Most of our seniors don't deserve respect - Page 9 - Politics | PoFo

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QatzelOk wrote:He makes a billion dollars an hour doing what, exactly?

His income, if distributed all across the USA, would put everyone through college. So he creates a lot of stupidity just by being undeservedly rich, and he sets an example of what seniors are like in our culture: uncaring greedbags who just try to dominate other people they've never met through racketeering and mafia connections.

Well, first, it's stupid to say he earns a billion dollars an hour.

Second, he's earned the money he has because he's responsible for what is arguably one of the most important and successful companies in our lifetime.

He also gives away a shit-ton of money.

Why should he put every American through college? Because he can? What a spectacularly stupid idea.

Hell, Gates himself is a college dropout...
QatzelOk wrote:He makes a billion dollars an hour doing what, exactly?

His income, if distributed all across the USA, would put everyone through college. So he creates a lot of stupidity just by being undeservedly rich, and he sets an example of what seniors are like in our culture: uncaring greedbags who just try to dominate other people they've never met through racketeering and mafia connections.

Bill Gates, via his software creations, has increased the productivity of a gazillion businesses, governments, organizations etc worldwide over the past 4 decades, creating an insane amount of extra wealth for the human population. Why the heck would he not deserve to be one of the richest people in the world? WTF has Debby at Starbucks done to contribute to the global economy compared to Gates?

Also, the vast majority of his money is not in his bank account. Bill Gates, as one human being, can only consume so much. He can only drive so many cars, live in so many homes, wear so many silk shirts. The vast majority of his money is invested into his company or other companies in order to fund the infrastructure/resources needed for the businesses he owns or partially owns (via shares) to create products/services for the rest of us to purchase and use.

People think that just because Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are worth 100 billion dollars, that they have 100 billion just sitting in their bank accounts or use it to buy a gazillion mansions and cars and private islands. It doesn't work that way. The amount of money Warren Buffett actually spends and consumes on himself is actually surprisingly small.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Bill Gates, via his software creations, has increased the productivity of a gazillion businesses, governments, organizations etc worldwide over the past 4 decades, creating an insane amount of extra wealth for the human population. Why the heck would he not deserve to be one of the richest people in the world? WTF has Debby at Starbucks done to contribute to the global economy compared to Gates?

Also, the vast majority of his money is not in his bank account. Bill Gates, as one human being, can only consume so much. He can only drive so many cars, live in so many homes, wear so many silk shirts. The vast majority of his money is invested into his company or other companies in order to fund the infrastructure/resources needed for the businesses he owns or partially owns (via shares) to create products/services for the rest of us to purchase and use.

People think that just because Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are worth 100 billion dollars, that they have 100 billion just sitting in their bank accounts or use it to buy a gazillion mansions and cars and private islands. It doesn't work that way. The amount of money Warren Buffett actually spends and consumes on himself is actually surprisingly small.

While this is all true, it's also the case that Bill Gates individually is not the world's richest man because he's been giving so much of his wealth to charity. He's one of those guys who intends to give 90% or more of his money to charity, with his foundation holding $50 billion in assets according to Wikipedia. So I have to wonder what is going on with people who choose people like him as their target.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Bill Gates, via his software creations, has increased the productivity of a gazillion businesses, governments, organizations etc worldwide over the past 4 decades, creating an insane amount of extra wealth for the human population

First, there not "his" creations. They're his aquisitions.
Secondly, his "creations" have only increased the incomes of the 1%, have made surveillance of everyone much easier, and have lead to the most boring, unhealthy jobs in human history, sitting in a chair all day wiggling your fingers.

Hong Wu wrote:So I have to wonder what is going on with people who choose people like him as their target.

Anyone who corners 50 billion dollars deserves to be a target, because more than anything else, Bill Gates is a symbol of income inequality and all the misery and social dysfunction that creates.

Most societies that become as unequal as the United States, Guatamala, and Brazil, usually self-destruct from the inside out.

