Angela Merkel on course for fourth term, but breakthrough for AfD - Politics | PoFo

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Angela Merkel on course for a fourth term, but breakthrough for AfD.
What does the breakthrough of AfD indicate?

Angela Merkel is heading for a fourth term as Germany’s chancellor after her centre-right CDU party and its CSU sister party won 32% of the vote, initial exit polls have projected.

The estimation puts the Christian Democrats comfortably ahead of their outgoing coalition partner and main rival, the Social Democrat SPD party led by Martin Schulz, which ended a miserable campaign with just 20% – a near rout.

But as predicted, the far-right, anti-immigration AfD has spoiled the chancellor’s party, clearing the 5% parliamentary threshold for the first time in its four-year history with a score of 13%, making it the third largest party in the Bundestag and possibly the official opposition.

The smaller, pro-business FDP party, Merkel’s favoured coalition partner, looks set to return to parliament after missing out in 2013 with a share of 10%, while the Green party won 9% and the left-wing Die Linke 9%. ... ates#img-1

Last edited by anarchist23 on 25 Sep 2017 13:11, edited 6 times in total.
Considering the massive influx of asylum seekers in 2015 and considering the alt-right movements in UK, FR, US and Poland, Germany has voted for two major center-orientated parties. The Merkel CDU/CSU (center-right) and the SPD (center-left) have the most votes. Of course, after a grand coalition of these two and after 12 years of Merkel reign the fringe parties have gained.

To me as a voter who supports centrist politics I can pretty much live with the outcome. The AfD (Right-wing) who is new in the parliament has gained most from former CDU, even Linke (Left-wing), Non-voters and FDP (pro-business, liberals) camps.

For those who are not familiar with German politics, the AfD is comparable with Trump rhetoric. For Germany it is a pretty surprising (even uncomfortably) new voice but the AfD is half center-right and half right-wing (nationalist) and not IMHO a threat for democracy per se.

Right now the most likely future governing coalition in Germany seems to be CDU+FDP+Grün(Greens)

Last edited by Dr Cosmo on 24 Sep 2017 18:21, edited 1 time in total.
Dr Cosmo wrote:Of course, after a grand coalition of these two and after 12 years of Merkel reign the fringe parties have gained.

It will be her last term as chancellor I think, so CDU can get back votes from AfD next time, as well as SPD can do the same as main opposition party. The Social Democrats should win the next elections actually.
Yessssssssssssssssssssssss! 13.5% is the latest prediction. The usual propaganda from the Sharia broadcasting company trying to portray AFD as far right. Finally we've got a real decent Liberal party back in Germany. The AFD's stand against Sharia even puts UKIP to shame. UKIP differentiate themselves by being just slightly less Islamophillic than the other three British parties
That is no news. The MSM elected Merkel a long time ago, and the stupid sheeple will vote for a candidate, selected by the MSM.
Who controls the "German" MSM, controls the political process in Germany.
Rich wrote:The AFD's stand against Sharia even puts UKIP to shame. UKIP differentiate themselves by being just slightly less Islamophillic than the other three British parties

The AfD is 101% pro-Israel, speak pro-Zionist.
They do not mind migrants from Africa and other backward corners of the world, as long as they are not Muslims. Muslims are the perceived enemies of Zionists, that is why AfD can be a bit "anti-Muslim".

In a Nutshell: AfD is as "toothless", as the French Front National or the British UKIP.

All these "radical" parties will never name the reasons, why their countries are going down the drain, and they will never name the ethno-religious group, who pushed for this process.

So what is the use of these "clueless radicals"?
They are just "controlled oppositions", nothing else.
ArtAllm wrote:That is no news. The MSM elected Merkel a long time ago, and the stupid sheeple will vote for a candidate, selected by the MSM.
Who controls the "German" MSM, controls the political process in Germany.

The Germans are too conformative. Always been. They should learn from the Americans who vote Trump despite the MSM campaign against him.

The AfD is 101% pro-Israel, speak pro-Zionist.
They do not mind migrants from Africa and other backward corners of the world, as long as they are not Muslims. Muslims are the perceived enemies of Zionists, that is why AfD can be a bit "anti-Muslim".

After decades of anti Israel propaganda (adding to the Third Reich years Nazi propaganda), it's very doubtful that any German can be pro Israel. The reason they try to put a facade of pro Zionist face is to pass in American public opinion. It's a clever move which indeed paid off.

Despite the protests against the speed of the Islamic immigration, there is still deep solidarity between the two nations.

Merkels Germany

Islamonazis march through the streets: “Jude, Jude feiges Schwein! Komm heraus und kampf allein!” it (“Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come on out and fight on your own”)

Last edited by noir on 24 Sep 2017 20:36, edited 5 times in total.

All these "radical" parties will never name the reasons, why their countries are going down the drain, and they will never name the ethno-religious group, who pushed for this process.

You don't know nothing about German history. The Old Nazis in federal West Germany forged the alliance with Arab world. The goal was to make the European Union a factor of worldwide influence.

According to its Arab League partners, "It would thus free itself from the weight of history, especially Germany, and could expand its partnership with the Arab world and achieve full access to its markets."
All these "radical" parties will never name the reasons, why their countries are going down the drain, and they will never name the ethno-religious group, who pushed for this process

You mean the Dutch, don't you ArtAllm? If so, then I'm with you 100%! :up:
Tuvia Tenenbom, new book, Hello Refugees! (German title: Allein unter Flüchtlingen)

Everywhere he goes, people tell him the same thing: that Chancellor Angela Merkel famously invited in more than one million migrants in order to erase the moral stain of Germany’s Nazi past. He concludes that this was not an act of conscience. How could it have been when these people have been left so abandoned? It was instead a move to show the world — and themselves — that this former Nazi state has become the world’s conscience. In other words, it was a cynical move that evacuates the word conscience of all meaning.

Worse than that, Tenenbom also discovers that this public advertisement of collective “conscience” has legitimised and provoked open antisemitism. Repeatedly and gratuitously, Germans tell him that they are now morally superior to the Jews and to the State of Israel which is described as uniquely racist and murderous.

He doesn’t get any of this from the Syrian refugees or other migrants. He gets it only from the Germans. He finds that “anti-racist”, “human rights” activists extolling Germany’s humanitarian gesture and calling for yet more refugees to be allowed in are in fact deep-dyed racists and antisemites.

Tenenbom knew already that Germany is still teeming with Jew-hatred; he has remorselessly chronicled this dismal finding in his previous work. But now, he tells me, it’s much more open and brazen. And that, he says, is because the act of taking in the migrants has allowed Germany to feel it has finally shaken off the stigma of its past. Now it is free to hate Jews again.

noir wrote:@ArtAllm

You don't know nothing about German history. The Old Nazis in federal West Germany forged the alliance with Arab world. The goal was to make the European Union a factor of worldwide influence.

According to its Arab League partners, "It would thus free itself from the weight of history, especially Germany, and could expand its partnership with the Arab world and achieve full access to its markets."

The "Old Nazis" decided to replace Germans in Germany with Arabs and Black Africans, support "Jews Only" migration and citizenship laws for Israel, and supply Israel with nuclear Submarines?
What a brilliant idea!

Quick update:

After the German TV "elephant" summit represented by all party leaders it becomes clear that the SPD (former governing party) wants a future opposition status in the parliament.

Having the prospect of a future CDU+FDP+Green coalition is becoming even more likely. Means: Pro EU-European, centrist, pro-business, pro-environmental policies are guaranteed with Merkel as chancellor. She still appears to motivated and forward looking. The Franco-German partnership could get along very well.

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