Should COVID vaccine be mandatory? - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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Should COVID vaccine be mandatory?

annatar1914 wrote:I have skepticism about anything people do, especially if there's money involved. But to be skeptical of vaccines on general principle is a bridge too far for me to cross.

Why? We are shutting down entire sectors of the economy because of the promise of a future vaccine that may not work, that corporation have already made billions to produce.
This is some Medieval surreal shit right here. :|

The fearmongering against vaccination is just stupid. The technology has been used and tried for over a century now. Yeah some versions of vaccines are a bit newer than others but it doesn't mean that they have not been used before. I know that it is scary to think that you will be injected with either inactive virus or dead virus or modified mRNA virus etc We have done it for longer than a century now.

But yeah, keep on talking how vaccines will give you autismus maximus or turn you into a Epstein or or or ... make BILL GATES brainwash you... :knife:
JohnRawls wrote:This is some Medieval surreal shit right here. :|

The fearmongering against vaccination is just stupid. The technology has been used and tried for over a century now. Yeah some versions of vaccines are a bit newer than others but it doesn't mean that they have not been used before. I know that it is scary to think that you will be injected with either inactive virus or dead virus or modified mRNA virus etc We have done it for longer than a century now.

But yeah, keep on talking how vaccines will give you autismus maximus or turn you into a Epstein or or or ... make BILL GATES brainwash you... :knife:

Maybe, just maybe the scientists from the old days were actually interested in eradicating diseases than scientists just trying to make a fast buck today?
maz wrote:Maybe, just maybe the scientists from the old days were actually interested in eradicating diseases than scientists just trying to make a fast buck today?

I don't know what happened to you in life maz, to be so deranged in your opinions. Scientists rarely make any money on their discoveries. Most of the scientists i know, with literal PHDs, mostly do research because they love doing research. The only exception to that rule that i know is one person that basically can't do research in Russia because they did not pay him well so he went to work for private businesses. But he would have stayed in the Kurchatov institute if it wasn't a cesspool for asskisser that didn't pay people well.

Also this whole "vaccine is to make money argument" doesn't correlate with statistics. Vaccines are like 1-2% of total healthcare profits. The reason for it being quite simple, treating a disease/symptoms is forever while curing something is well permanent and stops you from making money on the same thing.

There is no scientists of old and new by the way. It is your thinking that is warped. The ones making the money are the corporations and as mentioned before, vaccines is a shit business compared to anything else you can do in healthcare. Like being a literal dentists has higher profit margins compared to making vaccines.

As for the Covid vaccine. Well, US or Germany paying couple of hunder of millions or a billion to get vaccines for everyone is literally pennies compared to the whole healthcare sector. That is literally less than 1% of healthcare expenditure in Germany and a lot less than 1% in the US. Actually lets count. 3.6 trillion for us per year, how much is lets say 2 billion from that. That is 0.06%. Basically nothing. So what fucking money are you even talking about.
Anti-vaxxers and pseudoscientists here, are always quick to point out how there's big money in vaccines. Where is it?

Vaccines in most places are cheap, or even free. Even so, you don't take a vaccine every year, or sometimes for many decades. It's all lies.

If you were convinced Big Pharma was out to get you, then they'd be making a treatment, and not looking for a vaccine.

Sivad wrote:Your dogmatic mentality is some Medieval surreal shit, it's a mindset straight out of the Dark Ages.
He's right, and you hate it.
Sivad wrote:Your dogmatic mentality is some Medieval surreal shit, it's a mindset straight out of the Dark Ages.

Do you like have uhmm, like real arguments here? Preferably ones that are actually have some semblance of sanity. (Vaccines cause autism is not a sane argument)
JohnRawls wrote:Also this whole "vaccine is to make money argument" doesn't correlate with statistics.

Your ignorant spiel doesn't correlate with reality:

A Covid-19 Vaccine Could Be Worth Billions for Moderna and Its Rivals

Fresh on the heels of the first data from human tests of its Covid-19 vaccine, Moderna sold $1.3 billion worth of stock on Monday at a price of $76 a share. That’s a fourfold rise from price where the biotech’s stock started the year, and a market value of $30 billion for a company that has yet to sell its first product.

