White Genocide is Underway - Page 21 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
Why do you find it necessary to call it 'paranoid racist'? :?:
It is either true or not just like any other science.
ArtAllm's post was not 'science'. It's paranoid because of stuff like "the leftist agenda of creating a Mono-Homo-Mongrel", and it's racist because, in the completely invented 'history' he came up with, he claimed some "original human" from Bulgaria bred with a Neanderthal child from, say, 200,000 years ago, for his "European race", while the picture he chooses for his "African race" is Homo erectus from 1.8 million years ago. It's a blatant attempt to imply Africans have unevolved characteristics compared to Europeans (the Asian reconstruction appears to be 800,000 years old). Of course, in reality, the African Homo erectus was ancestral to the others, and the "Out of Africa" theory of Homo sapiens evolving in Africa and then spreading is still by far the best supported theory.
I will admit to not having a clue, but the idea we all came out of Africa, isolated ourselves and then reconnected does not seem reasonable. :?:
One Degree wrote:I will admit to not having a clue, but the idea we all came out of Africa, isolated ourselves and then reconnected does not seem reasonable. :?:

Why would that not seem reasonable? The 'isolation' is not continuous - it depends on physical barriers, which can change over time (eg the development of the Saharan Desert, or the appearance and disappearance of a land bridge across the Bering Sea). Reconnection also happens after the development of better sea vessels, or ways to undertake long journeys (eg the domestication of the camel).
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Why would that not seem reasonable? The 'isolation' is not continuous - it depends on physical barriers, which can change over time (eg the development of the Saharan Desert, or the appearance and disappearance of a land bridge across the Bering Sea). Reconnection also happens after the development of better sea vessels, or ways to undertake long journeys (eg the domestication of the camel).

Yes,I just finished a walk thinking about it. The gradual change of skin color makes me wonder if ostraization of 'mutants' was not more of a factor, than strictly environmental. :?: Just speculating out loud. I don't really care who my ancestors were.
Yes,I just finished a walk thinking about it. The gradual change of skin color makes me wonder if ostraization of 'mutants' was not more of a factor, than strictly environmental. :?: Just speculating out loud. I don't really care who my ancestors were.

I don't see how that could be a significant factor, other than on a very local and insignificant level. The ostracisation of the offspring of marriages between European trappers or settlers and Native Americans in, say, Louisiana led to the historical isolation of these communities and serious levels of in-breeding, but this has had almost no effect on American society as a whole. It's a purely local problem with only local effects.
Potemkin wrote:I don't see how that could be a significant factor, other than on a very local and insignificant level. The ostracisation of the offspring of marriages between European trappers or settlers and Native Americans in, say, Louisiana led to the historical isolation of these communities and serious levels of in-breeding, but this has had almost no effect on American society as a whole. It's a purely local problem with only local effects.

But if you consider how small the world population was at the time, and the fact they were hunterer/gathers being forced toward previously unpopulated territory, they would naturally move farther away and become isolated. I imagine initially they remained fairly close until their numbers allowed them to move farther away to avoid conflict. This supplies a reason for their isolation. Without some such factor, we should see a string of communities that would reduce the chances of successful traits creating such diversity. There would be a continuous exchange of DNA.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Most of ArtAllm's post is a Gish Gallop of paranoid racist nonsense not worth dissecting. But if anyone is interested on the reference to Bulgaria, it's about a 7 million year old fossil (ie over 10 times older than Neanderthals, and over 20 times older than Homo sapiens) that may indicate that the branch of the apes called the hominins (ie everything closer to us than to chimps) originated in Europe not Africa:

This is fascinating, but also seems like a case of not enough data. Also people like to forget how much migration actually took place between the land-connected continents and also sometimes the closer islands. There's a reason for the evidence of so many species of hominids all over the world.
The Immortal Goon wrote:If you disagree with this assessment, perhaps you can point out where the concentration camps are. The gas chambers. The forced marches into the deserts. The slaughters with bullets and blades.

