The 'mouthy ethnic lady' phenomenon on CNN - Politics | PoFo

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Ana Navarro:

April Ryan:


Symone Sanders:


What ultra-left Vox has to say on CNN:

The ultraleft 'The Good Fight' also addressed the CNN punditry hustle in one of its episodes:

But back to Adrian and his meteoric rise to TV stardom, which came crashing down to Earth just as quickly. After Boseman’s first on air appearance, he made a major faux pas in bringing up another of the pundit’s salary. He was also ‘warned’ by the one other African-American man on the panel that he needed to stay in his lane. He was the ‘angry black man’ on the panel and Adrian was to be more of the elder statesman. After blowing up at the pundit about the salary, Adrian found himself the lone black man on the panel, the makeup person telling him that his performance was responsible for the other black man being fired. But on his third appearance, Adrian at first seemed lost in thought when the issue of race came up, with the white men on the panel basically complaining that black people can say the N-word but they can’t. Adrian said they could say it and dared them to, taunting them to say it until they cut to commercial. Back in the dressing room the host of the show popped in and gave Adrian a terse ‘fuck you’ … and that is probably the end of Adrian’s TV career.
Rugoz, you're once again projecting your insecurities on me. The 'adopted black daughter' in Lost in Space was cynically race-swapped by the Netflix producers of that show in order to appeal to a wider demographic. This is what I pointed out and you took to be offensive. Perhaps you should direct your complaints to the producers who indulge in such cynical race-swapping moves.
The 'adopted black daughter' in Lost in Space was cynically race-swapped by the Netflix producers of that show in order to appeal to a wider demographic. This is what I pointed out and you took to be offensive. Perhaps you should direct your complaints to the producers who indulge in such cynical race-swapping moves.

So let me get this straight. When a producer makes the choice of adding a black, Hispanic, Chinese, etc person to the cast in order to appeal to a wider demographic you believe that is somehow "cynical"? How is that different from choosing a handsome older man or a big-name star? Isn't the purpose of a TV show to grab a big audience and sell more advertising?

Also. Why did you refer to anyone on that panel as "ultra left". There was no ultra left person on the panel.
When any media utilizes a minority out of all proportion to the reality of their viewers, they are promoting an agenda.
The Sabbaticus wrote:Rugoz, you're once again projecting your insecurities on me. The 'adopted black daughter' in Lost in Space was cynically race-swapped by the Netflix producers of that show in order to appeal to a wider demographic. This is what I pointed out and you took to be offensive. Perhaps you should direct your complaints to the producers who indulge in such cynical race-swapping moves.

You didn't get it then and you won't get it now, so I don't know why I'm even responding. Appealing to a wider demographic is what producers do every single time when whites are chosen as leads. The fact that you complain about a single black character (and one hispanic) in an otherwise white cast just demonstrates your hypocrisy, most likely you're just a closet racist. Instead you claim it's a "cynical move" as if it was immoral or anything. It's just hilariously retarded.

One Degree wrote:When any media utilizes a minority out of all proportion to the reality of their viewers, they are promoting an agenda.

She's the only black (actually half-black) main character of the show.

Rugoz wrote:You didn't get it then and you won't get it now, so I don't know why I'm even responding. Appealing to a wider demographic is what producers do every single time when whites are chosen as leads. The fact that you complain about a single black character (and one hispanic) in an otherwise white cast just demonstrates your hypocrisy, most likely you're just a closet racist. Instead you claim it's a "cynical move" as if it was immoral or anything. It's just hilariously retarded.

She's the only black (actually half-black) main character of the show.