What investors are betting on, for Moderna (ticker: MRNA) and others developing vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is that a third of the developed world’s population will get vaccinated every year. That could amount to a $10 billion annual business, at an estimated price of $30 per vaccination. At higher prices, Covid vaccine revenue would be bigger still. ... 1589902769
JohnRawls wrote:Do you like have uhmm, like real arguments here? Preferably ones that are actually have some semblance of sanity. (Vaccines cause autism is not a sane argument)

You couldn't follow an argument to save your life, my dude.
Vaccines are like a founding myth for boomers, the fakest generation is never coming off it. It's just one more retarded farce we're gonna have to wait the old boomtards out on.
In the UK the daily death toll from the Xi virus stands at 9. Probably more than half of those aren't really from the Xi virus. There are huge incentives within the system to put as many deaths as possible as Covid. But even on their inflated figures, more people are dying of flu than Covid.

Flu that is what is scaring the lock down liberals, because the liberals want to claim that low death rates from the Xi virus are due to the lockdown. The Flu deaths give the lie to that. If the lockdowns and the social distancing and the masks were really stopping the spread of a highly infectious deadly disease then we would expect to see the supposedly less infectious, less deadly flu eliminated.

The way the Liberals tell it, everyone loves vaccines, apart from a tiny, tiny minority of extremist loonies. So what's you're problem Liberals? Why does it need to be compulsory? Why does it matter to you if a few people don't take your super 100% guaranteed effect, zero side effects, no risk what so ever, life long lasting vaccine? Your super-duper vaccine will kill the virus anyway.
Rich wrote:Why does it matter to you if a few people don't take your super 100% guaranteed effect, zero side effects, no risk what so ever, life long lasting vaccine?
No one says that lie. You guys do, however. The alternative to no vaccines is far worse than with them. That's FACT that is undeniable by all but the most fervent anti-science and anti-vaxxers out there.

Stop being deceitful.
Sivad wrote:You brought it up, you said liberals would reject any vaccine developed under Trump. I was just responding to your post.

By welcoming their rejection, you welcome their irrational ''reasons'' and that would taint you by association. But hey, I'm just noting how they operate; if Donald Trump said it was bad to drink urine, they'd go out and hold urine-drinking parties.

How many people are actually out there who can reason? I don't have a good thing or a bad thing to say about President Trump personally. I oppose him politically from a Socialist perspective. But Liberals? They're getting absolutely certifiable over the guy...
annatar1914 wrote:By welcoming their rejection, you welcome their irrational ''reasons'' and that would taint you by association.

I guess but really it's just a great big herd of retards so I don't think there's any obligation to reason with it and if the tard herd veers off just before it mindlessly tramples me I'm not gonna call it back.
Sivad wrote:Your ignorant spiel doesn't correlate with reality:

You said that scientists get money. Financial market is not related to scientists that develop the vaccine in any way. This is financial market economics 101. (Supply and demand) Currently we are in a pandemic so things like internet shopping, internet companies, vaccine companies will have high demand for their stock because people will buy, buy, buy to make some money. Things like air travel, tourism, retail will be on a down turn because there is little demand due to limited travel, quarantines etc so people will sell, sell, sell.

Your argument was that scientists are biased because they want money. Scientists are not involved in the financial market Sivad. So unless you can proove that the pandemic is manufactured by the vaccine companies to drive the price of their stock then you have no argument here.

You are trying to grasp at straws here.
JohnRawls wrote:
Also this whole "vaccine is to make money argument" doesn't correlate with statistics. Vaccines are like 1-2% of total healthcare profits. The reason for it being quite simple, treating a disease/symptoms is forever while curing something is well permanent and stops you from making money on the same thing.

There is no scientists of old and new by the way. It is your thinking that is warped. The ones making the money are the corporations and as mentioned before, vaccines is a shit business compared to anything else you can do in healthcare. Like being a literal dentists has higher profit margins compared to making vaccines.

