Can we cope with lockdown? - Politics | PoFo

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By alyas
First we watched, in shocked fascination, as the people of Wuhan disappeared into quarantine, turning that city’s bustling streets into urban deserts; then, ordinary life ended in Italy and across Europe; now Britain is going into a lockdown of its own, and yet how strange it still feels, I have lost count of the number of people who have told me it’s like living in a film. But this is not fiction: faced with an invisible enemy, our existences have had to change overnight. Millions of people have abandoned their workplaces, and have been “helplessly watching a tidal wave of cancellations – weddings, parties, meetings, holidays”. Parents are having to home-educate their children, while holding down jobs remotely; others may no longer have a job.
source : ... -lockdown/
We coped with WW2, so covid-19 will be a walk in the park in comparison. Well, not a literal walk in the park as that is banned now I guess, though good luck fining me out on the common where I live.
alyas wrote: faced with an invisible enemy

The criminal establishment and its legions of lying fear mongering babbitt control freaks and the braindead public are all perfectly visible. I mean how many giant hoaxes and mass hysterias do you people have to witness before you get the picture?
Sivad wrote:The criminal establishment and its legions of lying fear mongering babbitt control freaks and the braindead public are all perfectly visible.

Well seriously I see anyone who repeatedly throws the same hostile messages as a member of criminal establishment, or control freaks, or braindead public, or a combination of them. Such people exist in all stances.

Although I admit that I do not see the public as enemies even if some of them might be braindead. After all they have no brains to exert enough influence do they?
Sivad wrote:
The criminal establishment and its legions of lying fear mongering babbitt control freaks and the braindead public are all perfectly visible. I mean how many giant hoaxes and mass hysterias do you people have to witness before you get the picture?

A Right wing nut tried to ram a hospital ship with a train yesterday.

Like you, he got the picture.
Patrickov wrote:Although I admit that I do not see the public as enemies even if some of them might be braindead.

In my country we have a serial liar as the PM, and even many people who despised him just a month ago suddenly think he's great. Because ''he's being a strong leader'' and is ''keeping our country safe in this current crisis'' or some stupid shit like that. People always live in the moment and never look at the bigger picture.
Yes, we can code. Anyone that's distressed about having to stay home is a pussy. There are a million other things that are far worse... FAR WORSE.
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