Abbott states the bleeding obvious on Climate Change.... - Politics | PoFo

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Pants-of-dog wrote:Oh wait, are you also a climate change denier?

No, I do not deny that the Climate naturally changes and that logically things go extinct. The human impact on the specific atmospheric change is very minimal, one good hearty volcano eruption spews more CO2 into the atmosphere than humanity has ever done.

I have made my opinion clear in the past, that the Earth is logically doomed and that humankind cannot reverse it's own existence and indeed shouldn't. We are the Apex animal of this planet and have totally conquered it. In less than a few years time there will be 15 billion humans on this planet and maybe 20 billion. Evolution has totally ended because our species has developed to the point where we are intelligent enough to detect defective human DNA and wipe it out, thus forever preserving the homosapien genome as it basically is and now always will be, and preserving our status as the preeminent species of Planet Earth.

We even discovered Penicillin which we simultaneously say is the greatest medical discovery ever as we complain about overpopulation and tell other societies and people to stop having kids.....

Yet the invention of Penicillin and discovery of how Soap kills microscopic lifeforms is the main reason humankind has been unshackled and unfettered in our population growth. Soap and Penicillin are the actual main factors as to why in the 19th and 20th century, population growth exploded. We recently found two things that kill the bacteria and viruses which kept our population shackled for millenia by killing us naturally off in large numbers.

Naturally we are wiping out other animals and sending them extinct.

There is no way to preserve this planet "just as it is", the fact is it is a living being too and is destined to die. Trying to solve the problem of humanity by politically forcing others of your own race into an austere lifestyle is insane, and it is futile.

Want to save the Planet? Tell medicos to stop using antibiotics to keep humankind's population numbers soaring through the roof, and stop using Imperial Leather too.....

Ain't gonna happen.
Pants-of-dog wrote:So you do not accept the current science about anthropogenic climate change?

I accept environmental land-based change as occurring due to the unstoppably expansive populace. I do not accept atmospheric change as being of high importance because the rate of change appears insignificant and does not appear to be different so far than the traditional known cyclic pattern.

I am a conservationist. I believe it is far more important to slow down the extinction rate of animals and that the paper industry should be sustainable. The environment needs to be protected, developed responsibly and not "preserved exactly as it is" because that is logically impossible.

I think people incorrectly marry human environmental habitat destruction with "climate change" because that suits political parties, like the Greens, stirring up a frenzy to support their shitty extremist policies in general. Habitual destruction and the extinction of animal species is mainly caused by increasing human encroachment upon the natural world, which itself is partly due to unfettered population growth helped by human developments in medical science and hygiene.

It is not some magical thing we can magically solve called "Climate Change".

Plus most of the predictions in Al Gore's film were outright lies.
colliric wrote:The human impact on the specific atmospheric change is very minimal, one good hearty volcano eruption spews more CO2 into the atmosphere than humanity has ever done.

This is so laughably wrong that you just aren't qualified to discuss climate change. It looks like you read one lie about it 15 years ago, and refused to listen to anything else.

Human activities emit 60 or more times the amount of carbon dioxide released by volcanoes each year. Large, violent eruptions may match the rate of human emissions for the few hours that they last, but they are too rare and fleeting to rival humanity’s annual emissions. In fact, several individual U.S. states emit more carbon dioxide in a year than all the volcanoes on the planet combined do.
Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, more than 2,000 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide have been added to the atmosphere by human activities
In a 2011 peer-reviewed paper, U.S. Geologic Survey scientist Terry Gerlach summarized five previous estimates of global volcanic carbon dioxide emission rates that had been published between 1991 and 1998. Those estimates incorporated studies reaching back to the 1970s, and they were based on a wide variety of measurements, such as direct sampling and satellite remote sensing. The global estimates fell within a range of about 0.3 ± 0.15 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, implying that human carbon dioxide emissions were more than 90 times greater than global volcanic carbon dioxide emissions.
Occasionally, eruptions are powerful enough to release carbon dioxide at a rate that matches or even exceeds the global rate of human emissions for a few hours. For example, Gerlach estimated that the eruptions of Mount St. Helens (1980) and Pinatubo (1991) both released carbon dioxide on a scale similar to human output for about nine hours. Human emissions of carbon dioxide continue day after day, month after month, year after year. ... activities
Just bizarre. I'm shaking my head in wonder. The right is reduced to merest sophistry.

Accepting climate change due to "unstoppable population growth" is, in every operational sense, the exact equivalent of accepting anthropogenic climate change. One-second google: "define anthropogenic: of, relating to, or resulting from the influence of human beings on nature."

