Most of our seniors don't deserve respect - Page 8 - Politics | PoFo

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(((merchant class)))

Nice one Qatz. ;)

I have to agree with the basic premise of this thread though. Respect is earned you don't just accrue it by existing for a certain amount of time, this should be obvious but apparently not. There are plenty of old people are more deserving of respect as they (on average) will have more achievements and knowledge but this isn't true in all cases and the respect does not come just from the age itself.
QatzelOk wrote:Urban planning and social policy is NOT about establishing some magical moment in history in which to freeze society. It's about designing for human beings and for the well-being of the collective. By letting the merchant class design our environments with only profit in mind, we have ruined our own societies in many ways, and lack of wisdom is a particularly tragic one.

Yeah the problem is that people were documentably full of crap long before the merchant class started designing our environments.
Decky wrote:I have to agree with the basic premise of this thread though. Respect is earned you don't just accrue it by existing for a certain amount of time, this should be obvious but apparently not. There are plenty of old people are more deserving of respect as they (on average) will have more achievements and knowledge but this isn't true in all cases and the respect does not come just from the age itself.

Knowledge and achievements have been redefined by the merchant class.

"Achievments" means long trips abroad, Prizes for getting rich, and the largest lawn in your subdivision. "Knowledge" means to be connected to a powerful gang who can steal whatever they want legally from the collective.

In both cases, neither this kind of achievment or this kind of knowledge, deserves the respect of the young.

In traditional societies, old people had spoken to everyone in their community (and from outside their community) throughout their lives, helping solve problems with words or labor. And knowledge was handed down from one generation to the next, rather than through mass media like it is in our merchant-class-ruined civilization.
Does this senior deserve respect?


Or is he a product of a culture where adults develop no wisdom because they don't get involved in helping the greater society around themselves?

Perhaps his being born rich meant that he was denied the lessons that a more realistic income level can teach.

Maybe he stayed so specialized all his life (in real estate and sleazy deal-making) that he blocked all the other information that gives one "wisdom?"

Is this an example of being lead by the sour Cream of an Unwise Crop?
QatzelOk wrote:Does this senior deserve respect?


Or is he a product of a culture where adults develop no wisdom because they don't get involved in helping the greater society around themselves?

Perhaps his being born rich meant that he was denied the lessons that a more realistic income level can teach.

Maybe he stayed so specialized all his life (in real estate and sleazy deal-making) that he blocked all the other information that gives one "wisdom?"

Is this an example of being lead by the sour Cream of an Unwise Crop?

Maybe it is your lack of respect that blinds you to what wisdom he may posses. One ‘wisdom’ of the elderly is they have a broader view and are aware of realities you aren’t. I lived before the individual became all important. This allows be to see folly that is invisible to those who have known nothing else. For the young to judge the wisdom of the aged is the greatest of follies. You simply have not seen what they have. You have not lived through the stages of life they have. They have lived all your stages. They know. You are guessing.
It doesn’t mean all old people are wise, but they all have things to share you have never experienced.
One Degree wrote:Maybe it is your lack of respect that blinds you to what wisdom he may posses. One ‘wisdom’ of the elderly is they have a broader view and are aware of realities you aren’t.
It doesn’t mean all old people are wise, but they all have things to share you have never experienced.

Before technology stripped us of our time to explore nature and interact in various roles in well-structured communities, you are correct in that seniors had "things to share" that younger people wouldn't have had time to experience.

But in the Modern Age, as this thread expores in depth, adults are cut off from exploration and community involvement, and don't learn useful lessons for their young'ens.

Domesticated animals can't raise their young correctly. Man in Technological Society is a domesticated animal.
This is an important part of the dismal human predicament that you are trying to hide from with "aw shucks" Norman Rockwell portrayals of seniors.
QatzelOk wrote:Before technology stripped us of our time to explore nature and interact in various roles in well-structured communities, you are correct in that seniors had "things to share" that younger people wouldn't have had time to experience.

But in the Modern Age, as this thread expores in depth, adults are cut off from exploration and community involvement, and don't learn useful lessons for their young'ens.

Domesticated animals can't raise their young correctly. Man in Technological Society is a domesticated animal.
This is an important part of the dismal human predicament that you are trying to hide from with "aw shucks" Norman Rockwell portrayals of seniors.

