Made in Israel - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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By Palmyrene
Ter wrote::lol: Yes, the whole place was already developed, the Jews only had to move in and build nothing. Not !

That illustrates the problem when negotiating with Arabs.

You claimed the oranges, I conceded the oranges.
Now you claim everything else lol.

Until that mentality changes, Israel would be wise not to give in to any demand of the Arabs.

The whole place was developed until Zionists dismantled or appropriated everything.

And I'm not speaking as an "Arab", I'm speaking as myself. Don't think you can generalize me or put me into little categories, I'm not interested in those games.
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By Ter
Palmyrene wrote:The whole place was developed until Zionists dismantled or appropriated everything.

That is total rubbish.
You are merely repeating the anti Israel venom that they teach in Arab schools.
By Palmyrene
Ter wrote:That is total rubbish.
You are merely repeating the anti Israel venom that they teach in Arab schools.

If you seriously think I, an anarchist who wants to overthrow the Syrian government, would believe anything history related in school then you must be crazy.
By Rich
AFAIK wrote:God created agriculture to punish Adam and Eve for their sins i.e. disobeying his orders.
It's interesting that Hindsite celebrates this.

Agriculture was brilliant, and would have raised the quality of life if it weren't for the expanding population. It was the same with the early industrial revolution. Marxist idiots and liars argue that evil Capitalists drove the peasants off the land and impoverished them, when in fact again, it was the rapidly expanding population that was the problem. It was the steep reduction in birth rates, combined with continued advances in technology that allowed us to finally escape the Malthusian death trap.
By Palmyrene
Rich wrote:Agriculture was brilliant, and would have raised the quality of life if it weren't for the expanding population. It was the same with the early industrial revolution. Marxist idiots and liars argue that evil Capitalists drove the peasants off the land and impoverished them, when in fact again, it was the rapidly expanding population that was the problem. It was the steep reduction in birth rates, combined with continued advances in technology that allowed us to finally escape the Malthusian death trap.

Nothing you said here makes any logical sense.
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By Hindsite
Palmyrene wrote:Isn't that the dude who said that it would be better for the Irish people to starve during the Potato Famine because they were having too many kids?

Not that I am aware.
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By Hindsite
Palmyrene wrote:Oh no people used his theory to justify not giving aid to the Irish Potato Famine my bad.

There may have been, but I don't know who they were.
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By tekky
Palmyrene wrote:@Godstud

Israel "made the desert bloom"

Tell Me Again, Who Made The Desert Bloom?

In December 1945 and January 1946, the British Mandate authorities carried out an extensive survey of Palestine, in support of the work of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. The results were published in the Survey of Palestine... One of the subjects investigated in the Survey of Palestine is land use; specifically, which crops were Palestine's leading agricultural products at the end of the British Mandate, and whose farms were producing them...

So, on the eve of the partition resolution, in which the United Nations proposed to allocate 55 percent of the land to Jewish Palestine (including those parts that produced most of Palestine's leading crops, with the sole exception of the olive crop), and 45% to Arab Palestine, Palestinian Arabs were producing:

92% of Palestine’s grain
86% of its grapes
99% of its olives
77 % of its vegetables
95% of its melons
more than 99% of its tobacco
and 60% of its bananas.

Palestine's agricultural produce at that time had an annual value of approximately 21.8 million pounds sterling; 17.1 million of which was produced by Arab cultivation, and 4.7 million by Jewish cultivation. (See the exact numbers here).

So, who made the desert bloom? The Palestinians made the desert bloom. ... bloom.html
By Rich
tekky wrote:Tell Me Again, Who Made The Desert Bloom?

Palestine's agricultural produce at that time had an annual value of approximately 21.8 million pounds sterling; 17.1 million of which was produced by Arab cultivation, and 4.7 million by Jewish cultivation.

And now the Israeli part is approaching nine billion dollars. Israel has produced an economic miracle while all the surrounding Arab Muslims have produced is economic shitholes.
By Palmyrene
Rich wrote:And now the Israeli part is approaching nine billion dollars. Israel has produced an economic miracle while all the surrounding Arab Muslims have produced is economic shitholes.

You mean after colonization, billions upon billions of foreign aid, trade agreements, etc.

Meanwhile the Arab world has been fucked over several times due to the US and other powers constantly supporting dictatorships.

Stick to conspiracy theories Rich, history is not your strong suit.
Palmyrene wrote:You mean after colonization, billions upon billions of foreign aid, trade agreements, etc.

Meanwhile the Arab world has been fucked over several times due to the US and other powers constantly supporting dictatorships.

Stick to conspiracy theories Rich, history is not your strong suit.

Actually he is right and despite the fact that Arabs have so many resources only the small gulf countries managed to become succesful all other countries failed miserably Arabs tried to block Israel trade from the red and as a response they got the six days war
By Palmyrene
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Actually he is right and despite the fact that Arabs have so many resources only the small gulf countries managed to become succesful all other countries failed miserably Arabs tried to block Israel trade from the red and as a response they got the six days war

What resources does the Levant and Egypt even have? It's a miracle the Palestinians were able to produce that much at all. The Gulf countries have oil and alliances with the US. And Morocco produces so much stuff.

Israel's entire economy is dependent on foreign aid. If Palestine got as much foreign aid as Israel, they would be paradise on Earth
Palmyrene wrote:What resources does the Levant and Egypt even have? It's a miracle the Palestinians were able to produce that much at all. The Gulf countries have oil and alliances with the US. And Morocco produces so much stuff.

Israel's entire economy is dependent on foreign aid. If Palestine got as much foreign aid as Israel, they would be paradise on Earth

You still havent provided poofs that Israel is dependant on aid nowadays

it was partly true 50 years ago but thats no longer the case
By Palmyrene
Zionist Nationalist wrote:You still havent provided poofs that Israel is dependant on aid nowadays

it was partly true 50 years ago but thats no longer the case

I've given you pages of it, you're just in denial.

I'll prove it eventually in real life. Like you'll feel the consequences of it.

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