Godstud wrote:Anti-vaxxers and pseudoscientists here, are always quick to point out how there's big money in vaccines. Where is it?

Vaccines in most places are cheap, or even free. Even so, you don't take a vaccine every year, or sometimes for many decades. It's all lies.

If you were convinced Big Pharma was out to get you, then they'd be making a treatment, and not looking for a vaccine.

He's right, and you hate it.

Well whatever. Vaccine corporations are making the money then not the scientists.

Government funding 'very important' to coronavirus vaccine development: Top Harvard scientist

The U.S. government has allocated nearly $11 billion to pharmaceutical companies to accelerate the discovery and production of a coronavirus vaccine — and it’s money well spent, Harvard University vaccine researcher Dr. Dan Barouch told Yahoo Finance in a recent interview.

He said the spending initiative, known as Operation Warp Speed, will deliver a vaccine faster than pharma companies could on their own, and he defended the government’s decision to fund vaccine candidates before clinical trials prove they can safely protect against the virus.

“It's important that the government has invested heavily in vaccines,” Barouch said. “I think it will result in safe and effective vaccines a lot sooner than would have been done otherwise.”

“Some people have have misinterpreted speed as lack of attention to safety, which is not actually the case at all,” said Barouch, who has collaborated with pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) on the development of a vaccine.

The U.S. government and Johnson & Johnson have invested a combined $1 billion in the vaccine candidate co-developed by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, where Barouch runs the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research.

Next month, Johnson & Johnson will begin the largest late-stage coronavirus vaccine trial yet, involving 60,000 people in the U.S. and other countries, the company confirmed on Thursday.

Pharmaceutical companies Moderna (MRNA) and Pfizer (PFE ) — both of which received federal funding — announced last month that each had begun phase three trials on a respective vaccine candidate.

Operation Warp Speed, announced by President Trump in April, aims to produce 300 million doses of a vaccine by January 2021 through financial support for development at selected companies and the purchase of vaccines prior to their completion of the testing and review process.

“Some parts of it make a lot of sense,” Barouch said. “For example, helping providing resources to multiple different vaccine developers to produce multiple vaccines.”

“Then the willingness to take financial risks, helping to provide resources to manufacture vaccines at large scale before the demonstration of clinical efficacy,” he said.

This is just another version of the protection racquet [edit racket]. Fucking 99.6% survival rate. Get the fuck outta here :lol:
Last edited by maz on 24 Aug 2020 19:39, edited 1 time in total.
maz wrote:Someone's making money though.

Government funding 'very important' to coronavirus vaccine development: Top Harvard scientist

This is just another version of the protection racquet. Fucking 99.6% survival rate. Get the fuck outta here :lol:

Someone is indeed. It is a negligible amount though if you compare it to total healthcare and profit margins in that healthcare. Government investing in to vaccines is exactly what any government should be doing in a pandemic. I mean if you were the President or Senate or House then you would do literally the same.

I am quite unsure what your and Sivads argument is at this point. That people make money on producing vaccines? Sure, it has happened for over 100 years that is how capitalism works. That the scientists are biased because of money? Well, where is the link?
JohnRawls wrote:You said that scientists get money. Financial market is not related to scientists that develop the vaccine in any way. This is financial market economics 101. (Supply and demand) Currently we are in a pandemic so things like internet shopping, internet companies, vaccine companies will have high demand for their stock because people will buy, buy, buy to make some money. Things like air travel, tourism, retail will be on a down turn because there is little demand due to limited travel, quarantines etc so people will sell, sell, sell.

Your argument was that scientists are biased because they want money. Scientists are not involved in the financial market Sivad. So unless you can proove that the pandemic is manufactured by the vaccine companies to drive the price of their stock then you have no argument here.

You are trying to grasp at straws here.

I'm imagining you saying all that in an Estonian accent and it's cracking me up. I don't know how shit works in euro hick ville but in the developed world research scientists at big pharmaceutical companies make bank. And on top of their base pay they get stock in the company and ownership shares in patents. So everything you typed is fucking retarded and you should figure out how the world works outside of Estonia before going full pofo on nice people like me who are just trying to clue you in to reality.
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