Have you ever wanted to join the illuminati??? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
Godstud wrote::lol: This is why it's a conspiracy theory. It's absolutely stupid, and false.

I've known Freemasons and recently went to an open house in Thailand, by them. Having religion and morality is one of the key things in becoming a Freemason.

I've taken a great deal religious instruction from freemasonry, there's nothing evil about it. My views are somewhat heretical, like I don't believe in a grand architect, but masonry offers a lot of allegorical contemplatives that shed a lot of light on both the temporal and the spiritual. I think like with any religion there's probably a lot of corruption, but that's a deviation from the teachings and spirit of the craft.
You know what pisses me off about fraternities like Freemasonry? They have been such elitists that they’ve actually failed to pass their knowledge on efficiently. I think this has made their belief system vulnerable to being co-opted by others who should never have been privy to their teachings.
ness31 wrote:You know what pisses me off about fraternities like Freemasonry? They have been such elitists that they’ve actually failed to pass their knowledge on efficiently. I think this has made their belief system vulnerable to being co-opted by others who should never have been privy to their teachings.

It wasn't just elitism, up until 200 years ago the kind of knowledge they were trafficking in could get you lynched. They had good reason for secrecy. Plus a lot of those fraternities were revolutionary in their politics so that was another good reason for going underground and being highly selective about who they let in. A lot of those secret societies back in the day were conspiratorial in nature but not all conspiracies are malevolent.
Sivad wrote:I'm not into banning people or associations. Almost every problem has an ethical non-authoritarian solution.

Authority is better than social chaos.

Humans are nasty. Authority is needed. Authority protects people from the potential nastiness of humans.
SSDR wrote:Authority is better than social chaos.

Humans are nasty. Authority is needed. Authority protects people from the potential nastiness of humans.

So your solution to human nastiness is to give some nasty humans the power to control all of our lives? That doesn't seem like a very good solution, that seems more like a recipe for disaster.
Sivad wrote:So your solution to human nastiness is to give some nasty humans the power to control all of our lives? That doesn't seem like a very good solution, that seems more like a recipe for disaster.


The solution should not be to allow nasty criminals to do whatever they want around innocent people. The solution is to forbid nasty criminals from gaining any power via not allowing them to commit crimes.
SSDR wrote:Authority is better than social chaos.

Humans are nasty. Authority is needed. Authority protects people from the potential nastiness of humans.

No we aren’t. We’re inherently good :( People who think like you are giving us collective low self esteem.
We would be fine without authority. Don’t you trust yourself?
ness31 wrote:No we aren’t. We’re inherently good

This is very false. No man No problem. The number one cause of problems are humans. All problems are rooted from humans, regardless of politics.
:( People who think like you are giving us collective low self esteem.

If western society has "low self esteem" there would be no graffiti, less home brake ins, no underground hood gangs, no recreational drugs, and no annoying people who play mind games with the police.
We would be fine without authority.

Authority is natural. Authority comes from power. Power is natural. When some one says "sorry" they're giving power. When someone helps another, they're gaining power. When someone cares, they are giving power. When someone asks or makes a suggestion, they either gain or lose power.

Humans always have power. It is not avoidable. Since power is natural, it must be handled, and coordinated properly, to prevent chaos and corruption.

There are nasty people everywhere. They must be handled correctly. They use political correctness to defend their criminal actions. It is not "racist" to mind one's own business.
Don’t you trust yourself?

"Yourself" is a manipulative term. I don't trust manipulators.

I don't trust drug users off the streets. I don't trust mentally ill people. I don't trust men who rape. I don't trust domestic abusers. I don't trust narcissists.
Palmyrene wrote:If humans are horrible why would you want humans to rule you?

I wouldn't want to live around drug attics who could do whatever they want to me.
Wouldn't it be better if everyone dealt with each other based on our own self interests if you think people are selfish?

Humans socially connect. Some humans connect more than others.

Smarter humans connect less because they put their energy into work over friends. Dumber humans do the opposite.

In pure anarchy, all of the stupid people would be friends with each other and kill all of the "smart ass" people. Especially stupid drug users. :lol:
SSDR wrote:I wouldn't want to live around drug attics who could do whatever they want to me.

If you have humans who rule you and force you to do things you wouldn't have a choice.

Humans socially connect. Some humans connect more than others.

But humans are selfish so just working together based on your own self interest is the best way to go.

Smarter humans connect less because they put their energy into work over friends. Dumber humans do the opposite.

Then why work to enrich people who do less work than you? Most rich people socially connect with people more than they work.

In pure anarchy, all of the stupid people would be friends with each other and kill all of the "smart ass" people. Especially stupid drug users. :lol:

No, that's not true because society operates on people being individuals and each having something to offer. The world is not organized into stupid or smart people; it is not uniform.

Your lack of life experience and immaturity leads you to believe that the world is simple but it isn't. It is far different.
Palmyrene wrote:If you have humans who rule you and force you to do things you wouldn't have a choice.

It is better to be lead by an intelligent state that coordinates things properly, and protects the lives of innocent people, than it is to be around criminals who beat me up for no reason. Being around criminals and drug attics in an anarchy is something I do not have a choice of, because they can do it because they are free to under anarchy.
Then why work to enrich people who do less work than you? Most rich people socially connect with people more than they work.

Capitalists and monarchs. I am a socialist. I am against anarchy as much as I am against capitalism and monarchy.
No, that's not true because society operates on people being individuals and each having something to offer. The world is not organized into stupid or smart people; it is not uniform.

What do you have to offer?
Your lack of life experience and immaturity leads you to believe that the world is simple but it isn't. It is far different.

You're a 15/16 year old.
SSDR wrote:It is better to be lead by an intelligent state that coordinates things properly, and protects the lives of innocent people, than it is to be around criminals who beat me up for no reason. Being around criminals and drug attics in an anarchy is something I do not have a choice of, because they can do it because they are free to under anarchy.

1. Anarchy doesn't mean "criminals run the place".

2. You can't guarantee that a state will always be intelligent; they are never intelligent and almost always put themselves above other people.

Capitalists and monarchs. I am a socialist. I am against anarchy as much as I am against capitalism and monarchy.

You can't be against capitalism and monarchy while also supporting hierarchy. Marx himself supported statelessness rather than a state.

What do you have to offer?

Well I'm starting a revolution soooo...

You're a 15/16 year old.

And you don't go out much. I've went out more than you have in your entire life and even I know what you're saying is wrong.
Palmyrene wrote:1. Anarchy doesn't mean "criminals run the place".

2.they are never intelligent and almost always put themselves above other people.

They get power by being smart.
Well I'm starting a revolution soooo...

You're not starting shit.
And you don't go out much. I've went out more than you have in your entire life and even I know what you're saying is wrong.

....You're going on a petty tantrum. :lol:
SSDR wrote:Proof?

I thought you said you don't care about proof.

They get power by being smart.

No, they get power by being rich or due to circumstance.

You're not starting shit.

Yeah I am.

....You're going on a petty tantrum. :lol:

If just a couple of sentences is a tantrum to you then I wonder what you would call an actual tantrum.

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