Should COVID vaccine be mandatory? - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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Should COVID vaccine be mandatory?

Coronavirus highlights the $35 billion vaccine market.

The vaccine market has grown sixfold over the past two decades, worth more than $35 billion today, according to AB Bernstein.

The firm said the industry has consolidated to four big players that account for about 85% of the market — British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline, French pharmaceutical company Sanofi, and U.S.-based Merck and Pfizer.

“For every dollar invested in vaccination in the world’s 94 lowest-income countries, the net return is $44. Hard to argue against,” Wimal Kapadia, Bernstein’s analyst, said in a note. “This oligopoly has been built through significant market consolidation driven primarily by the complexities of the manufacturing and supply chain.”

The Bernstein analyst said Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline both have a stable vaccine portfolio, including shingles, flu, pertussis and polio vaccines, that will keep driving revenue.

‘Long-lived assets’

Merck’s vaccine business generated $8.4 billion of revenues in 2019, the segment has been growing at an annual rate of 9% since 2010, according to Bernstein.

Its human papillomavirus vaccine Gardasil 9 will be “the biggest selling vaccine of all time,” Kapadia said. “Gardasil 9 will take over the HPV market given competition is limited - supply is the only decelerator.”

For Pfizer, while its vaccine business has stagnated in recent years, its pipeline has “blockbuster potential,” the analyst noted.

“Vaccines are long-lived assets, have high barriers to entry, typically stable/growing pricing, mostly limited competition and no patent cliff,” Kapadia said. ... arket.html
Sivad wrote:I'm imagining you saying all that in an Estonian accent and it's cracking me up. I don't know how shit works in euro hick ville but in the developed world research scientists at big pharmaceutical companies make bank. And on top of their base pay they get stock in the company and ownership shares in patents. So everything you typed is fucking retarded and you should figure out how the world works outside of Estonia before going full pofo on nice people like me who are just trying to clue you in to reality.

Show the numbers. I know researchers from different countries with PHDs. Their salaries is not low and very high but it is just salary. And i mean scientists not CEOs.

Actually here you go. One google search away: ... ist/Salary
Universities and other beneficiaries of public funding for scientific research are encouraged to patent resulting inventions under the Bayh–Dole Act. This controversial framework gives academic grant recipients a direct financial stake in the success of their inventions by requiring universities to share the resulting patent royalties with inventors. ... 8819302522

You don't know what you're talking about, @JohnRawls. Researchers get patent rights and stock options and all kinds of highly lucrative payola(including a never ending stream of grant funding from industry) on top of their very comfortable salaries. They definitely have a financial incentive to juke the science.
Sivad wrote:Universities and other beneficiaries of public funding for scientific research are encouraged to patent resulting inventions under the Bayh–Dole Act. This controversial framework gives academic grant recipients a direct financial stake in the success of their inventions by requiring universities to share the resulting patent royalties with inventors. ... 8819302522

You don't know what you're talking about, @JohnRawls. Researchers get patent rights and stock options and all kinds of highly lucrative payola(including a never ending stream of grant funding from industry) on top of their very comfortable salaries. They definitely have a financial incentive to juke the science.

We were talking about private enterprise just now and now you are talking about government subsidies. :knife: What is next Sivad? More straws?

As i said, the government will invest in to a vaccine since it is a pandemic.
JohnRawls wrote:We were talking about private enterprise just now and now you are talking about government subsidies. :knife: What is next Sivad? More straws?

As i said, the government will invest in to a vaccine since it is a pandemic.

Well now you're just resorting to blatant idiocy. We we're talking about financial incentives for researchers and I'm showing you that even public university researches get patent rights. Private corporate researchers get way better compensation packages. You don't know anything about any of this, all you got is an ignorant boomer Science! fantasy that's completely detached from all reality. Good luck with that.
Sivad wrote:Well now you're just resorting to blatant idiocy. We we're talking about financial incentives for researchers and I'm showing you that even public university researches get patent rights. Private corporate researchers get way better compensation packages. You don't know anything about any of this, all you got is an ignorant boomer Science! fantasy that's completely detached from all reality. Good luck with that.

"The evil scientist" that "does research for corporate greed" is a meme Sivad. I knew that you are an anti vaxxer but holy LEE duck. :|
JohnRawls wrote:"The evil scientist" that "does research for corporate greed" is a meme Sivad. I knew that you are an anti vaxxer but holy LEE duck. :|

Yeah so now you've given up the idiotic claim that there's no money in vaccines and moved on to a retarded strawman about evil scientists. It always amazes me how you people can't come up with even one intelligent response to any of the issues raised by critics. Go read through the vaccine threads here on pofo, it's just one retarded shit take after the next, the babbitt case rests entirely on willful ignorance, obtuse denial, and blatant idiocy. You guys haven't been able to muster one intelligent response between you. You people are just completely fucking ridiculous. It's absurd that people like you even exist.

