Should COVID vaccine be mandatory? - Page 8 - Politics | PoFo

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Should COVID vaccine be mandatory?

No one is implying there should be punishment, but you will be required to be vaccinated if you want to do specific things, and limiting idiots who don't want to get vaccinated from participating in society is perfectly reasonable, since they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

If you don't want to get vaccinated fine, but stay the fuck at home, losers!
Godstud wrote:No one is implying there should be punishment, but you will be required to be vaccinated if you want to do specific things, and limiting idiots who don't want to get vaccinated from participating in society is perfectly reasonable

Preventing people from doing things that would normally be able to do because they won't comply with demand XYZ is actually punishment.

Also, isn't the idea that businesses and corporations exerting control over the population the definition of corporatism?
It's called public ostracism and if you think it's a punishment well then cry me some crocodile tears, pansies. :*( You know, you can't walk around naked in public either, because society has deemed it unacceptable. The same should apply if you are a selfish asshole who won't get a vaccine to prevent yourself and others from getting a preventable, dangerous, disease. Social contract.

But no, if your personal freedom should come before the welfare of society, you should leave society and fuck off to the back woods where you can live with like-minded people and die of an outbreak like the losers that you are.
Why a pandemic flu shot caused narcolepsy

The 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic left a troubling legacy in Europe: More than 1300 people who received a vaccine to prevent the flu developed narcolepsy, an incurable, debilitating condition that causes overpowering daytime sleepiness, sometimes accompanied by a sudden muscle weakness in response to strong emotions such as laughter or anger. The manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), has acknowledged the link, and some patients and their families have already been awarded cpmpensation. But how the vaccine might have triggered the condition has been unclear.

In a paper in Science Translational Medicine (STM) this week, researchers offer a possible explanation. They show that the vaccine, called Pandemrix, triggers antibodies that can also bind to a receptor in brain cells that help regulate sleepiness. The work strongly suggests that Pandemrix, which was given to more than 30 million Europeans, triggered an autoimmune re action that led to narcolepsy in some people who are genetically at risk. ... narcolepsy
Pandemrix vaccine: why was the public not told of early warning signs?

Eight years after the pandemic influenza outbreak, a lawsuit alleging that GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix vaccine caused narcolepsy has unearthed internal reports suggesting problems with the vaccine’s safety. Peter Doshi asks what this means for the future of transparency during public health emergencies

In October 2009, the US National Institutes of Health infectious diseases chief, Anthony Fauci, appeared on YouTube to reassure Americans about the safety of the “swine flu” vaccine. “The track record for serious adverse events is very good. It’s very, very, very rare that you ever see anything that’s associated with the vaccine that’s a serious event,”1 he said.

Four months earlier, the World Health Organization had declared H1N1 influenza a pandemic, and by October 2009 the new vaccines were being rolled out across the world. A similar story was playing out in the UK, with prominent organisations, including the Department of Health, British Medical Association, and Royal Colleges of General Practitioners, working hard to convince a reluctant NHS workforce to get vaccinated. “We fully support the swine flu vaccination programme … The vaccine has been thoroughly tested,” they declared in a joint statement.

Except, it hadn’t. Anticipating a severe influenza pandemic, governments around the world had made various logistical and legal arrangements to shorten the time between recognition of a pandemic virus and the production of a vaccine and administration of that vaccine in the population. In Europe, one element of those plans was an agreement to grant licences to pandemic vaccines based on data from pre-pandemic “mock-up” vaccines produced using a different virus (H5N1 influenza). Another element, adopted by countries such as Canada, the US, UK, France, and Germany, was to provide vaccine manufacturers indemnity from liability for wrongdoing, thereby reducing the risk of a lawsuit stemming from vaccine related injury.
IF it is true, Sivad would like us to risk death or disability because, wait for it, .00004333333 had a reaction that was cooincidental with Narcolepsy.

Google said:

Narcolepsy affects an estimated 1 in every 2,000 people in the United States. That's 200,000 Americans and approximately 3 million worldwide. It is estimated that only 25% of people who have narcolepsy have been diagnosed and are receiving treatment.

Sivad is up to his usual bullshit.
In May, I volunteered to be deliberately exposed to the coronavirus to quickly test vaccines in a potential “human challenge trial”. I am not alone: more than 37,000 people from 162 countries have volunteered through 1 Day Sooner, a non-profit advocating on behalf of these volunteers. The risks in such a trial are real and uncertain, but I felt ethically compelled to take that risk if it could save others.

But now, I’m having second thoughts.

I am willing to risk my life so that vulnerable populations across the globe can be protected, but not to make pharma shareholders rich or to produce a vaccine only available to US citizens. The US decision to not join Covax, a multilateral effort to ensure that the vaccine is fairly distributed worldwide, places corporate greed and vaccine nationalism over the needs of people.

I cannot speak for other volunteers, but I suspect they might feel the same: I would refuse to participate in a human challenge trial if the eventual vaccine wasn’t made available to everyone, everywhere. And because vaccines are impossible without potential trial participants, we can demand a better vaccine process for everyone, not just for Covid-19, but for the future. We can refuse to risk our health unless a vaccine is accessible to everyone.

