AfD Leader Questions Germany's Special Relationship With Israel - Politics | PoFo

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ArtAllm wrote:The AfD is 101% pro-Israel, speak pro-Zionist.
They do not mind migrants from Africa and other backward corners of the world, as long as they are not Muslims. Muslims are the perceived enemies of Zionists, that is why AfD can be a bit "anti-Muslim".

In a Nutshell: AfD is as "toothless", as the French Front National or the British UKIP.

All these "radical" parties will never name the reasons, why their countries are going down the drain, and they will never name the ethno-religious group, who pushed for this process.

So what is the use of these "clueless radicals"?
They are just "controlled oppositions", nothing else.

Since when Israel ever required German soldiers to die with Jewish soldiers in any of the Middle East conflicts? Why would Germany ever have a need to send German soldiers to defend Israel? He questions "Why Germany needs Israel?"

Day After Election Success: Far-right AfD Leader Questions Germany's Special Relationship With Israel

Controversial remarks that contravene Merkel's official policy come a day after the xenophobic AfD party came in third in the national election

Ofer Aderet Sep 25, 2017 7:29 PM

Alexander Gauland, top candidate of the Alternative for Germany party, at an interview after first exit polls in the German general election, Berlin, September 24, 2017. WOLFGANG RATTAY/REUTERS

A day after the extreme right-wing party Alternative for Germany became the third-largest in the parliament, one of its leaders questioned whether the country's national interests include Israel's existence.

Israeli-German relations and Jewish life in Germany have returned to the headlines in Berlin in the wake of the election, in which Chancellor Angela Merkel won a fourth term. Several remarks by senior AfD members seemed aimed at calming German Jews' fears after the rise of the nationalist, racist and xenophobic party. However, there were also controversial comments about how the party views the ties between Israel and Germany.

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Alexander Gauland, one of AfD’s leaders, questioned Merkel’s declared policy of a special bilateral relationship. “If Israel’s existence is part of the German national interest," he said at a party press conference on Monday, using the German term Staatsräson, "then we would have to be prepared to send German soldiers to defend the Jewish state."

If this is the case, he said, then the issue is “problematic” and “difficult” as far as he’s concerned. “It’s clear that Israel’s existence is an important point for us. But to turn it into a national interest it sounds so simple but there is a continuous war in Israel. The implications of ‘national interest’ is that we would need to be really prepared to sacrifice our lives for the State of Israel,” he said.

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He reiterated this stance in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, adding, “German society doesn’t really understand what the significance is. That is, that German soldiers would fight and die alongside Israeli soldiers.”

On Monday it emerged that AfD won 12.6 percent of the votes for the Bundestag, putting it behind the Social Democratic party's 20.5 percent but ahead of the Free Democrats, who only garnered 10.7 percent. Once the results were published, Jewish groups and individuals hastened to denounce the party and express concern about the rise in its power, among them the European Jewish Congress, the World Jewish Congress and German Jewish leaders.

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Members of the extremist party have made disturbing comments in the past, including calling the Holocaust memorial in Berlin “a monument of shame” and saying that Germany ought to honor the memories of soldiers who served under the Nazi regime.

Gauland tried to assuage these concerns, saying that Jews had nothing to fear from his party. “There is nothing in our party, in our program, that could disturb the Jewish people who live here in Germany,” he told reporters.

Merkel said on Monday that “AfD will have no influence” on the policies of her next government. To obtain the majority she needs by law to set up a government, Merkel, whose Christian Democratic Union received 33 percent of the vote, has two options. One is to unite with two parties – the Greens and the Free Democrats – to form what Germans refer to as the “Jamaica Coalition,” because the colors of the three parties mirror those of the Caribbean island’s flag.

Merkel's other option is to continue with the “large coalition” between her party and the Social Democrats. Given the significant decline in support for the latter in the election, its leaders declared Sunday night that they would refuse to continue to sit in Merkel’s shadow for another four years. Nevertheless, on Monday Merkel said that she intended to conduct coalition talks with the Social Democrats as well. The Social Democrats' chairman, Martin Schulz, reiterated that he planned to sit in the opposition.

There are also tensions within the AfD. On Monday the party’s leader, Frauke Petry, announced that she would not be part of the parliamentary faction but would instead sit in parliament as an independent over ideological differences with the party’s dominant wing, which represents what she sees as an overly extreme line.

Petry’s dramatic announcement exposed the depth of the internal rift and disagreements in the ranks of AfD. In response, another party leader, Alice Weidel, called on Petry to resign from the party.

Alexander Gauland, who's been involved in German politics since 1970, skillfully brought up German troops fighting for Israel to force the media and established parties to engage

AfD's questioning of Germany's relationship with Israel is just calculated provocation ... m-1.814252

By Kirsten Rulf

Published 06:32 26.09.17

After rising support for his far-right Alternative for Germany party made it the third-largest one in parliament, Alexander Gauland, one of its leaders, framed his comments on Israel so casually it was as if he didn't anticipate that they would cause a storm.

