Christmas is coming again.... The Birthday of Jesus.... Do you agree? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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How did December 25 become Christmas? We cannot be entirely sure. ... christmas/

The record of births were destroyed in 70 A.D. when the Temple was destroyed by the Romans. Luke claims to have checked out things carefully. So he may have checked those records and it could be how he knew that Jesus became twelve when his parents went up to Jerusalem for the Passover that year.
I agree it was his Bar Mitzvah-type event Hindsite but in those days the "Bar Mitzvah" was not on the birthday and wasn't the "Birthday party" style event it is in post temple times. It didn't technically formally exist.

Remember that Jews had to go to the Temple for Passover and a few other "compulsory" days. Most likely that is when the now Bar Mitzvah (Of Age) child had to be "presented in the Temple"(what Jews call today the Bar Mitzvah ceremony). Jesus "Bar Mitzvah" happening during Passover is not evidence he was born on Passover. He had turned 12 prior to the holiday and as this was the next big time in the year for a Jerusalem Pilgrimage, he was presented in the one Jewish Temple at that time. This was the practice of the Jews during the Temple's existence.

The Temple in Jerusalem doesn't exist anymore, therefore this type of presentation ceremony now takes place at Synagogues at anytime of the year and Modern Jews have naturally gone with "as soon as they hit 12".

But Hindsite that wasn't the tradition and ceremony of Jesus time.
Just one thing, @colliric: Israel is nowhere near the equator. :lol:

As for the actual question, I agree with @Victoribus Spolia. The important thing is the celebration, not the exact date. It's not like colonies in the early days of the Roman empire were known for their meticulous record-keeping.
Heisenberg wrote:Just one thing, @colliric: Israel is nowhere near the equator. :lol:.

It's roughly as close as the middle of my country is and my country is warm all over during winter(and yes the average temperatures are similar). It's only slightly further away than Florida and California's northern sides are.

That was my point. Obviously I didn't make myself clear enough.
Last edited by colliric on 24 Oct 2018 16:16, edited 1 time in total.
colliric wrote:I agree it was his Bar Mitzvah-type event Hindsite but in those days the "Bar Mitzvah" was not on the birthday and wasn't the "Birthday party" style event it is in post temple times. It didn't technically formally exist.

I never mentioned a Bar-Mitxvah or bithday party. I am not Jewish, so I don't know what they do today, nor do I care.

colliric wrote:Remember that Jews had to go to the Temple for Passover and a few other "compulsory" days.

Yeah, I thought that was what I pointed out.

colliric wrote:But Hindsite that wasn't the tradition and ceremony of Jesus time.

I understand that tradition and religious ceremonies can change over time. Then why don't we rely on what the Holy Bible reveals to determine the tradition and ceremony in the time of Jesus.

I believe we can rely on Luke to provide us with the Custom of the time of Jesus. Luke begins with the following introduction:

Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus; so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.
(LUKE 1:1-4 NASB)

Luke presents much detail leading up to the birth of Jesus and even gives an account of the baby Jesus being presented at the temple after his circumcision and what happened there. Perhaps he got the information by talking to Mary. Regardoless of how Luke got the information, he is the only one that says Jesus "became" twelve at the time of the Passover. Yes, the Greek word is correctly translated "became" not "was" as the KJV has it.
Hindsite wrote:If you want to believe that then throw away the Holy Bible and become an atheist and die like a dog.


Of course it is wrong to be an atheist, but sometimes I do wonder that the Lord might find it more convenient to directly inspire us instead of giving us less relevant trivia.
Patrickov wrote:Of course it is wrong to be an atheist, but sometimes I do wonder that the Lord might find it more convenient to directly inspire us instead of giving us less relevant trivia.

The Holy Spirit did inspire me to check out the original Greek text to learn the truth.

Read John chapters 14 and 16 were Jesus promises after He goes away to send a helper, for example:

"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you."
(John 14:26 NASB)

"But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come."
(John 16:13 NASB)

Praise the Lord
Were Mary and Joseph some kind of retards?

I don't know about you, but every time a girl friend of mine has got pregnant after claiming to have been fucked by the Holy Spirit, I've expected the child to become a prodigy. in fact maybe its just a nasty suspicious, part of my character, but when any of my girl friends have supposedly got pregnant through the holy Sprit, if that child doesn't turn into a pretty prodigious prodigy, I start to become suspicious, that she's been lying to me.

And to the ladies of the forum I say, maybe not of all of you have made love with the Holy Spirit, but if you did and you became pregnant and you were visited by an Angel, wouldn't you expect your child to be a prodigy. Yet Mary and Joseph were sorely amazed when Jesus turned out to be a child prodigy according to Luke.
Rich wrote:Were Mary and Joseph some kind of retards?

I don't know about you, but every time a girl friend of mine has got pregnant after claiming to have been fucked by the Holy Spirit, I've expected the child to become a prodigy. in fact maybe its just a nasty suspicious, part of my character, but when any of my girl friends have supposedly got pregnant through the holy Sprit, if that child doesn't turn into a pretty prodigious prodigy, I start to become suspicious, that she's been lying to me.

And to the ladies of the forum I say, maybe not of all of you have made love with the Holy Spirit, but if you did and you became pregnant and you were visited by an Angel, wouldn't you expect your child to be a prodigy. Yet Mary and Joseph were sorely amazed when Jesus turned out to be a child prodigy according to Luke.

Okay, that was pretty fuckin' funny.

I don't know when Jesus' birthday is. Can't say I really care much...

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