Libyan civil war - Politics | PoFo

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I wonder how this forum didn't exist until now.
Libyan civil war been raging since 9 years.
GNA(Goverment of National Accord) [UN recognised goverment, Led by a "parliament", currently heavily aided by Turkey, with both soldiers and equipment. Italy and NATO have publicly stated support for GNA. Italy holds interests with the oil companies which are based in Tripoli ]
LNA (Libyan National Army) [Led by general Haftar, France, Germany, UAE, Egypt and Russia are the ones who have stated their public support for LNA. Also many Russian equipment and mercenaries fgght on the side of LNA. French aircraft and gunnery also proven to be provided to Haftar. UAE also sends active help]
Also some southern tribes who have came to a deal with Haftars forces still occupy the South desert
Lataest updates :
-Haftar controls most of central and East Libya
-GNA currently exists only in NW Libya
-GNA with the support of Turkish drones and equipment and Syrian fighters, managed to outflank Haftars army.
Currently battle is raging on for the small town of Al Asaba. By capturing this town, GNA will regain control all over NW Libya and at the same time deal a very heavy blow to Haftars army.
Meanwhile EU arms blockade operation of Libya called Irini (after the Greek word for peace, ειρηνη) , has begun since Friday
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By Vanasalus
Hellas me ponas wrote:Currently battle is raging on for the small town of Al Asaba. By capturing this town, GNA will regain control all over NW Libya and at the same time deal a very heavy blow to Haftars army.

As much as I understand from what I read elsewhere, capturing the town of Tarhuna will be the most critical moment for ending the war in Western Libya. Not the Al Asaba.

Nevertheless, renegade Haftar's days are numbered. His puppet-masters are already looking for a replacement of him.

Good riddance.
By skinster
The people who were spending a lot of time yapping about and supporting regime-change on Libya are now too busy promoting the same on other states that don't bend over to Empire, such as Venezuela, China, Iran, Cuba etc., to comment on what their prior warmongering has resulted in.

It is a pattern I notice.
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By Potemkin
skinster wrote:The people who were spending a lot of time yapping about and supporting regime-change on Libya are now too busy promoting the same on other states that don't bend over to Empire, such as Venezuela, China, Iran, Cuba etc., to comment on what their prior warmongering has resulted in.

It is a pattern I notice.

What happened in Libya is what was meant to happen, @skinster. "Creative chaos"....
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By JohnRawls
skinster wrote:The people who were spending a lot of time yapping about and supporting regime-change on Libya are now too busy promoting the same on other states that don't bend over to Empire, such as Venezuela, China, Iran, Cuba etc., to comment on what their prior warmongering has resulted in.

It is a pattern I notice.

You sure have a short memory. The people who are currently anti-Maduro were/are also anti Syrian or Lybian civil wars.

Open our old Lybian or Syrian war discussion threads and read them again :knife:

@Hellas me ponas

As much as i understand right now Haftar is a EU/Russia/US/SA Proxy. GNA Is Qatar/Turkey proxy which are nominally supported by EU/US. Everyone is sick and tired of the civil war so sooner or later Haftar will be allowed to win as long as he keeps things relatively civil. So EU and US will abandon the GNA at some point in the near future depending on how civil Haftar is.
Ghadaffi was a legend I liked that guy alot gave me good laughs
but he was also saying alot of truth in the face of everyone he was mostly ignored because nobody like to hear the truth in politics especially from leader of a country
Libyan chaos is the product of the EU supported by Obama

By Atlantis
Potemkin wrote:What happened in Libya is what was meant to happen, @skinster. "Creative chaos"....

It wasn't. What happened in Libya is that your imperial masters saw an opportunity to use their Islamist proxy forces to topple the government and make the oil flow for the benefit of BP and Total at the expense of Eni. The chaos wasn't part of the plan.

@Zionist Nationalist, just like the Jews aren't responsible for every evil on this planet, the EU isn't responsible for the mess in Libya. Most European governments, including the German and Italian governments didn't want regime change. The mess in Libya is entirely due to the imperialists, especially in London, Paris and Washington - as always.
By skinster
Potemkin wrote:What happened in Libya is what was meant to happen, @skinster. "Creative chaos"....

Perhaps that's true, but unsure this has anything to do with my comment. :D
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By Potemkin
skinster wrote:Perhaps that's true, but unsure this has anything to do with my comment. :D

I just thought I'd put it out there. Lol.
By Rich
I'm totally opposed to the regime change in Libya.