I hadn’t seen the thread before yesterday. I read the first page and the last.
Every age is the modern age.
I certainly agree the loss of community is disastrous, but that is not all the wisdom seniors have to pass on. They also offset the youths zealousness in believing things are important that life teaches you aren’t. Something as normal as death and having to face the reality more and more as you age, changes how you see the world. I believe every year has increased my understanding of what it is to be human and how this should effect our interactions. This thinking is totally opposite to my ‘knowing what is right for the world’ in my younger days.
Longevity means increased suffering which often produces wisdom.
One Degree wrote:Something as normal as death and having to face the reality more and more as you age, changes how you see the world.

That's very beautiful, One.

I could see it in gorgeous script text, with a background shot of two seniors walking on a beach smiling knowingly.

But what good are these solitary moments of inner peace useful in any way to future generations?

Young people need survival skills and social skills, not grinning old people sitting in SUVs with motivational poster slogans dancing in their heads.
It is interesting how quickly people who believe they are progressive can resort to bigotry given some obtuse rationalization.

I know dumb old people and smart wise ones. I know few young people savvy enough to make the call. Perhaps we might understand what Quatz has obviously been to busy trolling to notice...That is that we need people of all ages and always will.

I can imagine a world where aging becomes unnecessary. I can also imagine a world in which wisdom is redefined. That world is not here yet.

I would also point out the irony of someone who uses a Native American as an avatar so completely forgetting the variety of cultural experiences in his country and around the world. Wisdom is not defined the same everywhere.

Left wingers are so fucking predictable. That is something one learns with age.
QatzelOk wrote:That's very beautiful, One.

I could see it in gorgeous script text, with a background shot of two seniors walking on a beach smiling knowingly.

But what good are these solitary moments of inner peace useful in any way to future generations?

Young people need survival skills and social skills, not grinning old people sitting in SUVs with motivational poster slogans dancing in their heads.

The irony in your post is you don’t realize you are always free to enjoy a walk on the beach. It is only your lack of experience that makes you think otherwise. You also learn with age that those ‘heavy concerns’ weren’t really all that worth worrying about. :)
One Degree wrote:The irony in your post is you don’t realize you are always free to enjoy a walk on the beach. It is only your lack of experience that makes you think otherwise. You also learn with age that those ‘heavy concerns’ weren’t really all that worth worrying about. :)

Here, you're making it about ME (QatzelOk) because you don't seem to be able to talk about generalized social phenomenon.

Not being able to talk about serious and/or big-picture social issues is part of hole in today's crop of idiot seniors driving blindly around suburbia in their perfectly-sealed hermetic shells.

Cocooned for the last 70 years, they have destroyed the world and only have poster slogans to offer - canned wisdom from Walmart.
QatzelOk wrote:Here, you're making it about ME (QatzelOk) because you don't seem to be able to talk about generalized social phenomenon.

Not being able to talk about serious and/or big-picture social issues is part of hole in today's crop of idiot seniors driving blindly around suburbia in their perfectly-sealed hermetic shells.

Cocooned for the last 70 years, they have destroyed the world and only have poster slogans to offer - canned wisdom from Walmart.

No one has destroyed the world. You may have noticed it is still here. We were worried about nuclear weapons destroying it. You worry about climate change destroying it. Neither of our worries accomplished a thing. Live your life and do what you can each day. If the world ends tomorrow, you just wasted today worrying about it.
Canned wisdom from Walmart like my above offering is what wisdom looks like. Lessons learned from living. You should pay attention to them. :)
My only regret is I worried too much preventing me from playing more.
The biggest UK pension fund backs coal mine set to ‘destroy’ the Great Barrier Reef

Pension funds force Canadians to invest in war industries


The current senior class (of which I will soon be a part) has bankrupted their own nations, and in the process, has bankrupted their own pension funds. They did this as they destroyed the world's livable ecology. Seniors are now kept alive by hedge funds (pension funds) that destroy the earth and steal money (sometimes, other people's pension!) in order to continue the game of gasoline and suburban lawns.

Check out the above links to see how unwise our old-timers have become. They are parasitic and have nothing to contribute to future generations. And they are TOTALLY IN CHARGE.

People like OneDegree play the role of devil's advocate for these horrible grey demons.
MistyTiger wrote: And the conversation mentioned Bill Gates. He had an advantage since his mother was already working in the tech industry. How hard did he work? Probably not as hard as someone like Jobs or Dell. I do not think Dell even went to college. He was fixing computers out of his garage.

