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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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By Palmyrene
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Your sources were stating about thing happened in the past its not relevant for today

It's not in the past. Germany is still giving Israel aid, the US is too, Britain is too, etc.

It's still happening.
Palmyrene wrote:It's not in the past. Germany is still giving Israel aid, the US is too, Britain is too, etc.

It's still happening.

Germany is providing aid to holocaust aurvivors not for the goverment or anyone else

they did provided small aid from time to time mostly for the military but Israel is not relying on that aid

Israel gdp is over 300 billion do you really think most of this is aid?
By Palmyrene
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Germany is providing aid to holocaust aurvivors not for the goverment or anyone else

they did provided small aid from time to time mostly for the military but Israel is not relying on that aid

Israel gdp is over 300 billion do you really think most of this is aid?

No, it's not only to holocaust survivors.

I've already posted my evidence, you're just in denial.
Palmyrene wrote:No, it's not only to holocaust survivors.

I've already posted my evidence, you're just in denial.

Israel today does not recieve any aid from germany I know the facts you are just in delusion
By Palmyrene
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Israel today does not recieve any aid from germany I know the facts you are just in delusion

Just in 2018 Germany gave Israel billions in aid and they continue to give aid as per their reparations.
By Palmyrene
Zionist Nationalist wrote:got any proof?

I've posted shitloads of proof in a different thread. I'm not going to do it again just so you can ignore it.
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By colliric
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Germany is providing aid to holocaust aurvivors not for the goverment or anyone else

they did provided small aid from time to time mostly for the military but Israel is not relying on that aid

Israel gdp is over 300 billion do you really think most of this is aid?

Israel today does not recieve any aid from germany I know the facts you are just in delusion ... nID=000594

After the United States, the principal donor of both economic and military aid to Israel is Germany. By far the largest component of German aid has been in the form of restitution payments to victims of Nazi atrocities. But there also has been extensive German military assistance to Israel during and since the Gulf war, and a variety of German educational and research grants go to Israeli institutions. The total of German assistance in all of these categories to the Israeli government, Israeli individuals and Israeli private institutions has been some $31 billion or $5,345 per capita."

That's not a small amount. In fact it's second only to the USA. Yes the figures are a little older(2011 I think?), so it's more than that now.

Germany has continued to provide military aid to Israel. So yeah a blanket statement of "you are in delusion" is wrong. You should be arguing that most aid comes from the USA anyway instead.
colliric wrote:

That's not a small amount. In fact it's second only to the USA. Yes the figures are a little older, so it's more than that now.

Even your own table shows that Israel have stopped receiving economic aid years ago.
a country that does not receive economic aid is not dependent on aid military aid is a bonus but Israel will not collapse without it as its about 20-25% of the military budget
By Palmyrene
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Even your own table shows that Israel have stopped receiving economic aid years ago.
a country that does not receive economic aid is not dependent on aid military aid is a bonus but Israel will not collapse without it as its about 20-25% of the military budget

No it doesn't. It showed that financial aid extended to 2014 but it only does that because that was when the study ended.
Palmyrene wrote:No it doesn't. It showed that financial aid extended to 2014 but it only does that because that was when the study ended.

dosent matter this aid is small percent from Israels gdp and not critical for the country self sustain
Israel is just milking Germany as long as possible
By Palmyrene
Zionist Nationalist wrote:dosent matter this aid is small percent from Israels gdp and not critical for the country self sustain
Israel is just milking Germany as long as possible

No it is a large percent of GDP. The aid in total consists a big portion of Israel's economy. And this isn't even taking in consideration the Palestinian aid they steal.
Palmyrene wrote:No it is a large percent of GDP. The aid in total consists a big portion of Israel's economy. And this isn't even taking in consideration the Palestinian aid they steal.

This is bullshit there is no real aid for Israels economy only investments

you got no proof you gonna say again that you linked some article that you probably found in google and dont remember anymore
By Palmyrene
Zionist Nationalist wrote:This is bullshit there is no real aid for Israels economy only investments

you got no proof you gonna say again that you linked some article that you probably found in google and dont remember anymore

I do know where they are. I'm not going to repost it because you'll ignore it anyways. I'll send you the thread though.

You're in denial, plain and simple.
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By Hindsite
Palmyrene wrote:I do know where they are. I'm not going to repost it because you'll ignore it anyways. I'll send you the thread though.

You're in denial, plain and simple.

Actually, Germany has never provided any voluntary aid to Israel like the U.S.A. has. They were forced to make restitution payments to victims of Nazi atrocities and provide military assistance as part of NATO. However, they still refuse to commit the required 2% defense commitment to NATO even after President Trump called them out on it.
By Palmyrene
Hindsite wrote:Actually, Germany has never provided any voluntary aid to Israel like the U.S.A. has. They were forced to make restitution payments to victims of Nazi atrocities and provide military assistance as part of NATO. However, they still refuse to commit the required 2% defense commitment to NATO even after President Trump called them out on it.

Yes it has.

I'm just done with you people. I post all of this evidence, you ignore it, and then you ask me for evidence again.
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By Hindsite
Palmyrene wrote:Yes it has.

I'm just done with you people. I post all of this evidence, you ignore it, and then you ask me for evidence again.

Well, some of us support Israel's right to exist and believe the modern state of Israel is fulfilling biblical prophecy for the last days before the return of Christ Jesus in glory to rule.
By Palmyrene
Hindsite wrote:Well, some of us support Israel's right to exist and believe the modern state of Israel is fulfilling biblical prophecy for the last days before the return of Christ Jesus in glory to rule.

Yeah, perfectly rational.
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By colliric
Hindsite wrote:Well, some of us support Israel's right to exist and believe the modern state of Israel is fulfilling biblical prophecy for the last days before the return of Christ Jesus in glory to rule.

I know you don't like Chenk Ugyur, but this is not for your benefit @Hindsite, but to show other people what the Bible actually says, because everything Chenk quotes is IN the Bible and taken directly from it. It's weird seeing Ana Kasparian defend traditional Christian beliefs in the face of creeping Zionism, but alas the day for it has come.

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