WTF has Debby at Starbucks done to contribute to the global economy compared to Gates?

Betty works at Starbucks because in the USA, she can't afford to go to college, or afford decent daycare for her kids to do so. So she wastes her life preparing fast-food for fat people in cars, while Bill Gates sits on all that money that he doesn't have to pay in taxes.

Being uneducated is a result of income inequality. Both the UK and USA intentionally immizerate their own populations in order to create a desparate and ignorant soldier class. This is nothing new or innovative, and so it was a total waste of human lives to have genocided the First Nations and enslaved Africans since nothing new was created at all. Just another dying empire of horrible people.

The multi-generational immizeration of the working class in the USA has created some of the most idiotic specimens that the Earth has ever seen. That the government of the USA does nothing to redistribute income and educational opportunities is a big reason why old Americans are usually so unwise as to have no opinions that are of any value to younger generations.

Old Americans are like: "How do you like my new SUV?"

You know, the one that kills at lower speeds than a car so that the younger generations have no hope for any kind of improved future.
Godstud wrote::roll: What a load of shit! I meet guys over 40 all the time who deserve our derision and not respect. Racist, hateful people who don't give a fuck about what they leave behind for the next generation. Respect? Puh-lease!!

The remainder of your post is complete nonsense, simply because you were responding to someone who suggested you talk to "seniors" and you come back with the brilliant reply that you talk to people "over 40".

People in their 40's aren't senior citizens. Not even close...
BigSteve wrote:The remainder of your post is complete nonsense, simply because you were responding to someone who suggested you talk to "seniors" and you come back with the brilliant reply that you talk to people "over 40".
Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it nonsense.

Note: People who are 75 are also "over 40". Did that escape your dazzling intellect?

BigSteve wrote:People in their 40's aren't senior citizens. Not even close...
No shit, Sherlock! :lol:

What's your argument, or even your point? :?:
Godstud wrote:Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it nonsense.

Note: People who are 75 are also "over 40". Did that escape your dazzling intellect?

Then why not say "over 20" or "over 75"?

What's your argument, or even your point? :?:

My point is that you repeatedly fail at ever having one yourself...
Godstud wrote:@BigSteve is trolling all you have? Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation

So, because you prove to be an abject failure at proving your point, I'm trolling?

Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation
This is an older thread reading some of the posts from the beginning. I think the important thing for younger people to understand is no generation is perfect. Learn from the mistakes of the previous generations and don't repeat them. Don't complain about the previous generations or criticize them. In my case, the previous generations paid my bills, raised me, put a roof over my head, food in my belly and took me to sporting events growing up. For that I am grateful. I wouldn't be where I am at (in my case that is) without the hard work and sacrifices of the previous generations.

Our generation is not perfect either. The important thing you should be asking yourself is not how good the previous generation was or is but what am I doing today to improve my life and the lives of others? What goals do I have and what are the plans that I have to achieve those goals today? What actions am I going to take today to improve my life, the lives of others (and not just your own generation but the lives of past and future generations that are alive today)? That's where your focus needs to be. I personally have great respect for members of the previous generation like Senator John McCain for example. But you have jackasses in every generation and no generation is perfect.
Politics_Observer wrote:This is an older thread reading some of the posts from the beginning. I think the important thing for younger people to understand is no generation is perfect. Learn from the mistakes of the previous generations and don't repeat them. Don't complain about the previous generations or criticize them. In my case, the previous generations paid my bills, raised me, put a roof over my head, food in my belly and took me to sporting events growing up. For that I am grateful. I wouldn't be where I am at (in my case that is) without the hard work and sacrifices of the previous generations.

Our generation is not perfect either. The important thing you should be asking yourself is not how good the previous generation was or is but what am I doing today to improve my life and the lives of others? What goals do I have and what are the plans that I have to achieve those goals today? What actions am I going to take today to improve my life, the lives of others (and not just your own generation but the lives of past and future generations that are alive today)? That's where your focus needs to be. I personally have great respect for members of the previous generation like Senator John McCain for example. But you have jackasses in every generation and no generation is perfect.

