Hello from an old new guy - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.

I remember posting here must of been a few years ago before the redesign, but although I remember posting quite a bit back then, I can't for the life of me recall much of what I said. I was all over the place ideologically, reflecting severe crisis as I examined the world around me in this day and age.

Anyway, I've lived a lot since then, so perhaps I've changed. Those who might remember me, perhaps you can help, lol:-)
Bulaba Jones wrote:Welcome back. Something about neo-Confederate white supremacy or something like that from what I recall.

I'm from the Southern part of the American Imperium, lol. Then I lived a little and got out more, saw the world, etc... Long past overdue.
Some weird fusion of Titoism, Greek Orthodoxy, Tsarism and National Socialism wasn't it? I remember pofo's stalinists were always sending assassins after you for your doctrinal heresies but somehow they always failed, the bunglers.
SolarCross wrote:Some weird fusion of Titoism, Greek Orthodoxy, Tsarism and National Socialism wasn't it? I remember pofo's stalinists were always sending assassins after you for your doctrinal heresies but somehow they always failed, the bunglers.


Well, having in the interim spent some time in Holy Russia, my views have modified somewhat with the time and adventures I've had out in the Old World. Ideology always seems to founder on the rocks of reality somewhat as I've seen, so it will be interesting to recall how I've changed and how I have not.
annatar1914 wrote:Well, having in the interim spent some time in Holy Russia, my views have modified somewhat with the time and adventures I've had out in the Old World. Ideology always seems to founder on the rocks of reality somewhat as I've seen, so it will be interesting to recall how I've changed and how I have not.

So what are your views exactly?

I like oddballs as my views, per my profile if you are interested, are themselves odd on PoFo.
Victoribus Spolia wrote:So what are your views exactly?

I like oddballs as my views, per my profile if you are interested, are themselves odd on PoFo.

In the past, I meandered between various positions; national bolshevik, monarchist, traditional reactionary, strasserite, and ''leftist'', Anarchism, Georgism, socialist of various types, back and forth. I had a number of basic premises to work out one way or another in my mind, which I've done pretty much now. Consider too that the New World American political ideology spectrum does not relate very well with that of the Old World, whereas most of my views are fairly recognizable to any European or other Old Worlder past or present.

Basically, my pessimism and my altruism fought; is the world capable of change and progress for the better? Certainly, not on it's own, but it is capable irregardless of the debate of what that change for the better might constitute specifically.

As far as central government goes ideally, I have the feeling that any society constituted under the principles I suggest would be thought ''illiberal'' by modern standards, certainly authoritarian.

Regarding the Socio-economic views I have these days, and my basic distaste for the modern era and capitalism, I'm pretty socialist or rather ''collectivist''. various evils permitted but not encouraged however, given human nature, and so forth.

So in other words, pretty much the Soviet type republican system in form minus the official atheism, with Church and Party-State working in Harmony to the betterment of society both spiritually and temporally. No illusions about human nature, but simply a desire to do right by my fellow human beings however.
annatar1914 wrote:
In the past, I meandered between various positions; national bolshevik, monarchist, traditional reactionary, strasserite, and ''leftist'', Anarchism, Georgism, socialist of various types, back and forth. I had a number of basic premises to work out one way or another in my mind, which I've done pretty much now. Consider too that the New World American political ideology spectrum does not relate very well with that of the Old World, whereas most of my views are fairly recognizable to any European or other Old Worlder past or present.

Basically, my pessimism and my altruism fought; is the world capable of change and progress for the better? Certainly, not on it's own, but it is capable irregardless of the debate of what that change for the better might constitute specifically.

As far as central government goes ideally, I have the feeling that any society constituted under the principles I suggest would be thought ''illiberal'' by modern standards, certainly authoritarian.

Regarding the Socio-economic views I have these days, and my basic distaste for the modern era and capitalism, I'm pretty socialist or rather ''collectivist''. various evils permitted but not encouraged however, given human nature, and so forth.

So in other words, pretty much the Soviet type republican system in form minus the official atheism, with Church and Party-State working in Harmony to the betterment of society both spiritually and temporally. No illusions about human nature, but simply a desire to do right by my fellow human beings however.

I think we will agree on much and disagree to some degree on economics, but perhaps not entirely disagree.

What about social values and the traditional family? What are you views on that?
Victoribus Spolia wrote:I think we will agree on much and disagree to some degree on economics, but perhaps not entirely disagree.

What about social values and the traditional family? What are you views on that?

Yes, as to the socio-economics, there might be some disagreement, but probably not on a practical real world level.

Social values and the traditional family? Well, I'm a fairly devout Orthodox Christian (Old Believer sympathies and personal ties) and unlike many modern socialists I do have regard for ethnos (not a racist...) and traditional christian culture and familial roles, rights, duties and responsibilities, certainly. My Socialism doesn't ''rub'' up against that harshly, but is actually an organic outpouring of spiritual development, coming from the traditional religious and monastic life of the faithful, like Mount Athos, what is in effect a ''Holy Republic'' in essence. Btw, I take a ''republic'' to mean historically a system of governance aimed at the common good, rule of public trust instead of private gain or entitlement by alleged reason of birth or wealth. Even a Monarchy can be such at least theoretically, and there were Soviet Monarchists, the ''Mladorossi''....
annatar1914 wrote:Yes, as to the socio-economics, there might be some disagreement, but probably not on a practical real world level.

Social values and the traditional family? Well, I'm a fairly devout Orthodox Christian (Old Believer sympathies and personal ties) and unlike many modern socialists I do have regard for ethnos (not a racist...) and traditional christian culture and familial roles, rights, duties and responsibilities, certainly. My Socialism doesn't ''rub'' up against that harshly, but is actually an organic outpouring of spiritual development, coming from the traditional religious and monastic life of the faithful, like Mount Athos, what is in effect a ''Holy Republic'' in essence. Btw, I take a ''republic'' to mean historically a system of governance aimed at the common good, rule of public trust instead of private gain or entitlement by alleged reason of birth or wealth. Even a Monarchy can be such at least theoretically, and there were Soviet Monarchists, the ''Mladorossi''....

looking forward to discussions with you sir.

Seems like a dream now, Potemkin, i'll have to get my bearings, lol. Interesting to see my development.

Indeed. The past can seem sometimes just as unreal, and just as changeable, as the future. :)
Potemkin wrote:Indeed. The past can seem sometimes just as unreal, and just as changeable, as the future. :)

Well, my journey to the Old World from the New and back, and what I found there in the Old, is a tale in itself. As is my ''discovery'' of America with my new perspective. It's one thing to write about one's ideas and all, it's quite another to see it through.

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