Yes, but does their average viewer have adopted Black children? I have never watched the show, but I can see where this is intended to promote an agenda. You can say it is intended to gain wider viewership, but the method used indicates the possibility of a different agenda also. My opinion is biased based upon the number of shows based upon family makeup out of all proportion to reality. I therefore have reason to suspect this show also.
It seems the assumed intention is the difference between the existence of some ethnic person being benign or some agenda driven matter. Where perhaps there are values of those that hire minorities that don’t obsess about their ethnicity in itself as good or bad.
One Degree wrote:Yes, but does their average viewer have adopted Black children? I have never watched the show, but I can see where this is intended to promote an agenda. You can say it is intended to gain wider viewership, but the method used indicates the possibility of a different agenda also. My opinion is biased based upon the number of shows based upon family makeup out of all proportion to reality. I therefore have reason to suspect this show also.

Yes, there's also an agenda against families who do not have adopted children, because obviously most families do not have them. In fact, it's also an agenda against families with only 1-2 children, because 3 children are not the norm. Think about it! In fact, families with 3 children are more likely to belong to a minority group, so it should actually be a hispanic family. Fucking white supremacists! Even more, this show is supposed to represent the future, where whites are almost certainly a minority, so why are they mostly white? Is this white supremacists propagating future genocide in the US? Think about it, think!

Rugoz wrote:Yes, there's also an agenda against families who do not have adopted children, because obviously most families do not have them. In fact, it's also an agenda against families with only 1-2 children, because 3 children are not the norm. Think about it! In fact, families with 3 children are more likely to belong to a minority group, so it should actually be a hispanic family. Fucking white supremacists! Even more, this show is supposed to represent the future, where whites are almost certainly a minority, so why are they mostly white? Is this white supremacists propagating future genocide in the US? Think about it, think!


There is not really that much to think about. I agree someone could read all of the above into it, so why are you so vehemently rejecting one possibility out of all others?
One Degree wrote:There is not really that much to think about. I agree someone could read all of the above into it, so why are you so vehemently rejecting one possibility out of all others?

Read all the posts in this thread.

Sab himself said the producers cast a black daughter to appeal to a wider demographic. He claims this is a "cynical move", but ultimately that's also the reason why almost all leads are white, to appeal to a wider demographic. The hypocrisy is obvious.
Rugoz wrote:Read all the posts in this thread.

Sab himself said the producers cast a black daughter to appeal to a wider demographic. He claims this is a "cynical move", but ultimately that's also the reason why almost all leads are white, to appeal to a wider demographic. The hypocrisy is obvious.

I don’t know about ‘ cynical move’, but I would definitely see the possibility of it being ‘bandwagon’.
The Sabbaticus wrote:The 'adopted black daughter' was white in the original series.

Yeah, sure, from the 1960s (I think) When most everyone envisioned a lily white future.

Things have changed baby ! Reflecting current society in a remake is a vital process. It makes the story once again viable to a contemporary audience (regardless of their race.) Penny is a key character, everyone is supposed to love her. I have no problem forming this attachment to a black Penny, evidently you do.

Zam ;)
Aside from the fact that she was a terrible character and that the show was a 3/5 at best, the choice of race-swapping one of the family members was questionable, at best, considering that the show is literally peppered with ethnic characters. But, this isn't the topic of discussion. Rugoz brought it up in order to project his own insecurities on me, which is attested by his objection to the term 'cynical'. On the one hand, he agrees that it's cynical (claiming that the original show creators were cynical as well) and on the other hand he ironically resents me for using the term because it unfavorably depicts the decision to race-swap an unlikely character. And then he accuses me of being a 'hypocrite'. :lol:

It's also fairly amusing to note that the mere act of matter-of-factly pointing something (obvious) out is considered an unpardonable sin, evoking all kinds of suspicion and slanderous accusations. Even to the point that it left a lasting impression for Rugoz, a self-appointed 'thoughtcrime prosecutor'.
Hot damnt Sab, can you not see the beauty of multiracial families and societies. We all must have sex into brown mix that we all heading too. This is the beautiful feature! It is not socially engineered or being promoted, stop spreading conspiracies.

Only idiots believe in these conspiracies who want to hold on to their nations heritage and not being socially engineered out of existence. This is natural unfolding of events and not a situation of establishment gone crazy.
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