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By jimjam
I watched Donald lie yesterday about how he had no business interest in Russia. I must hand it to the man, he tells lies very convincingly. He has had much practice apparently. Then there is this:

There may be no Trump Tower in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but it is not for lack of trying. Mr. Trump and his family have sought to do business in Russia since at least the 1980s. They have also developed extensive commercial and personal relationships with politically connected Russian businessmen. In 2008, Donald Trump Jr. told a real estate conference, “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross section of a lot of our assets; say in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo and anywhere in New York,” according to eTurboNews, a travel industry news site. The author James Dodson said that another son, Eric Trump, told him in 2013 that Russians have bankrolled Trump golf courses: “Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” Eric Trump denies saying that.

In addition, Donald Trump worked with the Agalarov family, a prominent Russian business group, to host the 2013 edition of his Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Mr. Trump met more than a dozen of the country’s most prominent oligarchs while he was there, Bloomberg News reported. Jared Kushner, who is married to Ivanka Trump and is a senior adviser to the president, has also been caught up in the Russia story. During the transition, Mr. Kushner met with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, as well as with the top executive of a Russian government-owned bank.
jimjam wrote:Warren G. Harding, 29th president of the United States, has been caught in a nearly century-old extramarital affair in which he code-named his penis "Jerry."

OMG! ........................... The leader of the so called free world has a penis named "Jerry"? I am sooo mortified that I won't be able to sleep for at least a week. :lol:

Come on guys. Let's get back to trump's first scandal. I suspect there will be a few more. I'm waiting for the conflict of interest ones that I KNOW are coming. They are inevitable in light of Donald's addiction to money and power.

BTW Warren G. Harding's penis was a Republican penis. Certainly that is relevant in today's moronic obsession with the simple minded liberal/conservative dichotomy.

<<< Come on guys. Let's get back to trump's first scandal. >>>

Your side is misrepresenting what Trump is trying to do, either intentionally or thru ignorance.

Either way, my side couldn't care less about the propaganda coming from your side. We support Trump and fully understand that he is going to ruffle quite a few media and left wing feathers to get the job done. We will drain the swamp, and we will make America great again.
stephen50riight wrote: We support Trump and fully understand that he is going to ruffle quite a few media and left wing feathers to get the job done. We will drain the swamp, and we will make America great again.

A more credible argument can be made that with all those banksters in the administration, and the deregulation of banking (in other words, restoring the conditions that brought about the financial collapses of 2008) Trump is effectively polluting the swamp
By Finfinder
Stormsmith wrote:Well, as one woman to another, I bloody well knew flirting with a married man was wrong, offering to show him the thong knickers she was wearing was wrong etc a long time before I turned 20. She was at least as wrong as he was. He was impeached for a little slap and tickle, but you think we should wink at someone who may have colluded with an enemy? :roll:

( rhetorical) You are saying that you had the same knowledge and wisdom when you were 20 as you do today ? At least as wrong wow ! I must be different then, I require my POTUS to have better judgement than that . Poor Bubba Clinton the victim .
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By Beren
jimjam wrote:They are inevitable in light of Donald's addiction to money and power.

You forgot about fame. More money and more power only make him more famous.

jimjam wrote:I must hand it to the man, he tells lies very convincingly.

That's a very good observation. He could teach that.
Stormsmith wrote:A more credible argument can be made that with all those banksters in the administration, and the deregulation of banking (in other words, restoring the conditions that brought about the financial collapses of 2008) Trump is effectively polluting the swamp

Oh please not again with the revisionist was Democratic Party leadership, and George Bush being a burnt out president his last few years, that allowed folks to move into a home they really couldn't afford, therefore the inevitable of too many mortgage defaults which led to the crash.

Trump has appointed the hardest working, brightest minds out there. Some of whom are in the banking industry. Nothing at all wrong with that. If they turn out to be corrupt or incompetent, Trump will lightening quick fire them.
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By jimjam
stephen50right wrote:Your side
stephen50right wrote: my side

Here is an antidotal example of one of my recurrent themes that those high in the plutocracy who run the show have neatly divided and conquered America while they laugh all the way to the bank.