As it stands, Covax is deeply flawed. The plan currently provides universal vaccine access only to wealthy countries, lines the pockets of pharma executives, and dictates terms to poorer nations while falling short of providing the number of vaccines they need. Despite this, it is clear that we need international cooperation to prevent nationalism from raising the cost of a vaccine for everyone. Covax may be a flawed solution, but Trump’s go-it-alone approach will isolate the United States and jeopardize the health of billions.

The antiviral medication remdesivir provides a terrifying preview of what could be in store if the US continues along the path of vaccine nationalism. In May, the FDA approved remdesivir to help treat severe cases of Covid. Around the same time, the Department of Health and Human Services used emergency powers to ensure that the US gained control over almost the entire global supply. Gilead, a pharmaceutical corporation, started charging $2,340 for a typical course of remdesivr even though they could charge $1 a day and still make a profit.

Similarly, in the past, western countries and drug companies have used patent laws to restrict access to life-saving generic HIV medications, resulting in over 10m preventable deaths in the global south. Withholding access to life-saving medications could accurately be described as a form of genocide. We need to make sure Covid vaccines are not withheld in a similar manner.

When asked who owned the polio vaccine, Jonas Salk famously replied: “Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?”

A similar spirit should animate the future of global vaccine development. No nation or corporation should be holding the rest of us hostage. If we insist on our values of access and equity for everyone, vaccine volunteers can collectively bargain for a better future. We want to see genuine commitments to equity. The US must collaborate in good faith with other countries and embrace the UNAid and Oxfam’s call for a People’s Vaccine, which demands that “all vaccines, treatments and tests be patent-free, mass produced, distributed fairly and made available to all people, in all countries, free of charge”.
15 days to slow the spread has turned into lockdown again until we have a vaccine (as they planned it from the beginning).

The lockdown lunatics in the US are making their final 2020 push to enforce their medical tyranny. They are monkeying around to keep this corona-nonsense going on until late 2021 for some unknown reason.

America Needs to Lock Down Again

The Only Way to Slow the Coronavirus Until the Arrival of a Vaccin

In our essay “Chronicle of a Pandemic Foretold,” for the July/August issue of Foreign Affairs, we described the struggle against COVID-19 in terms of a baseball game and estimated that the United States was in about the third inning of a nine-inning contest. At this point, however, it may be more helpful to shift to an altogether different analogy. The unfolding story of the pandemic is a three-act play, in which the country is now midway through the second act.

The first act saw the disease spread from China to the rest of the world and to a woefully unprepared United States. The second witnessed Americans tire of restrictions and effectively surrender to the pandemic. Infection rates across the country soared during the summer and will likely rise again in the autumn as schools and universities reopen. To truly get the novel coronavirus under control, the United States must do what it has not done so far: impose real and stringent lockdowns across the country for roughly two months. Controlling the spread of the disease in this way will save lives ahead of the eventual end of this drama in the pandemic’s final act—the arrival of a safe, effective vaccine.

Last edited by maz on 20 Sep 2020 06:26, edited 1 time in total.
I will not be taking the vaccine but I will be making fun of people who wanted it to be mandatory and then refuse to take it.
maz wrote:15 days to slow the spread has turned into lockdown again until we have a vaccine.

The lockdown lunatics in the US are making their final 2020 push to enforce their medical tyranny. They are monkeying around to keep this corona-nonsense going on until late 2021 for some unknown reason.

We know the reason, it's the same reason they stage all their retarded hoaxes. They're babbitt control freaks that use fear to dominate people. The terror hoax gave them mass surveillance and all kinds of police powers, this scamdemic hoax is giving them a whole slate of extraordinary biosecurity and "public health" powers. You gotta be some kind cognitive stillborn not to see right through this shit it's so fucking obvious. It's amazing how many people there are walking around who died at birth.
@Sivad You are nothing but a right-wing babbit, so maybe shut your stupid pie-hole and quit being such a Fox News mouthpiece. :lol:
Wulfschilde wrote:I will not be taking the vaccine but I will be making fun of people who wanted it to be mandatory and then refuse to take it.


People who still aren't dead yet are whining about vaccines to combat a virus so deadly that you have to get tested to even know that you have it.

Wulfschilde wrote: people who wanted it to be mandatory

This is world is stupid enough, I can't believe that on top of everything I gotta deal with retards trying to force vaxolate me with Science! No means no you creepy jabapoppers.
Sivad wrote: jabapoppers

alright, I'm taking a mulligan on that. We all know it should've been jabbists, I:ve been drinking and other shit and I was about to spank the monkey right after that post and I whiffed on it cause I was in a hurry. I apologise to everyone, I'll try not to let it happen wgain.
Sivad wrote:alright, I'm taking a mulligan on that. We all know it should've been jabbists, I:ve been drinking and other shit and I was about to spank the monkey right after that post and I whiffed on it cause I was in a hurry. I apologise to everyone, I'll try not to let it happen wgain.

No one will give a shit Sivad. Both words are gibberish anyways. Besides, it won't matter. The logistics of vaccinating everyone and the time scale that is needed for this to be achieved means that no government is going to waste their time on people who don't want to be vaccinated and will let this choice be voluntary.
B0ycey wrote:No one will give a shit Sivad.

I give a shit, damn it.

Both words are gibberish anyways.


Besides, it won't matter. The logistics of vaccinating everyone and time scale that needs for this to be achieved means that no government is going to waste time on people who don't want to be vaccinated and will let this choice be voluntary.

Well thank God for small mercies, the jabbists won't be inocuraping people until they got a surplus stockpile of Science!.
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