But you will find none of that in this, "genocide." It's presumably a website that is supposed to help instruct immigrants to acclimate to Western society. This threat of German women having options aside from rightwing loons alone, in the minds of rightwingers, is so catastrophic that nobody will ever fuck them again.

I'm white. Why am I not worried about this?

Because I have no fear about fucking another white woman, just as I have many times before.

Hell, I have no fear about fucking a woman of another race again either.

I have no fear that the white people I know will keep fucking.

The only thing that seems to even get close to, "genocide," here is that the rightwinger has concluded himself that he has fear of being able to fuck when women are given a choice.

The genocide they want is the end of Western Civilization. The immigration they allowed in, imported just like you import products from Amazon is Islamic. The fact whites are going through a genocide is related to what they represent: Western Civilization. When Lebanon, a majority Catholic country with a Western culture overview was doomed by Palestinian Muslims USA didn't seem to mind, neither did the UK. The same way EU is attacking Europe from inside, and yes, that is pro Islam, the only system that can't coexist with any other, even Nazism or Fascism are more friendly than Islam.

They triad to impose the receiving of Muslims in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil. Why? Because they are Western countries too. Look at how much was spend in this fake ass humanitarian crisis and think Greece only needed 2 billions to not go completely broke. EU literally broke all (real) Western countries at the same time: Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal. Now Germany is on the line.

So yes, is truly a genocide what they are planning.
Politiks wrote:The genocide they want is the end of Western Civilization. The immigration they allowed in, imported just like you import products from Amazon is Islamic. The fact whites are going through a genocide is related to what they represent: Western Civilization. When Lebanon, a majority Catholic country with a Western culture overview was doomed by Palestinian Muslims USA didn't seem to mind, neither did the UK. The same way EU is attacking Europe from inside, and yes, that is pro Islam, the only system that can't coexist with any other, even Nazism or Fascism are more friendly than Islam.

They triad to impose the receiving of Muslims in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil. Why? Because they are Western countries too. Look at how much was spend in this fake ass humanitarian crisis and think Greece only needed 2 billions to not go completely broke. EU literally broke all (real) Western countries at the same time: Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal. Now Germany is on the line.

So yes, is truly a genocide what they are planning.

It is important to point out Latin America is Western. A lot of people forget that, in the English speaking world in particular.

Given the number of very conservative Muslims who have immigrated to Europe, it might not be a bad idea to start talking about moving historic Western art to South America for safe keeping. After all, we all know what conservative Muslims do with paints, statues and similar.

A matter worth mentioning is the current issues the USA is having with illegal immigration. Most of these immigrates are Mexican. There is not a big culture gap between Mexicans and Americans. Those immigrants aren't a threat to North America for this reason. Possibly North Americans don't really understand what the Europeans are facing?
LV-GUCCI-PRADA-FLEX wrote:Most of ArtAllm's post is a Gish Gallop of paranoid racist nonsense not worth dissecting. But if anyone is interested on the reference to Bulgaria, it's about a 7 million year old fossil (ie over 10 times older than Neanderthals, and over 20 times older than Homo sapiens) that may indicate that the branch of the apes called the hominins (ie everything closer to us than to chimps) originated in Europe not Africa:
This is fascinating, but also seems like a case of not enough data. Also people like to forget how much migration actually took place between the land-connected continents and also sometimes the closer islands. There's a reason for the evidence of so many species of hominids all over the world.

One more bit of data has just been found - an apparently hominin set of footprints on Crete, dated to about 5.7 million years ago, when that island was connected to the Greek mainland: https://phys.org/news/2017-09-controver ... tures.html
Politiks wrote:The genocide they want is the end of Western Civilization. The immigration they allowed in, imported just like you import products from Amazon is Islamic. The fact whites are going through a genocide is related to what they represent: Western Civilization. When Lebanon, a majority Catholic country with a Western culture overview was doomed by Palestinian Muslims USA didn't seem to mind, neither did the UK. The same way EU is attacking Europe from inside, and yes, that is pro Islam, the only system that can't coexist with any other, even Nazism or Fascism are more friendly than Islam.