The premise seems to be that members of both "sides" are too stupid to do any independent thinking and must have pre programed ideologies pumped into their primitive brains.

jimjam wrote:Here is an antidotal example of one of my recurrent themes that those high in the plutocracy who run the show have neatly divided and conquered America while they laugh all the way to the bank.

The premise seems to be that members of both "sides" are too stupid to do any independent thinking and must have pre programed ideologies pumped into their primitive brains.


Point understood...but to break it down further, in my view...your side wishes to give a hand out IE give others a fish...while my side wishes to give others a hand up IE teach them to fish.

I see the rich on your side enjoying themselves being nanny state kings and queens looking down on the minions who love them so...while the rich on my side respect freedom and liberty, and enjoy seeing the poor and middle class strive to become better, and even one day join the rich.

A good example of this is during eight years of Obama, the first black president, and by every definition Obama became a rich man in that 1% rich elite, and of course as we all know he is far left...most indicators of black progress went down during his era, despite the fact that Obama constantly bragged about how the economy got better under himself. Well it certainly didn't get better for the average black person. Especially with drug gangs running rampant in the inner cities, which as we post, Donald Trump is working to solve that problem.

Liberals wish to distract the nation from the great job that Trump is doing. This so-called Russiagate distraction and other distractions won't work. Most people out there are wise to the tricks from the left.
Finfinder wrote:( rhetorical) You are saying that you had the same knowledge and wisdom when you were 20 as you do today ? At least as wrong wow ! I must be different then, I require my POTUS to have better judgement than that . Poor Bubba Clinton the victim .

Im not wrong. You should require your daughters have better judgement, too, especially adult daughters. If they think having affairs with married men with families is fine, then you've raised tarts.

I am sure Monica's sorry she will be remembered not as a tart with a heart, not after the effect of her actions on Chelsea, but as a tart without a brain.

And you should learn to read properly. I didn't write B Clinton was a victim, I said he was wrong[/quote]

oh please not again with the revisionist was Democratic Party leadership, and George Bush being a burnt out president his last few years, that allowed folks to move into a home they really couldn't afford, therefore the inevitable of too many mortgage defaults which led to the crash.

Trump has appointed the hardest working, brightest minds out there. Some of whom are in the banking industry. Nothing at all wrong with that. If they turn out to be corrupt or incompetent, Trump will lightening quick fire them.

Learn something of your own financial history rather than lazily dismissing it, because history repeats.

It was the desolation of nonpartisan bodies to assess the viability of mortgages that lead to the issuance of mortgages to "subprime" (meaning not very credit reliable )borrowers. Canada has a quango that assesses all those seeking a mortgage to ensure they have the ability to repay. This simple procedure (and health insurance) prevented home buyers from going down the tubes.

So risky mortgages were passed on to the big banks, who turned them into supposedly low-risk securities by putting large numbers of them together.The pooled mortgages were used to back securities known as collateralised debt obligations .Pooling etc failed to provide investors with the promised protection. Mortgage-backed securities slumped in value, if they could be valued at all. Supposedly safe CDOs turned out to be worthless. You know what happen next. This is your history, not revisionist, not fake history.

All the corrective legislation crafted to prevent this from happening again is or has already been overturned.
Beren wrote:Now it's jimjam's turn to realise that stephen50wrong is completely hopeless. :lol:

Coming from any leftist, I consider that remark a badge of honor.

"Completely hopeless" would be if I agreed with leftists. ;)
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By Beren
stephen50right wrote:Coming from any leftist, I consider that remark a badge of honor.

"Completely hopeless" would be if I agreed with leftists. ;)

What kind of badge is that? Plastic for children? :lol:

You're not hopeless because you don't agree.
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By jimjam
stephen50right wrote:I see the rich on your side enjoying themselves being nanny state kings

Hmmmmm... then I just may be a traitor to my "side". I own rental units which I have been renting out for many years. One of my hard and fast rules is that you do not get to live in one of my units unless you hold a job.

stephen50right wrote:wise to the tricks from the left.