@Choleric's diatribe structurally replicates the old joke that ends with the punchline: "We've already established you are a prostitute; we're now just quibbling over price." Choleric, by his own written word, accepts the fact of anthropogenic climate change; he now wishes merely to quibble over the exact causal mechanism.

So yeah, the causal mechanism is CO2. The tipping point difference is not, btw, the bilious mass of humankind exhaling CO2. Nor even cows farting (although we damn well should be reducing their number). The tipping point is the gigatons of fossil fuel carbon which eventually finds its way into the planet's oceans.

Choleric's profound intellectual dishonesty prevents him from recognizing a few other "bleeding obvious" things. CO2 can come from many sources: from burning carbon-based fuel, from decaying biomass, from unusually severe volcanic activity, etc.

Heating episodes in the past came from natural events. Logically, this has zero evidentiary value with regard to our current episode; as we have already noted, the CO2 can come from many different sources. Stating that past climate change was natural, therefore the current change is natural, is the lowest form of moral cowardice. Simply admit that current heating imbalance is caused by carbon burning and that stopping it is politically impossible. Now was that so hard?

If you guys would stop parading fake facts like the Planet is Not Actually Getting Warmer, that would help too. You understand that saying it doesn't exist but okay it's actually natural makes you a buffoon, right?

Throwing dirt in people's eyes may be tactically effective short-term. However, it's inevitable they will begin to see the evidence of their own eyes, however reluctantly. You will end up looking like drooling imbeciles, if not actual cartoon villains.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:This is so laughably wrong that you just aren't qualified to discuss climate change. It looks like you read one lie about it 15 years ago, and refused to listen to anything else.


I betray my current lack of interest in the subject. Actually totally lost interest in it once I realized it was all absolute bullshit. Which was some time ago admittedly(ehhh 2006/7 at the latest). More than a decade.

Good video:
colliric wrote:I accept environmental land-based change as occurring due to the unstoppably expansive populace. I do not accept atmospheric change as being of high importance because the rate of change appears insignificant and does not appear to be different so far than the traditional known cyclic pattern.

Please provde evidence showing that the rate of change in the atmosphere (and define what exactly is changing in the atmospehere while you are at it) is insignificant and is similar to the "traditional known cyclic pattern", whatever that means.


I am a conservationist. I believe it is far more important to slow down the extinction rate of animals and that the paper industry should be sustainable. The environment needs to be protected, developed responsibly and not "preserved exactly as it is" because that is logically impossible.

I think people incorrectly marry human environmental habitat destruction with "climate change" because that suits political parties, like the Greens, stirring up a frenzy to support their shitty extremist policies in general. Habitual destruction and the extinction of animal species is mainly caused by increasing human encroachment upon the natural world, which itself is partly due to unfettered population growth helped by human developments in medical science and hygiene.

It is not some magical thing we can magically solve called "Climate Change".

Plus most of the predictions in Al Gore's film were outright lies.

I agree that there are environmental problems that we need to deal with other than climate change, and I have no opinion about Al Gore or his film.
colliric wrote:No, I do not deny that the Climate naturally changes and that logically things go extinct. The human impact on the specific atmospheric change is very minimal, one good hearty volcano eruption spews more CO2 into the atmosphere than humanity has ever done.

I have made my opinion clear in the past, that the Earth is logically doomed and that humankind cannot reverse it's own existence and indeed shouldn't. We are the Apex animal of this planet and have totally conquered it. In less than a few years time there will be 15 billion humans on this planet and maybe 20 billion. Evolution has totally ended because our species has developed to the point where we are intelligent enough to detect defective human DNA and wipe it out, thus forever preserving the homosapien genome as it basically is and now always will be, and preserving our status as the preeminent species of Planet Earth.

We even discovered Penicillin which we simultaneously say is the greatest medical discovery ever as we complain about overpopulation and tell other societies and people to stop having kids.....

Yet the invention of Penicillin and discovery of how Soap kills microscopic lifeforms is the main reason humankind has been unshackled and unfettered in our population growth. Soap and Penicillin are the actual main factors as to why in the 19th and 20th century, population growth exploded. We recently found two things that kill the bacteria and viruses which kept our population shackled for millenia by killing us naturally off in large numbers.

Naturally we are wiping out other animals and sending them extinct.

There is no way to preserve this planet "just as it is", the fact is it is a living being too and is destined to die. Trying to solve the problem of humanity by politically forcing others of your own race into an austere lifestyle is insane, and it is futile.

Want to save the Planet? Tell medicos to stop using antibiotics to keep humankind's population numbers soaring through the roof, and stop using Imperial Leather too.....

Ain't gonna happen.

Just opposed to taking rational action to deal with your problems.

sounds like an Abbot voter. What have you got against rational thought?

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