Do conservatives argue from emotion? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Modern American conservatives are true nihilists who argue from the standpoint that nothing is true except what is in the present. They are the first post-modern conservative movement, bless them, and they were birthed in internet forums such as this one.

Hmm, interesting. It seems just the complete other way around on another political forum I am on.

I would hypothesise that, on a form dominated by mostly the Left you may get a small minority of emotional conservatives, and on a forum dominated mostly by those on the Right, you might get a small minority of emotional Leftists.
Not exactly sure what the reason for this is, but that is what it appears like.

Maybe if you have enough people on one side, you will get rational arguments, and the other side, if they are a minority, can't muster the intellectual strength to be able to address those arguments in a logical manner, so they start getting emotional.
Pretty sure the reality here is that everyone to some degree argues from emotion. It's just what types of emotions they are arguing around, and what sort of emotional energy they respond to.

There is research in this, and basically it say's the conservatives are more moved/motivated by negative emotions (they are taking our jobs, our way of life is at risk, etc. etc.), why liberals (I'm using a loose definition of liberal to mean non-conservative) are more moved/motivated by emotions of optimism (let's unite, let's work together, we can do it together, etc.). I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with either.

Anyway, I think that to believe emotional argumentation is unique to one side of an ideological spectrum, is frankly, stupid.
Agent Steel wrote:On the issue of Islam, they express anger and disapproval towards the teachings of the Quran, and again, they form their anti-Islamic views merely on this emotional basis. Yet there is no logical argument for how or why the teachings of Islam are factually wrong.

Islam supports slavery. It supports the rape of slaves. The Prophet Mohammed, the Muslim role model raped a nine year old girl. If there's one thing we know about Mohammed it is this. Mohammed was encouraged to rape Aisha by her Father Abu Bakr. He did this to establish himself as Muhammad's uncontested successor. The earlier the marriage was consummated the better for Abu Bakr and the worse for Ali. The Shia of course wanted to delegitimise Abu Bakr, so if they had known that Mohamed had not raped her at age nine we can be sure they would have contested the claim.

Some of us think these things were wrong. Lefties are so blinded by the emotion of hate towards their own people, traditions and culture that for them Islam, which is identified as opposed to the West can do no wrong. For a Liberal it emotionally impossible for them to accept that Muslims can do wrong. Hence why Liberals were so keen to accept W Bush's nonsense that 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. That Al Qaeda were not real Muslims.
Puffer Fish wrote:Hmm, interesting. It seems just the complete other way around on another political forum I am on.

I would hypothesise that, on a form dominated by mostly the Left you may get a small minority of emotional conservatives, and on a forum dominated mostly by those on the Right, you might get a small minority of emotional Leftists.
Not exactly sure what the reason for this is, but that is what it appears like.

Maybe if you have enough people on one side, you will get rational arguments, and the other side, if they are a minority, can't muster the intellectual strength to be able to address those arguments in a logical manner, so they start getting emotional.

I think it's due to right-wing brainwashing and indoctrination that you would think that.

It's almost always the case from what I have seen that right-wingers throw temper tantrums, hissy fits, and cannot deal with calm, rational, logical discussion.

You just don't see that because you're living in a bubble.
Agent Steel wrote:In speaking with conservatives on various issues, I fail to find any logical arguments to support their views.

On the issue of Islam, they express anger and disapproval towards the teachings of the Quran, and again, they form their anti-Islamic views merely on this emotional basis. Yet there is no logical argument for how or why the teachings of Islam are factually wrong.

On the issue of abortion, they again merely express an extreme dislike at the idea of infants getting murdered. Yet again, they are completely unable to offer a logical argument to prove that infanticide is actually wrong...again they rely purely on their feelings to say that abortion is morally wrong.

Now obviously the most bizarre facet of the illogic of conservatives, is that they seem to project this lack of logic onto their political opponents. You've heard them claim that liberals are illogical who can't think rationally. When a conservative make this claim, what he is actually doing is spewing forth psychological projection, which is a sign of weakness, insecurity, and dishonesty. Because as I've just shown above, they in fact have no rational arguments to support their own views.

Are conservatives incapable of rational argumentation?

I'm just letting you know (although I'm sure you are incapable of realizing it) that your post is so hilarious I'm going to repost it in another conservative forum for the members there to ridicule and lampoon your post and get a few cheap laughs.

To me at least, half the stuff you have written almost seems like a parody of what conservatives would think your side would say.
Well look, I have often seen self-described conservatives get very angry and complain very emotionally. It's definitely a real thing.

Let me give you another example.

If I say we should raise people's taxes, conservatives will object purely out of the emotional disapproval that they have to pay more money.

Yet, there is no reason or logic behind their disapproval. They just don't like having to pay more, and they cry and complain about it like little girls.

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