Jealous of the Rich, Yet Want to Win the Lottery? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Hong Wu wrote:Just a thought exercise. If you are jealous of rich people because they don't deserve their wealth, yet you would like to win the lottery (which is the epitome of someone being rich without deserving it), can you explain your thought process?

Well, I'm neither jealous of rich people, nor would I want to win the lottery.

But I do want to point out that the vast majority of rich people dont deserve being rich even the tiniest bit more than people winning in the lottery. Because they merely won the lottery of birth instead of that other lottery.

So your distinction is defunct.

Godstud wrote:Many people are rich because they victimize and exploit those who are not.

That, too.
I only think bad of the rich because money corrupts. You inherit it, you devote your life to accumulating it, or you win the lottery. The last probably has the least chance of corrupting you because it is sudden and it takes time to be corrupted.
I gave up on the lottery but if I won, I only intended to keep a small portion for myself. It is not true everyone wants to win it for personal gain. I don’t know that anyone has ever bothered to ask people why they play.
Firstly, you need to explain "jealousy of the rich"? I doubt anyone is jealous that someone is indeed rich. They are perhaps against the system that made them rich due to a birth right they didn't earn or perhaps their ideology is against the means of privilege in terms of wealth and maybe they want to remove the wealth divide altogether. But that isn't jealousy. That is ideology and personal morals.

While we live under the Capitalist model and currency has value, it makes sense for any individual to want to gain as much of it as possible for their own personal security. Whether that is by work or fortune. You can be both fortunately rich and be against the system that makes you rich at the same time btw. As this is true, why should anyone sacrifice personal security for a social justice movement? Until you can answer that question there is no contradiction in being against the rich poor divide and wanting to be secure financially.
One Degree wrote:Sounds like a recipe for decadence and perversion. The elimination of restraints on our actions usually brings out the more undesirable side of humans.

Yes, Bill and Melinda Gates are horrible people...

We need to be restrained by society and limited wealth.

That's got to be the silliest thing ever posted to the internet...

Humans are at their best during times of hardship.

So, when someone who's out of work resorts to crime to get money, that's admirable to you?

Like most, I have dreamed of winning the lottery. I would give enough to my kids to have a greater freedom of choice, yet not enough to eliminate their need to make choices. The rest I would put in a foundation to promote autonomy. I have zero desire to keep more than a $100,000 for myself.

I have wealth. My hard work and perseverance has paid off. My daughter is pretty much dialed in for the rest of her life.

I don't know what fantasy world you live in, but that nonsense about money eliminating the need to make choices is just stupid. I had to make choices when I was poor. I still have to make choices. They're just different choices...

I have known a few that can handle wealth, but not many.

I've no doubt it would present you a challenge...
Negotiator wrote:But I do want to point out that the vast majority of rich people dont deserve being rich even the tiniest bit more than people winning in the lottery. Because they merely won the lottery of birth instead of that other lottery.

What sort of supporting evidence can you provide to back up this silly claim?
Puffer Fish wrote:Yes, I do find it ironic that the same people who rail against the rich and complain about the creation of inequality would also get together in a pool of people to intentionally create an even more extreme form of inequality, to make one of those people extremely rich.

Yes but is it the same people? The problem, for Communists, is that real thorough going Communists are only ever a small minority. Communists try to make out that they're ideology is just a more conscious, more thought out, more developed thought system of the typical person. It is not. The prevalence of lotteries is a demonstration of the lack of communist values within the mass of the population.

The problem for the rest of us the modern hegemony of Cultural Marxism. Hence the pervasive nonsense that in the pre modern world, all or even most slaves wanted to abolish slavery. They didn't. They just aspired to be slave owners rather slaves. Or take Trade Unions, the clue is in the name. Trade Unions never sought equality, they sought better wages, conditions and status for the members of their trades.

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