The regime change that took place in 647. of course lefties want to live in a pathetic fantasy world, where western civilisation is the problem rather than the solution. Its really very simple. Iraq, Syria, the Levant, Asia Minor and North Africa were leaders in world civilisation and the Muslims came and turned them into shit holes. The backwardness of the Balkans relative to North Western Europe is that they were occupied for so long by Muslim terrorist parasites.
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By noemon
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Ghadaffi was a legend I liked that guy alot gave me good laughs
but he was also saying alot of truth in the face of everyone he was mostly ignored because nobody like to hear the truth in politics especially from leader of a country

Qaddafi was educated and trained in the Military Academy of Athens. He organised the Coup that took over Libya, from an Athenian suburb. Moral of the story, Greeks are cool people that produce cool & dangerous people that tell the naked truth. :)
By Atlantis
Rich wrote:Its really very simple. Iraq, Syria, the Levant, Asia Minor and North Africa were leaders in world civilisation and the Muslims came and turned them into shit holes. The backwardness of the Balkans relative to North Western Europe is that they were occupied for so long by Muslim terrorist parasites.

You need to read up on history. The Muslim rulers from the 8th to the 15th century achieved great prosperity with a concurrent flowering of the fine arts and sciences. It's only in the 16th century that marauding men of fortune from Europe started to encroach on the profitable trade with the Far East, thus depriving the Muslim trading empires of their source for prosperity.
By Patrickov
Atlantis wrote:It's only in the 16th century that marauding men of fortune from Europe started to encroach on the profitable trade with the Far East, thus depriving the Muslim trading empires of their source for prosperity.

Nothing is forever deserved. Finding a route to bypass unnecessary fees is not a crime. Not to mention many of those Europeans risked their lives no less.
Atlantis wrote:You need to read up on history. The Muslim rulers from the 8th to the 15th century achieved great prosperity with a concurrent flowering of the fine arts and sciences. It's only in the 16th century that marauding men of fortune from Europe started to encroach on the profitable trade with the Far East, thus depriving the Muslim trading empires of their source for prosperity.

Well although that is true and indeed under ottoman empire the balkans were one of the most prosperous regions of the planet at that time, that only lasted until 1566 (Suleiman's the Magnificent death), because after that when the ottoman state started failing and declining that also had social and economic effect on the peoples who lived under ottoman rule (including the middle east). Middle East is what it is today for 2 reasons, 1st The ottoman corrupted and declining state 2nd the Europeans who decided to keep the Sick Man of Europe alive because they had no idea on how to split it, thus middle east and balkams kept on being ruled by a tottaly failed, corrupted and inefficient state for another 350 years. That way no proper state ever emerged in this region. And even when they finally got independent in the 1960s and started having some true progress Europeans came back immidiately with proxy wars and oil companies interests, buying off, painting terrorist or assassinating every competent politician in the region who wouldn't work with them.
You see its not Islam that caused problems in the middle east (actually Islam brought prosperity to this region, Have you ever heard of the Muslim golden century?), its the constant interference of foreigners that won't let the locals develop and evolve.

I'm other words, middle east turning into a shit hole is primarily UK/Russian/Austrian/Prussian and then American fault. The incompetence of whom to find a proper solution on dividing the ottoman empire, created a series of shit situations.
So yes, WHITE CATHOLICS created this mess. Don't blame it to the poor Arabs buddy.Btw ISIL was created and trained by the CIA , I guess you you already know that tho.
By Istanbuller
It is most likely that GNA will recapture the entire country in a few months. Recent developments is a sign of this.

Turkey's overseas military capability changed the war's direction. Hopefully GNA will win. And we will be permitted to use Libya's ports and airbases and some oil revenue.
Don't rush to declare a victor so soon. Haftar has already counter attacked and forced the GNA forced to withdraw to Gharyan and he has connected again with his army in western Libya. The fight is still very uncertain.
GNA may have numerical and technological advance, but Haftars forces are battle hardened warriors, they've been fighting 9 years in these deserts. And Haftar is a very cunning, decisive and capable personality.
Plus don't forget that Egypt and France haven't played their last cards yet. Haftar is still strong in the fight. I can already see the Turkish coffin makers getting rich in the following week's. :D ;)

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