Should Prisoners Be Allowed Conjugal Visits - Politics | PoFo

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Should Prisoners Be Allowed Conjugal Visits

All prisoners should be allowed conjugal visits
Only prisoners who don't misbehave/aren't high risk should be allowed conjugal visits
Prisoners should only be allowed conjugal visits in special circumstances
Prisoners should never be allowed conjugal visits
Someone brought up a point to me about the idea that there should be a right to sexuality. Which after some discussion, sounded like that they didn't advocate that the state should be providing sexual services to people, but thought that people shouldn't be denied the means to have sex. So presumably that would mean, creating the substantive means for people to express themselves sexually within socially appropriate means.
And another person brought up that they didn't think it was a human rights abuse that prisoners weren't having sex in the same way that if they were deprived of safety, water, food or what ever. Which made me think of this article, Conjugal visits: The woman who wants Australian prisons to let love in. As it is the case that prisoners are denied avenues of sex with those outside the prison. Which does seem to come under the sense that humans are being deprived of the means to sexually express themselves. At the same time, the nature of imprisonment is that they forgo certain rights as a consequence of being imprisoned. And that whilst the state wouldn't necessarily provide sexual services to prisoners, it does cost the tax payer to provide the means for them to privately get their fuck on. But if sexual expression is seen as something quite important to humans, then it can seem overly punitive to simply outright deny people the means to have consensual sex with their lovers. And that it seems some would argue that if we're not in the business of simply being pricks to prisoners, then helping prisoners to maintain relationships and bonds is of some significance.

What are your thoughts on the matter of the state providing the means for prisoners to have sex?
Well, it depends on what you mean by "right". If we see rights as limits placed on government (e.g. the government cannot establish a state religion, therefore we have he right of freedom of religion), then the right to sex becomes a limit placed on government.

Does the government have a reasonable argument when it comes to policing my bedroom? No. So, in a way, we have a right to sex.

Now, do prisoners have a right to sex? Well, if we use the same thinking as above, then we ask ourselves if there is any reason why the state should limit conjugal visits. Now, since these people are prisoners, we can imagine possible reasons why the state may feel obligated to do so, such as in the case of sex offenders.
Erm, when you end up in prison it's kind of a given that you have forfeited your rights and along with that comes the ability to have sex with someone who doesn't share your situation.

From everything I have been led to believe though it seems they're all going to do it anyway *shrug* so maybe conjugal visits aren't such a bad idea for the prison community. Might keep some of the rage against other inmates and guards down to a minimum? Heck I dunno, I'd be the first to be someone's bitch behind bars so I'm just thinking self preservation here :lol:
Prison needs to be at least a bit austere to act as a deterrent otherwise its just an expensive hotel for the prisoners to relax and enjoy while the law abiding sweat to pay for it.

Rarely permitted conjugal visits in exchange for especially good behaviour might be worth doing but otherwise no.
Hmmm. I put in special circumstances, but then again, there shouldn't be prisons. They are a waste of money.

Rapists, murderers, child-molestors and other wicked types should be shot, other crimes should be simple fines that if not paid result in servitude, and everything else should be legal.

I think going to prison to get butt-raped and bring aids back to your wife is cruel and unusual punishment. We should bring back chain-gangs, solitary dungeons, and the noose.
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