Should white feminists join black street gangs to increase their diversity and control their guns? - Politics | PoFo

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Pants-of-dog wrote:No, black ganag members should join feminist groups.

And shoot rapists.

And they would do this because.........Black gang members naturally oppose rape? Source please? :)
If they did they would likely get beaten, black-male to white-female relationships are statistically far more likely to result in the woman being abused compared to any other racial pairing.
The media tells us that smoking is hazardous to our health, but miscegenation, especially white female/black male pairings, is glamorous.

The July 2003 issue of the American Journal of Public Health published a massive study of spousal homicide. It was conducted by 18 experts in the medical field. The study states “Femicide, the homicide of women, is the leading cause of death in the United States among young African American women aged 15 to 45 years.” Most women are murdered by a male partner.

A previous issue of the journal published a study showing blacks males are even 33% more likely to kill their spouse if she is white instead of black.

According to the study, white females married to black males are 12.4 times more likely to be murdered by their husbands than white females married to white males. The same study shows that white men married to black women are 21.4 times more likely to be murdered by their wife than white men married to white women. The study shows that white women married to black men have the single highest risk of death by femicide of any married women in the US.

Source: J A Mercy and L E Saltzman. Fatal violence among spouses in the United States, 1976-85.. American Journal of Public Health: May 1989, Vol. 79, No. 5, pp. 595-599.

“The National Black Women’s Health Project” has identified the battering of women as the number one health issue for African American women (Joseph, 1997).

In 1998, Salber and Taliaferro reported that the spousal homicide rate among African Americans is 8.4 times more than for whites.
Once they finish freaking out about the sexism of "Baby it's cold outside", I think it would be nice to see some duets from white feminists and black rappers. For example, it would be interesting to here them answer lyrics like this:

Snoop Dog wrote:Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.
Lick on these nuts and suck the dick.

What do you think would be an appropriate responsorial lyric?
I was right.

It is racist propaganda.

@Victoribus Spolia’s “article” comes from a neo-Nazi website. ... e-females/

Here is the link to the actual study: ... .93.7.1089

Here is the pertinent text from the study:

    Demographic, background, and relationship variables that differentiated case women from control women in bivariate analyses are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Table 3 displays findings from the series of logistic regression models. The strongest sociodemographic risk factor (model 1) for intimate partner femicide was the abuser’s lack of employment (ad- justed OR = 5.09; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.74, 9.45). Instances in which the abuser had a college education (vs a high school education) were protective against femicide (adjusted OR = 0.31; 95% CI = 0.12, 0.80), as were instances in which the abuser had a college degree and was unemployed but looking for work. Race/ethnicity of abusers and victims was not independently associated with intimate partner femicide risk after control for other demographic factors.

    When additional individual-level risk factors for homicide were added to the model (model 2), both abuser’s access to a firearm (adjusted OR = 7.59; 95% CI = 3.85, 14.99) and abuser’s use of illicit drugs (adjusted
    OR = 4.76; 95% CI = 2.19, 10.34) were strongly associated with intimate partner femicide, although the abuser’s excessive use of alcohol was not. Although the abuser’s access to a firearm increased femicide risk, victims’ risk of being killed by their intimate partner was lower when they lived apart from the abuser and had sole access to a firearm (adjusted OR = 0.22). Neither alcohol abuse nor drug use by the victim was independently associated with her risk of being killed.

Please note that the bolded text directly contradicts the implied claim from the white supremacist “article”.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I was right.


Pants-of-dog wrote:It is racist propaganda.

@Victoribus Spolia’s “article” comes from a neo-Nazi website.

Whoa there cowboy, I got it from this website; ... engage-in/

and had it saved in my email for years, you just happened to find the same article quoted on StormFront (pretty sloppy on your part actually).

Pants-of-dog wrote: Race/ethnicity of abusers and victims was not independently associated with intimate partner femicide risk after control for other demographic factors.

This does not contradict the claims actually, this only says that if all other factors were controlled for that race would not be a significant independent factor BY ITSELF. No one claimed otherwise, but whats makes blacks 33% more likely to be violent against their female partners to the point of death are those "controlled-factors" namely unemployment, drug-abuse, alcoholism, lack-of-education, lack-of-employment, gang-involvement etc.

Hence, blacks are far more likely to kill their female partners, especially white partners (for some reason), because they are far more likely to be unemployed, uneducated, et al.


You really need to learn how statistics work.

FACT: If a white woman dates a black man, she is statistically more likely to be killed by her partner than in any other racial pairing. PERIOD.

Facts aren't racists pants, this is just reality, you can interpret it any way you want, but my point stands.
Victoribus Spolia wrote:This does not contradict the claims actually, this only says that if all other factors were controlled for that race would not be a significant independent factor BY ITSELF. No one claimed otherwise, but whats makes blacks 33% more likely to be violent against their female partners to the point of death are those "controlled-factors" namely unemployment, drug-abuse, alcoholism, lack-of-education, lack-of-employment, gang-involvement etc.

Usually in local jurisdictions controlled exclusively by the Democratic party for 40 years or more... Let's not forget that, as they blame it all on Republicans who don't live there and exert no political power there.
Victoribus Spolia wrote:Wrong.

Whoa there cowboy, I got it from this website; ... engage-in/

and had it saved in my email for years, you just happened to find the same article quoted on StormFront (pretty sloppy on your part actually).