"Tricks" I have noticed are a bipartisan trait. MY GOD!!! it has just dawned upon me that I may be one of the last 2 or 3 moderates left in America.......... :eek:

Beren wrote:Now it's jimjam's turn to realise that stephen50wrong is completely hopeless

No way man. by time I'm through with him, he will be a Commie Dog just like me :lol:
By Finfinder
Stormsmith wrote:Im not wrong. You should require your daughters have better judgement, too, especially adult daughters. If they think having affairs with married men with families is fine, then you've raised tarts.

I am sure Monica's sorry she will be remembered not as a tart with a heart, not after the effect of her actions on Chelsea, but as a tart without a brain.

And you should learn to read properly. I didn't write B Clinton was a victim, I said he was wrong


You sound exactly like Hillary Clinton when she defends her husbands affairs by attacking the woman.
Again, please learn to read. I said Bill Clinton was wrong.

They both made mistakes. Surely even you can see that.
jimjam wrote:Hmmmmm... then I just may be a traitor to my "side". I own rental units which I have been renting out for many years. One of my hard and fast rules is that you do not get to live in one of my units unless you hold a job.

"Tricks" I have noticed are a bipartisan trait. MY GOD!!! it has just dawned upon me that I may be one of the last 2 or 3 moderates left in America.......... :eek:

No way man. by time I'm through with him, he will be a Commie Dog just like me :lol:

So you're a landlord. Good for you. You're lucky the Democratic Party didn't win the election. They eventually may have tried to nationalize your rental properties, and I'm almost not kidding. There is no doubt they've discussed that in private. Think how many votes that would have won them, as those such as you have to give up your properties to the government. Yes, the Democratic Party would lose your vote, but they gain the vote of every one of those renters. That is the way leftists think whether you wish to acknowledge it or not.

But don't worry about it now. My side put Trump in the White House so business will be good, your renters will get pay increases, and you'll be able to gouge them more for higher rent. Hopefully the renters will make so much more money under Trump, they'll be able to move out from your rental unit money pits, and into their own house to enjoy and build equity for themselves.

Anyone with a business, anyone with a job, any retiree owning a home, anyone who wishes to keep the money they've earned, anyone who wishes to get ahead in life....should thank their lucky stars that Donald Trump is in the White House...and we all should fight back about these false allegations regarding Russiagate and all other nonsense that leftists throw at us.
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By jimjam
I think the Russia thing is THE BIG ONE. I consider Russia to be, essentially, a criminal state. Much of what they do morphs "automatically" toward getting one up through criminal means. Their economy/politics is/are essentially run by oligarchs (crooks) with Putin as the Godfather. Just look at sports as an example. For many years they have foisted athletes onto the world stage who were cranked up on all sorts of "performance enhancing" drugs.

Trump's lies notwithstanding, he clearly has financial ties to Russian crooks. Thinly veiled for sure but so extensive that sooner or later the truth will out. He has recently made enemies of the FBI which could prove quite damaging. These guys know what is going on and can be very EFFECTIVE. Stay tuned. This is not going away any time soon.

Maybe a year ago, I started hearing a little this-and-that about Deutsche Bank, Trump's loans etc. Then the "Russia's interfering in elections", including in Holland. I wondered why because Holland never stuck me as a power player, but after watching Friends of Trump....eeesh

I keep thinking of all the poverty, the misery and the pain there is world wide. And all the money that these oligarchs have they can't spend. They just tied it up in banks or properties they don't use.
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By Godstud
I put this somewhere but I'll put it here since it's very on topic.

"ZEMBLA" is a Dutch TV show that does some solid investigation reporting and has been on the air for about 20 years. Their reporting has been solid enough that it resulted in the resignation of a Dutch official after ZEMBLA exposed her in an episode.

From what I can find, this isn't a Dateline or 48 Hours type of after the fact news magazine show. Far more in depth and involves true investigative reporting. Think Washington Post/Woodward/Bernstein/Deep Throat style investigative reporting. The real stuff. The good stuff.

WATCH: Explosive Dutch documentary says Trump has deep ties to Russia’s mafia underworld ... nderworld/

Extremely accurate, and disturbing, to some.
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By Philby
I can confirm that Zembla is a solid and independent news outlet. Not politically influenced.
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