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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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By Hindsite
colliric wrote:

I know you don't like Chenk Ugyur, but this is not for your benefit @Hindsite, but to show other people what the Bible actually says, because everything Chenk quotes is IN the Bible and taken directly from it. It's weird seeing Ana Kasparian defend traditional Christian beliefs in the face of creeping Zionism, but alas the day for it has come.

The guy on your video is a liar. He said that Trump said Nazis were good people and that is not true. Trump actually said that he believed there were good people on both sides of the issue of keeping or removing the statue. The left-wing media ignored all the bad people on the left, but concentrated on one group only the right and labeled them all Nazis.

That lying guy certainly does not know enough about Christianity to teach others and does not have the moral high ground to tell others what to do.

I used to think I was just a normal Protestant Christian, but after being on this forum I have learned that I am also a Christian Zionist. I also believe the title "Trump of God" fits President Trump very well. Many of the Jews in Israel see him as another King Cyrus because of his actions toward Israel. President Trump could very well be the best U.S. President ever for Israel as time is running out and the BDS movement is designed to destroy Israel in these last days.
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By tekky
Zionist Nationalist wrote:You still havent provided poofs that Israel is dependant on aid nowadays

it was partly true 50 years ago but thats no longer the case

'How can Israel be so rich? Israel may be rich because, according to the Guardian, “out of the seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia’s economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish.” During the last two decades, many Russian oligarchs have acquired Israeli citizenship. They also secured their dirty money by investing in the kosher financial haven; Wikileaks has revealed lately that “sources in the (Israeli) police estimate that Russian organised crime (Russian Mafia) has laundered as much as US $10 billion through Israeli holdings."[1]

Israel's economy is booming because mega swindlers such as Bernie Madoff have been channeling their money via Zionists and Israeli institutions for decades.[2]

Israel is ‘doing well’ because it is the leading trader in blood diamonds. Far from being surprising, Israel is also the fourth biggest weapons dealer on this planet. Clearly, blood diamonds and guns are proving to be a great match.

As if this is not enough, Israel is also prosperous because, every so often, it is caught engaged in organ trafficking and organ harvesting.

In short, Israel is doing better than other countries because it runs one of the dirtiest- non-ethical economies in the world. In spite of the Zionists' initial promise to bring about a civilised ethical Jew, Israel has, instead, managed to develop an outstanding level of institutional dismissal of international law and universal values. It operates as a safe haven for money made in some horrendous global criminal activities. And it employs one of the world’s strongest army to defend the wealth of just a few of the wealthiest Jews around.'

Gilad Atzmon: Israeli Economy For Beginners

Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli author, journalist and musician living in self-imposed exile in the UK.
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By Metoo
tekky wrote:'How can Israel be so rich? Israel may be rich because, according to the Guardian, “out of the seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia’s economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish.” During the last two decades, many Russian oligarchs have acquired Israeli citizenship. They also secured their dirty money by investing in the kosher financial haven; Wikileaks has revealed lately that “sources in the (Israeli) police estimate that Russian organised crime (Russian Mafia) has laundered as much as US $10 billion through Israeli holdings."[1]

Israel's economy is booming because mega swindlers such as Bernie Madoff have been channeling their money via Zionists and Israeli institutions for decades.[2]

Israel is ‘doing well’ because it is the leading trader in blood diamonds. Far from being surprising, Israel is also the fourth biggest weapons dealer on this planet. Clearly, blood diamonds and guns are proving to be a great match.

As if this is not enough, Israel is also prosperous because, every so often, it is caught engaged in organ trafficking and organ harvesting.

In short, Israel is doing better than other countries because it runs one of the dirtiest- non-ethical economies in the world. In spite of the Zionists' initial promise to bring about a civilised ethical Jew, Israel has, instead, managed to develop an outstanding level of institutional dismissal of international law and universal values. It operates as a safe haven for money made in some horrendous global criminal activities. And it employs one of the world’s strongest army to defend the wealth of just a few of the wealthiest Jews around.'

Gilad Atzmon: Israeli Economy For Beginners

Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli author, journalist and musician living in self-imposed exile in the UK.

Your post is full of slanderous accusations. Yes there are many rich Jews in the world and yes some of them are crooked. There are also many rich Christians and Muslims and Buddhists etc. etc. in the world and yes many of them are also crooked.

Can you show how exactly State of Israel benefited from Mr. Madoff or those jewish-russian oligarchs?

I have 2 words for you, - prove it!

Otherwise you are a closet conspiracy theorist with a preference for anti-semitic propaganda. Get it?
By Rancid
A work coleague went to Israel recently. I asked him if he tried the jaffa oranges. He said, yes. Then I asked what did he think. He said "They're just fucking oranges." :lol:
Rancid wrote:A work coleague went to Israel recently. I asked him if he tried the jaffa oranges. He said, yes. Then I asked what did he think. He said "They're just fucking oranges." :lol:

I never heard about the "jaffa oranges" :lol:
Rancid wrote:Wiki tells me they also go by Shamouti orange?

ok now I understand what you are talking about

they taste pretty good but its a pain in the ass to peel them
I usually prefer the standard orange
By late
Zionist Nationalist wrote:
I never heard about the "jaffa oranges"

They're popular in Europe.
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By Stormsmith
They used to, and maybe still do, make a liquor that was a cream, and was a combo of chocolate and jaffa oranges. Very tasty. Haven't seen it in years.
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