The last few generations have put this one into massive personal debt, ruined the environment, and destroyed their communities in order to follow the latest commercial trends. This generation has extinction to look forward to thank to them.

Your wise-sounding and very generic TV-style wisdom is inappropriate in this decade. Try posting it in 1954.

QatzelOK wrote:The last few generations have put this one into massive personal debt, ruined the environment, and destroyed their communities in order to follow the latest commercial trends. This generation has extinction to look forward to thank to them.

Your wise-sounding and very generic TV-style wisdom is inappropriate in this decade. Try posting it in 1954.

Yeah, well what good is going to do you to whine or complain about it now?
QatzelOk wrote:First, there not "his" creations. They're his aquisitions.
Secondly, his "creations" have only increased the incomes of the 1%, have made surveillance of everyone much easier, and have lead to the most boring, unhealthy jobs in human history, sitting in a chair all day wiggling your fingers.

I was born too early. I would have loved to have had a job sitting at a chair wiggling my fingers. Praise your lucky stars.
@Hong Wu @Unthinking Majority

Hong Wu wrote:While this is all true, it's also the case that Bill Gates individually is not the world's richest man because he's been giving so much of his wealth to charity. He's one of those guys who intends to give 90% or more of his money to charity, with his foundation holding $50 billion in assets according to Wikipedia. So I have to wonder what is going on with people who choose people like him as their target.

I agree with you here. I have no idea why anybody would criticize Bill Gates. I don't hold it against him that he is genuinely successful and a billionaire. He's contributed a lot to our economy. In addition, Warren Buffet is one of my heroes. I learned a great deal about investment from him. He's a wise old man.
Politics_Observer wrote: I have no idea why anybody would criticize Bill Gates.

Oh, I'm not criticizing Bill Gates in any real way.

I'm criticizing the other 350 million Americans who let a handful of people in their country monopolize all the resources, which has lead to generalized ignorance, a shitty normal lifestyle, and massive income inequality and resultant misery.

I am especially criticizing the so-called "adults" of the last three generations who sat in front of their suburban TV sets getting pacified, brainwashed, and dumbed down to the point that they have ruined the future of their own offspring.

If Bill Gates gets burned to death in a forest fire, or washed away in a Level 7 hurricane, I won't rejoice at all. I'm just saying that he and his generation (and mine) deserve as much respect as any other group of suicide cult members who kill their children's future.

Hindsite wrote:I was born too early. I would have loved to have had a job sitting at a chair wiggling my fingers. Praise your lucky stars.

Well, you can always imitate them by spending the rest of your life in a dark basement alone playing video games with virtual friends. So much more interesting than playing with humans on the street outside your house, like my grandfather's generation were able to safely do.
QatzelOk wrote:Well, you can always imitate them by spending the rest of your life in a dark basement alone playing video games with virtual friends. So much more interesting than playing with humans on the street outside your house, like my grandfather's generation were able to safely do.

That reminds me of my grandfather counting cars going by on the street in front of his house. But I got bored of that after a few days. I have played video games, but I lost interest in them too.
Red_Army wrote:All boomers are scum who deserve to be melted down for their tallow.

I must remind you of some of the words in the OP.

MOST of OUR seniors don't deserve respect

"Most" means, a majority but not all.

"Our" refers to wealthy Western nations of car-driving media-heads.
SolarCross wrote:Isn't that literally all you do here of pofo for free? :?:

Yes, but for only about 20 minutes per day.

Wiggling your fingers full-time is really bad for your physical and mental health.

Most of our current jobs destroy us as humans. It's not just the environment that is being exploited literally to death.

The latest crop of adults just sat there gape-mouthed in front of their TVs, or awe-struck tearing around corners in their new cars, while the world got burned down right in front of them (but hidden by the TV).
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