“I am sorry if I say it in this clarity: I just always have the feeling that this is something that sounds good and that people therefore can get behind very easily,” the newly elected parliamentarian said about Israel’s right to existence as one of the guiding principles of German Staatsräson, or national interest, and foreign policy. “But if it comes to really stepping up to the plate, this is a very difficult matter indeed.” Gauland later added that “stepping up to the plate” for him meant sending German soldiers into the Israeli-Palestinian armed conflict: “Staatsräson means that we would need to be really to sacrifice our lives for the State of Israel, and I cannot seriously feel that.”

Journalists in the press conference were flabbergasted; Jewish groups were alarmed. It took only a few minutes for Germany's biggest daily, Bild-Zeitung, to run the headline “Gauland: Dangerous Comments on Israel.” Gauland’s comments on sending German soldiers to Israel “if the Jews are being driven into the sea,” as he put it, was almost every German news outlet's top headline until the evening, sometimes even superseding discussions about a new coalition government. Although Gauland's comments themselves are absurd, this effect was exactly what he was aiming for with his calculated provocation.

Firstly, Gauland has been involved in German politics since 1970 and knows very well that it is legally and politically very difficult to dispatch German forces anywhere in the world. This requires a strong mandate from the Bundestag's lower house; these mandates always take months of negotiating and deliberation. An emergency deployment to save “Israel from being wiped off the map,” as Gauland envisioned it in his comments, is pretty much legally impossible.

Secondly, any deployment of the German troops is always highly controversial for the public. The vast majority of Germans, regardless of their party affiliation, are against German soldiers' involvement in any armed conflict, let alone in Israel, a politically and historically sensitive country. No German government could survive such a deployment.

And thirdly, it's doubtful that the highly trained and experienced Israel Defense Forces would find it at all helpful to work with German soldiers, who are neither equipped for nor familiar with the circumstances of the conflict.

So why bring it up at all? Gauland’s remarks, just like his anti-Semitic or racist comments on the Wehrmacht and other issues, follow a 13-page strategy paper for the party that was leaked ahead of the election. In the text, the party leadership declares that members “should not shy away from diligently planned provocations” to make the established parties look weak. “The more nervous and unfair the established parties react to our provocations the better. The more they are trying to stigmatize AfD because of our provoking words and activities, the more positive it is for AfD’s profile.”

Gauland followed accordingly on Monday, as he always does: Say something politically incorrect and provocative, then soften the language a little a few hours later, but never go back to the matter itself, thus making it a topic that the established parties and the media have to engage with.

The softening happened in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper later in the day, where Gauland declared that he had just imagined a hypothetical situation, and for that hypothetical situation, he was voicing his doubts that German society really knew what supporting Israel meant: “Naturally it means that German soldiers have to fight and die alongside Israeli soldiers.”

Hypothetical or not, Gauland’s comments worry Jewish groups around the world about where Germany is headed after this election. The American Jewish Committee expressed concerns that “already, one day after the elections, AfD doubts that Israel’s safety is German Staatsräson. We therefore hope that a future coalition government will voice a clear commitment that Israel’s safety remains a cornerstone of German democracy.”

No senior politician of an established party commented on Gauland’s Israel statement. But they may have to prepare for many more similar provocations in the Bundestag as of next month, because it looks like Gauland and other AfD leaders will continue to follow their strategy paper after the election in the same spirit as during their campaign.

Alexander Gauland, what the founder of AfF and its de facto leader really thinks about Israel. Basically the standard view among Germans

An article he wrote after 9/11

"The Muslims see it differently" ... ders-sehen

One of the reason the völkisch right blame refugees crisis on the Jews is because the standard welcome propaganda in German is "that Chancellor Angela Merkel famously invited in more than one million migrants in order to erase the moral stain of Germany’s Nazi past." As Tuvia Tenenbom ("Hello Refugees!") also discovers that this public advertisement of collective “conscience” has legitimised and provoked open antisemitism. Repeatedly and gratuitously, Germans tell him that they are now morally superior to the Jews and to the State of Israel which is described as uniquely racist and murderous.

It should be notices, the Israelis also blame the Germans (as EU) for the African invasion to Israel.


African illegal migrants in Israel (sponsored by EU funded "human rights" NGOs)


Tel Aviv residents protest against the "infiltrators"

If we're going to actually start thinking about things we need to start by recognising the vile racism of the Jewish religion. Muslims have merely taken this supremacism and made Arabs the chosen people instead of the Jews. An Orthodox Jew considers Gentiles to be filth that they wouldn't even share a meal with. The Jewish scriptures are a lie. The creator of the Universe didn't order the Israelites to genocide the Canaanite gentiles. The Jewish religion is merely the projection of a murderous Jewish / Israelite Fuhrer into the sky. Once one recognises this one must recognise that our culture has been engaged in Jew worship for the last millennia and a half.

The whole Shoah fetishism must be seen in this context, as must the whole privileging of Israel. Israel is a Jewish state for a Jewish people. Why are we the sons of Odin and Dagda, not allowed Germanic / Celtic states for Germanic / Celtic people? Notice how the globalists, even on this forum, try and manipulate us, encouraging the Brit to spit upon the German, the Scot to spit upon the English, the Irish to spit upon the British. The Yankee to spit upon the Dixie.

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