Ideology Update - Politics | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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By Scrybe
I think I posted here before about my ideology and got some answers, but some of my views have changed, so I’ve decided to post an update and see where I fit in best. There is a lot I’m still trying to figure out.

- I’m personally socially conservative but I’m more politically moderate when it comes to actual legislation.

- I won’t go as far as to say I support the death penalty although I think it should remain as a form of punishment, albeit with significant reforms and its use reserved for very heinous crimes such as serial murder, terrorism, and for any other dangerous criminal who is unrepentant or failed at rehabilitation.

- I’m iffy about abortion, but leaning towards pro-life. I see both sides of the issue.

- I am content with the current ruling that we have on same sex marriages here in the U.S. although I think that ideally, marriage should be privatized, or at least extend “civil union” to refer to all couples in a legally recognized union regardless of whether they are same sex or opposite sex.

-I’m a Georgist (as if my avatar wasn’t obvious), but I am still open to other economic points of view and I do have some interest in anarcho-capitalism.

- I like Singapore’s healthcare system, though it’s a city-state and the U.S. is a large federation, so what works there may not work here.

- I don’t mind gun control so long as it does not punish law-abiding citizens.

- I think things work best when there is competition between the public and private sectors, like the free market and the government competing with each other over healthcare. However, if I have to pick between the two, I generally prefer the free market.

- Protecting the environment should not be a partisan issue. I support exploring alternative energy. I don’t know if I accept global warming, but I do agree that there will be consequences if we pollute and don’t take care of our planet.

- I don’t really have a stance on education other than that college is too expensive and people are left in tons of debt.

- I believe in amnesty for illegal immigrants already in the country so long as they are law-abiding, but we have borders for a reason and we should crack down on future illegals.

- We should work to improve the other parts of the world so they are better places to live in.
You are a run of the mill American conservative, you would be well at home in the more progressive wing of the current Republican party.
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By Zamuel
On the other hand, the democrats really need down to earth people like you at this time, and they know it. If you desire any form of activism, you'd probably find yourself appreciated more as a Moderate "Show Me" democrat. Perhaps it all turns on how you feel about Trump?

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By Crantag
A number of things sound compatible with Chinese governance, minus gun rights and a couple others. Any thoughts on public banks? In China banks are controlled by the government, which they should be.
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By Scrybe
Zamuel wrote:On the other hand, the democrats really need down to earth people like you at this time, and they know it. If you desire any form of activism, you'd probably find yourself appreciated more as a Moderate "Show Me" democrat. Perhaps it all turns on how you feel about Trump?


I think I could go either way. I live in a red state, so my area’s pretty conservative. Democrats here, however tend to be more conservative than the National party at least on fiscal issues, though not to the same degree as the Republicans.
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By Zamuel
Scrybe wrote:I think I could go either way. I live in a red state, so my area’s pretty conservative. Democrats here, however tend to be more conservative than the National party at least on fiscal issues, though not to the same degree as the Republicans.

I live in AZ. which is much the same way ... we tend to elect some exceptional democrats now and then and occasionally some exceptional republicans. Republican leadership here is VERY pro Trump, but the rank and file is less so. Trump just threatened social security and Medicare which went over like a brick here. Even ardent Trump supporters are pissed off.

I'll keep my independent status for now, the republicans I'm afraid, are going to be fighting over the party or splitting up in the foreseeable future. The Deomcrats are confused too, they may not be ready to exploit the weakness exposed by republican turmoil.

Zam :eek:
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By Zamuel
Crantag wrote:A number of things sound compatible with Chinese governance, minus gun rights and a couple others. Any thoughts on public banks? In China banks are controlled by the government, which they should be.

I'm not sure what Chinese banking is doing in thus thread? But I for one agree that banks should be regulated, closely.

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By fuser
Another interesting thing about American politics that I have noticed is that every single one of them when talking about their politics will include, whether they are pro or anti abortion, I don't even see this thing included when non Americans talk about their politics except for Irish.
fuser wrote:Another interesting thing about American politics that I have noticed is that every single one of them when talking about their politics will include, whether they are pro or anti abortion, I don't even see this thing included when non Americans talk about their politics except for Irish.

Why do you think that is?

ALSO, why do you describe yourself as an Anarcho-Capitalist in your views? You don't seem like one to me.
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By Zamuel
Victoribus Spolia wrote:ALSO, why do you describe yourself as an Anarcho-Capitalist in your views? You don't seem like one to me.

I seem to recall fuzer as a vodka swilling Stalinist Flunkey ... ?

Zam ;)
Zamuel wrote: vodka swilling Stalinist Flunkey

a Vile drink and a vile political figure.
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By Potemkin
I seem to recall fuzer as a vodka swilling Stalinist Flunkey ... ?

You say that like it's a bad thing, Zamuel. ;)
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By fuser
This is the best compliment I have got in my entire life. *purges two drops of counter revolutionary tears from his left cheek*

Also that's my profile VS, I will write whatever I want to about my ideology, how much more anarcho-capitalist one can be than that.
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By Zamuel
Potemkin wrote:You say that like it's a bad thing, Zamuel. ;)

I hadn't really thought of it that way, that's just the picture I have of him. I suppose I do disapprove.
Perhaps if he liked "Peppered Vodka" or Nikita Khruschev, I might feel an affinity.

Zam ;)
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By Zamuel
fuser wrote:I don't drink revisionist vodka.

? Stalin did ... He was a major fan of Peppered vodka, he even served (and drank) it at his lavish dinners for foreign dignitaries.

Revisionary ? Where do you get such nonsense ? Have you been reading those American comic books again?

Zam ;)
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By fuser
Are you sure, you are not an Android?

Anyways revisionist lies, Stalin will never drink peppered vodka.

And I don't read western filth, only American comics I ever read was "Superman : Red Son"
fuser wrote:Also that's my profile VS, I will write whatever I want to about my ideology, how much more anarcho-capitalist one can be than that.

Don't conflate a belief in liberty with a condoning of dishonest hypocrisy.

They are actually different.

Interestingly enough, saying whatever I want about the stupid things you say about yourself is just as AnCap.
Last edited by Victoribus Spolia on 21 Jun 2018 13:38, edited 1 time in total.
Zamuel wrote:"Peppered Vodka"

You still going on about that shitty concoction? I thought we settled that your peasant tastes were abhorrent on the drinking thread. :eh:
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By fuser
Well someone got triggered. Note to self : profile's ideology is perfect.

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