Palestinian Propaganda Thread - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Moderator: PoFo Middle-East Mods

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There was no Israeli occupation until 1967, the PLO was formed in 1964 & Israelis died from Palestinian terrorism before 1967 too.
Metoo wrote:Really? This is your solution??? Let's just free the Arabs and all will be well???

It's not my solution, mine would be having all colonizing scum of Palestine unless the natives allow them to stay.

The solution I gave was that of international law and what basically all governments everywhere support, including the U.S., who is Israel's welfare mummy. How can you expect no resistance from Palestinians living under a brutal military occupation that imposes daily violence and humiliation on Palestinians? You know, that stuff that includes checkpoints just to travel to go to work or see family, demolitions of homes they've owned for decades longer than Israel became a state, the torture and kidnapping of children, the imprisonment of political prisoners, the discrimination in law (apartheid), the regular bombing campaigns and assassination of Palestinian kids protesting against living in a concentration camp...I could go on but I think you have enough to work with right now, even though some of this stuff isn't mentioned in Frank Luntz's propaganda manual your ilk use for (poor) arguing purposes.
skinster wrote:It's not my solution, mine would be having all colonizing scum of Palestine unless the natives allow them to stay.

The solution I gave was that of international law and what basically all governments everywhere support, including the U.S., who is Israel's welfare mummy. How can you expect no resistance from Palestinians living under a brutal military occupation that imposes daily violence and humiliation on Palestinians? You know, that stuff that includes checkpoints just to travel to go to work or see family, demolitions of homes they've owned for decades longer than Israel became a state, the torture and kidnapping of children, the imprisonment of political prisoners, the discrimination in law (apartheid), the regular bombing campaigns and assassination of Palestinian kids protesting against living in a concentration camp...I could go on but I think you have enough to work with right now, even though some of this stuff isn't mentioned in Frank Luntz's propaganda manual your ilk use for (poor) arguing purposes.

What was the solution you gave? I read all your posts. You gave no solution. All you GAVE were demands, and NOTHING else. You are giving the SAME demands, as you did before, here in your post as quoted above.

Here are a few possible interpretations of your 'solution', - you say, in effect, - give me what I want and I give nothing in return. Or, you say, give what I want and, once I get it, I will vote you out of office, then rename your country and then deport you.

Those are your solutions so far. I say this, because if your demands are implemented today, those will be the likeliest outcomes.

Solution, dear skinster, presume a 'win-win' for both parties involved or at the very least a compromise that both parties can live with. I hope that once you spend a bit of time thinking about it, you'll realize how difficult this Israeli-Palestinian mess really is. Many very smart people have tried and failed so far. How smart are you?

Here is an interesting note for you to ponder, - both Arafat and Abbas walked out from ALL Israeli peace proposals in the past 20 years. Those proposals would have given the Palestinian Arabs ALL what you are asking for here in your posts. Check them out! Google is your friend!

Still the Arabs walked out! Why? Ponder that before you spew any more nonsense.
Metoo wrote:What was the solution you gave? I read all your posts. You gave no solution.

I gave the same solution as what the law dictates: ending the occupation of Palestinians in their internationally recognised homeland.

Solution, dear skinster, presume a 'win-win' for both parties involved or at the very least a compromise that both parties can live with. I hope that once you spend a bit of time thinking about it, you'll realize how difficult this Israeli-Palestinian mess really is.

The win for the Palestinians would be their much deserved freedom and the win for Israel would be to cease being a pariah state that forces all kinds of sadism upon all of its subjects, including its citizens.

There is no "difficult" or whatever other hasbara you want to state to describe this situation. It is very simple story of colonialism and settler-colonialism that only zionists try to pretend is complicated in order to avoid peace in favour of continuous lebenstraum.

Here is an interesting note for you to ponder, - both Arafat and Abbas walked out from ALL Israeli peace proposals in the past 20 years. Those proposals would have given the Palestinian Arabs ALL what you are asking for here in your posts. Check them out! Google is your friend!

Found these at Google:

The Myth of the Generous Offer

Zionist Nationalist wrote:skinster with demands such as the bds represents there is no reason for Israel to even slightly consider their propouses
They are basically demanding from Israel to completely surrender

The three goals of BDS align with international law. No activist for Palestine that I know is waiting for Israel to change the course of its current vicious racism towards the natives since it's obvious it won't.

It is not "surrender" if Israel took the part of the country given and let the natives of Palestine have their share too, but zionists are greedy AF and hopefully they get their just desserts eventually. :D
skinster wrote:The three goals of BDS align with international law. No activist for Palestine that I know is waiting for Israel to change the course of its current vicious racism towards the natives since it's obvious it won't.

It is not "surrender" if Israel took the part of the country given and let the natives of Palestine have their share too, but zionists are greedy AF and hopefully they get their just desserts eventually. :D

International law is bullshit
We dont give a fuck about the UN
Israel will do what is best for its own interests end of story
and before you say "but the UN gave Israel its independance"
well back then the UN was mostly consisted of Western/Socialist world powers
today the UN is a joke full of all shitty countries that got independent just shortly after Israel
there is no reason why Israel will listen to those imbeciles that cant even properly manage their own shitholes

The "Palestinians" have 22 countries they can go to
also most of them arent natives I know personally many folks who their family came from Egypt,Syria,Jordan 80-100 years ago
Every year, at Christmas, Palestinian officials, activists, and a host of virulently anti-Israel groups exploit the holiday season for political purposes.

