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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
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By Socialcynic
Hello. I'm new here. In search of having intelligent conversation. It's been kind of difficult finding people of sustenance these days. Hopefully I can find it here regardless I agree or disagree with some people on the topics on this forum.
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By Dubayoo
Hey. Nice to meet you.

Intelligence is hard to come by, but sometimes, people believe they're intelligent despite how they just believe their positions are blatantly obvious while the opposition is ridiculous.

What does "intelligent conversation" mean to you?
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By Socialcynic
Dubayoo wrote:
What does "intelligent conversation" mean to you?

That's a good question. Maybe the correct term would be a "good debate" with someone knowing what their talking about. Perhaps that's hard to come by too?
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By Stormsmith
Hi, welcome.

There are a number of very good posters here, and a few trolls. As you get to know writers, you'll figure out who's who.
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I think the fundamentals of good and intelligent debate (and they must be closely linked) are open and honest exchange with the assumption that your fellow debaters (or opponents if you like) have basically good intentions and that differences of opinion will either come down to a different interpretation of the available evidence or different subjective values.

The biggest barrier I see to this civilised mode of interaction is the lack of the assumption of good intentions.
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By Socialcynic
AJS wrote:I think the fundamentals of good and intelligent debate (and they must be closely linked) are open and honest exchange with the assumption that your fellow debaters (or opponents if you like) have basically good intentions and that differences of opinion will either come down to a different interpretation of the available evidence or different subjective values.

The biggest barrier I see to this civilised mode of interaction is the lack of the assumption of good intentions.

Well said. ;)
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