Clearly, you're ignorant as to the founding of Microsoft. Bill Gates and Paul Allen started it in... wait for it... a garage in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Also, can you cite a link to your other information? I can find nothing which says his mother worked in the tech industry. If I remember correctly, she was the head of the United Way's Board of Directors at one time...

I am not talking about honest and hard working people.

It's pretty clear you don't know what you're talking about!

It's stupid to suggest that Bill Gates is dishonest and not hard working...
BigSteve wrote:It's stupid to suggest that Bill Gates is dishonest and not hard working...

He makes a billion dollars an hour doing what, exactly?

His income, if distributed all across the USA, would put everyone through college. So he creates a lot of stupidity just by being undeservedly rich, and he sets an example of what seniors are like in our culture: uncaring greedbags who just try to dominate other people they've never met through racketeering and mafia connections.
I'm still trying to figure out what I should do with the family money once western seniors are supporting open borders and free health care for non-citizens. Things are going to go belly-up real fast if that ever happens. Maybe gold?
Go strike up a conversation with 5 random seniors. Now go strike up a conversation with 5 random people below the age of 40. You will quickly realize why seniors deserve our respect, and why their children should have listened to them a lot more than they did.

I believe the parents of boomers were the last truly great generation. They had survived the Great Depression and fought and won World War 2. They were tough as nails, yet lived in a world where you didn't have to lock your front door.

Baby boomers are the last generation that was truly connected fully to reality. Gen X & Y are the last generation to have ever been connected to any kind of reality, especially when they were children. Once the internet came, it was over. Millennials are totally effed, and it's not even their fault.

Boomers destroyed the family unit. Divorces became rampant, their kids had their lives split in 2, illegal drug use and anti-depressants became rampant to numb the pain. Meanwhile the sex revolution meant pre-maritial sex became the norm, and fatherless kids and abortions exploded.
Unthinking majority wrote:Go strike up a conversation with 5 random seniors. Now go strike up a conversation with 5 random people below the age of 40. You will quickly realize why seniors deserve our respect, and why their children should have listened to them a lot more than they did.
:roll: What a load of shit! I meet guys over 40 all the time who deserve our derision and not respect. Racist, hateful people who don't give a fuck about what they leave behind for the next generation. Respect? Puh-lease!!

Pretending that this generation is any different from the last one's is a joke. Every generation has its foibles and flaws. The Millennials have some, of course, and at the same time have it harder than the previous generations due to inflation, stagnant wages, and other shit that the Boomers enjoyed the benefits of, and caused.

If anything the Boomer generation can be accused of is not thinking about how their actions might affect the future. now the Millenials and such are doing so, and are mocked by Boomers for it. :knife:

Unthinking Majority wrote:Baby boomers are the last generation that was truly connected fully to reality. Gen X & Y are the last generation to have ever been connected to any kind of reality, especially when they were children. Once the internet came, it was over.
Millennials are totally effed, and it's not even their fault. More rubbish.

Baby boomers: Connected to reality and rich, but surely the most selfish generation. Thought to what they did to the future? Nope.

Gen X and Y: Not much better than Boomers. reality" Yeah... duhhh.

Millennials: Left with the mess from the Boomers. Reality? Check. They all deal with it.

The internet is INFORMATION. I can see why older generations, and conservatives, are afraid of it, but every generation has had change thrust upon it. The internet hasn't wrecked anything. Yes, it's more change that the older gens can't understand. Boo hoo.

Boomers destroyed the family unit. Divorces became rampant, their kids had their lives split in 2, illegal drug use and anti-depressants became rampant to numb the pain. Meanwhile the sex revolution meant pre-maritial sex became the norm, and fatherless kids and abortions exploded.
The family unit is still there. It's changing, as things often do. Drug use has always been these, albeit hidden. Spousal abuse was the norm before divorce.

Pre-marital sex existed long before the sex revolution.

Child abuse was more prevalent. I am sure some would have preferred being fatherless. Fatherless doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, either.

Only soppy conservatives think that there's a generation problem. The problem lies with the previous selfish generations who fucked things, and didn't leave the world a better place. Now people are trying to make the world a better place for future generations, and the old Boomers just complain about being inconvenienced by it. :knife: :knife: :knife:
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