Made in Israel - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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By Hindsite
Made in Israel: Agriculture
Published on Sep 3, 2013

Gordon Robertson looks at Israel's remarkable agricultural innovation, with special focus on the role of the kibbutz in Israel's agricultural success, growing crops and orchards in desert, rocky land and swamps with hard work and ingenuity.

Made in Israel: Water
Published on Sep 4, 2013

Because more than half of Israel is desert, the lack of clean water is a life-or-death issue. Gordon Robertson examines several of the ways that Israel conserves water, including desalination, drip irrigation and recycling.

Made in Israel – Clean and Green
Published on Sep 6, 2013

Gordon Robertson looks at a few of the creative "environment-saving" ideas that Israelis have either invented or improved upon.

Overcoming water scarcity - Learning from Israel's experience
Published on Nov 16, 2016

Our planet is facing a dire water crisis. In just a decade, 60% of the global population is projected to struggle with water-scarcity. But there is a solution. Seth M. Siegel, American entrepreneur, activist, and writer of the New York and LA Times bestselling book, "Let There Be Water," says that countries all over the world can learn from Israel's own experience in overcoming water scarcity.

Israel, a tiny country that's 60% desert, has transformed from water-parched to a net water-producing country and became a world leader in sustainable water technologies and management.

Israel: Clean Technologies For a Cleaner Environment
Published on Aug 16, 2018

Israel has gained international recognition for its ability to transform limited natural resources into #sustainable forms of power.

Amos 9:14-15 And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.

Ezekiel 36:34-35 And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited.

Praise the Lord.
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By Kaiserschmarrn
[KS mod note: The posts on food have been moved here. Several off-topic posts and rule 2 and 3 violations have been removed.

Try to do better, guys.]
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By Hindsite
Made in Israel – The top 64 innovations developed in Israel

When Israel was founded 64 years ago, it was a barren country with no natural resources, little water, and more than half of its land mass desert. The only thing the new country had going for it was the natural creativity of its people.

More than six decades later, the Israelis have turned their country into an oasis of technology and innovation. With the most startups per capita worldwide, and the third highest number of patents per head, Israel has become one of the leading players in the world of high-tech innovation, attracting international giants to its shores.

From health breakthroughs to technology, agriculture, the environment and the arts, the country’s innovations are transforming and enriching lives everywhere. Israel today is playing a significant role in some of the most important challenges facing our planet.

The PillCam is now the gold standard for intestinal visualization and is sold in more than 60 countries around the world.

ExAblate is a non-invasive, magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery system that thermally ablates, or destroys, tumors inside the body.

Copaxone (glatiramer acetate) is the world’s top-selling treatment for multiple sclerosis.

Sambucol is an homeopathic treatment that is effective against human, swine and avian influenza strains.

ReWalk robotic exoskeleton includes leg braces with motorized joints and a backpack battery system, enabling paraplegics to walk and climb stairs without assistance for up to 12 hours a day.

WatchPAT allows patient sleep disorders to be diagnosed at home rather than at hospital sleep clinics.

ViaDerm battery-operated drug delivery system uses a no-fail, painless applicator loaded with pre-measured drug patches for patients who must take daily medications prescribed for conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis.

EndoPAT is a heart-smart device that uses a fingertip test to measure cardiac health, and can even predict whether the patient will suffer a heart attack in the next seven years.

Brainsway is a revolutionary painless, non-invasive deep electromagnetic stimulation device for the brain that can ease addiction, depression, autism and a range of other brain disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia.

Proneuron Biotechnologies for development of promising new therapies for acute spinal-cord injuries.

Babysense is a no-touch, no-radiation device designed to prevent crib death.

Deep Breeze is a medical device that will allow COPD patients to be monitored remotely from home. It can also image, diagnose and monitor patients suffering from asthma, congestive heart failure and other conditions affecting the lungs.

First Care Products Emergency Bandage can be applied with one hand and is used to stop bleeding from hemorrhaging wounds caused by traumatic injuries in the field.

Superbug Detective Kit can identify the type of antibiotic-resistant superbug in minutes rather than the normal five days.

LiteTouch dental laser to shape teeth and gums.

Israeli company Cupron uses copper oxide in fabrics to provide a range of innovative products, from an antimicrobial mask and latex gloves to use as protection from flu germs and bacteria, to socks that don’t get smelly and pillowcases that help reduce wrinkles while you sleep.

See the following link for more: ... in-israel/
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By tekky
Hindsite wrote:Made in Israel – The top 64 innovations developed in Israel

When Israel was founded 64 years ago, it was a barren country with no natural resources, little water, and more than half of its land mass desert.

What about the famous Jaffa oranges?


'Dr. Nahum Karlinsky, from Ben-Gurion University’s Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, has studied citrus growing in pre-state Palestine.

“The citrus industry is perceived in the Israeli consciousness as an exclusively Zionist pioneering effort. In fact, the Palestinian-Arab citrus industry predated it, and for most of the period, until 1948, exceeded it in both physical area and quantity of exports,” Karlinsky and co-author Prof. Mustafa Kabha, from the Open University, wrote in an article recently published in the historical journal Zmanim. (Karlinsky has also published a book in English on the subject: “California Dreaming: Ideology, Society, and Technology in the Citrus Industry of Palestine, 1890-1939.”)

