Pope Francis and His Lies - Page 9 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Thank fuck for that! I'd hate to be that hateful and hypocritical!
I not a religious wanker, so I don't "sin". I treat others well, and I don't need the threat of hell, or the need to be subservient, to do so. I don't need some ancient text TELLING me to help the poor, or be kind to animals, etc. I know that if I cheat on my wife, I am disrespecting her. I don't need a commandment to order me to do so.

I know if I kill someone, I wreck my life and the lives of their loved ones, so I don't do it. I don't need a religious commandment, to do so.

You're under a delusion called religion. It's curable, but you need to gain intelligence to throw off the shackles of this delusion. For some, this is simply not possible.

I know you are a bigger sinner than I am, if you go by the dictates of YOUR religion.
Godstud wrote:I know you are a bigger sinner than I am, if you go by the dictates of YOUR religion.

You don't know any such thing, so stop with your lie.
Well then, take your judgments of me(against your fucking religion, incidentally), and fuck off, then. You're an old dotard, just like the god you worship, Trump.
Last edited by Godstud on 29 Oct 2017 07:20, edited 2 times in total.
Godstud wrote:Well then, take your judgments of me(against your fucking religion, incidentally), and fuck off, then. You're an old dotard, just like the god you worship, Trump.

Well, you seem to think you can judge me falsely, but you don't want to be judged in like manner. HalleluYah.
You started it with your statement, about sin, so piss off.
Don't bother Godstud, when he reaches the pearly gates Saint Peter will send him to hell with the rest of the Protestants. There is no need for us to do God's work for him.
Yes, let God judge me. :lol: I'm pretty confident I won't be judged, but it's not up to grumpy old men to do it for God, right?

Frankly, I'd much rather reincarnate, so you can stuff your Heaven, where the sun doesn't shine.

Valhalla is better, too.
Godstud wrote:Yes, let God judge me. :lol: I'm pretty confident I won't be judged, but it's not up to grumpy old men to do it for God, right?

Frankly, I'd much rather reincarnate, so you can stuff your Heaven, where the sun doesn't shine.

Valhalla is better, too.

If there is such a thing as reincarnation, a roach would fit you well. Praise the Lord.
Seeing as you'll be burning in Hell, rimming Hitler, I'd have no problem with the short life of a roach. :D
Godstud wrote:Seeing as you'll be burning in Hell, rimming Hitler, I'd have no problem with the short life of a roach. :D

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

(Romans 1:28-32 NASB)

Thou shouldst not not only fuck off, but go fuck thyself with thine disgusting "holy" book, for thy words are full of hate and not the love of your so-called "god".
(Godstud 1:1-2)

Judge yourself, not me. I may not be a Christian, because I wouldn't want to be associated with such low-lives, but I am a better person than you likely can't even aspire to be, as I do not constantly spew hatred and spite against the poor, impoverished, and down-trodden in this world. Your every post is hateful.

President Putin has slammed Pope Francis for “pushing a political ideology instead of running a church”, and warned that the leader of the Catholic Church “is not a man of God.”

Godstud wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y201QzDdzbg

The truth is that Marcus in the video should have been named Muhammad or Abdul.


The attacks in Paris changed the game of terror because ISIS has proven its ability to recruit from local populations to achieve its goals. No longer can a country stay safe by careful scanning of foreign entries. Social media and mass communication have changed all of that. Today, American mothers are shocked to learn that their wayward child has joined ISIS. But who is at risk, and what is the psychology of the recruiting process?

Surprisingly, the Black Lives Matter group, and college protests of everything from 9/11 celebrations to safe spaces, lend some precious insight to the vulnerable. These seemingly hapless acts of those with underdeveloped brains on college campuses illuminate a truth that is well documented in research on terror. The psychology of such tribalistic activities parallels the tribal behavior that Islam uses to recruit, and it thrives for two simple reasons – collectivism and globalism.

No newscaster will admit this, but research proves it out.

Experts offer a number of answers, including that terrorists prey on those who feel disenfranchised, who see themselves as victims or who have the desire to take action and believe in violence.

One thing is certain: For terrorism to have impact, terrorists must find a regular supply of recruits.

Jerrold M. Post of George Washington University suggests Islam, like communism, uses collectivism to convince victims to sacrifice.

He said the recipe for terror includes a combination of the following:

a strong sense of victimization, fear of group extinction, a feeling of a higher moral condition than the lives of the enemy, and lack of political power to make the wanted change.

“Being part of a collectivist cause has always been a hallmark of people willing to undergo personal sacrifices,” said Arie Kruglanski, co-director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, or START.

Kruglanski surveyed thousands of Arabs and people from other cultures, and he found that those most likely to support terrorist activities against Americans are indeed those with the strongest collectivist mentality. Kruglanski said the findings suggest that joining terrorist groups may confer a sense of security and meaning that people do not feel as individuals.

Georgetown University’s Fathali Moghaddam suggests globalism and a fear of cultural annihilation has also contributed to the terrorist mentality.

He writes that globalization has forced on many cultures a large-scale neurotic drive to survive. Moghaddam says Islamic terror is a reaction to the fear that the fundamentalist Islamic way of life is under attack.

Moghaddam’s explanation seems to excuse Islam’s use of terror and implies that they are defending themselves and only trying to survive. Perhaps Moghaddam should research the Quran’s teachings on violence and jihad.

Kruganski and others have come up with ideas on how to convince terrorists that they should not use violence.

They are exploring the use of tactics like using moderate Muslim clerics to teach imprisoned detainees about the Quran’s “true teachings” on violence and jihad.

They also suggested showing concern for the families for terror detainees such as funding their children’s education or offering professional training for their wives.

http://www.wnd.com/2015/11/terror-psych ... -a-jihadi/

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