I'm The New Guy, Give Me The Down Low. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
So, I'm The New Guy......I was wondering, what is the environment like here? Is it pretty free as far as expressing ideas? Or do the moderators stifle controversial topics? Are folks pretty reasonable and and civil in discussion, or is this site loaded with uneducated trolls?

Kinda looking for a balance, I am looking for serious and quality conversation on all topics, including the controversial and occasionally taboo.

Is this a good place to be? Lemme know...
Obviously we’d all think this is a fine place to debate.

The forum rules have evolved along with the forum. We (I’m an admin) do our best not to stifle debate.

It is against the forum rules to make a personal attack; though one can make an attack on an abstract idea or ideology.

For instance, I can’t say that Mr. Smith is an idiot; but I can say his ideas are idiotic.

We have everything from Fascists to Marxists on this board and everything in between.

Welcome, try it out!
This is, by far, among the least restrictive websites on the web. It is acceptable to express ideas or opinions others may find offensive, as long as there's nothing illegal going on, no threats made, etc. It is also acceptable, as TIG says, to insult someone's ideas, opinions, and posts, but personal attacks aren't allowed. The forum rules are pretty simple: you can say that Spike Lee is a narcissistic idiot, but you can't say "blacks are idiots"; no spamming; no personal attacks; respect the mod/admin team, etc. New users are generally given some leeway if they run afoul of the forum rules in good faith, and everyone is allowed to use the Basement subforum concerning any admin/mod actions. Basically, as long as you aren't a dick, there's not much of an issue.

Welcome to PoFo, and I'm just curious: what are your thoughts on Stalin, the gentle father of nations?
Bulaba Jones wrote:Heisenberg Is a saboteur and a possible Dutchman. He has been seen consorting with the likes of Sab, a notorious Dutchman on this forum.

You just had to take things one step too far, didn't you? :*(
It is more or less free as long as the honour of Greece is not insulted, don't do that... Oh me and Skinster are the only two members who are not active Mossad operatives but asside from that it is fine.

What are your politics? Trotsky or Stalin? Tito or Stalin? Mao or Stalin?
Bulaba Jones wrote:Welcome to PoFo, and I'm just curious: what are your thoughts on Stalin, the gentle father of nations?

Hmmmmm, I only think about Stalin during springtime with Hitler, and generally, I prefer Stalinists served with a side of borscht and a shot of vodka.

My political views are kind of odd and and I give some hints in my profile, and if there can be any simple expression of my persuasions without entering into debate (as i'm just dipping my toes in right now), I am thinking about buying a Great Dane and naming it Cecil Rhodes. ;)
Victoribus Spolia wrote:Hmmmmm, I only think about Stalin during springtime with Hitler, and generally, I prefer Stalinists served with a side of borscht and a shot of vodka.

My political views are kind of odd and and I give some hints in my profile, and if there can be any simple expression of my persuasions without entering into debate (as i'm just dipping my toes in right now), I am thinking about buying a Great Dane and naming it Cecil Rhodes. ;)

Welcome/Croeso - but what have Great Danes done to you? It isn't fair to take it out on innocent canines whatever! :)
By RhetoricThug
You will not find any form of serious discussion occurring inside pofo that includes information on the full-spectrum dominance of the human domain. You may explore various fixed or exoteric perspectives and black-&-white logic games, all of which seem to be designed around dead ideologies, incre(mental) nudging, and radical belief systems, perpetuated by a limited degree of awareness. If you wish to be proactive/talk poly-tiks, I recommend civic action within your local community, it would be far more practical, realistic, and rewarding.

The Low Down
The artificially re-tribalized west world will protest point-of-view and declare war on introspection as our techno-troft feeds bloated-belly-billyclub-kids digital bone meal. High above biological reality, somewhere in the noosphere-nest, computer-chip children chirp, waiting for masquerading marauders to spoon feed em keyboard-cud. Caught in the act, noosphere grazers grovel yonder & gobble up grudge judgments, a plethora of diversionary tactics shape ape vision. Anti-social silicon soldiers type-out hyperspace hyperbole behind a one-way window, while code-name Big-Bird (threat level yellow, canary in a coal-mine) circles signals intelligence and monitors their ignorance. One degree can make all the difference, especially when you're investigating the transpiration of popular-thought. 04:44, right on time, drip... drip... drip... Revel-ye-rubble-rebel-rabble-rouser, nickle and dime-a-dozen diamond gods, sh(r)ine-around tribal relics, absorb fractal duality, become one with yesterday's odium. The picky politicking posters on GameofThrones.borg assimilate refraction, flickering fleas bite fragments of photo-frames and transmit diseased ideas, pretending to understand the process of being human. They post, they reply, for today... in the name of yesterday. Syphilis-minded sol lights burning slowly, wrinkling space-time, infectious perspectives live out a lifetime at the speed of light. The WorldWideWAR was a world-wide-web myth, but the tail-chasing war-dogs kept gnawing on broken bones, ignoring the body of civilization and its decaying flesh.

If you're comfortable with all of that, I suppose I have nothing more to say, except... Welcome to Pofo.
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 27 Sep 2017 15:52, edited 1 time in total.
Heisenberg wrote:^Just to save you a lot of word salad-related headaches, you can safely ignore this guy.
This is typical, most posters will try to stifle self-aware reflection, because they want you to go outside of yourself for the answers. Simple word remedies will save you from such detractors, like- 'money is not the root of all evil, the human mind is,' such a phrase, once fully realized, should save you from a lot of the bullshit/propaganda found within Pofo. Remember, this is a forum filled with masked antagonists, looking to imprint their pattern/definition of reality upon thy mind... Telling you what to think, not how to think, because lost souls fly by night.

'If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.'

Consciousness is the final frontier.
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 27 Sep 2017 16:20, edited 3 times in total.
RhetoricThug wrote:This is typical, most posters will try to stifle self-aware reflection, because they want you to go outside of yourself for the answers. Simple word remedies will save you from such detractors- like 'money is not the root of all evil, the human mind is,' such a phrase, once fully realized, should save you from a lot of the bullshit/propaganda found within Pofo. Remember, this is a forum filled with masked antagonists, looking to imprint their pattern/definition of reality upon thy mind.

Dammo - hadn't noticed that! There's nice!
I-spy with me 3rd eye...
Ned Lud wrote:Dammo - hadn't noticed that!

As Within, So Without, inside is outside, because we're enfolded in the unfolding, an ouroboros of phenomenology/perception. The danger being- some folks hide inside and manipulate outside.

you can safely ignore this guy.
Becomes 'you shouldn't ignore this guy.'
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 27 Sep 2017 16:35, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks, RT, for proving my point with a predictable word-salad response. :lol:

By the way, the correct quote is not "money is the root of all evil":
1 Timothy 6:10 wrote:For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


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