'In the last century, Jaffa was the center of the citrus industry in Palestine, and until 1948 the city was surrounded by groves. Tens of thousands of people, Arabs and Jews alike, earned their livelihood from this industry, directly or indirectly ... The growing of oranges for export had begun in Palestine in the mid-19th century, before the advent of the Zionist movement and before its first members arrived in the country, according to Kabha and Karlinsky.' ... -1.5372705
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By Hindsite
It is my understanding that it was Arab farmers that developed these oranges that the Zionist later marketed as Jaffa oranges.
However, I guess you could credit it as an exclusive Zionist pioneering "marketing" effort under the Jaffa brand name.
By Rancid
I always tell people that water here in Texas isn't a problem. If the israelis can do it, so can the US. IF we can't, then we'll just pay the Israelis to come over here and do it.
By skinster
Hindsite wrote:It is my understanding that it was Arab farmers that developed these oranges that the Zionist later marketed as Jaffa oranges.

Developed? You mean, grew them in Jaffa until the Zionists invaded in the 1940s, stole Palestinian homes and land and their oranges and hummus too? If so, you'd be correct.

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By Godstud
Israel didn't "invent" agriculture.

Where Did Agriculture Begin? Oh Boy, It's Complicated
The earliest farmers lived in the Fertile Crescent, a region in the Middle East including modern-day Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Israel, Palestine, southeastern Turkey and western Iran. And scientists had long assumed these early farmers were a homogenous group that traded and intermingled, swapping farming tools and tricks — as well as their genes. In other words, farming was long believed to have been started by one group of ancestral humans.

But a new study suggests something different — that multiple groups of people in the Fertile Crescent started agriculture, and these groups were genetically distinct from one another. That is, they didn't intermingle at the time, at least not for a few thousand years. "They lived more or less in a similar area, but they stay highly isolated from each other," says Joachim Burger, an anthropologist at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, in Germany, and co-author of the new study.

Burger and an international team of scientists analyzed ancient DNA from the remains of four individuals who lived about 10,000 years ago on the eastern edges of the Fertile Crescent — the Zagros Mountains on the border between Iraq and Iran. They compared the DNA of these individuals with that of skeletons that were a couple of thousand years younger and had been found way on the other end of the Fertile Crescent, a region that includes modern-day Turkey.

But the two groups couldn't have been more genetically different, says Burger.

"We would not necessarily expect big genetic differences from one of end of Fertile Crescent to another," says evolutionary biologist Mark Thomas of University College, London, also an author of the new study. But in fact, the genetic signatures suggest that the Anatolians and the Zagros populations diverged from a common ancestor some 46,000 to 77,000 years ago — long before the advent of farming. "That's a surprise. That's the real big surprise of the study," Thomas says. ... omplicated

Alas, it's science so you'll probably stupidly ignore it, since it's not in a childish video format that you can understand, it's in writing.
By Palmyrene

I like the propaganda Zionists spout about how Israel "made the desert bloom" and "brought water".

As if people were living there for thousands of years and didn't use any desalination techniques or had any agriculture.

Hell, it's called the fertile crescent for a reason.
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:Israel didn't "invent" agriculture.

But God did. I read about it in the Holy Bible.
Praise the Lord.
By Palmyrene
Hindsite wrote:But God did. I read about it in the Holy Bible.
Praise the Lord.

That's irrelevant in a discussion about Israel inventing agriculture.
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God created agriculture to punish Adam and Eve for their sins i.e. disobeying his orders.
It's interesting that Hindsite celebrates this.
By Palmyrene
Ter wrote:@Palmyrene
OK, OK, I'll concede the oranges.
But all the rest is Made in Israel !
Hava Nagila :D

Do you mean the stolen Palestinian factories, the well houses, the Palestinian hotels, etc. or?
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By Ter
AFAIK wrote:God created agriculture to punish Adam and Eve for their sins i.e. disobeying his orders.

Yes, they disobeyed him because they wanted to fuck. That is what that apple was all about. The apple is an allegory for sex.
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By Godstud
Hindsite wrote:But God did. I read about it in the Holy Bible.
Praise the Lord.
:roll: Rubbish. Everyone knows it was Demeter.
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By Ter
Palmyrene wrote:o you mean the stolen Palestinian factories, the well houses, the Palestinian hotels, etc. or?

:lol: Yes, the whole place was already developed, the Jews only had to move in and build nothing. Not !

That illustrates the problem when negotiating with Arabs.

You claimed the oranges, I conceded the oranges.
Now you claim everything else lol.

Until that mentality changes, Israel would be wise not to give in to any demand of the Arabs.
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By colliric
Ter wrote:Yes, they disobeyed him because they wanted to fuck. That is what that apple was all about. The apple is an allegory for sex.

Nope. The written Torah states it's an allegory for gaining/evolving intelligence, or "the knowledge of good and evil" as it puts it directly. Adam and Eve invented clothes so they were no longer living "as nature intended".

Who gives a shit what the Oral Torah(where you got that from) says? It's bullshit as usual, directly contradicting the CLEAR MESSAGE that the Tanakh directly states. God did not find them fucking. He found them wearing leaves and "covering up their shame". He found them not living "as nature intended".

It's an allegory for becoming more intelligent and losing your childlike innocence as a result.
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By Godstud
Prometheus gave fire to Man. What's all this apple nonsense? :?:
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By Ter
Slightly off-topic:

It is interesting to observe that tribes who have never been in contact with others, ever, cover up their genitalia. Not the breasts, because those are only considered erotic in Western society (I think).

I think that in the made-up story of Adam and Eve they were covering up their genitals because they had discovered the pleasure of fornication.

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