It is still racist propaganda even if a conservative website also distributes it.

It is a logical fallacy to assume the quality of the statement changes according to who is saying it.

This does not contradict the claims actually, this only says that if all other factors were controlled for that race would not be a significant independent factor BY ITSELF. No one claimed otherwise, but whats makes blacks 33% more likely to be violent against their female partners to the point of death are those "controlled-factors" namely unemployment, drug-abuse, alcoholism, lack-of-education, lack-of-employment, gang-involvement etc.

Hence, blacks are far more likely to kill their female partners, especially white partners (for some reason), because they are far more likely to be unemployed, uneducated, et al.


You really need to learn how statistics work.

FACT: If a white woman dates a black man, she is statistically more likely to be killed by her partner than in any other racial pairing. PERIOD.

Facts aren't racists pants, this is just reality, you can interpret it any way you want, but my point stands.

Way to double down on the racist spin.

Rather than look at actual causes of spousal homicide, you want to parrot the racist message. It seems like spousal homicide is not the issue, and instead you what to focus on making black men look bad.
Pants-of-dog wrote:It is still racist propaganda even if a conservative website also distributes it.

Its neither propaganda nor is it racist.

Pants-of-dog wrote:It is a logical fallacy to assume the quality of the statement changes according to who is saying it.

Its also a fallacy to dismiss an argument on the basis of who is saying it.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Way to double down on the racist spin.

Rather than look at actual causes of spousal homicide, you want to parrot the racist message. It seems like spousal homicide is not the issue, and instead you what to focus on making black men look bad.

Here comes the triggered butt-hurt. :lol:

Is there an argument in there?

I see none.

The point stands, it is factually true that if a white woman dates a black man, she is statistically more like to be killed then in any other mixed-race relationship.

That the reason blacks are more likely to kill their women because of other factors like being unemployed, uneducated, substance-abusing, and gang-oriented is irrelevant, because they suffer from these things more than other races and such conditions does not excuse killing your spouse anyway.

Facts are Facts.
Victoribus Spolia wrote:Its neither propaganda nor is it racist.

Actually, it is both.

It is “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view“, in this case the political point of view that black men are dangerous to white women.

And it is racist because it disseminates the untrue claim that black men are dangerous to white women.

Its also a fallacy to dismiss an argument on the basis of who is saying it.

Like I said, it does not matter who said it.

Is there an argument in there?

I see none.

The point stands, it is factually true that if a white woman dates a black man, she is statistically more like to be killed then in any other mixed-race relationship.

That the reason blacks are more likely to kill their women because of other factors like being unemployed, uneducated, substance-abusing, and gang-oriented is irrelevant, because they suffer from these things more than other races and such conditions does not excuse killing your spouse anyway.

Facts are Facts.

Again, you are ignoring the actual causes of spousal homicide and focusing on the irrelevant aspect of race.

A woman is more likely to ne killed by her husband if her husband is unemployed, has a low education level, does drugs, drinks, etc. The race is irrelevant.

But the racist propaganda ignores the actual causes and instead focuses on race.
Pants-of-dog wrote:A woman is more likely to ne killed by her husband if her husband is unemployed, has a low education level, does drugs, drinks, etc.

and blacks are so much more likely to be any of those things that it causes the probability of them killing their spouse to be 33% higher than others.

Once again, this is factually true.
As long as we agree that being black and being more likely to kill your spouse are not causally related or even correleated, and it is simply because blacks have to deal with racism and are therefore more likely to deal with these issues.

And that the actual study says that race is irrelevant, while the racist propaganda made it seem like race is relevant.
As long as we agree that only by controlling for the relevant factors that are correlated to domestic violence does it turn out that race is irrelevant, factors which exist in real life.

Thing is, you are denying the real statistical dangers facing women in these remarks, which is quite baffling.

You are buying into toxic masculinity here by being an apologist for domestic abuse and violence against women.

No one has argued, especially me, that the sole reason blacks are more likely to kill their white girl friends was because of their skin color. That is preposterous slander.

Rather, the claim is that, given how people are in real life and how they conduct themselves, blacks are 33% more likely to kill their white spouses.

This statistical fact is due things that blacks do at higher rates than other races; namely crime, joblessness, etc.
Victoribus Spolia wrote:As long as we agree that only by controlling for the relevant factors that are correlated to domestic violence does it turn out that race is irrelevant, factors which exist in real life.

Yes, race is irrelevant and these other factors are actually relevant.

Thing is, you are denying the real statistical dangers facing women in these remarks, which is quite baffling.

You are buying into toxic masculinity here by being an apologist for domestic abuse and violence against women.

No, this is not only wrong but irrelevant.

No one has argued, especially me, that the sole reason blacks are more likely to kill their white girl friends was because of their skin color. That is preposterous slander.

Rather, the claim is that, given how people are in real life and how they conduct themselves, blacks are 33% more likely to kill their white spouses.

This statistical fact is due things that blacks do at higher rates than other races; namely crime, joblessness, etc.

It was the obvious claim of the racist propaganda you cited.

Again, people who are jobless, uneducated, etc, are more likely to kill their wives. Race is irrelevant.

The fact that more black men have to deal with these issues is because of historical racism and marginalisation.
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