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Do you support trump?

Other. I oppose every POTUS. There is nothing special about Trump that makes me oppose or support him more than any other previous POTUS.
Pro-Trump depending upon which Trump we are talking about. I keep getting surveys from the RNC and different candidates about my support for Trump. The problem is everyone of them eliminates any reference to decentralization. Education is as close as they come.
So, will his policies end up having any real teeth or will they be watered down establishment. I am all about the direction we establish. Too much seems support of specific issues without any real change in direction. I support the uncompromising Trump direction, but of course we have a compromising Trump.
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By Nonsense

TRUMP is not so much destabilizing the American government as America itself.

If he believes his threats against PUTIN will bear fruit, he is probably 'right' for the WRONG reason's.

Unlike N. Korea, President PUTIN will NOT react positively to such threats, TRUMP completely misreads the Russian mind, as does that other arse wipe, Theresa MAY.

President PUTIN will NOT sit idly by, whilst RUSSIAN assets are targeted by AMERICAN missiles in Syria.

In that scenario, American, British et al warships or aircraft are legitimate targets for Russian actions & make no mistake about the FACT that Russian military assets are fully modernised in sufficient quantities to counter threats to itself.

That's where both TRUMP & MAY are about to meet their Waterloo.
Nonsense wrote:#14905172

TRUMP is not so much destabilizing the American government as America itself.

If he believes his threats against PUTIN will bear fruit, he is probably 'right' for the WRONG reason's.

Unlike N. Korea, President PUTIN will NOT react positively to such threats, TRUMP completely misreads the Russian mind, as does that other arse wipe, Theresa MAY.

President PUTIN will NOT sit idly by, whilst RUSSIAN assets are targeted by AMERICAN missiles in Syria.

In that scenario, American, British et al warships or aircraft are legitimate targets for Russian actions & make no mistake about the FACT that Russian military assets are fully modernised in sufficient quantities to counter threats to itself.

That's where both TRUMP & MAY are about to meet their Waterloo.

Depends. I am not sure we know Russia’s capabilities or lack of. The same for the US. Putin will back down if he does not have the hand you believe. Trump hopefully knows, but we don’t.
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By Nonsense
PUTIN won't back down IMHO, he is not a Khrushchev, TRUMP is moving ahead, believing that the tools-in-hand will do a 'stand-off' attack, without any risk.

That is a foolish tactic, a quick response by Russian aircraft or missile approaching an American Cruise Missile destroyer in that scenario of a 'post strike', would see any aircraft-missile as the 'enemy' & fire at it.

Were such a Russian counter-strike succeed, then TRUMP would be held to account by the American people.

It would also would escalate into an American - Russia conflict, tempting France\UK into the clash, the latter, of which Russia would welcome for obvious reasons.
The conflict could well spread wider, for instance, a joint Russian-Syrian-Iranian advance, to bring the Syrian events to a closure could happen, with further loss of civilian life as the price.

The Western intent to bring the Middle East under Western 'protection' would have failed abysmally & Russia-Iran-Syria would thwart any future attempts at American hegemony in the Middle East.

The political fallout will be felt in America, UK & France.

Any delusions about 'superior' British forces would be dispelled, the Falklands was what we ex-naval types call, a 'lash-up'.

Think about it, the UK sent an ocean liner, to carry troops, because that is all it had, the forces could not even defend themselves on the battlefield, the number of ships lost was catastrophic, (some would say, a ' pantomime').

Although Argentina 'lost' the battle, they won the war 'morally', because the gutless THATCHER ordered a sub to torpedo the BELGRANO, which was steaming away from the Falklands, that was an act of political COWARDICE & a DISHONOURABLE ACT.

There is hardly a war in history that has not cost tens of thousands of British lives for little or no gains.
Your view seems clearly thought out. There is risk in any military confrontation, our scenarios are pretty meaningless once the shooting starts. Too many unknowns.
By Decky

He is weakening the United States of America and that is a good thing. The world won't be safe until the colonials are confined to their continent where they can slaughter each other to their hearts desire. Meanwhile the rest of us can rebuild the world they have ruined.
I am not an American. I am not an expert on internal American politics. With specifying this, i support Donald Trump. My support for him is very ironic. It is clear that the man is neither an American conservative nor a libertarian. He says awful things which do not belong to the political party he is elected from. But there is a thing that make him belong to this party and that base. He uses controversial and unorthodox language and tools to keep America conservative and libertarian country. He opposes radical shifts in political orientation of American folks. He fights against migration for this reason. Migrants pose a real threat to American politics and way of living.

America doesn't even allow most migrants into the country and most migrants don't migrate to America.

Furthermore, America is no longer a conservative country. Trump only foolhardily attempts to preserve that while not addressing any of the major problems Americans are facing. By forcing upon the population a form of conservatism that even far-rights and neo-reactionaries don't find appealing, he effectively destabilizes America and makes secession a viable alternative to states staying in the union.
I am pro-Trump. Not because he is so good, but because his opponents "lost their face". You can learn more about people seeing how they behave when losing, not winning. Anti-Trump camp couldn't resign themselves to their victory and started a disgusting campaign against him, pushing their own country to almost a civil war, the serious efforts were made to show Trump as stupid dumb rapist terrorist idiot, while he isn't. Probably the point of unbelief for me was the story about how Trump in Moscow made prostitutes to desecrate the bed of Obama. I think it's possible that somehow the schizophrenic became the president of the USA, but it's much more probable that schizophrenics are those who invented such absurd and horrific in its idiocy story.

I think it's actually the end of America we know: there was balance of powers, there were arrangements between its elites but now someone decided to use biological weapons, kill surrendering forces, butcher families of enemies. That's the practices humankind did - and refused to continue with them because despite it can be seen as a very good strategy, it works only on short range and eventually leads to a catastrophe.
Trump is the Tea Party's revenge against the establishment; therefore, he is awesome. MAGA :rockon:
Political Interest wrote:Anti-Trump

A typical American president.

There is nothing to support. Imperialist, racist and boorish.

Hardly qualities that an educated person would find appealing.

I pretty much agree my friend, President Trump is pretty garish, philistine, and boorish like many wealthy-and not so wealthy-Americans. But he is a very cunning man, I assure you. As for his ''racism'', I'd have to really qualify that, I do know that he has expressed Eugenicist ideas before. Better to describe him as a Capitalist and Social Darwinist.

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