The most common form of co-opting the holiday is when Palestinian protesters dress up in Santa costumes to grab media headlines by participating in violent rioting or by deliberately confronting Israeli security personnel.

Particularly ubiquitous is the meme that goes around every year about Jesus being a Palestinian. There’s also the meme that had Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus lived today they wouldn’t be able to enter Jerusalem because of Israel’s security fence and would’ve had to “sneak in” and “maybe get searched at a checkpoint”.

So, what we see is a deliberate effort to hijack a holiday meant to promote goodwill and understanding in order to excuse and justify hostility toward Israel.

Israel is demonized in this hijacked narrative and it’s also made to appear hostile to Christians. The reality is that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that fully protects its minority Christian community. It’s also one of the few places on earth where there’s no war on Christmas.
Hindsite please: ... ans-575064

... it's not a prochristian middle eastern paradise ok....

The fact is Jesus was born in the West Bank(in Bethlehem which is still in the same spot) and was technically racially a Palestinian Jew(all Jews were mostly at the time, the wider region including Judea was called Palestine in the time of Jesus).

Today of cause he would admittedly be called an Israeli Jew because that's where Nazareth is and he was raised there and was Jewish.

But he was not an Ashkenazi ok.... Hindsite you know this already. He had olive skin tone and was dark haired and probably "dusty" looking. Jim Cavizel nailed the ethnicity in Passion of the Christ.
colliric wrote:The fact is Jesus was born in the West Bank(in Bethlehem which is still in the same spot) and was technically racially a Palestinian Jew(all Jews were mostly at the time, the wider region including Judea was called Palestine in the time of Jesus).

This is bullshit. None of Israel, including Judea, was called Palestine until long after Jesus was crucified. Even the Holy Bible refers to Bethlehem as being in Judea.

So Joseph also went up from Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the City of David called Bethlehem, since he was from the house and line of David.
(Luke 2:4)

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the One who has been born King of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”
(Matthew 2:1-2)

"In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written:
(Matthew 2:5)

Jesus replied, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, and a cloud hid Him from their sight.
(Acts 1:7-9)

Other history records indicates the following:

In 135 AD, the Greek "Syria Palaestina" was used in naming a new Roman province from the merger of Roman Syria and Roman Judaea after the Roman authorities crushed the Bar Kokhba Revolt. Circumstantial evidence links Hadrian to the renaming of the province, which took place around the same time as Jerusalem was refounded as Aelia Capitolina, but the precise date of the change in province name is uncertain.

The Bar Kokhba revolt was a rebellion of the Jews of the Roman province of Judea, led by Simon bar Kokhba, against the Roman Empire. Fought circa 132–136 CE, it was the last of three major Jewish–Roman wars, so it is also known as The Third Jewish–Roman War or The Third Jewish Revolt.

After the suppression of the revolt, Hadrian's proclamations sought to root out Jewish nationalism in Judea, which he saw as the cause of the repeated rebellions. He prohibited Torah law and the Hebrew calendar, and executed Judaic scholars. The sacred scrolls of Judaism were ceremonially burned on the Temple Mount. At the former Temple sanctuary, he installed two statues, one of Jupiter, another of himself. In an attempt to erase any memory of Judea or Ancient Israel, he wiped the name off the map and replaced it with Syria Palaestina. By destroying the association of Jews with Judea and forbidding the practice of the Jewish faith, Hadrian aimed to root out a nation that had inflicted heavy casualties on the Roman Empire. Similarly, he re-established Jerusalem as the Roman pagan polis of Aelia Capitolina, with Jews forbidden to enter, except on the day of Tisha B'Av.
Hindsite you know the Philistines existed in the 12 century BC and that it was called the land of the Philistines (correct pronunciation of Palestine is "Phil-es-stine" in Arabic) first. Stop lying dammit.

The Bible SAYS IT WAS CALLED PHILESTINE and was the land of the PHILESTINIAN people.

Palestine, as the article correctly explains is simply an updated English Transliteration of Philestine. You already know this Hindsite, it's ALSO in your Bible.

If you argued it was once called Philestine/Palestine but then no longer called that again till 135AD you would be more honest at least.
colliric wrote:Hindsite you know the Philistines existed in the 12 century BC and that it was called the land of the Philistines (correct pronunciation of Palestine is "Phil-es-stine" in Arabic) first. Stop lying dammit.

The Bible SAYS IT WAS CALLED PHILESTINE and was the land of the PHILESTINIAN people.

Palestine, as the article correctly explains is simply an updated English Transliteration of Philestine. You already know this Hindsite, it's ALSO in your Bible.

If you argued it was once called Philestine/Palestine but then no longer called that again till 135AD you would be more honest at least.

You are believing the fake propaganda of the Muslims.

Philistia refers to the land of the Five Lords of the Philistines, described in Joshua 13:3 and 1 Samuel 6:17, comprising Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, Gath, and Gaza, in the south-western Levant.

One can see from the map that Philistia is a small sliver of land on the coast between Egypt and the kingdom of Judah. It was never part of Judea where Bethlehem is located. The area west of the Jordan river was called the Land of Canaan and the "Promised Land" before the Israelites conquered it.

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