They triad to impose the receiving of Muslims in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil. Why? Because they are Western countries too. Look at how much was spend in this fake ass humanitarian crisis and think Greece only needed 2 billions to not go completely broke. EU literally broke all (real) Western countries at the same time: Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal. Now Germany is on the line.

So yes, is truly a genocide what they are planning.

So it's not really racial, and not really a genocide so much as (according to this) a cultural change--but if you throw those terms out completely and redefine them to mean something else entirelly, then you can make up all sorts of crazy things.

And nobody's really behind this, it's just that Kansas is on the verge of becoming Islamic because of immigration of Muslims.

You won't mind if I don't hold my breath waiting for this "genocide."
foxdemon wrote:It is important to point out Latin America is Western. A lot of people forget that, in the English speaking world in particular.

Given the number of very conservative Muslims who have immigrated to Europe, it might not be a bad idea to start talking about moving historic Western art to South America for safe keeping. After all, we all know what conservative Muslims do with paints, statues and similar.

A matter worth mentioning is the current issues the USA is having with illegal immigration. Most of these immigrates are Mexican. There is not a big culture gap between Mexicans and Americans. Those immigrants aren't a threat to North America for this reason. Possibly North Americans don't really understand what the Europeans are facing?

I'm Uruguayan and I'm currently living in Brazil. Brazil holds a extensive and quite impressive collection of historic European books, art, Grammar. Most people either forget or don't even know Brazil was a Monarchy, in fact the only colony that became a Kingdom with a actual European King establishing a Kingdom, Rio de Janeiro was the only European capital outside of Europe for good 50 years. When Napoleon invaded Portugal the entire crown moved to Brazil, the court and Monarchs. Portugal was the first Nation-State in Europe, the first Template country. When Monarchs came to live in Brazil they brought with them over 70.000 books, the most important books of Portuguese crown are in Brazil not in Portugal. Brazilian King Dom Pedro I, married a German princess who became Queen of Brazil and with her arrived thousands of important books, arts, from the German-Austrian crown. The first hand of Italians arriving in Brazil were very rich, like the Germans they started immigrating to Brazil since the 16th century.

During WW2 even Japan send to Brazil lots of stuff, Brazil has the largest Japanese community outside of Japan, the largest German community outside of Germany, the largest Portuguese colony outside of Portugal, the second largest Italian and Spaniard community.

The Protuguese never destroyed monuments or libraries, is one of the big differences between English, Spanish and Portuguese colonization. The ancient Guarani statues are in Brazil while in the Spanish part of South America they were torn down.

In the 80' during the holy war in Lebanon, when Palestinian Muslims destroyed Lebanon, most Fenicians immigrated to Brazil and Argentina, and with them arrived yet another culture for them to put in museums. Fenicians are Catholics and today Brazil has over 3 millions of them in between refugees and their descend.

As strange as it is, Brazil is a "world's library" , a collector of European, Asian and Indigenous history, yet most Americans think the country is all about ass and carnaval.

Brazil and Argentina hold a lot of European culture not just in museums but in terms of actual costumes, historical buildings, palaces and most of all architecture.
The Immortal Goon wrote:So it's not really racial, and not really a genocide so much as (according to this) a cultural change--but if you throw those terms out completely and redefine them to mean something else entirelly, then you can make up all sorts of crazy things.

And nobody's really behind this, it's just that Kansas is on the verge of becoming Islamic because of immigration of Muslims.

You won't mind if I don't hold my breath waiting for this "genocide."

Yes it is. Genocides evolve, warfare evolves , everything evolves, from systems to cultures. We are at war, is "war in times of peace" ever read that book?
Politiks wrote:Yes it is. Genocides evolve, warfare evolves , everything evolves, from systems to cultures. We are at war, is "war in times of peace" ever read that book?

