Sorry for my horrific English :) - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

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One Degree wrote:What exactly is a 'trainer'?

I did not check the correctness of the translation through Google Translate :) It translates fairly well, so I relaxed.

I wrote about sports gym (exercise machine). Yellow construction before school :)
For some reason I thought that Mikhailovo, where I am now, is a new settlement. However, it turned out, the first mention refers to 1565!

Until 1615 the village was called Strige. Then, until 1938 - Egeringken (German Eszerningken, Lithuanian Ežerninkai). In 1938, the Germans renamed all the Lithuanian names in German and until 1946 the village was called Neupassau. Well, in 1946 the names of the settlements of Prussia were changed again, already in Russian :)

Here in the photo - Kaliningrad sky above Mikhailovo. Today we went for a walk to the neighboring village, Priozernoe.

Stalingrad/Volgograd is a completely different part of Russia :) I was there only a couple of times passing by train and bus, but in the city itself was not. Do not be confused by the ending "-grad". In old Russian it means "gorod" = "city"/"town" :) Therefore, many city names in Russian end with "-grad", regardless of location. From Kaliningrad/Koenigsberg to Volgograd/Stalingrad 1100 miles in a straight line and 1400 miles on the roads :)

I am aware of where it is. I mean if you ever go there not if you happen to pass it in your day to day life.
The the bed of honour (mass grave? - I do not know how to translate accurately)

I believe the correct term in English is "war grave", Balancer. In Russia, the "mass graves" are where the bodies of counterrevolutionaries, fascists, former bourgeois elements and various other enemies of the people were dumped after being rightfully liquidated by the noble and heroic organs of state security.

Glad I could help. :)
The old German road. Paving stone. To go on it the real torture, but for many decades without repair it is quite preserved :)

I drove along this road my kid on a three-wheeled bicycle (with a handle for an adult - like a baby stroller turns out). When we reached the end, he groaned with a groan from the bicycle and asked for handles. But I endured until the end :D


In the Kaliningrad region in general, there are quite a few roads with paving stones. There are even in large cities areas with such roads. For example, in Kaliningrad itself, in Chernyakhovsk ...
The old German dam across the Pissa River near the neighboring village, Priozernoye. The mill in this place was built in 1732. When the dam in the modern form appeared I do not know, but it was, of course, before the war (WWII — In Russia, when the war is said, without mentioning a specific name, they always mean the Second World War - in no other war did the country experience such huge losses.). First there was a mill on this dam, when the Soviet Union was there for a while the collective farm hydroelectric power station. Since the 1960s, the dam has been abandoned.

I several times jumped with a parachute. First, just to test me, then - because it became interesting. The last time it was a very long time, in 2003. But that day, for the first time, I took a camera with me to the plane. And I got this picture after the jump, when I was falling with a parachute :) There was a lot of cloudiness. On the ground - gloomy, cloudy weather. And above the clouds the sun was shining. The camera, of course, was very primitive at that time. And the picture lost a lot in quality. But anyway, I'm looking at this photo and remember that day.

MB. wrote:Balancer, I know who you are. Do you have some sick video of your sky-dives?

Unfortunately, at that time my camera was recording a very bad video. 320x240 and not more than 15 seconds. But worse, we jumped on the very edge of the clouds, almost literally in the clouds, so after opening the parachute, I did not have time to shoot the video. I taked only two photos :) One - as above, the second is much worse. Then I plunged into the clouds and there was nothing to photograph. Only when I left the clouds. Other photos of that day can be viewed on my old site. It is in Russian, but the photos do not require translation :)
That's totally fair, I can't possibly critique you for your filming method while skill sky diving. Thanks for keeping it real though with the review man, I dig it. Live dangerously! 8)
Summer in Moscow has already ended. The weather is dull and rainy. As we joke - "Summer in Russia is short, but snowy" :)

This photo was taken on one of the last hot days. Sokolniki Park.

It's in the same park (Sokolniki). A holiday for the Hare Krishnas. In recent years, the Hare Krishnas in Moscow has become noticeably smaller, but periodically their marches still meet :)

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