You say that the idea that vaccines cause autism is "insane" but I got the government's own top expert witness for vaccine court saying vaccines can and do cause autism. I got the director of the CDC on video saying vaccines cause autism. I got the director of the National Institutes of Health on video saying she strongly suspects vaccines are causing autism in a subset of cases.

Everything you people think, type or say about this issue is demonstrably wrong and completely idiotic. All of you are just talking out your ignorant asses and none of you know anything about vaccines or vaccine safety.

Please present evidence showing that the profit incentive (which fuels all capitalism) is somehow different for vaccines.

If the profit incentive does not have this effect only on vaccines, then why is everything else in the world which is also a product of capitalism not also a big scam like vaccines?
maz wrote:Sorry, it doesn't work like that. Everyone is a covid19 suspect, including you. You are going to have to take the vaccine no matter how careful you are, or how healthy your immune system is.

Jeffrey Epstein's friend, who has no medical credentials, says so.

Doesn't matter. America is not China so they can't force that on you.
Doesn't matter. America is not China so they can't force that on you.

No the can't.

What they could do under the law in most states is:

Make the vaccine a requirement for employment.

To attend schools

To enter public property.

To keep health insurance in force.

I could go on. Suffice it to say that if it were deemed politically advantageous to do so they could make it damnably uncomfortable to refuse.

By the way. This year's geezer flu vaccine is out and I will take it first thing tomorrow. Without delay. Why? Because I am not a dumb ass.
Drlee wrote:
I could go on. Suffice it to say that if it were deemed politically advantageous to do so they could make it damnably uncomfortable to refuse.

By the way. This year's geezer flu vaccine is out and I will take it first thing tomorrow. Without delay. Why? Because I am not a dumb ass.

Our conversations follow a predictable pattern...

My clinic is usually tardy about getting the flu vaccine. I need to call them, and make arrangements to get the shot before the rush.
Patrickov wrote:Doesn't matter. America is not China so they can't force that on you.

If China is not going to require its citizens to take the covid-bs vaccine, but America will, that's saying a whole lot to me.

Businesses forcing citizens to prove that they don't have covid-bs to enter reminds me of the 9/11-bs and how we first had to prove that we weren't with Al Aqaeda before we could get on an airplane.

We started having to take off our shoes, have TSA grope our genitals, make sure that we didn't accidentally end up on a list and all kinds of other hoops to jump through.

Never forget that it was supposed to be "2 weeks to slow the spread," which turned into "30 days to flatten the curve."

But then Drlee doesn't even know what the Cochrane review is...

Are you an adult? Russian Troll? Tell the rest of us how you arrived at this particular piece of ad hom nonsense.
The vaccine pushers say that they don't even know if the covid-bs vaccine will even be effective in creating immunity. Right now there is a 99.6%-99.7% survival rate so is no reason to have a forced vaccination program.

Also, covid-bs is not polio.
SaddamHuseinovic wrote:I get a vaccine against seasonal flu. If all would do the same, this would save lifes.

I agree that if those vulnerable do it their lives will be saved, but I would let those more in need have it first.

Mandatory vaccine should be reserved to diseases which are easy to spread, behaving particularly nasty, and the vaccine itself having long-term immunity. Flu vaccines need regular update and making them mandatory may cause considerable strain in finance. I expect Wuhan Pneumonia being similar to flu.

Meanwhile, I don't think the infornation shared by Member maz reflects the situation accurately, and emphasis of such information does not help matters.
Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a new coronavirus (called SARS-CoV-2) and flu is caused by infection with influenza viruses. ... nza%20(Flu)%20and%20COVID%2D19%20are%20both%20contagious%20respiratory,by%20infection%20with%20influenza%20viruses.

The are NOT the same and Covid-19 is far more infectious than the flu!

Patrickov wrote:Flu vaccines need regular update and making them mandatory may cause considerable strain in finance.
:roll: Vaccines are cheap, as even people who get yearly(optional) flu shots will tell you.

Patrickov wrote:I expect Wuhan Pneumonia being similar to flu.
It's not. Stop pretending it is. That's willfull ignorance.

In two aspects I think I have been wrongly accused.
1. I did NOT disregard the severity of Wuhan Pneumonia. As Member Drlee mentioned in his signature, "it's a killer", and in fact I was the first person reporting this epidemic on PoFo.
2. What I said is the similarity on the ease of mutation between influenza and Wuhan Pneumonia, might make vaccines needing regular updates. I did NOT say they are exactly the same.

I will take the "vaccine is cheap" point, and I just found the poll's assumption "it will be free and sponsored by the government".

While the poll did not say this, I think "mandatory" means "punishment if not followed", which I am strongly against (unless they caught it and found not to have taken vaccine, which would equal to catching it due to not applying the necessary precautions. I see vaccine a valid precaution, not the). I do agree that whoever known to be vulnerable must take it, and those believe themselves vulnerable should take it. This is different from universal mandatory application though.
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