for a coronavirus vaccine when a jab becomes available, allowing individuals to choose for themselves amid concerns that immunizations are being rushed through trials.

Asked who would be first to receive a vaccine in an interview on Fox Business on Thursday, Trump said “essential workers” and “older people” would take priority, but made a brief detour to assure that he would not make vaccination compulsory.

“I don’t believe I’d ever do a mandated vaccine,” the president told Fox’s Stuart Varney. “I just don’t think I would do that, where you have to have it, because there are some people who feel very strong about that whole situation.”

Recent polling shows that around 50 percent of Americans surveyed would decline to take one of the coronavirus vaccines under development, many citing concerns that the approval process is being rushed. Though Trump has repeatedly stated a jab would be available by election day, a recent shift in federal guidelines – as well as delays in at least two ongoing trials over safety concerns – could push FDA approval into December, with a mass roll-out coming in the following weeks and months.

Very stupid post. Trump supporters will eat it up.

Here is an idea. Why don't we let people with antibiotic resistant tuberculosis into the country to visit, because, you know, freedom.....
Drlee wrote:

Very stupid post. Trump supporters will eat it up.

Here is an idea. Why don't we let people with antibiotic resistant tuberculosis into the country to visit, because, you know, freedom.....

Finny and reality are non-intersecting sets.

You literally can't take him seriously.

Btw, my sister lost a lung and more to TB. Some of the guys here are so under-equipped intellectually, they are Stockholm Syndrome volunteers.
Finfinder wrote:Prior to forcing everyone to take a Covid vaccine they need to confiscate every ones guns then use those guns to enforce the mandatory vaccine.

While they are at it they should implant microchips based on ones political preferences.

If you don't want Science! to cum inside you then there's something wrong with you and you need to be dealt with by the authorities.
Science is your enemy because you don't understand any of it and only listen to crackpots and lunatics, while wearing a tin foil hat that is 3 sizes too small. :lol:
Godstud wrote:Science is your enemy because you don't understand any of it and only listen to crackpots and lunatics, while wearing a tin foil hat that is 3 sizes too small. :lol:

It's irrational to deny Science! because Science! loves you. You can't hide from Science!, Science! will allways find you and make you understand why you're perfect for each other. Science! doesn't care what you want, Science! knows what you need. Science! knows what's best for you. Science! doesn't take no for an answer. Science! will always be waiting for you.
Phase 3 trials of BioNtecn and Pfizer vaccine coming to an end. Reported effectiveness is around or a bit higher than 90% which is very good considering all the mutations.

Link: ... r-biontech

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