Coronavirus: 'Nature is sending us a message’, says UN environment chief - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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SolarCross wrote:If it was an accidental release then it would likely have just been a work-in-progress rather than a perfected weapon. The epicentre is right next door to Wuhan Insitute of Virology, literally China's only level 4 biohazard lab. That's is just a bit too much of coincidence. Wet markets are all over China.

I think the question is why are the totalitarians ignoring the very high probability that their favourite totalitarian regime might just be a bunch of clowns? Oh wait that is a question that answers itself.

Wuhan happens to be a large city. You could pick any city in any country and if you look hard enough you can find a site that could have released a Bio Weapon. Which was true for Salisbury. Or was you one of these who bought the idea it came from Porton Down?

Also, work in progress? It seems pretty shit as it can't be contained and China haven't developed an antidote at the same time.
B0ycey wrote:Wuhan happens to be a large city. You could pick any city in any country and if you look hard enough you can find a site that could have released a Bio Weapon. Which was true for Salisbury. Or was you one of these who bought the idea it came from Porton Down?

On purpose a bioweapon could be released anywhere for sure, but an accidental, unplanned (due to massive incompetence) release will be local almost certainly.

So how much do you love your dear leader in China winnie the pooh?

SolarCross wrote:
If it was an accidental release then it would likely have just been a work-in-progress rather than a perfected weapon. The epicentre is right next door to Wuhan Insitute of Virology, literally China's only level 4 biohazard lab. That's is just a bit too much of coincidence. Wet markets are all over China.

I think the question is why are the totalitarians ignoring the very high probability that their favourite totalitarian regime might just be a bunch of clowns? Oh wait that is a question that answers itself.

"One persistent myth is that this virus, called SARS-CoV-2, was made by scientists and escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China, where the outbreak began.

A new analysis of SARS-CoV-2 may finally put that latter idea to bed. A group of researchers compared the genome of this novel coronavirus with the seven other coronaviruses known to infect humans: SARS, MERS and SARS-CoV-2, which can cause severe disease; along with HKU1, NL63, OC43 and 229E, which typically cause just mild symptoms, the researchers wrote March 17 in the journal Nature Medicine.

Another nail in the "escaped from evil lab" theory? The overall molecular structure of this virus is distinct from the known coronaviruses and instead most closely resembles viruses found in bats and pangolins that had been little studied and never known to cause humans any harm.

"If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness,"

More at the link...

What the above means is that the rate of disease coming from animals is increasing, and a lot of it comes from industrial farming...

No mad scientists, just very, very, very stupid people.
SolarCross wrote:On purpose a bioweapon could be released anywhere for sure, but an accidental, unplanned (due to massive incompetence) release will be local almost certainly.

Local to what? All we know is that Wuhan had to shut down. We cannot know that it originated there.

So how much do you love your dear leader in China...

China is pretty darn efficient. They sorted this out in two months. The West will be fucking around with this next year until a vaccine becomes available and perhaps some time after that. Which is why, except Atlantis, I cannot understand why those who advocate health over economics are happy with the Wests half open half closed rising cases and soon we'll all be infected but a damn sight poorer strategy.
SolarCross wrote:Well if they released it on purpose why do it on their own doorstep? They could put a vial on a plane and drop it anywhere. Tokyo, Seoul, Washington...

If it happens on the doorstep then that looks like an accident to me.

By releasing it inside their own territory they control the evidence, anywhere else and they could be caught doing it. The regime doesn't give a fuck about the masses it rules over so if the gulagist planners thought that the rewards outweighed the risks and that it was worth it there's no question that they'd do it.

I don't know about you but I don't give evil fascist empires the benefit of the doubt, if it did come from that lab then it was deliberately released.
That CONSPIRACY THEORY is just plain fucking stupid. People are going to release a killer flu on their friends and families.

I thought you were smart, but that's even dumber than your anti-vaxxer dumbassery, @Sivad!
Sivad wrote:By releasing it inside their own territory they control the evidence, anywhere else and they could be caught doing it. The regime doesn't give a fuck about the masses it rules over so if the gulagist planners thought that the rewards outweighed the risks and that it was worth it there's no question that they'd do it.

I don't know about you but I don't give evil fascist empires the benefit of the doubt, if it did come from that lab then it was deliberately released.

Ok but why release it in Wuhan then? China is a big country, there are plenty of other places they could release it. Somewhere like Shanghai which would spread the virus to the rest of the world faster because it is a trade hub.

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