Islamic master Plan - Politics | PoFo

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By Hindsite
Migration and Jihad has brought Islam to power. Islam invaded the Middle East and the crusades were an answer to stop Islamic invasion of Jerusalem.

Dr. Bill Warner Exposes Islamic master Plan

Published on Jun 7, 2016
By the time of the First Crusade, Jerusalem had been under Islamic rule for over 4 centuries. What you mean to say, and I'm guessing whoever it is in the video (I'm not going to watch it) that said it, is that the First Crusade was a response to the Byzantines losing control of modern-day Turkey (Anatolia). In any event, the Crusades were a failure except for certain concessions (like protection of Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem, etc).

Thinking that there's a conspiracy of Muslims to create the conditions necessary to compel mostly young men to migrate through Europe looking for better opportunities and money to send back home is like saying the same about the millions of Latin Americans who have migrated north into America for decades for the same reasons. Just dumb.

Liberals (this includes Republicans, Democrats, etc) have no one but themselves to blame for mass migration out of countries used as proxy battlefields for competing imperialist ideologies; as well as nations run into the ground by decades of fascistic, pro-Washington generals, sheikhs, and shahs; and those whose national wealth and labor have been stolen from their people and given away to Western industries. The Middle East and North Africa is strewn with nations whose infrastructure and governments have been destroyed and upturned by Western-backed movements and direct attacks designed to prevent the establishment of truly independent states in the MENA region who dare to keep some of their nation's resources nationalized and who don't fully open up to capitalism.

It takes the intellectual equivalent of toddlers to be too stupid to consider American and Western policy on one hand being destructive, and then wonder why masses of impoverished people, many of which are from countries fucked over by us, are flocking to places with better economic conditions.
I just looked this guy up:
Bill French (born 1941, United States), known under his pseudonym as Bill Warner, is an anti-Islam writer and the founder of Center for the Study of Political Islam. He is a self-proclaimed "scholar of Islam" despite having no formal background or education in law or religious studies. He is cited by the Southern Poverty Law Center as one of the top 10 Anti-Muslim members[1][2] A former Tennessee State University physics professor, he is described as "using math to prove Islam is evil" [3] He is also a proponent of Obama Birther Theories and that Obama is a secret Muslim.

:lol: Another very stable genius. I can see why Hindsite would like him.
^ Since this is all about pulling (and I suppose putting) stuff out of asses, I'll start styling myself Dr. Bulaba Khan, PhD in sodomy & other butt sciences. :D As a Godless Scientist Man who hates Jesus and the CONSTITUTION, I hereby make Science Decree 1077 declaring all Christians illegal citizens and demand everyone convert to the true religion, Islam, to better worship Lord Satan.
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By Hindsite
Heisenberg wrote:I just looked this guy up:

:lol: Another very stable genius. I can see why Hindsite would like him.

I did not know that Warner was a former Tennessee State University physics professor, who is described as "using math to prove Islam is evil" and is also a proponent of Obama Birther Theories and that Obama is a secret Muslim. But since I also agree with those theories, it makes me take him even more seriously and others should too.

I don't think it is necessary to use math to prove Islam is an evil religion, because that is easily established by the fact that it is an Antichrist religion that supports the rape of women and killing of infidels to Islam and even cutting their heads off with the sword. It is also no secret that Obama was raised as a Muslim and that he often praised Islam after becoming President. I also still believe the Kenyan Birth certificate was the real one and the Hawaiian one was the fake.
"I personally believe whatever agrees with whatever I already believe to be true. Any and all facts debunking the things I choose to believe are hereby ignored.

-Signed, King of the Hollow Earth civilization and all igneous & metamorphic domains claimed herein, Duke of Venus and Mercury, and Grand Champion Squash player"
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By Godstud
I thought that this was entirely appropriate for this thread.


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By Hindsite
On behalf of the “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender” (LGBT) agenda, the United Nations' new LGBT czar is using taxpayer resources to push the indoctrination into schools worldwide — and especially on young children.

The newly appointed UN LGBT czar, homosexual activist Vitit Muntarbhorn, visited Argentina to praise its government's new laws purporting to create homosexual “marriage” and allowing individuals to officially “choose” their legal gender without having "gender reassignment surgery" first.

"...*The younger that children can be targeted, the better*, said the UN LGBT czar. “The laws are very open but in the mentality of people, I've seen large variations with respect to empathy toward the LGBTI population,” he said in an interview with Argentinian media, with the “I” in LGBTI referring to “Intersex” people. “That is why it is so important to start working with the young people, the younger the better, with the politics that amplify empathy for vulnerable populations such as LGBTI people can be.”

But the American College of Pediatrics argues that “conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.”

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By Godstud
Hindsite wrote:But the American College of Pediatrics argues that “conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.”
No one is doing that. Your conspiracy theory is just that. not even the most hardened SJW would suggest that, but it is pretty classic right wing fear-mongering.
Hindsite wrote:But the American College of Pediatrics argues that “conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.”

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States. The group was founded in 2002 by a group of pediatricians, including Joseph Zanga, a past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), as a protest against the AAP's support for adoption by gay couples.

Founder Joseph Zanga has described it as a group "with Judeo-Christian, traditional values that is open to pediatric medical professionals of all religions" provided that they "hold true to the group's core beliefs: that life begins at conception; and that the traditional family unit, headed by an opposite-sex couple, poses far fewer risk factors in the adoption and raising of children." ... iatricians

Essentially, this "American College of Pediatricians" was founded by a repressed homosexual who spent so much of his waking life thinking about penises touching, and penises going into men's butts, that he threw a temper tantrum and created a Bible-thumping cosplay group with other "men of god" because he, and they, couldn't stop thinking about homosexuals, homosexuality, gay sex, and penises. Research to date overwhelmingly shows that in America, gay couples who adopt are no better or worse than heterosexual couples with children.

Perhaps one day, that Joseph Zanga guy will admit to himself the reason he's obsessed with gay people, find himself a man who loves and accepts him, and goes back to being a scientist man doing science things rather than think about cocks and butts all day long under the guise of leading an organization obsessed with homosexuality while claiming it's all about "protecting the children."
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By Hindsite
Bulaba Jones wrote:Perhaps one day, that Joseph Zanga guy will admit to himself the reason he's obsessed with gay people, find himself a man who loves and accepts him, and goes back to being a scientist man doing science things rather than think about cocks and butts all day long under the guise of leading an organization obsessed with homosexuality while claiming it's all about "protecting the children."

The Islamic master plan is to one day whack their heads off.
Allahu Akbar.

Last edited by Hindsite on 27 Feb 2018 09:22, edited 1 time in total.
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By fuser
Meh have you heard of the Sikh master plan? Exactly but let me tell you one secret their master plan involves creating an Islamic master plan......

How do I know this? Because I am Doctor Fuser and I use chemistry to prove Sikhism is evil.
Last edited by fuser on 27 Feb 2018 09:20, edited 1 time in total.
@Hindsite What makes us men of god more excited about in an angry way on behalf of the children: men ejaculating on each other's faces, or men ejaculating into butts? Which topic should we discuss at the next meeting of Men Thinking About and Concerned About Homosexuality? Who gets to create diagrams and pictures and do godly, reverent internet research into homosexual sex practices for Bible reasons?

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