Does the word, "evolve," evolve to mean, "We all need to change language so that Politiks can blubber while sounding more alarming?"
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:So you actually do think like this?

That was posted as a joke, but ...

Perhaps you agree with Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich that a computer is manipulating humanity into this?

I didn't know who Alex Jones was, I googled him and this dude came up. I actually laughed, he talks in a way that gives me anxiety, seems like he's about to have a heart attack at any minute

I don't believe in what you posted, I'm not stupid, not a racist and I'm a centrist. IMO you are seeing the world only through your eyes. There's several NWO, several agendas, presuming there's just one NWO is limiting the world to a single idea or single tendency.

Anyway, USA is already being hold hostage by the stomach. Obama's administration allowed a series of mega fusions mainstream media barely mentioned and such fusions made a small group of companies that controlled what Americans eat into a even smaller group. Bayer bought Monsanto in a 66 billion dollar business back in 2016. That means for now they control 80% of the entire industry of pesticides, grains and seeds in USA. By controlling pesticides and seeds indirectly they control vegetables and fruits production. By controlling Corn they also control the meat you because cows in US are corn feed. China Chemical bought Syngenta.

The assumption NWO is a bunch of politicians controlling the world in a city with a bunch of all seeing eyes and triangles is hilarious. Why do that if they can control the water you drink, the food you eat, the seed you have available? By the way, did you know in Oregon people can't collect rain water in their own backyard?

Keep posting funny quotes while they keep controlling what you eat.

ps: funny you mentioned Napalm because during the period of mega fusions in 2015/2016 Dow, the company that created and distributed Napalm merged with Dupont. They also sell seeds and pesticides. Dow and Dupont merge was a U$130 billion business, pretty sure a number as low as that one doesn't worth a mention in your favorite medias. Of course mentioning Qatar was involved in the business doesn't worth a mention.

Oh, guess who owns a good chunk of FOX?
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:ArtAllm's post was not 'science'. It's paranoid because of stuff like "the leftist agenda of creating a Mono-Homo-Mongrel", and it's racist because, in the completely invented 'history' he came up with, he claimed some "original human" from Bulgaria bred with a Neanderthal child from, say, 200,000 years ago, for his "European race", while the picture he chooses for his "African race" is Homo erectus from 1.8 million years ago.

Read the sources I have quoted. They say that modern humans intermixed in Sub-Saharan-Africa (Bantu-Tribes?) with hominids who separated from humans million years ago.

“Based on our analysis, the most plausible explanation for this extreme variation is archaic introgression — the introduction of genetic material from a ‘ghost’ species of ancient hominins,” Gokcumen says. “This unknown human relative could be a species that has been discovered, such as a subspecies of Homo erectus, or an undiscovered hominin. We call it a ‘ghost’ species because we don’t have the fossils.”

https://www.amren.com/news/2017/07/sali ... ent-human/
https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/39 ... -in-Africa

BTW, the old simplistic theory of common "out of Africa" origin of all modern humans was rejected by Chinese scientists and there are more and more evidence that reject the old simplistic theory, according to which modern Humans originated in Africa and then replaced the Neanderthals and all other "less evolved" species of Homo Sapiens.

We know that North Africa and Europe were connected, North Africa is basically part of Europe.
Sub-Saharan-Africa was really another world, separated from Europe by a desert.

Black Africans (Sub Saharans) were just a small group (Bantu), and their expansion happened in the last couple of millennia.


In other words, Africa was not black 3500 years ago, there was only a small group of black Africans in central Africa!

When the trend continues, then the Black Africans, that originated from a tiny Bantu-Tribe, will be the most numerous variety of Homo Sapiens in about 50 years.
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By maz
I am mixed race but I would prefer to live as a minority among a white majority, just as I do now in my own neighborhood. Hell, I would even rather take my chances with living among hardcore white supremacists rather than this filth.

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